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15043996 No.15043996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woke up
>drank coffee
>went to work (my desk)
>did work
>eat food
>work was boring
>finish working
>drink coffee, browse internet
>do bodyweight exercises (turns out deadlifts and squats did not give me a strong core, relative to my weight) and then go jogging outside
>go inside again
>eat fruit and vegetables instead of junk food
>listen to music, browse internet, drink Pepsi Max
>now almost 2 hours of free time is left (because of lmao0commute) and I have no idea what to do

I think I may be running out of steam. I feel like I should be doing everything I currently do three times faster. I am unable to do anything productive in my free time. The cat's out of the bag, everyone but me really is making thousands per day online with zero effort. I'm so uninspired.

My job is so uninteresting. I'm also uninteresting. I'm feeling sad about being a total social void as well.

>> No.15044016

can you stop posing the "it's over" pepe when it's not really over?

it's been over for the last 50 threads now

>> No.15044018

imagine not having even the incentive of a job and consuming books all day, that's my life.

>> No.15044032

it's over

>> No.15044068

t. Doesn't get the meaning behind "it's over"

>> No.15044076

now it's over for real

>> No.15044092

You reminded me of the destroyed pond that had frog eggs in it.

>> No.15044135

it's the last binge ever

>> No.15044521
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Fuck that anon, you followed the rules, became a productive member of society and society fucked you in the ass leaving an empty void.

Stop being what they want you to be and do stuff without fearing the consequences (I don't mean without thinking about the posible ones like an mindless actions, but knowing them and accepting them knowing that your current situation is worse). I don't know, find someone that messed with you in the past and beat him with a bat, burn the house of your boss if hi is a dick, ask for a loan in all the banks you know and flee to another country with an new name, a lot of cash and start again (even if you lose your degree or whatever it is not like you are happy with it right now). What did you wanted to do when you where a child? What was your dream? Being a pilot, travel around the world, world domination? Fucking try it. Fail if you must, but try to do something that will make you happy just for trying.

There is hope anon if you drop your chains.

>> No.15044536
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*like a mindless animal*.
I', writting from the phone, sorry.

>> No.15044615

No you didn't, stop the larp bro
I can smell bullshit a mile off

>> No.15044618
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>life has many doors, ed-boy

>> No.15044621
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It's an eternal over.

>> No.15044628

based londonfrog

>> No.15044630

You can't just beat people up.

>> No.15044726

Since we're doing a diary thread
>go to bed 8 am after night of lying on the couch watching skyrim lore videos and eating cheese
>wake up 2 pm because gf wants to go to Target and catch/spread the coronavirus
>unemployed now earning almost exactly the same as I was before virus
>also both getting 600 trumpbux on our next check
>trying not to drink so much because I have been getting a little aggressive in isolation
>Write a scene for my movie script
>Clowns One
>attend an accounting class for college online
>decided to drink a little anyways

>> No.15044737

>600 trumpbux
Put it all in Powerball tickets.

>> No.15044765

I might buy gold/rare minerals , GF is convinced we need to give it to the Jew right now

>> No.15044768

tell me more of this movie script friend

>> No.15044883

I don't want to give it all away but
>Four friends live in a town
>One of their brother is a severely retarded/autistic boy
>reports of him walking around town which shouldn't be possible without a wheelchair
>he is being possessed by an egyptian pharaoh
>summoned to earth to stop a happening
>clowns are invading our physical realm
>extradimensional, parasitic beings that dwell in the shadows and forge reality to become an illusion for all they have influence over
>police get calls about weird brother doing weird things, do nothing
>special brother goes back and forth from retarded/egyptian pharaoh state
>friends get call to do a job
>the job requires them to be at an abandoned orphanage in the middle of the night
>sounds too sketchy especially with all the stuff going on but they need the money
>go to haunted orphanage, realize its the same place as the video footage they found on a camera of a Necromancer performing dark rituals and summoning something
>they are attacked by clowns, two of them go missing and one is scratched by a clown
>the two that went missing have been impregnated by the clowns and are being kept hostage
>MC (the one who got scratchd by clown) has begun his slow transformation into a clown
>Guy with brother is not there
>MC talks to guy with brother, he is acting weird and distant
>retarded brother is causing a lot of stuff around town and seriously hurting people, cops still doing nothing
>MC needs more answers
>starts doing research, finds out more about the clowns and their presence in the past
>returns to orphanage to look for friends, finds strange writings and hieroglyphics but no trace of the monsters
>goes to library to research, meets 8/10 cutie interested in the occult and she helps him
>she discovers that the hieroglyphics match ancient ones found in egypt that foretold horrible prophecy of the clowns returning to earth to consume the souls of all people and assimilate them into their torn multiverse
>realize retarded brother was sent to destroy them, by any means necessary
>too late, he has gone too far
>still no sign of friends, but gruesome scene of them giving birth to baby clowns


>> No.15044904

How else are we supposed to tell who londonfrog is?

>> No.15044921
File: 104 KB, 1080x1350, satanic poser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks Kino. Go deep into occult literature, don't hold back. I'd say cutie that is into occult is unrealistic but is perfect for a screen adaptation.
Quit being miserable and continue working on this. Better than 99% of what gets churned out by the holly wood

>> No.15044928

By the content of the post. You think he always used that fucking "it's over" frog? Fuck outta here

>> No.15044946

>meanwhile, he is slowly more and more becoming a clown. Temporary bursts of insanity, physical transformation. realizes his time is limited
>qt suggest confronting the Pharaoh
>tries to go to his house, guy with the brother stops him
>acting extremely strange and disconnected, tells him to go away
>pushes him out of way, goes inside
>sees their mom, a shell of herself, whispering in corner over and over "Jeremy...Jeremy" (the name of the retarded brother pharaoh)
>sudden clown impulse/transformation
>scratches her neck with wretched claws killing her
>he killed their mom
>other friend is standing there not saying a word
>goes into retard boys nursery
>still in clown form
>epic battle, egyptian Pharaoh vs clown
>ends with both bleeding on the ground
>cut to police investigating scene, both are gone except the body of the mother and the guy with the brother
>keeps repeating "its too late"
>cops say, nothing wrong here
>walk away
>the cops are clowns
>everyone was a clown
>everyone is a clown
>completely broken, the guy with the brother is about to end it at the orphanage
>suddenly surrounded by clowns
>MC is now the leader and fully transformed
>one last deep interaction
>MC has one last bout of sanity
>quickly reverts back
>lunges teeth to the guy with the brother, bites into neck
>fade to black


>> No.15044956

weird. needs screen adaptation

>> No.15044963

Forget it. That's not life changing. You know what they say? Go big or go home.

>> No.15045037

it's over.

>> No.15045293

Thank you, I am finally overcoming the fear of writing it after the last script ominously burned away in a fire. I have it planned to last for 7 films, all designed to procure a higher production budget. The films would be completely out of order, like The Chronicles of Narnia.

By the middle, Clowns Seven would be the highest budget special effects film ever made, bigger than Avatar or Star Wars ever could dream of being. The episodes will delve into the mystery of clowns, where they came from, a look into the dystopian future that awaits earth and humanity, innocent tales of Romance and a conclusion of the events that took place after Clowns One that led to all of the disaray.

Clowns Seven, the last chronologically but released fourth, is a tale of the last battle between clowns and man. Settlers on the last remaining habitable planet in the galaxy go one on one from the demons and death ships coming out of the Clown Portal, a strange black hole rift that seems to be the link between their and our universe.