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/lit/ - Literature

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15048910 No.15048910 [Reply] [Original]

Worth reading?

>> No.15048933

fuck off, megan

>> No.15048970

I'd say no. From the excerpts I've seen there's no style. It's just someone shitting out what they're thinking, or saying what they did. The excerpts I read weren't that interesting and it's not like there is a plot or an idea they're trying convey. This person just said, I'll blog about my life on Tumblr for a whole year, and then somehow got their internet posts published.

>> No.15048988

Fuck off tranny

>> No.15049009

>laundry sucks but it's better than dying on the streets

>> No.15049017

is she wrong?

>> No.15049026

>the "least you can do" smoothie

>> No.15049034

Liveblog 2's critique of male BDSM personalities is rivetting, revealing, highly hilarious, ctrl+f for "snake"

>> No.15049051

I'm convinced the most strident hateful acerbic anti-Megan personalities one encounters in this Brahui Brick Boondoggle are actually Megan in some sort of cyber-flagellant mode of repair, or else seeking a kind of Joycean epiphanic energy by the endurance of pain and suffering, Megan being also to some extent Irish and perhaps bound to this course by epi-heuristics that control us utterly but invisibly.

>> No.15049135

Wtf is a "male BDSM personality"?

>> No.15049162

I admire the steady discipline of Megan's writing.

>> No.15049192
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>6:45pm: it looks absolutely changed in here

>I’ve been having a lot of thoughts about bdsm while vacuuming, maybe because I typed about ‘voce’ and it made me think of incels, and a seeming increase in bdsm/humiliation/torture porn, a kind of icky and creature-like view towards women, etc…

>I think bdsm is kinda fun when you’re bored and in love but I’ve always kinda viewed it as…like…a weird nerdy thing

>It’s like…

>I’m laughing

>It’s like ‘wizard stuff’ to me, kind of

>Like ‘owning snakes as pets’ stuff

>I really don’t get it and it does nothing for me

>I like some light improvised restraints and stuff…like…some aggression, sure

>‘Improvised’ is key. Because so much of the bdsm-y sex I’ve had feels like a performance, and one I just…never got a script for

>It’s just weird when all of a sudden I find out from some guy that some unscripted pleasure I just experienced (god forbid, my agency/desire) broke his ‘boner rules’

>I’ve practiced it enough, I learned how to do it, it’s just like…you just have to pretend you don’t really want to be doing what you’re doing. I have ‘method acted’ by drawing on my ‘genuinely not liking that I have to pretend I don’t want to be having sex with this guy’ emotions. But now I think when I’m expected to do it I’m just numb


>Yuck, why? How come you made that your life little meggo

>I’m probably not very good at it

>It’s a good thing, to me, to not be good at

>I don’t see myself doing it again…who knows, though

>I’m okay with not having sex for a long time because I feel like most guys are like, so funny and great and smart and oh wow, but then you find out they need you to watch them feed their exotic pythons with mice transmuted from sacred mage spells and like, extremely fast orchestral metal music playing, and NO LAUGHING ALLOWED THIS IS NOT FUNNY




>> No.15049205
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>> No.15049637
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I need your posts, your bumps and your sincerity.

>> No.15049644

im here for you megan

>> No.15050287

And, Jim, I've just learned the Royal Farms Arena has registered a record 17,333 fans in attendance tonight. Holy smokes, call the Fire Marshal! Now I can see from the challenger's corner her people are ducking into the shadows after these past few minutes urgently swept all the accumulated debris, wrappers, half-eaten vegan hotdogs, aluminum cans, vape carts, they even had some local high schoolers team up to Swiffer, they're a sponsor, thank you! -To easily Swiffer Megan's grated ramp to better reflect the glaring overhead beams and crowd-burbling flash-bulbs, Me-oh-my, does that not look radiant, like we require upon seeing that shimmery ramp a team of Arch-angelic equestrian World-Builders to trot from their glassy Geneses a diamond bridled and rosily fecundate Nisean mare instead of - and the crowd just got deathly quiet, Jim, this is it, the lights are dimming, the challenger is in the building, I've just confirmed, and she's on her way to the arena right this minute. The identity of this mysterious woman who will finally be known, Jim, and you can feel the intense curiosity, there's an insanity purring here, you gotta be down here to feel it, everything hangs in the balance of this right now here, wew. I think I, Holy smokes! There's horse tails firing down from the entire expanse of ceiling in the Royal Farms Arena, I've never seen anything like it, in every conceivable color on account of the laser systems ricocheting about, I feel like I'm in some sort of mirrored discotheque, or the physical scaffolding behind all human perceptual reality, Jeez-louise! Peonies now, they're reaching up through the flashing prisms of light and merging with the horse tails, everything is lit now, there's not a photon of light that hasn't been chemically exploded or accelerated by some sort of stimulated radiological means, what in god's green-there she is! There is the challenger! She's wearing a hoodie, of all things, hanging just from her head with her arms free, like its cold, holy smokes, Jim, how could anyone be cold after that, wow, I'll be smelling sulfur for a week after that, I could just wet my palm and harvest enough materials give or take a few pizzle streams to make some bloody dark pastryman batter, if you feel me? She's got some sort of cuboid cannon and she's pausing at the top of the ramp, just holding that cannon at hip level.

>> No.15050291

She's wearing brown corduroy pants that seem practical purchases from deep into a prior overweight period of life, but finely sewn in high quality, evident by this that she still loved herself even in this different state, afterwards apparently she was disinterested in purchasing more clothing even after composing the distinct shape of a more fit person, and loafers of all things, Jim, comfy, leather loafers that seem the perfect thing to stroll around an Italian city or to reminisce by every cozy leather-chilled foot step the eternal city, the surreal trades out and about in ageless countrysides, the people all molded by a kind of harmonic symmetry unknown elsewhere, but why would she bring that all to the Royal Farms Arena tonight of all nights, Jim? She's aiming the cannon, it's got an elaborate two-factor trigger system it looks like and, whoomp, there goes a- now, Jim, I'm not sure what that was, looks like some sort of compact phone book for an impractically extensive urban area, like Houston or Boston something. And she's firing another one, oh that smacked a lady square in the head and she went down, like, immediately, Jim. Oh my goodness, we'll have to get some paramedics over there, poor thing just came to the Royal Farms Arena to see some literature read and got knocked out cold by, Jim, I can see it scrawled in a kind of manic combination of permanent markers, right there on the translucent cuboid "chute" that's firing these books, it says, "Jest 9000," zoom in there if you can, Clate, thank you, best camera crew in the business, I tell you what, now, holy- wow, it looks like people do not want to catch these things, they're ducking for cover, my goodness, she's got the velocity on that contraption dialed way, way too high or something. Ouch! This is felling big fellas too, yikes, glad he's got friends to help him up. I can see the paramedics making their way to the first few recipients of that book cannon. This is going to be hard to win over the crowd after this. She's not taking any enjoyment it seems, she's got one helluva poker face from what I can see behind the hoodie and red hair. Wuh-oh, she's aiming over here, Jim! I may have to take cover, woo, that flew directly over my head, sounded like a dense sack fallen from a ledge, maybe even, Jim, a defenstrated AON insurance workers against lower Manhattan concrete, it just sounds horrid, I tell you. This ladies literary fusillade has just cleaved the spectacles of a man no more than ten feet from me, I have this man's nasally-projected blood on my suit, Jim, that is how real this is for us down here, I tell you. This woman has gone mad!

>> No.15050328


>> No.15050329

hi megan

>> No.15050428

Weird, seems like a poorly structured and ugly, essay

>> No.15050443

if this is a real extract all copies of this book should be burned.

>> No.15050480

>Fussy Fragile male "Doms" literally blown the fuck from their leather costumes

>> No.15050489


>> No.15050584

i dont have any involvement in those things. I just think it is very bad writing and not funny at all. Its the type of thing americans or women would laugh at.

>> No.15050602
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yes. american humor is so crude. anyway look at this guy doing le ebin silly walk XD

>> No.15050603

Woah, so you like define yourself as better than Americans? Women too?

>> No.15050613 [DELETED] 

lol yea, seems accurate

>> No.15050653

>realizing more and more that writing is cute and all but i’d rather be talking to people and helping them with the stuff other people are helping me with now (meaning i think i want to be a therapist/analyst of some kind…had thought i would go back to school to get mfa and teach but, eh. i dunno. publishing is kinda gross to me now.

>> No.15050722
File: 10 KB, 500x31, tumblr_0a55065bff57de32e8afdd65b04e8416_7b90a89b_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8:02pm: the sky is a just a tiny bit blue still, mostly dark. i haven’t turned on any lights in here. still sitting in office chair. i’ve been watching clips of sesame street. haha. i don’t…know…i’m in a mood. i’m sad. i wish the world had turned out like how it looked like it’d turn out, as a kid watching sesame street. 'expectations are premeditated resentment,’ right, but no. i don’t resent that it didn’t turn out that way. it was a lovely idea to give a child though, that it could. maybe somehow it could still be that way, some version of that way. do you know what i mean by 'that way?’ i wish we were all…just…i’ve always wanted that. i’ve always wanted us all to be friends. i wanted bob to keep telling me about what grocers were. i wanted to keep christmas with me all through the year. even now. i wanted there to be more songs we all sang. i wanted it to not be so sad that a customer service representative is a person in your neighborhood.

>when i moved here i kind of acted like that…i tried to meet all the people on the street who i see each day…some of them aren’t around anymore. there’s actually only one guy, mike, who’s still around. he sleeps on the steps of the hospital next to the place where i work now. he was always trying to make it to the eastern shore, where he had a lady and some family. actually jerome is still here too, he sits on the box outside of eddie’s. i haven’t seen him in a few months which is maybe a good sign, one way or another. over the years i became less friendly. there became too much i couldn’t do to change anything. maybe i’m wrong. i’m embarrassed when i see mike now, but i still say hi and sometimes we yell funny things back and forth. i wonder if he recognizes me. he’s friendly to everybody, he’s always yelling stuff to himself and people are always stopping to say hi to him. less so these days, though. it just seemed like nobody wanted to be a person to the homeless people when i moved here and now it’s worse. i’m no better, i have the thing in me that says 'just ignore them, they’ll go away.’ i hate that. i don’t want to be that. why are we like that

>> No.15050763


>> No.15050780

Mayhaps, Meghead. Mayhaps...

>> No.15050785

>7:07pm: i wonder if you’d be surprised by how dumb people who spend $2000+ on a fake future paper subscription service can be. i wonder. i wonder, really…if i should be surprised…if it’s…if it just makes sense.

what is she selling? is it a pyramid scheme? she says "subscriptions". is it magazines? or is it like stock investing?

>> No.15050791

Only if you're a fag OP

>> No.15050975

theres more to british/irish comedy than monthy python, even though that is funny
yes. I am better than americans and women, how could you tell?

>> No.15050983

>british/irish comedy
ahahahahahahahahahahahhahaa so you're a fucking mick. even worse! i bet you think a modest proposal is aces

>> No.15051326

Everything always taxonomized in relation to America, always found in a certain type of non-American, you are predictable and expected as eleventy bong and as such you bore us New Worlders. I rejoice in your cries, your languid laments. You have forgotten what it is to be human. What a grip the afterlife's reckonings will brace upon you.

>> No.15051335


>> No.15051363

Seethe harder you fucking american cunts. Your shithole country is a laughing stock amongst anyone with a shred of intelligence and good taste. Nothing good ever came out of america and ye are the reason the world is going to end.

>> No.15051376

Forever and ever, rent free. You live in our world, and we live in your head. Around, and around it goes.

>> No.15051398
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>*emits copulins ITT*

>> No.15051820

Megan vegan
Dabt-Gon plague-in'
Plane jets boardin
Statues Reagan
Board Bee-Seven
Upgrades, Leggin

>> No.15051830

>Your shithole country is a laughing stock amongst anyone with a shred of intelligence and good taste
I’m unaware of any country outside of America that fits such a description

>> No.15053290

if you like it, it's a very unique experience reading it. It's weird just, following what one person does and thinks for 6 months. simps fall in love with her cause reading its like you're living with her sometimes through really mundane shit. fun book

>> No.15053685

Liveblog has been known to induce Automeganophilia

>> No.15053697
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stay sincerely safe, Megheads!

>> No.15053703

Dude, why you talking like that

>> No.15054006
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>> No.15054415

her eyes are really doing a sartre here

>> No.15055805
File: 474 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_69f89fc797a039afc173d55886bd6680_66269b03_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*drinks empties*

>> No.15055815

Megan was gifted oracular sight, although she downplays thesd powers if you ask after them

>> No.15055938

looks like the kind of girl DFW would kill himself over again

>> No.15055988

Megan went through a Mary Karr obsessive period too, even moving to Texas to spy on Mary's produce shopping.

>> No.15056547
File: 292 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_595f9477778066ecec8f530a5030bcf9_2a8efc31_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literary reminder to do your laundry, anons