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File: 15 KB, 220x258, 220px-OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15032341 No.15032341 [Reply] [Original]

>wrote a book shitting on women
>shot himself in the heart at 23

so Sex and Character is basically a hormone-induced 'waman blame' rant of an involuntary celibate.

>> No.15032352

he's still right

>> No.15032361

>we must die virgin and marry God


>> No.15032362

>not a book about literally shitting on women and metaphorically shooting oneself in the heart at 23

>> No.15032485

Imagine what he would have created had he lived, Sex and Character is the work of true intelligence.

>> No.15032522

ofc like minded hormone-induced an involuntary celibates will agree

>> No.15032538

Incels should unironically start loving themselves, it's just pathetic the way they have no control over their own minds

>> No.15032566

he shot himself because he was a Jew, which is essentially a female creature.

>> No.15032658

Bros.. How can i become based like him ?

>> No.15032679

The real redpill is that all continental """"""""""""""philosophy""""""""""""""" is of exactly the same caliber.

>> No.15032687


>> No.15032688

Ya, but that is irrelevant to its merits as an attempt to understand the world

>> No.15032699

How though?

>> No.15032703
File: 41 KB, 412x412, simperino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15032704

It's stupid to kill yourself but good thing he shot himself in the heart. If you die as the result of brain trauma, then you pretty much destroy any chance of an afterlife because the shut down sequence isn't able to happen. This enables the physiological shut down to occur. It isn't rocket science.

>> No.15032706


>> No.15032707

I always thought simp meant simpleton. I've since stopped using this word after looking it up to discover it's the reddit version of cuck and means submissive rather than simpleton. Very low IQ and reddit meme.

>> No.15032711

holy based

>> No.15032713

>has pseudoscience gone to far
I kekd at your post

>> No.15032810

he was gay

>> No.15033253

was he really gay?

>> No.15033289

What do I read to acquire such a dumb and based belief?

>> No.15033311

It's a twitter nigger meme that reddit latched onto because it's the non-edgy version of cuck
Anyone using it is automatically identifiable as a faggot

>> No.15033328

i fucked a drunk chick at a club
what are you going to do now faggot

>> No.15033360

so she didn't consent.

>> No.15033372

be yourself

>> No.15033382

drunk = consent

>> No.15033403

He’s 100% correct about women though

>> No.15033414
File: 152 KB, 340x338, 1504949914351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting pussy consume your mind

Stop stressing over stupid shit, lads.

>> No.15033430


>> No.15033434

The more you masturbate and fuck, the more you want to fuck and have sex. It's unfortunate. Spiritual masters were right to suggest removing yourself from these snares and withdraw to a monestary.

>> No.15033437

to the like minded involuntary celibates, yes.
Besides there's no valuable idea that can be developed at that age to be worth hearing out.

>> No.15033488

Literally every noteworthy scientist made their big discovery before they were 30.

>> No.15033642

Not really. You just have to be a mental weakling to let you life revolve around trying to get laid.

>> No.15033645

can you say the same for literature? no. think why.

>> No.15033651


>> No.15033677

You don't need to read anything. It's logic. If you read this mans sentence and use the power of logic, then logic will tell you that there is n fact an ABSOLUTE-TRUTH in this statement.

>> No.15033687

>imagine being this dense

>> No.15033689

What the fuck are you even on about?

>> No.15033781

>resorted to personal attack
I won btw

>> No.15033802

Fuck outta here
Did you expect a college dissertation on your faggot post?

Eat my dick nigga.

>> No.15033807
File: 75 KB, 779x708, Im_Disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought of simpleton too, what the hell

>> No.15033816

get with the times

>> No.15033825

unfortunately I'm too old for this shit

>> No.15033851

You're here, you should know.

>> No.15033926

The thing is that gays are basically women. Probably everyone has had this experience: you are about to address a gay man as "sir" but it feels inappropriate--you don't want to offend. Should I say "ma'am" instead? It feels more fitting but how do I know he won't be offended by that? As a result you awkwardly fall silent and walk away.

This should reveal to us that woman's personality is wholly unattractive. When it is isolated in a gay man, this is obviously the case. Therefore, it is woman as an aesthetic object that is actually attractive to us. Personality be damned--which of us will really say that we would desire to share a conversation with our girlfriend, wife, or love interest if her personality were present in a man instead? No one, perhaps.

It is only women and other gays that are "drawn" to the feminine/gay personality--and this can hardly be called true friendship. The stark incongruity of the words "friend" and "woman" makes this immediately evident. Women and gays desire sexual relationships because they are ultimately base creatures. Men on the other hand desire sex as a means of self-assertion--hardly noble but certainly more understandable. The more a man becomes sexual, the more he is in danger of becoming a woman. Sex to the man is like a dangerous toxin to which he is trying to develop an immunity. Gays and women are totally overwhelmed by this poison to the point that they it no longer appears to them as a foreign substance.

>> No.15033977
File: 31 KB, 600x600, HermeticGlassStorageJar1-6_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open the jar Anon, we need to put his brain in before it's too late!

>> No.15034082

>Probably everyone has had this experience: you are about to address a gay man as "sir" but it feels inappropriate

>> No.15034095

Amazing writing right here. Grade A shit. My thoughts brought into reality.

>> No.15034173

But that’s wrong, you fucking retard

>> No.15034211

based retard

>> No.15034485

Read meditations and then go from there
You are placing your happiness in the hands of other people and you are letting your own judgment of yourself cloud your own rationality
You will think "he's right but how will knowing this get me laid?" but this is the exact kind of thinking that's keeping you enslaved to your own judgment

>> No.15034653

he argued for the decriminalization of homosexuality and disposed heterosexual relationships. he knew what he was talking about, why put up with a deceitful, emotional, irrational foid when you could spend the rest of your life with another rational, intelligent man who pushes you to be your best self instead of holding you back?

>> No.15034662

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?

>> No.15034686

No, it was some delicious rape that made her feel ashamed

>> No.15034746

>Incels should unironically start loving themselves
True, the way they place women on pedestal is just sad. Although Weininger stays based and true, no matter was he incel or not.

>> No.15035956


Yes, and it also happens to be true. A reasonable psychological explanation for a work which implicates the weakness of its author, and the truth of the work itself, are not mutually exclusive things.

You can whine about women in an unattractive way and still be intellectually correct in doing so, and this is what Weininger did. But the human as a social animal is naturally inclined to hate whining, and to disregard whatever truth content it may have.

>> No.15036029

Also women's wombs are filled with soil and they have an inverted dick that falls out if they try to vault a fence if they do any kind of strenuous activity. If they get horny its because they have too much blood and so you need to cut them to get the horniness out.

>> No.15036190


>> No.15036230

He was actually gay, a self hating gay jew. Thats why he hated women and Jews. Gays often hate women. Maybe they resent women because they aren't attracted to women, not sure.

>> No.15036360

I imagine it's their sole existence which makes them feel abnormal in society
I am straight (pbum) and I love gays because they embody my wish to live without the lust of women

>> No.15036370

Being gay would just mean you would have even worse lust for men , which can't be satisfied because most men are straight

>> No.15036597

Gay men are like jews, because they're a minority they all know each other and have their gay communities and shit