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15044274 No.15044274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ego death

>> No.15044282

>having an ego to begin with

>> No.15044285

Western philosophy is more Reddit its not even close and both are gay

>> No.15044286
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>thetic intuition of the ego's self-positing

>> No.15044378

>spend life building the biggest ego
>realize that I’ve built the myself a prison

>> No.15044439

Is weed gay?

>> No.15044463

It's nice, just don't believe the reddit stoner type. It can easily be addictive and can cause trauma through intense panic attacks

>> No.15044504

>Ego death is a "complete loss of subjective self-identity"
holy fuck, i think i just shit myself

>> No.15044511


>> No.15044541


Frequent use is degenerate . Occasional use can be justified.

>> No.15044543

>cause trauma through intense panic attacks
this happened 2 me

>> No.15044610

you got it right
being a 'stoner' is awful. Occasional brief use is fine

>> No.15044636

Based non dualist... Peace be upon you brother

>> No.15044644

Using recreational drugs is a pathetic waste of time that will make you more hedonistic.

>> No.15044658
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>dude all is one can you feel it kill ure ego lmao yolo

>> No.15044668

This desu. If you have bad luck and get a severe panic attack, it will probably convince you of the existence of hell if you didn't believe in it already. Overall just not worth the risk imo.

What was it like anon if you wouldn't mind sharing? I've had trouble myself expressing what the panic attack I had was like, I don't think there's words to explain such contortions of the psyche. Time grinding to a halt as every second becomes an eternity trapped in my body, thoughts become equally slowed. Thoughts no longer flow even, had no memory of who I was, what i was doing, even now I think some memories have been nuked permanently. Unable to move without conjuring new hellish sensations. Body swirling around with my thoughts, dry throat and doing my best to not choke on my tounge. Could only let out one word every few centuries, only asked to be shot. I think the beginning was the worst, like being in the backseat of a crashing car and remaining fully conscious through the initial crumple. All in all lasted somewhere upwards of 4 hours, I just stick to cigarettes now.

>> No.15044711

my weed related freakouts involved a seeming loss of control over my own thoughts. the experience of it was like two disembodied voices talking to each other in an unbreakable loop that I was only marginally involved times. at other points, one voice would be within my control but I would be responding to this onslaught this shard of consciousness I was unable to subdue. other times, it is just run-of-the-mill intense anxiety. the thing that fucked me up the worst was a sort of false memory or insane hypothetical that surfaced in my mind out of nowhere, and once made aware of it it seemed completely true and real to me. basically it put me in a state where I was unable to rationalize away the nightmare scenarios I often entertain (like, what if I killed someone and don't remember it?) but that only seem real in dreams. it has fucked me up to this day in the sense that I am constantly batting back endless obsessive debates, rehearsals of past memories, speculation about evil things I "know" I haven't done, but might have. at some point I began researching primarily obsessional OCD and I am beginning to think I have it, but it really started in earnest because of a bad night with weed. it has caused more serious delusions in the past, but none that have followed me into a week after it's over, let alone going on two years now

>> No.15044766

you have schizophrenia bro

>> No.15044795

Yes but you can do it occasionally. People who really like weed are always totally insufferable though, it’s one of the least interesting drugs and the people who get into it never fucking shut up about their shitty boring drug. Cocaine is a /lit/-approved drug.

>> No.15044804

That is your primitive unconscious attempting to break through what pathological complexes your conscious has mind constructed in order to keep yourself from seeing you for how you are, rather than for how your ego sees yourself. You don’t have OCD or anything terrible that last a lifetime. Once you begin to resolve these internal conflicts of awareness, you will gradually begins to see a decrease in maladaptive behaviors.

>> No.15044809

Not him but I’ve had experiences very similar to this but not with weed, I’ve had them primarily in the form of fever dreams

>> No.15044811

>least interesting drugs
Drug heads are insufferable. They get into “hardcore” drugs and they can never shut up about their shitty boring lifestyles.

>> No.15044814

I don't think so. I think I have schizo tendencies that are badly exacerbated by weed (though oddly not any other drug) that could get out of hand if I indulged them, but if I were going to go full schizo it hopefully would have already happened (22 y/o)

>> No.15044825

I almost never take drugs and have experienced very few, weed is still the most boring drug, it’s boring.

>> No.15044859

i smoked weed once and suffered from heavy dissociation for 1 week. it is a nightmare to act without full awareness of time, having only small glimpses of events and no self consciousness - all your experience becomes episodic and non linear. i was a zombie for 1 week basically. worst thing that i did in my life

>> No.15044880

I think you may be right. I have noticed the similarity with dreams, especially since my dreams are almost always uneasy. but it's not as if I like myself particularly on a conscious level (although I have strong narcissistic tendencies), and the kinds of things that I come up when I'm in that state are far worse than what I think about myself normally -- there's no insight, it's just terror

>> No.15044939

>but it's not as if I like myself particularly on a conscious level
If you conscious cannot find peace with yourself, your unconscious will be screaming at you to do something in order to fix this. My advice: when you uneasy and uncomfortable with yourself, interrupt your train of thought and genuinely rack your brain for what triggered to doubting to happen: look for the sensory stimuli that triggers your OCD response. For me, I often unconsciously begin to tap my feet and hands when I think someone is judging me, even if I don’t see them. Unconsciously, my mind thinks there is a threat. Thereby, I must consciously become aware of this uncontrolled brain activity. It is a very tricky thing to handle, but should you practice this and have a true desire to overcome your problems, you can do if.

A book I would suggest reading is Carl Jungs “Man and His Symbols”. He accurately describes exactly what you mention in many of the patients he sees. and he notes how they are able to overcome their personal disturbances be becoming aware that their primitive mind is trying to talk to their modern and evolved mind! Listen to your gut instincts! Don’t think so much, it hurts the team ;)

>> No.15044960

Okay you’re cool in my books

>> No.15044971

Weed is the worst recreational drug to. It turns you into a retard.

>> No.15044975


>> No.15045011

thank you anon

>> No.15045033

I have tried it once
As you say, time was passing slowly, tongue sticking to the back of my mouth. I honestly thought I was going to die there, as I had to consciously remind myself to swallow, and breathe. I thought everyone was lying to me.
I eventually threw up, and went to bed about 40 minutes later (It really felt like 3 hours).
The next day I was still feeling a bit out of it.
The day after that I was back to normal.
Fuck weed.

>> No.15045044
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>tfw you have no ego

it's funny that normies take life so seriously when it's just a joke


Anyone based like me?

>> No.15045052


>> No.15045057

Normies are the copers, there's nothing to cope with they just think there is so they invent false meaning meanwhile god is laughing at them

>> No.15045129

I've been a psychonaut for a while and had to quit psychedelics altogether for it made me schizo but I still smoke weed and cigs regularly.

Idk. I think I was chasing a high that didn't exist. Some sort of final ego death. Ironically, despite all the terror and confusion of my psychotic experiences -- I always felt like I was in control and doing the right thing and I was at last enlightened...

Currently medicated. Kinda coasting along. Was volcel for a few years but thinking about getting on tinder. Want a waifu. Getting my undergrad degree this summer. Starting grad school fall. Life is cool, I guess, but I miss that clarity of thought of having God speak to you and understanding...

Anyway, stay safe y'all and beware psychedelics if prone to problems. I may have been unaware of willfully ignorant of mine.

>> No.15045208

i used to smoke like a chimney but i had to slow down and almost completely stop after about 3 or so years constant use because every time i would smoke i would get a feeling in my chest which would sometimes evolve into pain, then theres a sudden uncontrollable feeling that my heart is going to give out and if i dont sit down and master it my vision blurs and i lose consciousness and will just keel over where im standing, also having gas makes it a lot worse

i kind of miss it desu, theres a certain comfy feeling i feel like im missing, but its probably for the better since i think i was genuinely developing a dependency on it and i often became miserable when not smoking and fixated on getting high. i still sometimes smoke a TINY amount when im drunk alone

>> No.15045419
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>Ego Birth

>> No.15045428
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This is the only ego death