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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 324x500, BLOOD MERIDIAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15033523 No.15033523 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this so fucking good? Why is this so unique? I hardly believed books could make me feel this way and I would love to continue chasing this dragon if that is possible. It's modern so it cant be that great right? there must be superior works from throughout human history right? I have literally never read anything so compelling as this book. I did 5 months in county jail and read over 100 books and only keep a handful fresh in mind of important books I'd even consider on its level. I love this book so much I find myself racing down the page skipping sentences then rereading them thrice just to punish my self. Yes I am just relearning my love for literature but I would appreciate more than anonymous could ever know if you would recommend books that rival this in ENJOYMENT.

>> No.15033524

There's a lot of books in the world beyond Warhammer anon, try reading more

>> No.15033525

While that was a humorous post and I literally laughed out loud, I've actually read a few warharmmer books and found them lacking in merit.

>> No.15033526

because you are a /pol sociopath who fantasizes about violence because you are angry about being a virgin

>> No.15033527

completely wrong. this would be funny except id like serious recommendations.

>> No.15033528

I accept the fact that i'm probably narrowminded but i don't understand why anyone would read books other than non-fiction educational ones (latest i've been reading is The Mind Illuminated)
I just fail to see how fiction in books could give you the same payoff as a film.

>> No.15033529

I've recently came to the conclusion that there is literally nothing in life that is worth my time like a good book is. Film has potential for greatness but it is just so unfulfilled

>> No.15033530

Flowers for Algernon

>> No.15033531

my brain's been fried from years of internet abuse but yeah, it's pretty incredible when you sit down and read. a good book blows any other narrative form out of the water.

>> No.15033532

Child of God
All the Pretty Horses

>> No.15033533

>bro just kill people

>> No.15033534

You'd be surprised lad. There's a reason the "books were better" adage exists. Not simply because a book can be more detailed but it can also evoke, if written well, all the emotions/feelings under the sun. Your imagination of a scene can also provide a vast improvement over anything put to film.

>> No.15033535

Read I am Legend. Dont read any spoilers about it
Its nothing like the movie

>> No.15033536

Its a nice book but Cormac writes too much like its a movie script, though I guess thats why it has the impact it has on a lot of people who arent used to reading much, it presents the story in a way that appeals to movie/tv watchers and makes it easier for non-readers to digest it easily.

>> No.15033537

Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest

>> No.15033538

I guess maybe i'm just wired differently because a book has never evoked anything for me and even when watching films or listening to music i love i don't really feel emotional about it. Like, i understand a mood, atmosphere, when something is sad etc. but it doesn't really evoke that same feeling in me. That's why i always feel like a fraud when normies can say "wow this song made me cry" and even though i claim to be passionate about music no song has ever made me cry.

>> No.15033539
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Why is this the only book /tv/ has ever read

>> No.15033541

it's just a cool book

>> No.15033540

When will infinite jest be adapted?

>> No.15033542

Its the same with The Road and No Country for Old Men.

>> No.15033543

>what is prose
how about you add your favorites to this thread you fucking queer. if they are deserving of meme status they surely will be some day. its not like we want to only rave about this one book.

>> No.15033544

hello harry potter?

>> No.15033545
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>because you are a /pol sociopath who fantasizes about violence because you are angry about being a virgin
Hey thats literally me,so would you reccomend this book for me?

>> No.15033546

You seem to be all to familiar with this train of thought.

>> No.15033547
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Yes, say hello to the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.15033548

>I did 5 months in county jail and read over 100 books
lol if this part is true it's because the books in jail fucking suck. I read like three because the rest were garbage. I got started on something by David Baldacci on my way out that seemed pretty cool but I wouldn't put it on the same level as Blood Meridian. Right now I'm reading Jung and Clancy.

>> No.15033549
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ehhh i read no country, the road, several other good books inside desu. just nothing mind blowing

>> No.15033550
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>> No.15033551
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monte cristo
bros karamazov
therese raquin
bel ami
day of the triffids
grapes of wrath
east of eden
heart of darkness
house of leaves
catcher in the rye

>> No.15033552

>character's hate the father
>He's just a Chad fucking lose bitches and drinking/gambling

>> No.15033553

Wish I had my alyosha folder on my phone to cuck you with the power of christ.

>> No.15033554


>> No.15033555

alyosha was based

>> No.15033556

I have a problem where I really like Monte Cristo for the first third or so but the pacing slows down to such a degree halfway through that I never end up finishing it.

>> No.15033557

You’re probably just autistic

Also if you don’t feel anything when you watch movies on what criteria do you “love” them?

>> No.15033558

it picks up again, he's just slowly preparing all of his plans to set them in motion
it's honestly well worth the read, even if you'd feel you need to force through some parts
i did not have that issue with the books tho
notre dame on the other hand....

>> No.15033559

This is just pseud blather. For one thing, “it presents the story” is itself a retarded statement. There is no story in any conventional sense.

>> No.15033560

Anyone naysaying McCarthy is a psued

Simple as

>> No.15033561

>90% of people in here have never read Moby Dick the whole way through let alone some excerpts they saw in high school

>> No.15033562

Little Women has had a million adaptations, none of them can hold a candle to Mrs. Alcott's written word

>> No.15033563

OP here. I read Moby Dick in 7th grade about 20 years ago but didn't really appreciate it. I've just read someone else recommending it after BM. Can you expand on why that is?

>> No.15033564

books do things no film or TV show can, because it forces the reader to picture the things they're reading in their mind, which elicits a stronger emotional reaction
There's a reason American Psycho is FAR harder hitting than the movie, even though it's also more boring for 80% of it, so maybe a bad example

>> No.15033565
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now that you said that it makes me really sad

>> No.15033566

>Can you expand on why that is?

Because its an actual good book from a time books werent written in the hopes they would become a movie or a tv show, so people considered it as the end medium and actually tried hard to write good prose.

>> No.15033567
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>> No.15033568

I will begin reading it asap. Are you really trying to tell me the prose in BM is bad? I understand your thoughts as I also just read The Road which I understand was partly intended to be a screenplay and which I felt was mediocre in comparison to more traditional books.

>> No.15033569

>I read Moby Dick in 7th grade

I really doubt that you read it, let alone understood a lot of the prose in 7th grade.The full thing is over 1000 pages long.

>Can you expand on why that is?

It's a classic in every sense of the word. To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme. No great and enduring volume can ever be written on the flea, though many there be who have tried it.

>> No.15033570

Seriously isn’t worth your time unless you find 300+ pages of 19th century whaling facts a gripping read

>> No.15033571
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>he didn't get it

>> No.15033572

I'm reading it right now but the chapter titles are kinda ruining it. Each chapter is titled like "Traveling to Tennessee, get in a fight, find a friend, new friend dies, get captured, move on to Texas ect. And then you read exactly what you were just told. I'm trying not to read the chapter headers now cause it's ruining it.

>> No.15033573

You would have to be an actual masochist to read every page of that novel

>> No.15033574

I was extremely autistic in middle school and read books constantly to avoid social situations. I literally won some statewide book report contest several years in a row. Then somehow in my adult life I've averaged half a book per year. Anyway I'm trying to get in to real lit now

>> No.15033575

Nah, Im admittedly shitting on it too much, BM's prose is definitely not as great as a lot of stuff, but its definitely his strongest book and still worth reading, as opposed to The Road or No Country.

>> No.15033576

How did you end up in jail, anon?

>> No.15033577

That is annoying but at least you figured it out. Just like that time when I was 10 and learned to skip the episode openings to DBZ because of the huge spoilers

>> No.15033578

>east of eden


>> No.15033579

Why is this identical thread on /lit/ except this one has way more replies and sincerity

>> No.15033580

lit is a board for pseudo-intellectuals trying to show off how smart they are because they read some excerpt of a book in their philosophy 101 class

>> No.15033581
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 91F28F29-4253-4B00-8B9F-C7C83FC8B6B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ is for members of the based department

>> No.15033582

I was wondering if someone could tell me if it matters or not. I stopped reading them after chapter 5.

>> No.15033583

I tried reading it, but the writing style put me off, did I get filtered?
should I give it another try?

>> No.15033584

At some time the writing will get easier to understand when you get used to it

>> No.15033585
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>Before there was man, coom waited for him

>> No.15033586

i don't find it interesting

>> No.15033587

I didn't really think it was that amazing. I liked it but that was it for me.

>> No.15033588

If you are able to use your imagination, books are way better than films could ever be.
If you're a low IQ NPC who lacks inner monologue, it might not be as fulfilling.

>> No.15033589

the opinions of a woman don't matter

>> No.15033590
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Because you're a "misunderstood genius" pleb and took all the Judge's posturing too seriously, thus missing everything the author was going for.

>> No.15033591


>> No.15033592


>> No.15033593

Ya your post was much more thought provoking than that silly little book.

>> No.15033594

>inner monologue
I never understood this. Is this the same as talking to yourself? Speaking out loud when you're talking a walk by yourself?

>> No.15033595

no that would be an outer monologue lol

>> No.15033596

>There's a reason the "books were better" adage exists
Because people are idiots?

>> No.15033597

Because there are no females in it.

>> No.15033598

>It's modern so it cant be that great right?
You sound basic as hell OP

>> No.15033599

>links to some cunt about harry potter

what is it with you fags and harry potter? is it the only books you know?

>> No.15033600

For someone saying that style is accessible to newcomers, you sound pretty new to that sort of prose. Try the human condition by malraux.

>> No.15033601

what about the little girl the judge keeps as a sex toy?
on second thought, that probably attracted even more /pol/tards

>> No.15033602
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It's a pretty puzzling books because it's the first work that McCarthy begins to elaborate the view of pragmatism and postmodernism, as an answer to the enigmas presented by the oneiric images of his early novels. The Judge embodies McCarthy’s modernist attempt to retrieve a sense of fixed meaning in the world, just as he stands for where that might eventually lead. Especially when Blood Meridian is considered part of “the Border trilogy" it seems more likely that McCarthy is promoting, or at least musing on, postmodern epistemology rather than warning against it. It's almost as though McCarthy created Judge Holden to give voice to a truly Darwinian (or maybe Parfitian/Schopenhaurian) answer to what life is. In a time where so much is ultimatley meaningless, it's not exactly a surprise that the book has resonated so well with modern audiences.

>> No.15033603

... And All the Pretty Horses?

>> No.15033604

not the same non but it's way less refined than Blood Meridian. More maudlin, too. But then again, Blood Meridian doesn't aim high emotionally except for the gut punch ending.

>> No.15033605

It's not about Harry Potter, you nigger, it's about Berkson's paradox.

>> No.15033606

It took me a year and a half to work my way through the damn thing but goddamn if it wasn’t worth it by the end. I felt like the count myself by the finale. Finishing the book rewarded my vengeance.
For the record, Dumas was getting paid to write by the word by the newspaper in which the book was originally published, so that explains why it drags on so much.

I also really enjoyed 11/22/63. One of the few books to make me cry. The Tv show with James Franco was a disaster. Besides the casting of the love interest. She was as beautiful as I had pictured.

>> No.15033607

>grapes of wrath
Based. Makes me proud to be working class.

>> No.15033608

A lot of ppl say its difficult and you gotta take breaks but I read it in two settings

>> No.15033609

She's hardly a 'character'. I do think there is something interesting about all male casts and resonance in culture. The Thing always comes to mind and I think Master&Commander?

>> No.15033610

on what criteria are you judging good or bad prose?

>> No.15033611

Absolutely nothing

>> No.15033612

I don't see how you can justify "maudlin" when there's very little (if any) space given to the character's inner thoughts, feelings, and reflections. "Maudlin" also seems like an uncharitable way to characterise, for example, "wistful" or "melancholic", but even if that were the case in the novel, it's not through the angst of the characters, but through the selection and depiction of incidents, not through any comment by the narrator. In addition, I find it interesting that you say that Blood Meridian doesn't "aim high emotionally". What are you classifying as "high emotions"? I wouldn't say that BM has no emotion, or doesn't aim to inspire any - I'd say it regularly and successfully aims to inspire horror and revulsion.

>> No.15033613

Ah, ok, opinion discarded then

>> No.15033614

>Hack away you mean red nigger!

>> No.15033615

Not even his best book man. Just admit you liked the violence and quit trying to portray yourself as some intellectual

>> No.15033616

Suttreefags pls go

>> No.15033617

It is also about the same level of r*ddit as /co/

>> No.15033618


Unironic NPC who lacks imagination and cannot conjure images in his mind.

>> No.15033619

Ah, but you see, the good of the scorpion is not the good of the frog, no? Excuse me, I've grown quite hweary

>> No.15033620

What a garbage list
Literally copied from a /lit/cuck chart

>> No.15033621

Post a simple top 10. A crumb for us pea brains.

>> No.15033622

You should read Moby Dick. It’s McCarthy’s favorite book and a huge inspiration on Blood Meridian

>> No.15033623

The Judge is right, and that is wrong.

>> No.15033624

Read Without Remorse, that shit was hilarious

>> No.15033625

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15033626
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What's the matter faggot, don't like whaling facts?

>> No.15033627
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>Literally copied from a /lit/cuck chart

>> No.15033628


I just finished the Prince of Nothing trilogy by Bakker, it was quite good.

>> No.15033629

the kid: A NOBODY
the judge: VINCE VAUGHN
glanton: ROBERT ILER

>> No.15033630
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>> No.15033631

I thought this way too until I unironically read the first couple of books in the Hunger Games series when I was 14 or 15 or something like that. Never even saw the films but the books are actually pretty well written, and it was the first time I literally couldn't stop reading and stayed up for hours past when I got "really tired" JUST so I could find out what would happen next.

You'd think the payoff would be less than in a film which is accompanied by auditory and visual spectacle but the fact is you can cram so much more detail and character development and thematic elements into a novel than any film or TV show or anything else really, and this makes it a much deeper experience than anything else IMO. The Witcher 3 and similar well-made RPGs are actually the only thing that comes close.

>> No.15033632
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Nah they talk about Hyperion sometimes too

>> No.15033644
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>> No.15034613

Because Corncob marries the ideas and myths of the Old West and the New West. Because the violence in the book is unflinching and the way the world responds to it, or specifically does not respond it, paints a picture of the frontier no one else really has.


For some insight