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/lit/ - Literature

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15036418 No.15036418 [Reply] [Original]

Most people on /lit/ did not start on /lit/. That is a fact. What board did you migrate from? When did you migrate and what made you migrate?

>> No.15036427


>> No.15036443

Mu is fucking horrible. I've gotten better recs from r9k

>> No.15036458
File: 339 KB, 461x671, Alfonso_X_el_Sabio_en_El_libro_de_los_juegos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What board did you migrate from?
/b/ and then /int/
>When did you migrate and what made you migrate?
Probably six years ago. I was looking for a pious, non degenerate board, and I found it.

>> No.15036464

/b/ to /pol/ to here for books. /lit/ isn’t the kind of board to be someone’s home I think

>> No.15036471

the first thread that made me like /lit/ was about Tim and Eric. before that I think I browsed /int/ and /mu/ but wouldn't actively post there. 2012/13 era-/lit/ was good enough to fool me into thinking this wasn't a waste of time

>> No.15036474


>> No.15036475

i used to post on /a/ back in like 2005-2009 or so but then i stopped when i realized anime was shit and then i started caring about literature a couple years before /lit/ was created so i started posting here when it was made in like 2010 exactly one week before j. d. salinger died

>> No.15036478

/a/ then /vg/
Good times

>> No.15036482

This is patrician. /ck/ still retains some of the magic of old 4chan

>> No.15036487

2014-15 /qa/ was so good I miss it

>> No.15036492

What the fuck is /B/?

>> No.15036497

/pol/ of course. We're all quite well-read.

>> No.15036501

/b/ but with my phone's autocorrect

>> No.15036512


>> No.15036514

you didn't get the meme you're a fraud

>> No.15036545

/a/ (2010-13) --> /mu/ and /pol/ (2015-16) --> /lit/ and /tv/ (2017-present)
I was always literary from a young age, but I never really paid attention to the fact that /lit/ existed for a long time. Started with anime because this is an anime board, lived an ascetic life for a few years, came back to the golden age of /pol/, discovered /lit/ and set up shop. I should have been here all along, really. I still go on /a/ occasionally, /tg/ when bored, /mu/ and /pol/ not really at all, /tv/ for shitposting.

>> No.15036552

If it has anything to do with being on /b/ I'm glad I didn't. It's cesspool that probably stunted me some back in middle school

>> No.15036555

porkslope turkeyhandle. i've been on this site way too long.

>> No.15036569


>> No.15036582

/o/ 2009-2016
/biz/ 2014-2018
/lit/ 2016-now
/x/ 2017-now

>> No.15036584

/b/>/r9k/ 2008>/lit/ 2010...long hiatus...then return

>> No.15036607

Always tempted to hop on /x/

>> No.15036618

Here on and off from the onset. Occasionally visit /his/ /ck/ & /sp/. Quarantine has brought me back; though not at all the same, it's.. I don't know.. silly I'm here at all.
t. pushing 40 of

>> No.15036660

what was peak era /b/ like? i used to be on /b/ like 2008-2012? but i don't remember much from it. can any elders of 4chan and /lit/ tell me of the better mythical days?

>> No.15036665

To ask a question that no one has answered yet.

>> No.15036670
File: 7 KB, 165x115, F7792758-FD83-4955-8F7B-FA13BDA35B79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go there now and remove all the rate my cock threads, most the tranny/sissy threads, and a good chunk of the pure porn threads and that’s what it was like

>> No.15036706

/vp/ -> /v/ -> /g/ (rarely) -> /lit/

>> No.15036716

in all honesty, i believe some of the more esoteric subreddits might have more of that peak-era-/b/ than modern day enmasse, though i wouldn't know of it since i don't use reddit much

anyways, for me it was /b/-lurk > /mu/-lurk > /v/ + /pol/ lurk > /biz/ lurk > hiatus > active on /lit/. i do not read. all were/are shit with occasional glorious moments and some faint sense of anonymity.

>> No.15036763

yes it is. fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.15036773

No it isn't, otherwise you wouldn't all still be discussing the same rotating set of 10 authors every day.

>> No.15036783

to spread antisemitism to other boards

>> No.15036795

sp and mu
then fa
currently lit and mu (but now for kpg)

>> No.15036802

I came to /pol/ when it was recommended on r/the_donald during the 2016 election, then I branched out to other boards like /lit/ in 2017.

>> No.15036807

Started 10years ago on /b/ then to /fit/ and than /lit/

>> No.15036854

/sci/ Then I realized the people here were smarter and I started to grow an interest in philosophy and literature. Started 4chan about 5 months ago.

>> No.15036892


>> No.15036901


>> No.15036919

People are reading Culture of Critique

>> No.15036926

God I hope this is ironic

>> No.15036962
File: 131 KB, 1034x800, 1560943907479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read most of the western canon 10+ years ago and, for some reason, almost nothing since
but i realized i was spending many hours each day reading /fit/, /pol/ and /biz/
so decided to spend that time shitposting here instead

>> No.15037009

/x/ -> /a/ -> /adv/ -> /pol/ -> /tv/ -> /lit/
/pol/ was fucking fun during the whole 2015-2016 fiasco. It felt invigorating to fight against history itself, like if we were the good guys watching from the pits of hell. It was as if you were possessed by Kek. But politics is a shit show, always self-serving, no more less than a sport, so I stopped going there. At least some people at /tv/ and /lit/ don't really believe their own bullshit.

>> No.15037023

Until they talk about ceramic knives.

>> No.15037060
File: 13 KB, 500x326, fd552d5a4bf80630b4a485eb3ec579bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/b/ early '10s
>/fit/ and /mu/ like '11-'15
>/o/ afterwards
>/lit/ for a year now, don't really go anywhere else

>> No.15037068

We don't cotton to anime girls 'round these parts.

>> No.15037071

/pol/ -> /r9k/ -> /tv/ -> /lit/

>> No.15037073

/pol/. I’m still redpilled, I just got sick of the Redditors and newfags

>> No.15037113
File: 70 KB, 363x330, FC54E2A9-E68F-4131-BC8B-01DDC11BFC54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2003-4-5 /b/ /u/ /s/

2006-7-8 /mu/ /tv/

2011-2015 /lit/
20** ...when did I start back up here? Damn waste of time. But some people waste their time on television or video games.

>> No.15037376
File: 295 KB, 480x480, hyeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/y/ + /cm/ -> 2014-2015
/lgbt/ + /sp/ ->2016-2017
/lit/ -> 2018 +

>> No.15037395

"tg" 1 result.
"sci" 1 result.
Is my tg>sci>lit path so unusual?

>> No.15037558

You do realize most of us are turbo racists right?
t. black who hates all other races

>> No.15037561

>2003-4-5 /b/
You must certainly know that it is mandatory that you show your tits in this very moment

>> No.15038321

/mlp/ around 2012, then:
>/lit/ and /his/
I'm being completely serious. I still feel an irrational guilt over my absolute newfagness, but at this point I've moved on from the cringe.

>> No.15038350

I /lit/erally started on /lit/

>> No.15038356

T. Beta male

>> No.15038358

/fit/ came here after /fitlit/

>> No.15038360

started on /g/ and /mu/ about 10 years ago
was a manchild for a while on /co/ until i got back into reading around 6 years ago

>> No.15038386


>1 /x
>2 /his
>3 /lit

>> No.15038395

very true, from pol and tv.

>> No.15038452

I actually started on /lit/ and left because of the constant tripfags and namefags. Now a /his/ man.

>> No.15038465


>> No.15038466


>> No.15038470

Biz has been around since 2014?

>> No.15038471

Were you around for /fitlit/?

>> No.15038473

/his/ is even more cringe than this board.

>> No.15038476


>> No.15038477

/r9k/ was the last good board, and it really sucked

4chan used to be something I could enjoy wasting eight hours on, now it's something I have to waste eight hours on due to a lack of choice

>> No.15038513

find some hobbies mate, you shouldn't be spending 8 hours an any site.

>> No.15038528

Having an eight hour conversation is actually a pretty nice thing sometimes. It used to be a lot of fun. Got a problem, troll?

>> No.15038573
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I started on /fit/

>> No.15038593
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Was depressed and only browsed /tv/ to shitpost about shows and movies I hate-watched. Corona came along, I'm finally reading again. I threw my tv out the window

>> No.15038679

/sci/ -> /lit/ and /a/

>> No.15038695


>> No.15038698

Schizos are pure entertainment

>> No.15038855

/b/ in 2013, > /v/ > /his/ + /lit/ > [s4s] > /bant/ > /out/ > mostly /lit/ nowadays. I've spent at least a little bit of time on a lot of boards but those are the major ones

>> No.15038863

Was on /b/ pretty much exclusively from 2007-2012. Also frequented /r9k/ during its early years. Then I started going to /out/, /trv/ and /pol/ around 2013. I'm a liberal centrist and /pol/ is full of shit I don't agree with and generally asinine stuff, but it also has some of the best meme energy of any board. Since around 2016 I stick with /tv/ (though I don't watch much tv it feels the closest to old /b/), /his/, /lit/, /out/, /ck/ and /pol/.

>> No.15038916

Someone on /b/ made a thread making fun of my posts on Gaia Online, a friend linked me to it, I thought they were the cool kids and wanted to be like them.

>> No.15038925

My story's even worse... I came from GameFAQs

It's okay mods, ban me

>> No.15038943

I suspect this, but now it is confirmed. I hate all of you fuckings retards

>> No.15038945

mlp of course I wanted to cum inside rainbow dash

>> No.15038957

Possibly even late 2013, cant remember. It was created because of the bitcoin and altcoin threads on /g/ around mid-late 2013.

>> No.15038960

I am ashamed to admit it but /r9k/. I browsed there every day for a long time after it came back. Nowadays I stick to /lit/ and /his/, which is definitely better.

>> No.15038972

As for why, I liked books so it was inevitable. My interest in history came directly from my interest in older literature.

>> No.15038990
File: 917 KB, 526x628, christo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an /x/ file but i realized schizo are hard too damaged to find enlightenment so i come in between several months here to bring awakening to anons

>> No.15039139

/b/ like all underage b& then /tg/toy/mu/fit/ for a few years.

Dropped out for a while and now live here in my /lit/ domicile.

>> No.15039145
File: 132 KB, 1024x691, already in debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ & /lit/

That's how my homeboards changed, I still visit all boards here and there, but I mostly stick to biz.

>> No.15039176

I initially came for /tg/ but very quickly switched to /int/; at that time I also used to go to /pol/ very occasionally to lurk /sg/, and it was like that until I sort of stopped coming on this site regularly. I came like a year later to specifically browse /lit/.

>> No.15039192

I actually started here, I guess I like places with a lot of running jokes like Guenon(pbuh) and starting with the greeks

>> No.15039335

same. coincidentally my body went through all Christian Bale modes.

>> No.15039344
