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/lit/ - Literature

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1503302 No.1503302 [Reply] [Original]

Books, adorned with beautiful prose and poetry, are usually considered good literature. Like a hollow drum made up of shiny material capable of making a good deal of noise, they attract a lot of attention from humongous students of literature. It is easier to be intellectually satisfied by such ostensible display, the thirst for greatness, which attests the beginning of the journey of a scholar. Whether the greatness is just a shadow of the true concept, is rather beyond such individuals.
Like a rotten but gigantic tree, that shatters at the first strike of lightening to reveal its soulless interior, these books display their meritocracy to the wise, when they approach them with their mind full of knowledge and life full of effort.
For, true greatness lies in the rigor and ideas that are central to the contents and not the embroidery.
It is an idea which sparks off burgeoning wisdom and actuates the reader, than simply provide a moment of pleasure, that is truly great.
And that is why classical literature triumphs mightily when subjected to demeaning comparison with modern literature; modern literature with its roots buried in the intellectual barrenness of the author, than the fertile soil of rigorous efforts and thought.

>> No.1503307

How about you post a useful thread?

>> No.1503309
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Except for the possible spell-check error, its quite
nice. Unless of course you take it as a personal rebuff.

>> No.1503327

meaningless drivel

>> No.1503337

I'm not sure how you expect us to take you seriously if you never bother to back up any of your arguments with evidence. And I think your biggest problem with good prose is that it escapes you: "triumph mightily," "humongous students of literature," etc.

>> No.1503342


>> No.1503349

>Books, adorned with beautiful prose and poetry, are usually considered good literature
kind of circular, at best it doesn't help us get anywhere.

>. Like a hollow drum made up of shiny material capable of making a good deal of noise
You don't specify what noise, it could be anywhere from the sublimest rhythms to mundane banging. Through this metaphor, and your suppression of its affirmative qualities, you throw your whole rhetoric into question. You treat the drum as superficial and empty when it is quite capable of producing a merry fullnesss and vivacity through certain use.

>ue greatness lies in the rigor and ideas that are central to the contents and not the embroidery.
It is an idea which sparks off burgeoning wisdom and actuates the reader, than simply provide a moment of pleasure, that is truly great.
A thoroughly Platonic way of thinking. The idea is inseparable the conditions in which it arises, content is inseparable from from and vice versa. You are like a Plato trying to get people to get people to stop gawking at shadows you don't like the look of, or a Christian telling people to stop having so much fun. Thoroughly life/play-denying.

>> No.1503351

*inseparable from form

>> No.1503370

You cannot mask your lack of evidence with sesquepedalian language

>> No.1503385

8/10. pretty impressed to be honest.

>> No.1503396

What big load of bullshit.

>> No.1503428


>> No.1503446

1. Denigrate singular achievement of flowery and aesthetically pleasing writing.
2. Use needlessly academic diction and purple prose
3. Pretend it's classical even though that's anachronistic and only heightens the hypocrisy of the statements.

>> No.1503476

>1. Denigrate singular achievement of flowery and aesthetically pleasing writing.

That's not being done at all. Read again.

>> No.1503487

OP, I am not sure what you are trying to say.

If you enjoy a book, it is good literature. That simple. Why would you need somebody else's approval to enjoy something? Now, I can see an actual use to defining what is good versus bad literature in the education system, but in terms of a book being used for entertainment it simply should not matter.

>> No.1503491

>academic use
That's right.

>> No.1503513

- Art is subjective
- Experts and scholars do not have an objective better taste

What you think it's good literature is just a consensus more or less defined by everyone, it's not objective, it's not right. You can use all the arguments you want to put the book on a pedestal, other people will have arguments against it.

>> No.1503522

>Art is subjective
misuse of the term 'art'

>> No.1503525

My apologies on the verbose, awkward sentence.

>misuse of the term 'art'
I am not 3513, but elaborate.

>> No.1503529

Yeah, I'm just not taking 4chan too seriously and having a leap of faith that I got my point across with those words.

>> No.1503530

misuse is the wrong word

try misplaced

>> No.1503786

Jumping for bustice.

>> No.1503813

First, subjectivity and objectivity is more or less irrelevant in coming to understand how we use the term 'art'. All we can really use a term like 'art' for is to refer to that set of human works we wish to exemplify or set above the rest, as accepted by the main. What other use could we have for such a term? It's a term used to facilitate communication of a subject; I say "hey dude lets talk about Art" and we will fairly surely have a general idea about what each other is talking about.

Now, with regard to subjectivity in art; this is best represented by the term 'taste'. Everyone has their own tastes which are subjective etc etc. The point is that this doesn't matter when we employ a term like 'art' because we don't use it to refer to subjective tastes, we use to to refer as above. Now, let's take my previous discussion and interpret it like the moron who misuses the term 'art' treats it:
"Dude let's talk about art"
"But art is subjective"
"Yeah but you know what more or less know what I mean when I raise the subject right?"
and so discussion continues without a problem
Now, if someone considers something controversial part of that set, there still isn't a problem because all that needs to be done there is to see whether one needs to expand the set or not to suit whatever relevant need is required in that situation. Expand if you need to, contract if you need to.

>> No.1503854

Except you raised the subject of what is art yourself. I avoided that redundant discussion on what is art to make my point clear. I just said "art" assuming you would understand what I meant, exactly because of what you said. Also, art is not what is "above", for the values for this are also uncertain, subjective.

Besides, OP asked what is GOOD art (specifically literature) and that was what I was talking about, obviously. I was refuting the proposition that stated there is an objective line separating good art from bad art (and art from not-art, which is a whole other subject you went for on your own) or even shades of grey in a scale measuring quality. There is no such scale.

Taste is subjective because the values of taste are based on previous experiences, instinct, emotion and so on, very personal shit. But other than taste, people think that critics and scholars have an objectively better opinion, for they judge more on knowledge than feeling (less about taste), so they should know when something is good. Except there is no straight line from bad to good art. Literature or art experts disagree on a lot of subjects, have different opinions and of course, different experiences and knowledge. You cannot ignore that the judgement is always attached to the judge.

responding to tripfag troll

>> No.1503945
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> I was refuting the proposition that stated there is an objective line separating good art from bad art (and art from not-art, which is a whole other subject you went for on your own) or even shades of grey in a scale measuring quality. There is no such scale.


>> No.1503969

>Books, adorned with beautiful prose and poetry, are usually considered good literature. Like a hollow drum made up of shiny material capable of making a good deal of noise,

>For, true greatness lies in the rigor and ideas that are central to the contents and _not_ the _embroidery_.

>It is an idea which sparks off burgeoning wisdom
>than simply provide a moment of pleasure

>its roots buried in the intellectual barrenness of the author
>rigorous efforts and thought.

You read it again, dipshit. You're probably the one who wrote it and you don't even understand what you're actually arguing. Jesus christ.

>> No.1503970

>Except you raised the subject of what is art yourself
No-one has raised the subject of what art is in this thread

>I just said "art" assuming you would understand what I meant
Yeah, I understood you actually meant 'taste'

>art is not what is "above", for the values for this are also uncertain, subjective.
You haven't understood a single line of what I wrote

>OP asked what is GOOD art
no he didn't

>I was refuting the proposition that stated there is an objective line separating good art from bad art
You must like arguing against yourself a lot I guess, idk because no-one else has said anything about that

Taste is subjective because the values of taste are based on previous experiences, instinct, emotion and so on, very personal shit. But other than taste, people think that critics and scholars have an objectively better opinion, for they judge more on knowledge than feeling (less about taste), so they should know when something is good. Except there is no straight line from bad to good art. Literature or art experts disagree on a lot of subjects, have different opinions and of course, different experiences and knowledge
Whatever, you're the only person who is concerned with that in this thread. Everything I have said applies just as much to classifying categories of the set 'art', and there is no problem, and subjectivity and objectivity are more or less irrelevant.

>Literature or art experts disagree on a lot of subjects, have different opinions and of course, different experiences and knowledge. You cannot ignore that the judgement is always attached to the judge.
Cool, but that doesn't grind our ability to use the term 'art', or to map out correctly different categories in such a set, to a halt in any way

>> No.1503971

I'm saying the scale does not exist objectively, it's personal and it depends on your values. Sounds weird, like I could compare any shit to Portinari, Munch, Michelangelo or whatever, but the point is that no matter how obvious it looks, it's not separated from personal experience and taste.

Let's put it this way: prove that the scale exists on a higher level than opinion.

PS: saturday night, I'm going out, see ya tomorrow

>> No.1503974


>> No.1503977

>not saging
thanks for announcing that you're late to the party 'bro-hemoth'

>> No.1503983 [DELETED] 

>I'm saying the scale does not exist objectively, it's personal and it depends on your values.
This is irrelevant to how we use a term like 'scale' in the discourse of art.

>it's not separated from personal experience and taste

>prove that the scale exists on a higher level than opinion.

>> No.1504001



>> No.1504027

Bats don't use cream.

>> No.1504028

Unlike you I have shit to do with my day. I came home and saw this thread still here.

>> No.1504035

I like this post. One of the reasons I get pissed off with a lot of your shit is because you sometimes post stuff as clear and cogent as this.

>> No.1504058

too bad the shit you do with your day is just as pointless isnt it?

>> No.1504082
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>> No.1504083

what job do you do?

>> No.1504093
File: 82 KB, 310x251, DavidMitchell46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tybrax is a rentboy. He works for older men he meets on craigslist.
that's the story of how I met tybrax

>> No.1504107

fucking hell i dont know why i tell some of you these things on msn.

i'm addicting to buying clothes noww though so i need the money also i only suck dick -_-

>> No.1504108

Is there anybody here who is not a faggot?

>> No.1504112

i'm not gay but yeah there seems to be alot of homosexuals on this board especially the really faggy ones that think being gay makes them superior (really need to get over their repressed homophobia and read the joy of gay sex)

>> No.1504114
File: 147 KB, 352x346, DavidMitchell33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that you do this for money
But I thought what we had was special and it hurts me to know you're out there with strangers and not cuddling up with me ;_;

>> No.1504117

Nono. I figured all of you are gay from the general posts. I was asking with the abnormal sense of the word.

>> No.1504119
File: 138 KB, 302x329, DavidMitchell9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am who I am, please don't judge me for it.

>> No.1504141





>> No.1504142

What do you think of the O post?

>> No.1504152

Why are all the annoying tripfags from the shit side of Edinburgh.

>> No.1504156
File: 139 KB, 323x335, DavidMitchell21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not from Leith.

>> No.1504158

shitty leith apartment fag should take up a trip :)

>> No.1504160

Aren't you from Georgie way?

Also; I'm not from Leith... although, I do live in an apartment in Albion Place across from "leith's San Siro"

>> No.1504162
File: 75 KB, 247x238, DavidMitchell25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw man. Not Gorgie.

>> No.1504163 [DELETED] 

I'm surprised I'm even remembered. I've only mentioned it like once or twice.

>> No.1504164

I'm surprised I'm even remembered. I've only mentioned it like once or twice.

>> No.1504167

My lovely tybrax remembers everything :3

>> No.1504176

Then where do you hail. And let's face it, I shouldn't really be making fun of anywhere in Edinburgh... I mean, it's not like we're in Glasgow or Dundee right?
So I have noticed/

>> No.1504182
File: 113 KB, 331x286, DavidMitchell41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live near the bypass. Let's leave it at that.

>> No.1504187


>> No.1504209
File: 64 KB, 499x936, ThePhilosophyofCrunk-7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its basically impossible to define but you know it when you see it, hope this helps

>> No.1504235

Ayn's hair is kind of weird

>> No.1504657

Pop fiction is a writer's personal fantasy that is also the fantasy of a large population of readers.

Classics are books that colorfully illustrate human emotions in a unique way. Readers like them not to fantasize, but simply for the certain human qualities that it reminds them of. Humans experience so many things at once, but a classical book hones in on a few experiences and exemplifies them so that the reader may relate.

>> No.1504678

Good literature...

==> Anything written in French from 1800 to 1900.

Beyond that, it has to be decided each book separately.

>> No.1504715
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