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/lit/ - Literature

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15048182 No.15048182 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else getting real tired of reading fiction? The first books that you read are amazing, but after a while you feel like you've seen everything adn that you don't learn much from reading fiction anymore. Usually all that is new in a book can be summed up in a few sentences and you don't get that novel feeling you had back when you were starting to read great novels for the first time.

>> No.15048312

this happens when you only read one genre though.
different genres bring different possibilities of telling a story.

on my own experience, non-fiction usually frustrates me because either:
a. Politics in general frustrate me
b. most books i have on history are incomplete and extremely biased (enough to make it useless).
c. are too niche for any leisure reading

>> No.15048363
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You do understand that there are countless non-fiction books on every conceivable subjects out there and that saying "hurr durr it's biased politics" is just a retarded argument, right:?

Also, fuck you.

>> No.15048432

what are you talking about?
i was reffering to the books i have. I have no idea of how many books are published every year.
i was reffereing to certain methodological techniques of getting information and school of thoughts that are incompatible with my current situation.

>> No.15048435

you must have something more pressing on your mind. do that instead

>> No.15048445

>incapable of aesthetic appreciation
>also can’t comprehend a simple post without simplifying it using juvenile memes just because it disagrees with your op
Make sense, so tell us op how many high school assigned books did you read before you decided you’re bored of fiction?

>> No.15048486
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>incapable of aesthetic appreciation
Aesthetic appreciation is fine and dandy when it's all new and novel, but at some point you feel completely jaded from all of it while the thirst for knowledge is not only laudable but arguably very useful in most situations. I've read what I consider the best books in aesthetics, namely Nabokov, and I feel like nothing else can really compare to that, so I feel like there isn't even a point anymore. While in philosophy and non-fiction in general it is always good to gather more knowledge, there comes a point in ltierature that not only does it become meaningless and fruitless, but outright harmful. Reading these fiction books has been a terrible decision and I'm going to fucking throw them away and go back to actually studying something instead of getting caught up in a fiction book and finish it feeling like I've accomplished and learnt nothing afterwards. Fuck fiction and fuck you, piece of shit.

>> No.15048494

it isn't too late to delete the thread

>> No.15048506

>I've read what I consider the best books in aesthetics, namely Nabokov
Oh no no no

>> No.15048731

Ah I see this is all very elaborate bait but in case it isn’t and you’re literally a 16 year old
>purely utilitarian view of reading
You are the perfect example of a dilettante, and not even a successful one at that

>> No.15048774

>Politics in general frustrate me


>> No.15048810

i use 4chan so yeah

>> No.15048855


>> No.15048935
