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File: 151 KB, 1200x495, analytic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15046904 No.15046904 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any analytical philosophy books that actually go over fun topics? While continentals can't be understood 95% of the time they deal with the questions that are fun to write about. They talk about how to live, and write books about art and music and it's effect on our lives and how it relates to philosophy etc etc. Are there any analytical philosophers who do this or is it impossible to be analytical and write about stuff like that?

The pic I posted isn't supposed to be bait I just googled it and it's kinda talking about what I'm interested in.

>> No.15047069

Read analytical philosophy pertaining to ethics and philosophy of religion.

>> No.15047132

I've read many books on ethics and most of them are just using language to justify some ethical system. It's not really fun. Just logical and boring. Don't know about philosophy of religion.

>> No.15047149

Well I find debates in ethics (like can colonialism be justified, is racial profiling ethical) when approached by from an analytic POV to be interesting and fruitful.

Regarding the philosophy of religion (72% of who are theists) you have interesting and important debates on the existence of God, the nature of God, theodicies and the problem of evil, which I personally find interesting.

>> No.15047173

Check out the Philosophy of Time

>> No.15047180

Philosophy of Religion is fantastic and this is one area where I'll give analytics credit for coming up with some novel approaches recently, but what was the last applied ethics paper you've read from an analytic that was worth anything? I can't think of any. I'll have to agree with OP here that analytic meta-ethics (as it is generally meta-ethics) is sterile and pretty useless.

>> No.15047293
File: 287 KB, 1400x2120, joel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They talk about how to live, and write books about art and music and it's effect on our lives and how it relates to philosophy etc etc.
Those things actually aren't philosophy, but I got just the right thing for you anyway my man.

>> No.15047333
File: 104 KB, 750x597, 1585739156461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Analytic Metaphysics is unironically based. It's very Aristotelian.

>> No.15047340

>While continentals can't be understood 95% of the time
For you, maybe. Some of us actually put the work in.

>> No.15047411

>Some of us actually put the work in.
And what have you learned?

>> No.15047418

With regards to which continental specifically? Can you summarise everything that analytic philosophy has taught you in a single post?

>> No.15047421

You misspelled Humean

>> No.15047446

no but i could list at least a few things

>> No.15047450

>Aesthetics, Morals, and Ethics aren't philosophy
>How to live the good life and an examined life aren't part of Western philosophy
This is what you get when you don't start with the Greeks. Fuck anglos and fuck analytics.

>> No.15047463

>72% of who are theists
Source? This philpapers survey says the exact opposite

>> No.15047489

>God: theism or atheism?
>Accept or lean toward: theism 70 / 101 (69.3%)
Adjusted for Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of PhDs.
For all respondents in Phil. of Religion, it's pretty similar.
>Accept or lean toward: theism 121 / 177 (68.4%)

>> No.15047770
File: 26 KB, 333x499, PVI Metaphysics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my money pic related is a good read. Nice chapters on things like time, free will, mind-body problem, ontological and cosmological arguments and so on. Cosy.

>> No.15047878

don't bother. spend time on getting into the hard stuff, this is where the money's at.

before the autistic screeching commences, i just want to point out that i wouldn't guide anyone to read deleuze for learning algebraic geometry. likewise i wouldn't recommend reading russell or later deriviations. for anything.

>> No.15047911

Ah I thought you were referring to anal phil as a whole

>> No.15047996

This guy can't do philosophy for shit. Go jerk off to nietzsches fantasies of standing on a mountaintop above the plebs and pretend it reveals some profound truth.

>> No.15048018
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related might be the kind of thing you are after. It's firmly in the anglo-analytic tradition but covers various topics including sex, death, war, politics, and so on. It's a great general introduction into this kind of philosophy and include the author's famous bat essay.

>> No.15048033

based anglohater

>> No.15048637

>continentals can't be understood 95% of the time they deal with the questions that are fun to write about.

That's because they insist on writing in foreign.

>> No.15048680

Are you a troll or are you just poorly educated?

>> No.15048761

>to be interesting and fruitful.
lol, how many of these debates have been settled by philosophy? none.

>> No.15049061

>They talk about how to live, and write books about art and music and it's effect on our lives and how it relates to philosophy
Gross. I like continental philosophy for the exact opposite reasons.

>> No.15049244

self help/pop-cultural fandom analysis isn't philosophy. The french guy telling you so having a professorship doesn't make it a correct opinion.

>> No.15049764
File: 40 KB, 229x343, 1557268510962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl Otto Apel - Understanding and Explanation.

If you want 'fun' philosophy you can go to the School if Life video's on youtube.

The book I mentioned deals with the differences between understanding (verstehen) such as history and explaining something such as in physics and its mathematical formula's. The writer tries to explain a transcendental pragmatic approach - it's quite interesting. It's related to discourse ethics.

>> No.15051124


>> No.15051215

>If there is a thing, then the thing is the thing that is, the thing that is, therefore, is the thing, which is of course, is.

>> No.15051240

>While continentals can't be understood 95% of the time they deal with the questions that are fun to write about
>durrr as long as I’m happy that’s all I care about
Why are the continentals such fags?

>> No.15051347
File: 68 KB, 425x282, FCA2ADBB-FD59-4647-BEC1-0CDBB62F8C49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of modern analytical philosophy and trends of positivism, reductionism, etc. masquerade as “enlightened progress” when, in fact, it’s actually the restriction of the mind to an incredibly narrow realm, this restriction often being used to deny the actual source that the mind comes from — viz. a soul, an immaterial awareness. So it’s this hilariously stupid clusterfuck of “philosophers” turning themselves into robots, claiming that everyone can only be a robot like they are, and claiming that the only things that can be talked about are those that can be “rationally discussed and proven,” even though a lot of important issues (like the question of why there’s anything at all instead of nothing, questions of ethics and aesthetics, why we’re conscious instead of unconscious automatons, etc.) can’t be “rationally discussed and proven” in the way they want.

It’s the equivalent of a kid with a calculator so impressed by the calculator he determines that the only thing that matters is the calculator, the only true things are things that can be proven by calculator. What? What the fuck are qualia? What do you mean, “The awareness which allows me to use a calculator in the first place is not material or definable?” It says nothing about that in my calculator, you qualia-freak. Now read my fucked-up bastard-child of science and philosophy which is likely to be neither as rigorous and applicable to the real world like the best of science is or passionate and transformative like the best of philosophy is.

Of course, I’m being inflammatory because this is 4chan. Not all analytical philosophy is like this, nor am I trying to disparage everyone interested in analytic philosophy.

>> No.15051733

Anyone got recommendations for a midwit-level intro to continental philosophy? I wasted my youth on analytic philosophy, and I'd like to find out what I missed out on.

>> No.15051857

Looks good thanks

>> No.15051901

>it’s actually the restriction of the mind to an incredibly narrow realm
yes, to make any sort of progress you have to focus on the problem at hand.
>this restriction often being used to deny the actual source that the mind comes from — viz. a soul, an immaterial awareness
what the fuck does this actually mean? Dude magical mindstuff or "I need to feel my emotions!"?
So it’s this hilariously stupid clusterfuck of “philosophers” turning themselves into robots, claiming that everyone can only be a robot like they are, and claiming that the only things that can be talked about are those that can be “rationally discussed and proven,”
If you want to talk about other things don't call yourself a philosopher and don't pretend like you're trying to get at truth, because if you're talking about things that can't be rationally discussed then what the fuck is the actual point?
>like the question of why there’s anything at all instead of nothing, questions of ethics and aesthetics, why we’re conscious instead of unconscious automatons, etc.) can’t be “rationally discussed and proven” in the way they want
Dumbass. Maybe we won't ever arrive at a fully satisfiable solution to any of these questions but insofar as they are open to exploration that exploration should be done in an honest, focused, rational way. Because again, otherwise what are you doing? Therapy, religion? Shouldn't be classified as philosophy.

Just fucking admit that you're no better than Joel Osteen fucking faggot. You're not actually clarifying anything and you're not writing poetry, so you just end up with this useless mix for cringe faggots and pseuds.

>> No.15051901,1 [INTERNAL] 

Retard didn’t even get any of my points