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15047442 No.15047442 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on why American are so cringe despite nation being the most powerful on earth?

>> No.15047451

No quicker way to have your day go to shit than to masturbate in the morning.

>> No.15047456

oh dem cute little flattie tits

>> No.15047469

RENT FREE: The Tale of an Eternally Seething Europoid (or Success Breeds Jealousy)

>> No.15047491

1, 3, 2

And the book you're looking for is The Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights & All Amendments

>> No.15047495

marry, kill, fuck

>> No.15047501

Why do girls bully or ignore me?

>> No.15047505
File: 43 KB, 300x451, vietcong1968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most powerful nation
>lose to commies with poopsticks
>sink trillions fighting desert people in the middle of nowhere
>obliterate innocent civilians with nukes
Yeah, America is pretty damn cringe.

>> No.15047514

The USA wouldn't win in a fight against Russia if the USA was the agressor.
Russia is just to big and has bigger nukes

>> No.15047528

fuck the nips two nukes wasn’t enough

>> No.15047531

Russia is still the most powerful nation on Earth.

>> No.15047539

America is not cringe

you are cringed

>> No.15047555

But is it though?

>> No.15047578

The more I read about socioeconomic structures, history on the making of nations, philosophy and psychology, the more I realize that I hate America and that it needs to die.

>> No.15047615

I really love coffee. Is it good for you?

>> No.15047620

Coffee is. Masturbation and porn are not.

>> No.15047632

is the picture intentionally set up to be very cute on the left, sort of cute in middle, and not cute on right? Look at their facial expressions

>> No.15047640
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>> No.15047641

What do you think is cringe about Americans exactly?

>> No.15047677

America is great because of elites of the global world are supporting them right now, it will become an empty shell once the elites withdraw their resources from USA.

>> No.15047685

Their culture is shallow and based on consumerist values. Rather than appreciating the deep richness and variety of cultures within their country they’ve sought to demonise many of then and make it so the only acceptable cultures are those of the absolute consumerists on the north east coast and south west coast. Otherwise you’re ignorant and from some “fly-over” or “redneck” state. The end result are shallow vapid people who regardless of what their political beliefs are, self proclaimed capitalist or democratic socialist or whatever, are deeply consumerist, being obsessed with “things” with their “lifestyle” with their “mental health” and other things which might generally be acceptable but when done by younger americans tend toward the self-masturbatory. They also uphold lowest-common denominator culture like hip hop, shitty “alt-pop” like billie eilish etc over far superior expressions of culture. Those other expressions are defined as snobby and for “stuffy old white men” etc.

>> No.15047701

You’re thinking of democrats (particularly coastal ones), the cultural tide is currently in the middle of turning on them. Yes everyone who isn’t one hates them.

>> No.15047714

Bro that's Raisy Diddly from Star Wars

>> No.15047749
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>> No.15047775

there's something almost hotter about looking like a celebrity than actually being that celebrity. would rather shag the sister (i assume) on the far left than daisy herself.

>> No.15047779

One can only hope that you’re right anon. Unfortunately what America does the world often seems to follow

>> No.15047785

I masturbated to this image imagining they have big futa cocks and are about to gangrape me.

>> No.15047877

>only acceptable cultures are northeast and southwest consumers
the best American lit is pretty widely acknowledged to be a product of either the American (south)West, The South, or, to be critiques of the northeast consumerist emptiness.

>> No.15047893

>Otherwise you’re ignorant and from some “fly-over” or “redneck” state
>You’re thinking of democrats (particularly coastal ones)

do you even read anything after the first paragraph? muritard detected.

>> No.15047898

Dem dfc

>> No.15047903

Is it gay if I love flatties?

>> No.15047913
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Couldn't defeat Canada either

>> No.15047934


Counterpoint: Fucking an entire nation literally and figuratively for 10 years and then leaving because you got bored is actually based.

>> No.15047946
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Such cope

>> No.15047955

sweet blog

>> No.15047967



>> No.15047976
File: 83 KB, 900x900, 0EF5C998-EC45-42C0-8596-EDB4FAC912B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noo you can’t have discussions longer than snarky one liners and memes on my board

>> No.15047986

I read it just because the fag complained about the length.

>> No.15048010

infinite jest

>> No.15048089


The irony of this comment is how incredibly American it is, so much so that it could be considered a mainstream cliche.

>> No.15048180

America has a media machine like no other country on earth which absorbs, refines, and commodifies each and every tiny germ of real culture that emerges, and this is particularly true of language. It has a doubly diluting effect, in that every emerging style it absorbs re-emerges in its weakest possible form, but in such overwhelming quantity that whichever forms it passes over initially are washed away. For this reason, American literature comes in two basic types: the supplicant works which conform to the approved style and attempt to work within it, and the desperate attempts to claw out of the muck and take an original approach. The problem with the former is self-evident, the problem with the latter is that great works rarely come from individual geniuses rewriting the playbook, but from literary communities situated within a broader cultural canvass, which can be more or less suited to the production of meritable literature. Neither of these things can survive in this climate for long enough to outlast their growing pains.

>> No.15048262

Infinite Jest

>> No.15048368

Every person without exception left their home country and was separated from those ties by large distances only recently bridged through technology. These steadily deracinated and declasse peoples fought as a loose block across the greater portion of a continent to lay claim to immense space and natural resources. A blank-slate biomass with virtually infinite space and material resources proved the most fertile ground for markets and global capital in human history. This exploded outward as the maturation of Enlightenment Liberalism originally headed by Anglo and French philosophers, with global capital as its impetus.

While less successful in Europe due to cultural and ethnic barriers between individuals and capital, the homogenized consumer society model is forcefully exported through those markets, such as they can exist, throughout the globe. When you deride American ignorance or boorishness you're really referring to someone who is the culmination of a market's effect on society and individuals. Everything you can point out can be traced back to this.

>> No.15048370

My comment applies to far more than just America but this thread is about America so I framed to be primarily about America. And how can a comment be “incredibly american”? Can I say your comment is incredibly american to the point of being a cliche as well? But what does that even mean, to be american?

>> No.15048409

>America has a media machine like no other country on earth which absorbs, refines, and commodifies each and every tiny germ of real culture that emerges
Exactly what I was trying to get at here >>15047685
but expressed much better and more succinctly. Their media machine extends everywhere from film and television to mainstream news to social media to pop culture websites, etc. All of them with the same purpose, to commodify everything they come across into a digestible form for the average person and which seeks to attract as many consumers or clicks as possible, the end result is a shallow disingenuous cultural machine

>> No.15048428

Are you me? Anyway, I think the only way to inoculate your ideas against integration into the cultural or >>15048368 structure is to just begin any work with "The Holocaust did not happen." regardless of your political or moral opinions. This seems to act as a sort of defense mechanism against the structure picking up a thing and homogenizing it.

>> No.15048454

>just begin any work with "The Holocaust did not happen."
Kek and also based. But the problem with that is while you filter out many of the people engaging in this homogenised culture, the people you get left with really won’t be much better

>> No.15048473

Perfectly said. Even the most deliberately hostile actions against that like >>15048428 still carry those premises by minds accustomed to them. The most outwardly dissident people in America often accept 9/10 of what Americanism is as self-evident faxts of life, and owuld impose those on Europe or less homogenized societies if allowed in en masse, complaining about automatic gratuity and narrow chairs until they've basically recreated the American system abroad. Oh but the 2nd Amendment...

>> No.15048498

This is what I mean.
Even dissidents are still essentially right-Liberals, or regressive Liberals. It's incredibly rare to find anyone who identifies global capital as a concept and attributes to it what it causes, because to do that would be comically reductionist. There's no market in the hot-take economy for that sort of thing.

>> No.15048507

USA: Created John Fahey
[Your country]: Did not
Case closed

>> No.15048542

A lot of guys too I notice got really into postmodernism really fast, after Libertarian stuff became totally untenable in those circles and their racism went from ironic to explicit but all they're doing is saying "look look I found out what Liberalism is!" and trying to look smart by calling it out. They're not actually positing anything and just sort of stopping to settle at the first intellectual oasis that will have them.

That's best case scenario. Then there's the countless clownish larpers and reactionaries and these types are all two inches away from carrying water for Liberalism at the best of times.

>> No.15048676
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In a roundabout way. Kapital too. It is a problem of state and capital

>> No.15048697

Probably a good time to get off this shitpot

>> No.15048712

anti-capitalists are not remotely as dissident as holocaust deniers and there is literally no way whatsoever to argue that they are.

>> No.15048728

The Great Gatsby

>> No.15049890

>the absolute consumerists on the north east coast and south west coast.

This is the biggest myth that Americans convince themselves and others of. Americans are characterized by their Americanist tendencies from Atlantic to Pacific with few gaps in-between. It’s just a different flavor in-between the coasts.

>> No.15049900

Right looks like an Oblivion character.

>> No.15049916

The big lie is that there was ever a germ of culture to ever absorb. I don’t know why Americans don’t want to face the fact that America from the beginning was a land of working class peasants who cared about obtaining land, wealth, and “rights” over everything else from the very beginning.

>> No.15049930


People are cringe. We just all look at Americans because they are the most powerful nation on Earth.
I grew up in Holland and because everyone is so obsessed with America and the internet I knew more about American culture, stereotypes and 'cringe' by the time I was 18 than I did about the culture of neighboring countries.
Everyone has an opinion about America, no one except Austrians (for example) and maybe Germans or Swiss have an opinion about Austrians.
They are cringe because you care enough to look into them and find out that they are cringe. If you were to immerse yourself in say, Zimbabwan culture you would find that they are just as cringe but for different reasons.

>> No.15049950

You're insane if you don't think the flyover states aren't as consumerist as the coasts. In fact, the heartland of the USA is extremely barren and these people only think about their SUVs, flat screen TVs and shitty McMansions. They're as consumerist as everyone else in this country.

>> No.15049968

>lose to commies with poopsticks
looses to commies at home whining about commies with popsticks being killed.

>> No.15050045

> “Former Chinese Premier Chou En-lai once observed: “One of the delightful things about Americans is that they have absolutely no historical memory.”
It’s probably even worse than he realized. During the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident in Pennsylvania in 1979, a Japanese journalist, Atsuo Kaneko of the Japanese Kyoto News Service, spent several hours interviewing people temporarily housed at a hockey rink—mostly children, pregnant women and young mothers. He discovered that none of them had heard of Hiroshima. Mention of the name drew a blank.
And in 1982, a judge in Oakland, California said he was appalled when some 50 prospective jurors for a death-penalty murder trial were questioned and “none of them knew who Hitler was”
To the foreign policy oligarchy in Washington, it is more than delightful. It is sine qua non.”

America’s sustained power requires its people be unresisting to the manner in which it is exercised. Though there are numerous ways this could be achieved, the actual chosen method seems to be ignorance via distraction. People most complicit in distracting themselves are what we call cringe. So we see that cringe and power are not to each other opposed, but in fact are codependent.

>> No.15050062

The US is basically a consumerist hellhole. I'm not sure what true values it holds beyond corporate interests -- I really don't.

Even the push for mass-immigration is such a clear pro-corporate movement, but it can't be called out because "that's racism!"

>> No.15050112

based but america is still poopoo