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15034775 No.15034775 [Reply] [Original]

What books will help appreciate aesthetics in a more cerebral way rather than through sensate pleasures?

>> No.15034784

Almost any great work of fiction. It depends if you count imagination as sensual or cerebral though.

>> No.15034800

Yes but what about it makes it beautiful is what I'm asking

>> No.15034849

It's a spiritual sensation. It's like any other emotion except it feels more important and fills you with awe. Your question is akin to asking 'What makes something funny?' or 'What is the essence of humour?'. There is no essence some things are just funny to us, we can describe the general properties the things which are funny have like absurdity shock-value etc, but we can't actually describe why they make us laugh. It's just part of being human.

>> No.15034978
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>> No.15034997

>'What makes something funny?'
That's a legitimate question though. If you can't understand the punchline of the joke you won't find it funny. Similarly it takes a while to enjoy listening to certain types of music but once it clicks you become entranced. The music didn't change but how you listen to it did change. There seems to be a language of aesthetics that needs to be understood.

>> No.15035008


>> No.15035022

Jaques maritan wrote a lot of aesthetic philosophy, often about poetry. Umberto eco wrote a book on aesthetics before he became a nominalist.

>> No.15035024

It's related to the topic of superficial aesthetics.
Which book?

>> No.15035041
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Aesthetics is purely sensate pleasures. That is all that it is. All attempts to ground aesthetics in reason, science or any sense of objectivity, thereby neuter it, murder it.

>> No.15035045

Nice, /ck/ memes

>> No.15035079

I think sensate pleasures is the only thing I actually enjoy. I was super depressed a few years ago and trying to figure out how to be happy and I put together a list of stuff I actually enjoy doing, I came up with sauna, sex, drinking, drugs, lifting, rowing, running, eating.
The most beautiful experience of my life is when I was in high school in this stuffy little basement classroom with some windows that were in little dugouts to let some natural light in, it was like mid-spring, and the teacher had cracked the window, and I was reading or talking or something and this warm breeze came through the room and blew on the back of my neck. That's easily the most dopamines I've ever had in my brain, by like a long shot. I read and look at art and listen to music but none of it makes me happy or gives me pleasure, it's more about other sensations or emotions.
Am I retarded bros?

>> No.15035134

Hedonistic lifestyle doesn't give life any meaning. I mean you can just plug yourself to a machine that pumps dopamine every second if happiness is be all and end all but is laying in your bed all day doing absolutely nothing conducive to a fulfilled life?

>> No.15035300

what you described is a sauna/cold plunge/salami circuit ad infinitum and yeah if I could I would

>> No.15035332

It’s not explicable. Certain things affect humans in certain ways. That’s all.

>> No.15035522

Ape to Apollo by Thomas Bindman

>> No.15036806

>I read and look at art and listen to music but none of it makes me happy or gives me pleasure
Man, I'm the polar opposite. I honestly don't know what I'd do without art, whichever medium it may be (music and film being my favorites). The very best times of my life have been at concerts or involved music in some way. They are moments I felt so viscerally at the time and memories that I cherish closely. I'd probably kill myself if I lost the ability to hear.

>> No.15036869

Just for the record, I never studied aesthetics. That means I don't really know if it is a good book or not, but I've seen the Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics get recommended quite often as entry level material for aesthetics.

>> No.15036876

THE book you can find if you bothered to google for 2 seconds
in case you're absolutely new and have 0 clue, it's the world as will and as representation

>> No.15037568

Does that hurt? How strong is a horn?

>> No.15037581

Try Kant's "Critique of Judgement" and Hume's "On the Standard of Taste".
But that being said, I don't know why anyone would want to experience aesthetics in a cerebral way, I can only feel like it takes the beauty out of it.

>> No.15037600

that's a.. man?

>> No.15037695

Metaphysik des Schönen is a good one too

>> No.15039206


>> No.15039354
File: 111 KB, 1080x1080, 1585483433340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this tactic all the time. Gets more views automatically

>> No.15039356

I just kek'd lmao style

>> No.15039360

You can see he's putting some weight behind it, I imagine it's a good punch in the face w/ a giant fist

edit: OR she

>> No.15039488

Nigger there is no meaning other that what you attribute meaning to, hedonism is meaning just like everything else if you want it to be.