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File: 33 KB, 400x400, richard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15027120 No.15027120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he the most nietzschean man alive currently?

>> No.15027131
File: 601 KB, 570x570, acc_pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would he fall on here?

>> No.15027145

>*why yes my croissants are very Faustian*
>*why yes I threw my ex-wife down the stairs for not wanting to watch James Bond with me*
>*why yes I surround myself with young twink boys*

>> No.15027149

Moldbug is correct. The right can't into quality control.

>> No.15027151

Is that the new leader of the British Labour Party Keir Starmer?

>> No.15027152

>gets punched in the face and then cries about civility

>> No.15027162

Leftist trannies cry a river when someone actually uses any amount of force against them lol.
He's actually pretty far left desu.

>> No.15027171

Wasn't Nietzsche opposed to nationalism and anti-semitism?

>> No.15027177

Nietzsche wasn't a nazi

>> No.15027179

Not necissarily. Only if you retardly make his abstractions and stances extremely streamlined and unnuanced.

>> No.15027182

Ever read Nietzsche? The guy clearly had a deep contempt for the Nose tribe

>> No.15027185
File: 74 KB, 777x822, gerarfgeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzschean? No.

Apollonian on the other hand? Dare I say yes.

>> No.15027192

>Not necissarily.
Read On The Genealogy of Morality and tell me ADL wouldn't label it "hate speech"

>> No.15027205

Spencer isn't a nationalist though. He's an imperialist or some shit.

Also Nietzsche was a raging anti-semite and would be put in prison for it if he had lived today.

>> No.15027212

Unequivocally, yes.
These people are retards who have never read Nietzsche.

>> No.15027222
File: 311 KB, 1687x492, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked up this dude. Seems like a scumbag. No way a Nietzschean would live with so much ressentiment

>> No.15027225

what does the upper left entail?

>> No.15027228

>not liking capitalism means you're far left. there is no such thing as an illiberal right wing critique of capitalism

lolbert or leftist, anon?

>> No.15027236

Spencer is 100% interplanetary tech-fash manifest galaxy btw.

>> No.15027237


>> No.15027254

He loved them for the same reason everyone else at the time hated them. He thought struggle and suffering had made them totally merciless and amoral, which is of course a good thing.
He is only willing to subject himself to pain for the promise of deferred pleasure, a profoundly Christian worldview. Not Nietzschean by any stretch.

>> No.15027268

you better be a royalist syndicalist anon

>> No.15027298

Is there an explanation of each of these somewhere?
PS: Archeofuturist Miyazaki Patchwork gang here

>> No.15027302

>Also Nietzsche was a raging anti-semite
prove it

>> No.15027330

What is the The Will to Power

>> No.15027412


>It must be taken into the bargain, if various clouds and disturbances—in short, slight attacks of stupidity—pass over the spirit of a people that suffers and WANTS to suf-fer from national nervous fever and political ambition: for instance, among present-day Germans there is alternately the anti-French folly, the anti-Semitic folly, the anti-Pol-ish folly, the Christian-romantic folly, the Wagnerian folly, the Teutonic folly, the Prussian folly (just look at those poor historians, the Sybels and Treitschkes, and their closely bandaged heads), and whatever else these little obscura-tions of the German spirit and conscience may be called.

> Meanwhile, they rather wish and desire, even somewhat importunely, to be insorbed and absorbed by Europe, they long to be finally settled, authorized, and respected somewhere, and wish to put an end to the nomadic life, to the ‘wandering Jew’,—and one should certainly take account of this impulse and ten-dency, and MAKE ADVANCES to it (it possibly betokens a mitigation of the Jewish instincts) for which purpose it would perhaps be useful and fair to banish the anti-Semitic bawlers out of the country.

-Beyond Good and Evil


>> No.15027413

Trips of Truth

>> No.15027543

How dare you read the author being discussed and post excerpts of his books here? WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???

>> No.15027563

He jacks himself off to the thought of bottom left of the upper right quadrant, but in reality he is merely a contributor to the LARP economy putting him firmly in the service of topr right of the upper left quadrant

>> No.15027564

>nietzschean man
wow nice meaningless words buddy
great post cunt

>> No.15027577

>Archeofuturist Miyazaki Patchowrk
>Interplanetary Thechnofascist Manifest Galaxy
>Post-Scarcity Post-Female Mass Technoreclusion
Those sound pretty good!

>> No.15027581
File: 74 KB, 461x346, scammer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this man is.

>> No.15027593

Don't bother, these morons have already decided le moustache man is "their guy", actual evidence of the contrary means nothing

>> No.15027704

>Nietzsche was a raging anti-semite

Beyond Good and Evil, §251:
>The Jews, however, are beyond all doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race at present living in Europe


>> No.15027945
File: 28 KB, 128x128, pepemods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol he's a pathetic spoiled bitchbaby

>> No.15027970

is that richard spencer? Wow, the moustache does a lot for him.

>> No.15027999
File: 49 KB, 454x463, 1567881582436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fcuking brainlet, imagine being this dumb

Read On the Genealogy of Morality and then get back to me

>> No.15028023

swiss cheese, caramelized onion and mushrooms, That is hot stuff

>> No.15028076

The jews he critiques in On the Genealogy of Morals are not the jews you hate, they are the ancient Judaic people who were the foundations of early Christianity. I'm not the guy you were responding to and I'm an anti-semite btw you fucking retard

>> No.15028093
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1570895642029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an anti-semite
Imagine using ""their"" words

>> No.15028103

ok cool faggot you're still wrong though

>> No.15028116

I still can't believe there are people on this site that actually believe there are a group of boogeymen pulling strings and preventing them from getting a girlfriend. People at the top of the chain don't even know what they are doing half the time

>> No.15028137

Good, you shouldn't believe it, because no one has that opinion.

>> No.15028144

Marxists are a weird bunch, anon.

>> No.15028168

I'm half-Jewish do you hate me anon?

>> No.15028169
File: 330 KB, 522x616, 20171014_221344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another bugman of the same worldly coin.

>> No.15028226

Is it an entry from rationalwiki?

>> No.15028275

ex-human pangalactic strip mining singularity
bring on the von neumann machines desu

>> No.15028285
File: 265 KB, 334x393, 1546201078510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing jewpedia

>> No.15028302

>Archeofuturist Miyazaki Patchowrk gang
No globohomo vampire-elite enslavement. Cringe

>> No.15028308

His fatal flaw is he has no charisma yet wishes to lead.

>> No.15028641

>*why yes I threw my ex-wife down the stairs for not wanting to watch James Bond with me*
>*why yes I surround myself with young twink boys*

>> No.15028655
File: 78 KB, 480x640, Mike Peinovich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike Enoch will lead. Richard is the thought leader.

>> No.15028664

Well sorry, not all of us use /pol/ or the daily stormer for our sources

>> No.15028679

>but jjeeewwwsss have israeelll!!!
>the white man needs special treatment!
>give me safe space for white peopel!

he is slave morality in incarnate.

>> No.15028686

>/pol/ meetup 2003

>> No.15028713

>aww we should let niggers into our country because they need our help and we must serve them

Fuck off you slave morality libtard

>> No.15028715

It's funny if you read Kalergi you'll realize that Richard Spencer has a really similar goal, the breakdown of every European ethnicity into one homogeneous pan European race

>> No.15028729
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>> No.15028753
File: 35 KB, 642x750, How_to_find_out_who_is_behind_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites shouldn't have homelands
>whites don't need their own governments
>whites don't even need advocacy groups or their interests represented
>kikes must have their totalitarian ethnostate safe space on stolen land they have purged of racial enemies though

>> No.15028768

>they long to be finally settled, authorized, and respected somewhere, and wish to put an end to the nomadic life, to the ‘wandering Jew’
lol what a retard. can’t believe you guys take this moron seriously

>> No.15029268
File: 259 KB, 1687x492, 1586119594925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029396
File: 502 KB, 1516x1000, sloterdijk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.15029397

Go back to /pol/ fucking dumb nut.
Nietzsche praised Napoleon, not losers kraut cunts.

>> No.15029434


>> No.15029442

fucking kek

>> No.15029542

seethe harder faggot, your incel daddy was a loser and so are you

>> No.15029679

Many whites have their own homeland. But why do so many white nationalists desire a "white" homeland? The idea of giving up our national identity (I'm American btw) for some giant nation founded upon our skin color alone is stupid.
Wouldn't one giant "ethnostate", if you could call it that, just kill the individual cultures many neo-nazis claim that they want to conserve?

>> No.15029699

>Wouldn't one giant "ethnostate", if you could call it that, just kill the individual cultures
To an extent, yes it would do this.
However, the argument rests on the fact that unless whites banded together and established a safe-haven, these individual cultures will inevitably be wiped out in the long term due to mass immigration in to Europe and the fostering of 'multiculturalism' as we see in London and Paris, where immigrations from Africa, the Middle East and Asia are slowly replacing the people, and by extension, their culture.

>> No.15029732
File: 218 KB, 1180x556, Screenshot from 2020-04-05 19-39-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's becoming a leftist

>> No.15029747

The alt right boring in 2020 so I don't blame him

>> No.15029758

Not this guy >>15029699, but I'd like to add on to what he said.

Many nationalisms or national (ethnic) identities are the product of different peoples banding together because they realize they are more like each other than they are some greater external threat.

The ancient Greeks are a good example of this. Panhellenism became a much more attractive thing, sometimes highly idealized, after the experience the Greeks had with the Persians. The Greeks had never been united up to that point, and there was considerable regional variation within Greece, but their experience fighting off powerful foreigners made them conscious of the fact that they were more similar to each other than they were to the Persians, and that they had (at least some) common interests. It's anachronistic to call this nationalism, but it demonstrates how experiences with foreigners can strengthen (or create) national (ethnic) identity.

The Irish are another, more modern example of this. There had never been an Irish nation state before British colonization, and the various Irish tribes were often in conflict with each other, and as everywhere, there was considerable regional variation. But experience under British rule made people in Ireland realize they had more in common with each other than they did the foreigners who were ruling them, and that they had (at least some) common interests.

>> No.15029765

"White" is a term used in settler colonies like America, Canada, south Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc to describe their individual culture. There really aren't "white nationalists" in Europe, there are French nationalists and Polish nationalists and Danish nationalists etc. A white nationalist in America is for Americans what a French nationalist is for Frenchmen in France. I don't really know of any white nationalists who want the entire West to be a single state, they merely want to return America to what it was founded as and existed as for the vast majority of existence, a culturally Anglo nation open to ethnically-European immigrants.

>> No.15029792

>the far right is actually far left because they both oppose capitalism

>> No.15029809

>still buying into the left-right binary

>> No.15029818

Yes, that's what I'm criticizing him for

>> No.15029833

Brooom BIKE BIKE, "Start Ignite, start my brain"

>> No.15029850

i was kidding, i know he's still a rightoid.

fascists and right-wing populists correctly diagnose society's problems but then always propose retarded solutions that will end in epic failure.

>> No.15029861

>unlike Marxists

>> No.15029862

But that's literally what the left did and still does

>> No.15030051

This is unironically the best answer I've ever received in regards to Pan-European Nationalism.
Every self described "white" nationalist I have met in America just has a fetish for Hitler's Nazi party. I've never heard any of them once advocate for strengthening our national identity or culture (America unironically has culture it's just dying). They seem to just believe in some weird pan-european ethnostate. From what I've experienced, first-hand, is that many of them want to leave the U.S. to go and settle in Europe.
I am what is defined as white, blond hair, now turning brown as I age, pale skin, blue eyes. I have been called European many times, and I have rejected the title.
Also a lot of them LARP as Christians, yet act like degenerates.

>> No.15030072

You use that word but I don't think you know what it means

>> No.15030562

I've been active in these circles for the pact few years and I don't think I've ever met a single American nationalist who wanted to move to Europe lmao, generally the move is to go to the PNW. That right off the bat makes me suspicious of wherever you're getting your info because it sound like some kind of made-up Vox caricature. Most white nationalists don't describe themselves as white nationalists, that's something boomer skinheads do. If you're looking at actual far right groups in America the only one I can think of that has an explicit fetishization of Germany is Atomwaffen and they're basically just a satanic terrorist group at this point.

>> No.15030586

He's a huckster, and an egomaniac. He hangs out with the most unaesthetic, uncool people possible, and pretends that he is some kind of neo-fascist natsoc. The reality is that he is a cryptohomosexual who shills for twitter followers and superchats, with no actionable goals besides securing a white twink boyfriend.

>> No.15030589

Didn't Nietzcsseshe actlually avoid description of his superman? He mostly described the effects he would have

>> No.15030591

based and fayepilled

>> No.15030595

>Most white nationalists don't describe themselves as white nationalists
most retarded thing ive heard in a while kek. just admit that america was a mistake from the beginning. it always was a enlightenment project, founded by bunch of losers-back-home (see irish, italian, etc), back-stabbers (germans after 1848, etc), money thirsty hedonist (modern european “entrepreneurs”, or even like elon musk). you need to bear the consequences of the actions of your ancestor - thats tradition, a culture, a civilization

>> No.15030609

america the concept =/= america the civilization. propositional america was garbage, that's why it doesn't exist. sadly, it's coming back. that's why the nation has to fight it.

>> No.15030618


>> No.15030634

how. this is the basis of all revolutionary conservatism. our people now =/= our people; reviving the eternal aspect ("the spirit" in spengler or faye's terms) is all that's worth focusing on.

>> No.15030658

the conclusion of ts eliot and ezra pound was to give up on america and "go back". do ponder on this.

>> No.15030684
File: 1.31 MB, 1296x1414, 20200214_190800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big lenny came close to being the ubermensch, or in his terms the ultimate "non cookie cutter"

>> No.15031190


>> No.15031215


>> No.15031332
File: 2.36 MB, 1500x1466, rick spen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he's just a guy looking for shekels and sheeple to follow him. He has an inflated ego and is showman for the most part.
He's not stupid or entirely ingenuine, but he's not a revolutionary

>> No.15031350

Fusion of manifest galaxy with miyazaki patchwork

>> No.15031357

This is supposed to make us not like him?

>> No.15031440

It makes him look gayer but also handsomer.

Pan-burger swiss cheese onionarium

I feel bad that he had to leave his wife (assuming he wasn't keeping his work from her).

Any man who can spontaneously scream "octoroon" is a king

Why is wikipedia such trash around anything that gets any level of attention through its connection to American politics?

If I had to guess what actually happened, China releasing it to embarrass the West, peel Europe away from the USA, and maybe take a punt at unelecting Blonald Blormf, I would give about a 40% chance.

>why do so many white nationalists desire a "white" homeland?
Because we're politically classified as white, get parasited off by people who aren't white, and simply wish to live by ourselves with our own way of doing things. It will also build loyalty to the state, so it will be possible to engage in civic life again and contribute to societay in a way that feels meaningful.
Plus there's the already garbage treatment of whites inside the West, so why would we want to be in that?

Swiss cheese and mush is not a culture

Also being nordic and finding no appeal in white nationalism is pretty normal. White nationalism is for slavs, meds, hispanics, expats, basically people who have a history lived on the edge of the white world. This is quite normal if you look at the example of Chinese nationalism and how it was made up of Americanised Christians, or Korean nationalism and how it was made up of Americanised Christians and possibly Manchurians and Central Asians (idk), or Turkish nationalism and how it was made up of Greeks and Jews (along with expats from Germany), or Russian nationalism and how it was made up of Germans and ethnic minorities.
"What do they know of whypippo, who only whypippo know?"

>at this point
They weren't at some point?
I thought they were O9A inspired from the start. Did they come out of the IronMarch forums? Idk.

>with no actionable goals besides securing a white twink boyfriend.
So he's based?

>> No.15031451

Uncanny... has dicky spencer shifted glowrole? Kier stirner = der stormer? My schizosenses are tingling.

>> No.15031628

>*why yes I threw my ex-wife down the stairs for not wanting to watch James Bond with me*
She made vows. Why was she being such a bitch?

>> No.15031637

deep irony on this one

>> No.15031751

He’s a kike

>> No.15031779

Yeah, but it just looked like something from rationalwiki

>> No.15032205

Underrated. I would Appolone him in the butt.

>> No.15032270

>implying there's a functional difference between rationalwiki and wikipedia in 2020

>> No.15032355

Has he pivoted into a different (left-wing) ideology yet like every other 2015-2017 right wing eceleb?

>> No.15032359


Kike puppet

>> No.15032368

He looks like he was made out of clay so yes

>> No.15032369


He does what his glownigger handler tells him to do.