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15036581 No.15036581 [Reply] [Original]

How does this happen and what books do I need to read to understand this?

>> No.15036673

Because other countries depend upon American medicine but don't pay their fair share towards its research.

>> No.15036683

Also because FDA is Jewish and retarded.

>> No.15036684

Still believing in (((America)))? kek

>> No.15036691

I would doubt severely the claim being made but read up on American foreign economic policy I guess

>> No.15036713

There's some great research coming out of the US, but a lot of your doctors are kind of crap and recommend random crap sometimes. And charge a lot. And do weird af diagnostics.

>> No.15037463

>tfw american and had 3 different ear infections in the past year
>cost $300 a pop
let me just shoot myself in the head for the misfortune of being born here.

>> No.15037467

Doesn't every other country get tax raped? Ain't this like that "free delivery" joke?

>> No.15037493

>no dagses :D dagses gill my vreedums :DDD
I'd be willing to pay way more in taxes to have a functioning, homogenous society based on strong shared values
If South Korea wasn't a horrifying materialist hellhole where every city was LA on steroids and half the women get thousands in plastic surgery and wasn't run by a handful of megacorporations that essentially function as independent governments they might approach that, but alas, Samsung and K-Pop it is

>> No.15037503

>I'd be willing to pay way more in taxes to have a functioning, homogenous society based on strong shared values

one thing is not related to the other, you moron. i was just saying you either way have to pay for medical services, faggot.

>> No.15037527

americans get "tax raped" almost as much but get absolutely NOTHING in return for it. consider the payroll tax. half of it is "hidden" as employer side. but who pays? you, ultimately, since it is incurred only when you work for an employer and in theory comes from what they would have budgeted for your cost to them. IE you pay it pre-salary (similar to the concept of pre-tax expenses.) then you have federal, state, and local taxes, sales, liquor/luxury/etc special taxes, capital taxes, etc. Let's say you buy a bicycle. You work 10 hours at 12/hour and get taxed 20% income tax. (not including the other 6.5% employer side payroll tax on that 120) you get 100 dollars, and you buy a bike for $93 with $7 of sales tax. you paid 27 dollars in tax so far. now you sell the bicycle for $193 dollars and are taxed 15% capital gains on the $100 of profit, so another $15. you have paid 42 in tax so far. let's say you put that $100 into an investment account, make 10% profit, and pay 25% short term capital gains. there's another $2.50 in tax on the same money for a fourth time. now let's say you take all that money and buy a handle of jack... now pay sales tax and liquor tax, and the rest of your previous profits? drop them into your property tax for the year, drop in the bucket.

the WAY the taxes are structured here are deceptive. there's a lot of recursive taxes and shadow taxes to pay. by the end of it i wouldn't be surprised if we have europe level taxation. but after all that? you get NOTHING. the public transit is a joke. there's no law and order, america is a shithole of constant widespread randomized crime and violence. in a country like japan you can go out and get shitfaced drunk, wander around all night, and wake up in the morning with your wallet still in your pocket and no bulletholes or rapist ejaculate on your clothes. in the US you have a constant stress from constant danger that just doesnt exist in civilized places. we pay five figures for our education all financed on %8 interest rates, we pay our own healthcare expenses and pay the most in the world for them even AFTER accounting for what yuros pay in tax. our water system is a joke and our internet is third world.

you are being fleeced you stupid sap.

>> No.15037540

He's saying he'd rather pay more in taxes so poorer people don't have to get fucked over.

>> No.15037544

not to mention a yuro house will last 200 years but a burger house is dilapidated and falling apart in 40.

>> No.15037550

Having an entire bloated health insurance industry funneling trillions into being middlemen is an objective drain on the system, for one thing. If medicine is set up as a for-profit industry, how would eliminating the profit margin do anything but reduce costs to citizens?

>> No.15037576


Lol. I can name ten fields off the top of my head where the groundbreaking research and implementation of new methods and technology is all taking place outside of the US. Including so called third world shitholes. Maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics for example, is still in the stone age in the US, even colombia is more advanced in that field, and the bulk of research is being conducted by asian and european countries.

>> No.15037588
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I hate paying sales tax on second-hand goods. It's usurious. Canadian btw.

>> No.15037592


Americans just seem fundamentally incapable of even considering that they are being swindled.

>> No.15037608

this is extremely based except for
>constant widespread randomized crime and violence
this isn’t leddit, you can say it’s because of all the niggers

>> No.15037622

what are the other 9 fields

>> No.15037685


You mean the other 8. Maxfac and orthodontics are separate fields despite having some crossover.

Plastic surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, urology and chemical engineering. Ok so it was 7 instead of 10, sue me. The US along with China leads the world in scientific publications... with a big asterisk: the bulk of publications are publish or perish nonsense, endless regurgitation and commentary on precedent research.

>> No.15037698

this. money from the (((insurance))) goons NECESSARILY comes between paying money and getting care. it's a leech. a multi trillion dollar leech. remove the leech.
it's incredible people here think insurance HAS to be a part of healthcare. they cant even conceieve that a bunch of paper pushers soak up funding and might provide no value. if it doesn't hold a stethoscope, a scalpel, or a syringe, it doesn't belong on a paycheck.
>not using peer to peer sales apps
intentional outcome of the american propaganda system. usa #1 best in world muh freedumbs. it created the bestest goys. only canada is worse.
despite being 13% of the population...
also it's a shame /lit/ has better political discussions than /pol/. that board got overrun with 65 IQ boomers, unfortunately, who haven't read a book since 1973.

>> No.15037713

>discussions than /pol/. that board got overrun with 65 IQ boomers, unfortunately, who haven't read a book since 1973.

Pol is 90% 20 something NEETs, not boomers. You can tell by the prevalence and popularity of pua blog nonsense and obviously the popular neet posting.

>> No.15038489

>plastic surgery
that's cause asians hate their facial structure and desperately want to change it. Also, it's not an important medical field, considering 90% of it is dedicated to vanity.

>> No.15038587

Switzerland and Belgium do the most research and produce the most medicine per capita.

>> No.15038603

It's not a question of taxes or not, because with taxes on average people end up paying the same thing.
The problem with the US is that everything healthcare-related costs on average 2x more than in rich European countries (visits to a doctor, a pill, a visit to the ER, a medication, etc..). So doctors and CEO's of pharmaceutical companies make much more money than in Europe. That's were Americans are getting fucked.
In America you always have the possibility of "making it", of becoming a doctor or a high manager, making a lot of money, much more than in other countries. But it means that by "making it" you fuck others, who have to pay more for you to earn so much money.

>> No.15038605

how is that measured? number of papers published?

>> No.15038623

number of new medicine that finish all the tests and can get sold

>> No.15038629
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Let me explain socialism to you, then you will know
All things are properties relating to one another, reality is the infinite market. The obtainment of anything requires an equilibrium of exchanged property. A property may be anything physical, social, or anything that can be related to something else, which is anything for such a nonrelated thing could not exist. The price of a mother's love for her child could be said to be 1 currency unit of ‘child of appropriate social relation to female’(what is valued as an appropriate relation is a separate matter). Any other currency unit would not be sufficient, whether it’s do the inflated rate of the currency unit on the price, or a nontransferable standard in relation to the property. Such as one pound of dirt could be sold reasonably for one gram of gold, but not even one hundred million million pounds of dirt could match the price of a ‘mothers love for her child’ for the currency exchange of ‘material object’ to ‘social relation’ can not be matched in the given existence of the universe. For the Human person, it can then be said that I have found no greater value of property to relation than the social. To the point where ‘the social’ is the property of relation. To have a relation between properties is the social force. I then state my definition of socialism to be “The communal property of valued things.” (value is in the estate of utility) Communal being defined as interlinked social relations, the communal is a market of social properties. The utility of which is the survival of the species, human nature. All things are properties relating to each other in a market. Socialism is the most natural and efficient form of this. (Markets being a force of nature.)

>> No.15038631

money invested in R&D
also the case, but less meaningful

>> No.15038648

propaganda is a helluva drug

>> No.15038725

Treating a simple ear infection shouldn't cost thousands of dollars, you bootlicking Amerishart.

>> No.15038730

AI bot detected.

>> No.15038743

What do you mean? You don't like my reasoning style?

>> No.15038750

The post is pure gibberish.

>> No.15038753


>When I was in Korea, the common taxpayer paid for my ear infection instead of me

Nonetheless I seriously doubt the claim that you would pay $3000 for a corona test in the US.

>> No.15038761

Reading comprehension fail.

>> No.15038769
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>The post is pure gibberish.
too bad you don't understand economics

>> No.15038840


You fucking moron, plastic surgery is a hugely important field and its primary use is in reconstructive not aesthetic. Next time you're in a car accident and smash your orbital and zygoma to shit tell the on call PS not to bother because you're a retard and enjoy both looking disfigured as well as having compromised function.

>> No.15038889

Disfigurement is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.15038926


Show me what I misread

>> No.15039290

Americans say this as a defence but they get tax raped too, the difference is that their taxes go either to the military of nowhere.

>> No.15039478
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>He thinks the sky high healthcare in the US is because of quality control and "research"
Keep being cucked pharmaceutical elites.

>> No.15039503

thanks Obama!

>> No.15039541

That has also a lot to do with your economic structures and poverty which dont help reduce crime, social alienation and gang mentality.
Portugal has also a significant chuck of african descent people and is still nº3 on most peaceful countries in the world. Despite having a super low household income compared to most countries. You would be surprised how having safety nets and other social services impacts society at large.

>> No.15040469
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>> No.15040945


>> No.15041113

people like you are why no one cares to
keep chuckling to yourself at all the stupid normies