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15043287 No.15043287 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that I should read to get into International Relations? I'm interested in learning more about international relations and geopolitics from an academic perspective, most things online seem to be mainly popsci or /pol/ adjacent.

>> No.15043341

Wouldn't lectures be better for this?

>> No.15043379

i used to use PRI's The World briefings to stay up to date on international relations stuff. i thought 9/11 by chomsky was pretty good and as an american i found it fascinating.

>> No.15043480
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I'm not sure if this is actually what you're looking for, but:
>Diplomacy - Kissinger
>A World Restored - Kissinger
>The twenty years crisis - Carr
>Politics among Nations - Morgenthau
>After Hegemony - Keohane
>Soft Power - Nye
>Power and Interdependence - Keohane & Nye
>A theory of International Politics - Waltz
>Man, the State, and War - Waltz
>Social Theory of International Politics - Wendt
And some more memey ones
>The Clash of Civilizations - Huntington
>The End of History - Fukuyama

>> No.15043503

Not OP, but what do people in IR jobs/degrees actually do?

>> No.15043569

Oh this is a pretty nice list, thanks man!

>> No.15043630

Diplomacy, ambassadorship? I guess

>> No.15043796

Liferally nothing, I'm around these people for the last 5 years, the single most useless group of leeches in the world, and really expensive leeches.

>> No.15043858

What are they being paid for?

>> No.15044813

It's a mystery. They're one of those groups who are incredibly talented at keeping their job but don't seem to do anything.

>> No.15044987

I'm a professor of Chinese politics.

>> No.15045323

Got any reqs for OP?

>> No.15045529

This, I would love to know some good books on china/related

>> No.15045931

Edward Said - Orientalism
and then stop wasting your time misslearning inferior cultures.

>> No.15045933

they're like landlords but worse

>> No.15045935

>and then stop wasting your time misslearning inferior cultures.
Wait which one is inferior? I'm confused what you mean.

>> No.15045941

High tier jobs are teaching college, working in policy think tanks, working for the CIA.

Great list

>> No.15045944

Noam Chomsky and William Blum

>> No.15046029

>working for the CIA
if you are not approached by them by like age 20-22 don't bother.

>> No.15046399

Dang I wish I had been

>> No.15046535

Asian Waters - Humphrey Hawksley
Empire of Democracy - Simon Ried-Henry
Sea Power: The History and Geopolitics of the World's Oceans - Book by James G. Stavridis

>> No.15046547

International relations are spooks. The State serves the interest of the State, not of the Individual, and only Individuals can have true relationships to one another. States can interact, but most States are possessed by ideas and Causes that cause random as fuck shit to happen.

>> No.15046554
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>What are some books that I should read to get into International Relations?

You'll regret having ever studied IR.

>> No.15046565


>> No.15046579

IR and geopolitics are a meme and empty letter without an understanding of the wider context, might as well read history at that point

>> No.15046583


>> No.15046615

unironically sounds like something the Chinese politics professor i'm acquainted with would say. What are your opinions on Confucianism in modern china?

>> No.15046678
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Peter Zeihan, he has lots of speeches on youtube and regularly posts newsletters
but as someone said, chose a region and read its history for context

>> No.15046796

I read the Accidental Superpower and didn't think it was that good. His charts/maps sucked and he barely covered many important aspects like immigration when making predictions.

>> No.15046820

Almost all of my friends when I was doing my /lit/ masters were in IR. Some of them actually do have nice jobs now, at embassies and big international organizations. The people who study it are generally sharp and personable, but the field does not require a lot of brain power, at least while studying it. The theory is like basic addition compared to what we deal with in literature and philosophy, the reading load is very light and the rigorousness of the analysis they expect from you is quite low.

>> No.15046841

I like his theory, but I haven't read him yet.

>> No.15046945
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>> No.15047015

Why are all these books written like a fucking blogpost? I don't care about your dumb anecdotes from when you visited some place

>> No.15047213

who would have such a file saved but a glownigger.
Expose yourself. Why are you monitoring an autist's literature board? Are we too close to completing the system of german idealism after all?