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15026750 No.15026750 [Reply] [Original]


Its over ,debate is long over
Non dualism is the highest metaphysical truth.
Mystics,sages from any tradition ,religion through time repeat this truth again and again .
Dualism can be a learning stage but eventually you have to go beyond it.

Instead of seething , accept that metaphysics are done and nondualism is the last truth therefore you can begin some spiritual practice,initiation whatever until you realize in experience for yourself that it is absolute truth which requires no belief when you reach a certain threshold .
Where there is doubt there can be no truth only inner core knowledge can dispel the illusion.

''The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.'' -Meister Eckhart
Start with Shankara

>> No.15026830

Hello based department? I have an urgent case

>> No.15026868


>Defining things by what they are not

Cringe. So monism? Pluralism? Say what you mean you umbrellatermed fuck.

>> No.15026891

Is this the same as the fabled 'contemplation' Guénonians speak of? How do I start with it? Like what do I do to pop my contemplation cherry? Let's say I have 30 minutes today to contemplate.

>> No.15026934
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>raises finger
Not two
remove layer by layer
My dearest fren im glad you asked https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Ashtavakra-Gita-ebook.pdf

>> No.15026949

Guernon is such an unbearable faggot and faggots are also all of those who follow his beliefs.

>> No.15026993

Being an unbearable faggot is a small price to pay for this spotless bliss that I abide in at every moment

>> No.15027002

Advaita not your flavor hylic piglet?
No worries we have many options on the menu

>> No.15027014

Non Dualism can't possibly lose. Because if the other side wins it wins too.

>> No.15027286


>> No.15027307
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please explain what nondualism is anon

>> No.15027655
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Not two.

>> No.15027731

The individual soul in it's true nature is none other than God

>> No.15027770

>there is the one and maya
>free yourself from the maya
>but all is one
non dualism isn't non-dualistic.

>> No.15027815

the fact God sustains all there is and shines a light in our mind, giving us the intellect, doesn't mean we are all God. What happens is that people think the self is the intellect solely when it's not --- the intellect gives us capacity to define ourselves, that is given by God, but we are not only intellect.

>> No.15027936

What you describe is a common misconception by people who have not studied Advaita. When we mistakenly perceive a rope to be a snake in the dark, the snake never actually existed at all and there was just the one rope by itself all along; hence maya does not comprise the non-duality of Brahman since Brahman Itself is unaffected by maya and in spiritual enlightenment it's realized that maya was never a real "thing" to begin with. Liberation is a sort of "recollection" that there was actually only one thing all along.

>people think the self is the intellect solely
>but we are not only intellect.
Advaita teaches that our true nature is the Self, which is not the intellect but something separate from it

>> No.15027952

advaita calls the intellect "atman", it's the same thing in the end (self/spirit/atman/intellect). we are not only atman.

>> No.15027967
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>> No.15027985

No it's not. The intellect is in the mind. The atman's got nothing to do with the mind

>> No.15028061


>One should add that the Spirit in Hindu and Buddhist terminology is referred to as Atman; in Egyptian as Amon, in the Jewish tradition as Ruah2 and in the Chinese as Ch'i (Tai Ch'i or Wu Ch'i to avoid the limited meaning of Ch'i in martial arts). Again, the medieval theologians and physicians distinguished between Animus vel Intellectus (the spiritual foundation of man) and Anima (the psyche, including the mind or mental processes). It is unfortunate that the term "soul" is currently used interchangeably for both Animus and Anima, but such is perhaps inevitable since many contemporary theologians, while paying lip service to the spirit, in fact perceive the world in Cartesian terms.3

rama was born as hindu and was the son of ananda


>> No.15028085

>The immediate conclusion which results from these considerations is that as long as the being is not only in the human state but in any manifested state whatsoever, individual or supra-individual, there can be for him no effective difference between the spirit and the intellect, nor consequently between true spirituality and true intellectuality. In other words, in order to reach the final and supreme goal, there is for such a being no other way than the ray itself by which the being is tied to the spiritual Sun. Whatever the apparent diversity of ways that exist at the point of departure, they all must be united sooner or later in this one “axial” way. And when the being has followed this latter to its end, he “will enter into his own Self”, from which he had never departed except in an illusory manner; since the Self, which analogically one calls spirit, essence or some other preferred name, is identical to the absolute reality in which all is contained, that is, to the supreme and unconditioned Atma.

>> No.15028094
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>advaita calls the intellect "atman"
That's completely wrong, see Shankara's explanation in pic related for the correct answer
he doesn't even say that the intellect and the Atman are the same in that quote you posted

>> No.15028121

>there can be for him no effective difference between the spirit and the intellect,
what he is effectively saying there is that as long as someone is subject to spiritual ignorance then the two are perceived to be identical, because the former is mistakenly identified with the latter, but in the process of spiritual instruction the aspirant is taught by his teacher to distinguish between the two and in spiritual illumination the mistaken identification of the two comes to an end.

>> No.15028152

it matters little if you see the intellect as a synonym for atman, i.e. that superior part of the soul that is part of the nous. in the end the self is not that part alone. that is God's part in fact. non-dualists think they are the perfect Being/Self for being made in His image but they are not. man's self is defined by space and time while God isn't

>> No.15028193

God gave us capacity for saying "I" when He made us in His image, but that doesn't mean our "self" is the same as His, which is the perfect Being. each person has his own consciousness

>> No.15028205

Ultimately only God can be but since I'm his idea and desire I consider multiplicity to be great.

>> No.15028384

Explain your book, what does it teach? Why should I read it?

>> No.15028621

All things are god, consciousness but god is god alone and not all things.
This is advaita vedanta position

>> No.15028626

So I'm reading the Gospel of Thomas:

> If you fast,1 you shall beget transgression° for yourselves.2 And if you pray,1 you shall be condemned. And if you give alms,1 you shall cause evil to your spirits°

What does this mean?

>> No.15028666

Both of these posts are incorrect, what you guys are saying is the result of spiritual ignorance

>> No.15028685

You have 2 eyes
I raise 2 fingers

>> No.15028780

Yet they are one

>> No.15028794

Uhh no dude, that would be salt

>> No.15028839

Dualism as a theory explaining the mind-body relation is not incompatible with or opposed to spiritual non-dualism. The former is psychological or physiological and the latter is metaphysical or ontological.

>> No.15029280

Who are (YOU) to petition XYZ (for {YOUR} self?

>> No.15029406

fucking based anon listening on yb gospel of thomas since the audio is really superb quality , absolute divine text

>> No.15029579

Which text is the best argument for dualism, and which is the best for nondualism?

>> No.15030163


>> No.15031603


>> No.15031757

People promoting non-dualism should be nailed to a cross in public.

>> No.15031822

The "inner core knowledge" you hold to is nothing but the last projection of your creaturely inadequacy. It's a laughably basic trap for self-involved mystics and arrogant intellectuals, as if one could arrive at absolute being by subtraction, as if you can be God just by denying you are not-God. At the end of this method is not God, but an extremity of the creature. The one who thinks he has solved the maze when he is trapped in it is even more wretched than the honestly ignorant. Try acknowledging Creation and your need for faith beyond your experience, you sterile mystic.

>> No.15031884

stopped reading here.

>> No.15031893

Sorry christcuckerino but not today

''The anonymously authored 14th century English contemplative work The Cloud of Unknowing makes clear that its form of practice is not an act of the intellect, but a kind of transcendent ‘seeing,’ beyond the usual activities of the mind - “The first time you practice contemplation, you'll experience a darkness, like a cloud of unknowing. You won’t know what this is... this darkness and this cloud will always be between you and your God... they will always keep you from seeing him clearly by the light of understanding in your intellect and will block you from feeling Him fully in the sweetness of love in your emotions. So be sure to make your home in this darkness... We can’t think our way to God... that’s why I’m willing to abandon everything I know, to love the one thing I cannot think. He can be loved, but not thought''
Even christian mystics have contemplation methods for experience, belief is useless you know or you dont know ,simple as. Only with spiritual insight you know truth as it is without dogma.

>> No.15031897

Perhaps the wagie worship religious package would be of your suiting?

>> No.15031931

Hold the pepperoni this time, thanks!

>> No.15032114

absolutely based and correct. non dualism is cope for those who are spiritually dead and are somewhat intellectual. they hold the believe that by ABSTRACTION and abstraction alone they will become divine. it's easy life: they are not bound to anything other than their own abstractions. they have become their own gods. they DO NOT WANT TO BE SAVED, they want to become God.

>> No.15032117

imagine being triggered that much by people talking about spiritual teachings

>> No.15032146
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"This self was indeed Brahman in the beginning. It knew itself only as "I am Brahman." Therefore it became all. And whoever among the gods had this enlightenment, also became That Brahman. It is the same with the seers (rishis), the same with men. The seer Vamadeva, having realized this self as That, came to know: "I was Manu and the sun." And to this day, whoever in a like manner knows the self as "I am Brahman," becomes all this universe. Even the gods cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self. Now, if a man worships another deity, thinking: "He is one and I am another," he does not know. He is like an animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away! Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this."

- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10.

>> No.15032155

you can quote the upanishads all you want, in the end it's all cope for people who confuse the the perfect being with our gift of consciousness

>> No.15032164
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> abstraction alone
>Mystics from any tradition come to conclusion of oneness for thousands of years
Anon this is your mind in complete Maya-matrix retardation
There is no becoming only removing that which is false until eternal self beyond all costumes lies.
Go read the link i posted as thread opening before you fall deeper into dualistic brainletism from which even god cannot save you.

>> No.15032252

The Upanishads date from many hundreds of years before the primitive polytheistic Jews were converted to monotheism when the Persians imposed a new religion on them modeled on Zoroastrianism after freeing them from Babylon just like they did with their other subject peoples. As the Vedas and Upanishads stem from the same ancestral Indo-European milieu as Zoroastrianism itself, it represents a purer form of traditional wisdom than the various indirect spinoffs of Zoroastrianism that resulted from the Persians doing this.

>> No.15032276
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100%. Satanism in disguise. Jesus' crucial message was Love, which plays no part in these perennialist academic exercises. It's novelty seeking behavior for curious intellectuals, they aren't truly seeking God.

>> No.15032292

Zoroastrianism is strictly dualist

>> No.15032312


A Christian view of what the vision of God is, must always come back to revelation and the person of God Incarnate, that is, Jesus. Anything which purports to 'see through' the person of Jesus and the teachings of the Church will not find a superior 'experience' of the divine, but only another part of one's own finite self, an idol which falsely satisfies and is therefore spiritually deadly.

The passage you cite seems pretty orthodox, but precisely because it is orthodox, does not tend toward non-dualism. Yes, faith is not a matter of the intellect, but goes beyond it. Hence it is right and good for a Christian, confronted with the limits of his intellect, to rely on love, made possible by grace. But notice that it is not himself that the Christian mystic loves- it is God. It is not even in his experience that he loves God, but in Love, his relation to the divine Other. The union which a genuinely Christian mysticism makes possible, is one which affirms both Creator and Creature in the relation of love, not a sterile self-idolatry which denies creation ever occurred. Precisely because it is an opening of the soul to the Other, which is not pre-contained in the self to be accessed by subtraction, a Christian mysticism must be informed at all times by revelation, what you would call "dogma."

To try to know the truth 'without dogma' , i.e., without the human realities of teaching and community which unite us to the Truth as it is in God (of which private experience is only a part), is to spit on the very humanity which God himself, in the Incarnation, made his supreme self-revelation. By trying to shed his humanity in this way, the undisciplined mystic only betrays his arrogance and ego, and the degree to which his 'non-dualism' is really a 'not-thou, but I alone.' Fittingly, this absurdity, born of arrogance which denies love, makes the self-exalted mystic and his counterfeit "experiences" more wretched than the humblest of the faithful. By claiming to be God, you neither become God, nor do you honour your own humanity which can be reconciled to God. The only escape from such a monstrous condition, is repentance and humility, but this is antithetical to the non-dual mystic.

>> No.15032339

Absolutely based , most profound indo european heritage
>t. forever cuck to religion egregore that caused mass suffering through history and unironically the devil itself by its own accord
So much for that love , you can only have love and compassion if you realize eternal self and connect to oneness of everything

>> No.15032345
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i've commented days ago how deprived of love it is. it's easy to observe how sterile it is: all the esoteric centers lack in sanctity. behind every tariqa you'll hear about scandals and things as such --- take schuon's tariqa for example. where is the sanctity of those people? one backstabbing each other. one guy slept with schuon's wife and decided to denounce him. people who left were being persecuted etc etc. the non-dualist ken from theoria apophasis on youtube who larps as the most enlightened metaphysician: all he does is brag about his intellectuality in the most pitiful manner. how can one person claim he is pure spirit when all he does comes from psychic vices? one can name inumerable catholic and orthodox saints. NOW name a single esoteric saint.

non dualists are the most miserable beings and i truly have pity on them. they might long for the sacred things in a desperate manner, but end up going the wrong path. "spiritual not religious" types. it's the new "new age"

>> No.15032390


Denying creation is antithetical to loving it. Love of neighbour presupposes the duality of self and neighbour. Only in authentically recognising a kind of union which unifies while preserving heterogeneity, that is, Love as the Christians understand it, can actual suffering be dealt with.

>> No.15032391

Again with fallacies you and the others dont seem to understand that nondualist isint himself god but recognizes in spiritual insight/experience that his essence is same of god , hes god but not as an individual but the eternal self that is everything but yet alone divine consciousness is not everything .

This explains it best
"This self was indeed Brahman in the beginning. It knew itself only as "I am Brahman." Therefore it became all. And whoever among the gods had this enlightenment, also became That Brahman. It is the same with the seers (rishis), the same with men. The seer Vamadeva, having realized this self as That, came to know: "I was Manu and the sun." And to this day, whoever in a like manner knows the self as "I am Brahman," becomes all this universe. Even the gods cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self. Now, if a man worships another deity, thinking: "He is one and I am another," he does not know. He is like an animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away! Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this."

- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10.

You cant know love or compassion as concept in your mind it doesnt work that way nor it ever did .A christian sees himself as part of collective ego group and anyone outside of it is by default not himself and an enemy , history proves it.
Nondualist sees himself in everything and everyone there is less likely any conflict would arise as he is not manipulated by mind ego parasite

>> No.15032393

"You will know them by their fruits"

>> No.15032397
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yesterday i was reading about DMT experiences to check how aware people are of the demonic expression in them. some people recognize the beings as evil and deceptive as they have been tortured and possessed by them. what caught my attention however was the fact that those beings proclaim a non-dualistic belief. curious how demons that explicitly torture people defend a non dualistic belief, isn't it?

>> No.15032422

another characteristic of non-dualistic sects is the dichotomic satanism as professed by sabbatai zevi and jacob frank. they even defended orgies and all sorts of sins so that through the dichotomy of opposites they might reach whatever they claim as the truth. purely satanic

>> No.15032429

Name mass murders of nondualists kek
Go read Meister Eckhart respected Christian mystic replace a few words and it reads like advaita vedanta .
I pity you people who fall for tricks of archons and serve as farm animals to them , read a bit on archons and egregores you will realize what sickness religion is . 'new age' perhaps people are getting smarter and realizing that only a poor joke of truth can be tied to a culture or region an absolute truth must be universal or it is no truth at all. Nondualism is a unifying principle beyond all appearances .

>> No.15032446

There was a sect of Zoroastrianism which worshipped a first principle called Zurvan from which Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu both originated. They were mentioned in the works of Eudemus from the 4th century BC as well as in other later sources.

>> No.15032464

>'new age' perhaps people are getting smarter
yeah bro. go ahead with your "SpIrItUaL nOt ReLiGIoUs" beliefs that your personal being is reduced to a non personal God and that time and space are an illusion. do more abstraction... truly the path to sanctity --- all those new age hippies doing drugs claiming non-dualism are truly saints. you are just too lazy to commit to religion. don't you know religion predates philosophy? what have you gained from all your abstraction? have you grown in sanctity or selfish detachment? you go against guenon's own terms.

>> No.15032486
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>take schuon's tariqa for example.
>he non-dualist ken from theoria apophasis on youtube
Wow! when you only name western people who either form their own weird syncretic cults or who are not even monastics or formal practitioner of religion then it allows you to ignore all the legitimate counter examples! How duplicitous!
>NOW name a single esoteric saint
Ramana Maharshi and Nisgaradatta Maharaj


>i've commented days ago how deprived of love it is.
“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.”

“The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love.”

“Love is not selective, desire is selective. In love there are no strangers. When the centre of selfishness is no longer, all desires for pleasure and fear of pain cease; one is no longer interested in being happy; beyond happiness there is pure intensity, inexhaustible energy, the ecstasy of giving from a perennial source.”

- Nisargadatta Maharaj

>> No.15032493
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>dude all is one can u feel it

>“Love is knowing I am everything.”
just as a satanic self-idolater would preach

>> No.15032514
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>drop the bass dj i want to FEEL as one

>> No.15032529

>they even defended orgies and all sorts of sins so that through the dichotomy of opposites
What you describe is a trait of Sabbataism/Frankism and some Vajrayana/Tantra, but that sort of behavior is condemned by the more mainstream theological schools of non-dualism. In the Brahma Sutra commentaries of Shankara and Ramanuja (the founders of the two most influential schools of Hindu non-dualism) they both say that people who violate the vow of celibacy are to be kicked out and shunned without exception or chance of redemption, contrast that with the Church who shuffled priests from parish to parish after they molest children instead of turning them into the police.



>> No.15032542

are you the "guenonfag"?

>> No.15032548
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Btw i am baptised but i follow intuition for truth only and initiatory insight provided by life.
Remember what you said and realize nondualist is not himself god alone but realizes he and the creator are same in essence and separation is the illusion .

Why religion is bad? Because its an egregore you're getting cucked by an egregore that only has interest to feed on its adherents its a hivemind entity that manipulates the ants via collective ego.
You identify with your religion and join that collective ego it automatically has claim on your life and energy,you're feeding a nonorganic being.
Sooner or later that being is in war with another of its kind under guise of sacred war killing each other endlessly . It is poison that overrides rational thinking or individuals god gifted expression and only allows dogmatic laws of the egregore.

A nondualist is free , to a degree larger or lesser he lessons the effect of ego parasite and feels the oneness in everything therefore he would not harm others as they're him , you wouldnt harm yourself.
Your view is such due to lack of insight of manipulative nonorganic beings that easily subvert your spirituality.
Many sages have said duality is a stepping stone before nonduality, if you want to know god you must first know yourself then you will god essence as well.
Also you said this is lazy but you dont do any work except shallow rituals you remain in same ego parasite paradigm what shallow spirituality is that?

>> No.15032555
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>> No.15032598

if im correct you are the same confused youngling who asked in what western tradition i was initiated. do you even read guenon? seems like you do not. why do you think all of them professed a religion? if you honestly think metaphysical abstraction is superior to religion you know nothing about the spiritual matters. get a tripcode so i can filter. you are a cringe spammer that does a disservice to guenon. you are a counter-tradition agent. you are what guenon would call "an agent of the forces of the world". a completely miserable creature who is unconsciously satanic. begone and never reply to my posts again. in 10 years of imageboard you are the most deluded person i have encountered. you are worse than the hylics you fight for they are not as driven by the psyche as you are.

>> No.15032638


For the mystic to say that 'his essence is same of God' as opposed to the rest of him means nothing, except that it is a roundabout way of saying that "I am God." He tries to sweeten the pill of this bitter absurdity, at which even the most ignorant peasant can justly laugh, by denying that he is God in the sense of as an individual, as a material, historical being, as a particular personality, as an ignorant, finite being. But what is left of 'his' essence after all this subtraction is complete? Even if it is *some* essence, in transcending finitude it ceases to describe the mystic.

When the nondualist mystic has rid himself of his humanity, if he has anything left of himself, it could only be the palest, most insubstantial abstraction, mistaken for 'mystical experience.' He would have been better off if he had been a mere rationalist- he would have seen that this is the intuition of the Absolute Being beneath the multiplicity of Qualified Being, but also appreciated the distance of absolute being from any Qualified Being, even his own. Even if the rationalist has no road into Absolute Being, he at least knows that he is down to his core a Qualified Being.

So the non-dualist mystic cannot really say that 'his' essence is the same as God. If everything he said about reality were true, he could only say that only God is, and creation, including everything which seemed to be his own, was an illusion or a mistake. I read with wonder how the lies of the Serpent in the Garden are repeated in heathen Scripture: Love of God as one to another, which is in truth the only way to really transcend the finite condition, is said to be only the jealousy of the 'Other-God,' on which the lying serpent has projected the motivations of a goatherd. The lie continues: one need only grasp the fruit for yourself and you shall, in the esoteric and incoherent way of the non-dualist, 'be as' God.

Indeed, this move is only self-negation and alienation, and the birth of self-idolatry. For since creation is real, in denying the otherness of God and the reality of the self as creature, one gets only a monstrosity which is neither God Himself nor wholesomely human. To achieve this state and be sated, is only to achieve a living death in self-absorption which is deceiving itself about being self-absorption.

You do not understand how a Christian sees himself or others. We Christians are above all not to forget that we were once sinners without hope, and that we are joined to Christ by the grace he showed toward us. Those outside are to be shown the same grace and forbearance that God showed and shows us. Because we are all made in the image of God, every individual soul, precisely in its individuality, is worthy of our active love. Nondualism, with its denial of individuality, has no spiritual resources for such a program. It avoids conflict but does not improve anything. It spares tyrants the bother of destroying them by self-annihilating.

>> No.15032730

Think of yourself as a cup that drew water from the sea. The water in the cup is of the same essence as the water in the sea, though of course the sea is much, much more.

The non-dualist understands why knowledge of good and evil is a sin: being but a tiny fraction of the great Mind, we only have but a small understanding of either, and can only make a mess of things in our attempts to attain the good and vanish the evil.

It is the ultimate show of faith to accept the world as it is: our trust in God's Plan is absolute. Any action a human takes that is driven by the dualism of good and evil only deviates from it.

>> No.15032739
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There are multiple non-dualist posters in this thread, I'm only one of them, I'm not the guy who asked you if you were initiated either.

>do you even read guenon? seems like you do not.
Yes, but he is not my guru and I don't uncritically accept everything he says and keep myself up at night worrying "what would guenon think about me doing this?" and "does x align with guenonian thought?"
>why do you think all of them professed a religion?
the person who made comments against organized religion was not me, I have no problem with religion at all and like Guenon I think it's better to pursue mysticism and esoterism within the bounds of a religion than outside one
>deluded, counter-traditonal, satanics REEEEEEEEE

>> No.15032741
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schizo take your meds please im not guenon not even close check the style, religion has clearly deranged your mind .


Again history and blood speaks for itself .
To be religious is to have a god as thought a mere dead concept in a mind instead of living active reality in your core being knowing yourself a vehicle of consciousness and what you do is done in nondual awareness with god.

You're afraid of the ultimate sacrifice the self(ego) death of self is eternal life and only then true unique god gifted individuality can shine.
You still havent said what truth is bound by region and culture it will inevitably lead to conflict with other similar structures.
Your view is simply based on lack of any spiritual practice if you meditated or applied some spiritual effort you would reach eventually the conclusion of non duality you could still be religious after but its merely for play

>> No.15032771

to accept yourself as god and deny your psyche is not a sacrifice, it's precisely the coronation of the ego as divinity. to sacrifice yourself you first must recognize the reality of your personal self, otherwise there would be nothing to sacrifice.

>> No.15032821
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Im off to sleep, gentlemen of nonduality keep the good fight and thread alive i OP pass the torch
Buddhists would call such a state as no self so it doesnt make sense in ur context, again read the link on nonduality

Also on spirituality and philosophy without religion you must seek to understand nature and existence of predatory nonorganic beings which can be found in many cases of occult literature

>> No.15032917

>to accept yourself as god and deny your psyche is not a sacrifice
You have this backwards, if the psyche means the soul then it is not denied, but rather it is realised as it is in its true divine nature, the only thing denied is the ego
>it's precisely the coronation of the ego as divinity.
Again, this is backwards, the ego is an obstacle to be overcome on the path to God-realization, all the Vedantic and other non-dualistic schools are unanimous in their writings that the ego is to be let go of and abandoned to reach God, it is the realization that the soul in its true nature is free from and untouched by the unreal ego that one comes to know God
>to sacrifice yourself you first must recognize the reality of your personal self, otherwise there would be nothing to sacrifice.
For the third time, this is backwards, it is the grasping of and attachment to the personal self that becomes a distraction from God, the fear of abandoning the personal self is really the fear of letting go and trusting in God completely

I don't understand how you think that your rhetorical attacks on non-dualism are effective or that they are convincing when anyone who has spent even a little bit of time studying non-dualism can clearly see that every paragraph you write is a hopeless misrepresentation of non-dualism. It's as though you lack any self-awareness.

>Arise, and leave this ignoble world to find the ineffable God abandon body and life and reason and religion; and in His path get for thyself a soul. Know, that whatso is of the true essence of learning and knowledge is all mere falsehood to him who is learned in attributes. Form, and attribute, and essence,--the first is like the womb; the next the membranes, the last the child; thy outward form covers in thy attributes, thy attributes again are a rampart around thy inmost essence; that, like a lamp, is bright in itself, while the other two are as a glass and a niche in the wall.
>Till on that road thou hast endured distress, thou hast two souls, though thy effigy is single. O thou, who art related to phenomenal existence but as soul is to body, whose soul is related to thy individuality but as a man to his name, exertion originates in the body, attraction in the soul; but the search begins in leaving both of these. Contingent existence is for ever an infant before the Eternal; but he who has been purified is free from these dregs.
>So long as the race of man endures, there are two mansions prepared for him; this, for pain and want, that one, for blessing and delight. While earth is the habitation of the sons of men, the tent of their daily supplies is erected over them; esteem then this earth a guest-house, but count man the master of a family; though till he has suffered pain on this dust-heap he will not reach the treasure of that mansion.
- Sanā'ī

>> No.15032934
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Non-dualism? Is that like pacifism?

>> No.15033016

>the fear of abandoning the personal self is really the fear of letting go and trusting in God completely
the fear of having a personal self is the fear of being personally judged according to your actions in space and time

>> No.15033048

jesus died a painful death for each of personal self. did any of these metaphysicians died for you? no. all they preached was detachment. what do you have against jesus? why do you embrace vain abstractions instead of the logos himself?

"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."

if you reject jesus you can't be anything other than a satanist, for he died for you and instead you go for sterile metaphysicians for grandiose delusions.

>> No.15033069

>the fear of having a personal self
There is no fear involved but rather for Vedantists the unreality of the ego is accepted on the authority of the Hindu scriptures which state as much
>is the fear of being personally judged
The fear of being judged by others is itself a form of egoism, if you don't have an ego you cannot have this fear, only people who are subject to egoism can be afflicted by such a fear of being judged. You are projecting your egoism onto others and assuming egoistic motives to them because you cannot understand the concept of being free from the ego.

>> No.15033136

the soul can only be realised in time and space, not by detachment but active participation in time and space. that's why rites exist: they affirm our true selves in time and space.

again: you cannot sacrifice that which is an illusion or of little value. you cannot sacrifice your ignorance. the complete sacrifice only exists in christianity where God sacrificed himself.

what keeps non-dualists from, God forbid, ultimately killing themselves and annihilating their egos?

>> No.15033141

The avatara Varaha of the Supreme Being Narayana raised the earth from the bottom of the sea after the demon Hiranyaksha dragged it to the bottom of the sea. Did any of these Abrahamic prophets raise the earth from the bottom of the sea? No, all they preached was subservient to lesser malevolent and genocidal gods as farm animals serve the farmer.

"What is here, the same is there and what is there, the same is here. He goes from death to
death who sees any difference here"

If you reject non-dualism you can't be anything other than the deluded pet of lesser gods, for the Supreme Being sent the non-dualistic scriptures revealing the unreality of multiplicity and instead you go for empty belief without the direct experience of God

>> No.15033170
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>As the Vedas and Upanishads stem from the same ancestral Indo-European milieu as Zoroastrianism itself, it represents a purer form of traditional wisdom than the various indirect spinoffs of Zoroastrianism that resulted from the Persians doing this.
it is still 100% retarded and fell for the ritual memes, because spineless worms will always try to cope though useless mimics. Any teaching which has rituals is made by brainlets for brainlets.

>> No.15033171

yeah yeah... all this and that. yet none of them would sacrifice themselves for you, ungrateful blasphemer. explain why demons who end up torturing people preach non-dualism

>> No.15033222

>muh anecdotal experience of druggies in the 21st century disproves a religious tradition that's over a thousand years older than Judaism
try harder moron

>> No.15033227

>direct experience of God
you mean affirming your self as god, which is self-idolatry. That is not experience of God, nor any detachment from reality

>> No.15033255

is truth based on time since it was revealed now?
what are you discrediting? are the druggies making it up or they are wrong about the nature of the entities? they are not even christians. their claim is: entities who turn up being evil and torturing us preach non-dualism. do you have anything better to offer as a counter argument?

>> No.15033325
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That's wrong, the Upanishads state that rituals don't lead to liberation or spiritual enlightenment and that only the direct realization and awareness of God does. The earlier portion of the Vedas prescribe rituals for people who still have desires and who want material ends because the Vedic rites can help attain those, but for people who have sufficiently pure hearts and who have moved beyond the desire for attaining objects the Upanishads prescribe the direct knowledge and experience of God. You can lead a horse to water but cannot make them drink it, for people who are spiritually ready for it the Upanishads instruct one to move beyond rituals. Eckhart Tolle was heavily influenced by Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj who both taught Advaitic non-dualism based on the teaching of the Upanishads.

>> No.15033365

>are the druggies making it up or they are wrong about the nature of the entities? they are not even christians. their claim is: entities who turn up being evil and torturing us preach non-dualism. do you have anything better to offer as a counter argument?
Because I'm not a retarded boomer I don't assume that people's drug-induced hallucinations are actually demons. Something that messes with peoples brains will make them see all sorts of things, I see no evidence that what you describe is even a common phenomena. There are countless people who have mental illness or who go crazy abusing drugs who also think that the Christian God is persecuting them, or that they are Jesus, or that the Devil is attacking them and all sorts of other craziness related to Christianity, but I'm not taking those things and saying that they prove Christianity is evil, because the delusions of mentally ill people and people under the influence of psychotropic substances cannot be taken as proof of anything.

>> No.15033424

>you mean affirming your self as god, which is self-idolatry.
No, they are saying that everything that appears to be a limited individual self is unreal and that really there is only God, there is nothing about the individual that is idolized, because the component of the individual that is God is actually supra-individual and no more belongs to the individual as something which is uniquely "me" more than it also is you and every other living being. Please educate yourself on this topic so I don't have to keep explaining what your misconceptions about it are, I suggest starting with the book linked by OP, around half of it is about Christian mystics.

>> No.15033633

all you defend is the misconception that the true self is God when it's just that the consciousness is a gift from God --- and that together with body and soul constitute the one's true self, which is not God.

cling on your orientalist doctrines all you want. they are just doctrine whereas christianity is TRUTH REVEALED IN HISTORY, IN THE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST, and there is no doctrine in the gospels. it's an historical account. YOU ARE JUST A LARPER WHO PICKED THE DOCTRINE OF HIS CHOICE --- ALL THIS WHILE REJECTING JESUS CHRIST. YOU DENIED TRUTH FOR A COPING ORIENTALIST DOCTRINE.

>> No.15033655

Have you experienced it though?

>> No.15033680

all you defend is the misconception that God is not the true Self when it's just that the individual consciousness is only an appearance of the one non-dual God --- by virtue of how when God appears to be association with the body it appears to be an individual soul like how the space inside a pot falsely seems different from the space around it

cling on your jewish beliefs all you want. they are just beliefs whereas non-dualism is TRUTH REVEALED IN HISTORY, IN THE PERSON OF KRISHNA, and there is sublime doctrine in the Bhagavad-Gita in addition to being an historical account. YOU ARE JUST A LARPER WHO PICKED THE BELIEF OF HIS CHOICE --- ALL THIS WHILE REJECTING NARAYANA. YOU DENIED TRUTH FOR COPING JEWISH FAIRY TALES

>> No.15033727

>krishna is more historical than jesus
you brought this blindness on yourself. don't be bitter if i call you a larper and a denier of truth. your mask has just fallen, you don't care for truth

>> No.15033827

Yes, Traditional Hindus regard the Mahabharata to be a historical account, to this very day one can visit the battlefield of Kurekshetra where the events of the Gita took place. Jesus being a real historical figure does not prove that he was God, there are countless other saints and teachers in other religions who were witnessed by people to have performed miracles. Relying on alleged miracles for proof of the truth of a religion is just the same problem of prioritizing unverifiable belief over direct experience of God to which I have already alluded. I don't enjoy taking shots at Christianity btw but am only doing so in response to you coming into a non-dualism thread and acting obnoxious and childish.

>> No.15033836

i dont understand this meme as mysterianism is ultimately reductive materialism.

>> No.15033885

christians are called to preach the truth. you can't condemn us as we do not do it out of malice but instead so that you can be saved and God glorified

>> No.15034014

If that's true that you do so without malice then it would do you well and do the image of Christians on this board well if you were less obnoxious and made less personal attacks when doing so, because doing those things just turns others away and gives Christians a bad image

>> No.15034066

>i do more harm to christianity for calling you guys larpers while you you attack christianity and christ
stop relativizing things

>> No.15034144

Nobody was attacking Christianity until you and/or someone else came into the thread and started to make a fool of themselves, the book about non-dualism linked to by OP praises a dozen Christian mystics in glowing terms. Furthermore if you take that mission so seriously then you should get off of your computer and become a missionary instead of wasting both our time by rudely interrupting the online conversations of other people.

>> No.15034190

Yeah and Jesus wasn't even 100% pro-non-dualism, he said "dualism now, non-dualism later"

>> No.15034206

why people who reject and attack christianity feel offended when they are called out as larpers? they expect a condescending treatment when they have rejected christ who died for them. my son, if you can't love christ don't try to pull a nice guy on me, you rejected Him who died for you, for all i know you could as well backstab me who did not and would not die for you. if you reject christ you reject truth and you are automatically an evil doer. i don't care that you call me retarded and a moron as you did, it's just another sign of your hipocrisy since you come with "oo muh personal attacks" when i attacked non-dualism and called you a larper

i dont care if heretics and blasphemers praise christianity. you say that as it would suffice. for larpers it might, but im not a larper. i will not fall for the flattery of heretics and blasphemers. but anyway you are a larper whose activity revolve around spamming guenon and making silly collages --- what could i expect from you?

>> No.15034249

the whole "if you attack non-dualism i'll attack christianity" is just another proof of the rebellious state of non-dualists and how immature they are. it's a mindless response from those that get triggered in their psyche. their "i'm brahman's atman" falls instantly and reveals how they care little for truth.

>> No.15034261

Didn't you come in here attacking first?

>> No.15034271

I was trying to help you, good luck making people discount Christianity even more with your behavior

>> No.15034330

you attacked christianity after i attacked non-dualism. why do you pretend to care now about christianity's image on this forum? wasn't it you who called it "jewish fairy tales"? you are just a wicked man trying to appeal to my guilty and trying to justify your acts

>> No.15034522

>you attacked christianity after i attacked non-dualism. why do you pretend to care now about christianity's image on this forum?
Because I don't have problems with Christianity and enjoy reading Christian mystics, I see being Christian as being much closer to the truth than atheism and it would sadden me if all the Christians left and it was just atheists and people into eastern philosophy. I've also talked to people who regard themselves as being Christian non-dualists before a good number of times here
>wasn't it you who called it "jewish fairy tales"?
A low blow to be sure, when I was mocking your attacks by repeating them back at you with the words changed
>you are just a wicked man trying to appeal to my guilty
I was explaining to you that you were guilty of being an obnoxious dumbass and that if you a) wanted to convert people to Christianity and b) improve the image of Christians on the board then you'd do well to stop being so obnoxious. That advice remains true regardless of whoever is giving it to you and how rude they may have been.

>> No.15034560

White people doing Hindu hippie stuff is the cringiest thing ever. It's pretty ironic too, since the foundations of Hinduism are set to the backdrop of war.

>> No.15034972

The spiritual world is a big place and thus Psychedelic experiences will vary. There are almost always good and evil spirits around us, no one is immune from their presences. Psychedelics just make you notice things in a different way. They are not for everyone but for some they may be useful.

>> No.15034988

Does not Paul say it is foolish to condemn an entire group of people such as hippies?

>> No.15035032
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>he would not harm others as they're him , you wouldnt harm yourself

>> No.15035072

There's only a death there, is a resurrection. There's nothing wrong with being a divine creature. God overflows and we have life Everlasting and freely too, of our own groundless being. We have always abided in the father. We were always in God's head and heart. To know love is to know reality in it's most primordial form and Final Solution. And nothing takes away from the world because God wants all that can be saved.

>> No.15035084

>the Supreme Being sent the non-dualistic scriptures
Why would tis "supreme being" care about sending scripture? Why does he not just meditate and fuck all day like a proper nondualist?

>> No.15035118

>Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."
Prove who is not with him and who is against him. Prove who is gathering and who is scattering. Jesus spoke profoundly and his Earthly Church, like The Flesh or spiritual babes they are, crucifies him and makes his sayings into nothing. You have reduced Christ to a kingdom of man who dominates others and forces others to obey rather than of an everlasting and Universal Glory.

>> No.15035152

And yet you, like Christians, sound like you favor your own religion and cast down theirs. To the pure all things are pure. In non dualism you should be able to see the wisdom regardless where it is. It renders religions obsolete though only in certain ways. If you saw the universal wisdom you would learn from anything Since it can hide anywhere. But it's easy to degrade or praise something.

>> No.15035229

What is salvation? To most of my brothers salvation is salvation from Divine punishment. Although one may see the truth in many different things expressed it does not mean that the one expressing it deeply understands the truth of it. Salvation is to be United to God. The world is God's gain. He saves Us by giving us his own life. Christianity is right in that they do not deny the cosmos of minds. Eastern religions a focus so much on negation that they might have forgot the positive aspect of reality. Therefore Christianity is a good compliment to remind them of the fullness of the truth of the micro and the macro. Of theos and cosmos.

>> No.15035291

Oh I see what you did there then. I just get tired of all these different religions fighting each other. It's impossible to see the truth without seeing the truth. Seems like you see it well enough to me.

>> No.15036102
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>Nondualism has Won

>> No.15036130
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Do people really believe that god isn't the substance for reality?

>> No.15036157

>mysterianism is ultimately reductive materialism
No it isn't. Why do you think it is ultimately reductive materialism?

>> No.15036169

What does non-dualism have to say about posting on /lit/ instead of delivering my pizza? Seriously bro, I've been waiting here almost two hours now. I get that you're probably busy since everybody's ordering out because of lockdown, but you can still find the time to make threads? Shit is ridiculous, I'm gonna have to complain, this is unnacceptable

>> No.15036223
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If 'nondualism' is true, why does it not have any beautiful religious art like these?


>> No.15036403

Op back after sleep

>> No.15036428

Reality has plenty of are everywhere and humans make a bunch of it too. That art is also encompassed by the universal nature of non dualism

>> No.15036431

can you please tack on a side order of breadsticks?

>> No.15036868

A very poor analogy. The water in the sea is of the same kind as the water in the cup, but water is susceptible of being passed out in this univocal way because it is not fundamentally one.

If one is a ‘fraction’ of the Great Mind, then either the division of the Mind is an illusion, in which case the ignorance and ‘mess’ of the ‘fraction’ is also an illusion, or the divisions in the ‘Great Mind’ are real, in which case it is no longer absolute being, but dependent being. Either way, nondualism remains foolishness (if one denies one’s ignorance in the first way), blasphemy (by denying God’s absoluteness in attributing division and divisibility to him), or idolatry (worshipping some composite creature as God, or worshipping what turns out to be some abstraction of the self rather than the genuine divine Other).

>> No.15036898

This kills nondualism

>> No.15036903

Nondualism is not primarily a denial of the dualism of good and evil (though such a denial is consistent with and consequent upon nondualism). It is a denial of the dualism between creature and Creator, something so fatuous as to be produced only by the height of spiritual arrogance. There cannot be faith on nondualism, since there is in reality no gap for trust to bridge, and no point to it, since the finitude which faith helps transcend never existed to begin with.

>> No.15037020

transcendentally based and great quote
You are using the pic i been posting last few days you retarded little niglet Eckhart Tolle support nonduality in presence, anyway read neoplatonism i prefer contemplation over ritual but both are valid.

>> No.15037051

The fall resulted from man trying to claim divine authority (to define what is good and evil) and in similar manner nondualism is man trying to claim divine authority as God. It all lies in man wanting to be God. All lies in his rebellion as creature.

>> No.15037082

Is nondualism another consequence from the fall or is man historically repeating the same mistake from which he fell?

>> No.15037224
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only suicide of ego matters

based and 100% correct empty belief is nothing i only got into spirituality after direct experience it completely shatters layers of illusions and changes ones life that there is no going back.

t.brainlet slaves of archon

God doesnt divine it is gold from which all ornaments are made but divine consciousness is alone in its existence doesnt depend on ornaments it makes
nondualist is the end all as you realize truth behind the curtain beyond all appearances you know the real thing behind the shadow.
It is one true escape out of the cave

>> No.15037230

dualism is the truth though, it's better for knowledge to separate the parts from each other in how they work.

>> No.15037248

The fall of man lies in ignorance and refusal of union with god realizing ones self nature therefore you cannot experience love nor compassion of god as you're not alike him nor can you fulfill ones outer purpose as vehicle of consciousness.
You choose to remain in ego-self parasite paradigm being separated from all life and therefore violence naturally arises towards others you deem not belonging to your group.

>> No.15037262

Its not true knowledge then its just limited no better than a cow eating grass it sees it self and grass subject object. True knowledge comes from understand all as self otherwise you can never other anything outside the self you can only guess and make presumptions

>> No.15037290
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>he doesn't know that the Logos and the Demiurge are the same person

>> No.15037372

>It all lies in man wanting to be God. All lies in his rebellion as creature.
God said not to eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil for in that day you shall surely die. The serpent said if you eat this you will be like God knowing good and evil. But God does not labor to be and Adam was already gods son. Adam was already like God and so he fell/died when he tried to be like God. You have eaten of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. you call the creation evil and creator good. The tree of life is before Creator and creation. The servant does not abide in the house forever but the son does. Love is easy to understand.

>> No.15037388

>meme pic
demiurge is just an illusion that which covers truth as infinite manifests in finite forms

>> No.15037414
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I think monism is a fine way of thinking about it. >>15026750

>> No.15037437

Salvation is not of gain just like you cannot become God by some obedient act leading towards inferiority. Even the image of God is eternal. Creation happened because the logos was crucified, slain from the foundation of the world. God emptied himself. God died and creation existed. Now God will resurrect his son. What is there to make things out of but God?

>> No.15037678


Gonna have to come up with a better analogy than a material cause, bucko, whether it's water or gold or clay. Whatever is capable of being truly parcelled out never was God, since God is one. If he is not parcelled out, then no 'ornaments' are 'made of' him, and the non-dualist has no basis to claim equality with God. Either way, the 'non-dualist' is screwed, which is why he must retreat to 'experience,' which is only of himself. The truth behind appearances eludes him, because being outside his finite reach he cannot reconcile himself to it and yet pretends to find it within.

>> No.15037762
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Whose self? Who are you? Who am I?

>> No.15037822

Just listen to yourself, you are merely paraphrasing the serpent, and are unfit to speak of the Fall.

>Just take the knowledge of good and evil for yourselves, bro. You'll totally be, like, God. Creaturehood is just, like, a choice which you can reject. It's not like the bounds of creaturely reality, between individual and individual, and between creator and Creature, are justly set by your Creator or anything.

Utterly Satanic. The negation of the individual in the name of 'unity' is spiritual suicide, and preaching such doctrines is attempted spiritual murder. Yes, from the fact of individuation strife is possible, but also creaturely existence, and indeed love. The creature which is miserable in its fall wants to deny that the Fall, indeed creation, ever happened. Its despair has driven it beyond mere regret at sin, to suicide, and it blasphemes creation as nothing but strife. In such a creature's mouth, the word 'unity' disguises his self-hatred and hatred of all mankind, for such a 'unity' is incompatible with human life.

God, who is wiser than you, does not despair of his creatures. He affirms creation, in all its diversity, as 'good' from the beginning. In the Incarnation, creaturely finitude and divine infinity are reconciled, yet neither is negated in favour of the other. In the death of Christ, the strife and injustice of creaturely alienation is revealed not as the ultimate destiny of creaturely nature, but only the price which God was willing to pay to redeem and perfect creaturely nature, so that
it is capable of transcending death in fellowship with God. In the Resurrection, he shows that the reality of the Incarnation transcends all the limits of finite creaturehood, and gives us the supreme object and source of love as a concrete living person, not a mere internal experience.

The nondualist mystic has completely cut himself off from these resources and turned only inward, endlessly repeating the stupidity of the Fall.

>> No.15037848


The non-dualist's human self, which is constitutive of what he is. The non-dualist, like everyone else, is most fundamentally a creature of God. The difference between him and most creatures, is that he thinks denying that fact will let him identify with God. He is the incredible fool who, having realised that he is stuck in a cave watching shadows on a wall, thinks he can find the light by blinding himself.

>> No.15037869
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'The Fall' is just the ignorance of the fact of non-duality. Monkey duality consciousness is the constant falling back into exile from the Garden. Non-dual consciousness is the garden.

>> No.15037936

>human self, which is constitutive of what he is
This signifies nothing. Your just straw-manning.

>> No.15038016

Defining things by what they are not is an excellent (and the only) way to try and understand a higher concept

>> No.15038023
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Ironically you choose to stay in egoic self parasite is servitude of satan , results of history speak louder than words.
You're selfish and choose to remain a sinner to cling to your small faulty evil creature self instead trying to purify yourself from it.
Ego death is the ultimate sacrifice(dying on a cross) and resurrection in ones true nature alike to god. Eternal life is granted only in such death. Because you realize that knowledge in your innercore being you do not just believe it.
You know god only in thought which is empty and hollow you do not know him in your heart in yourself .
Nonduality is ascention back to creator it fills you with the delight and infinite pleasure of creator .

Read what i posted or go listen to Eckhart Tolle content on christianity

You 're willingly staying a farm animal instead of rising to the truth you bring the truth down to your level of consciousness . It is due to trickery of ego mind retardation you cannot see past the matrix if you're in .

All of this would be clear to you if you had enough spiritual practice ,soul refinement to reach a threshold from which there is no going back you know these things not by reading or thought but by complete being from which there is no doubt.

Nondualists are the advanced class who already 'got it 'and try to bring others to last stage truth, many prior were dualists and by souls climb through spiritual worlds they came back to the creator understanding the mind of creation.

>> No.15038178
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>The water in the sea is of the same kind as the water in the cup, but water is susceptible of being passed out in this univocal way because it is not fundamentally one.
The water is never actually separated from itself or compartmentalized and hence cannot be passed out
>If one is a ‘fraction’ of the Great Mind, then either the division of the Mind is an illusion, in which case the ignorance and ‘mess’ of the ‘fraction’ is also an illusion,
This is correct, ignorance and 'mess' are themselves unreal and part of the illusion, liberation can be regarded as a 'recollection' so to speak that there was only one undivided God all along who was completely unaffected by illusion, ignorance and 'mess' only seem real until they are revealed to not be. The snake only appears so long as you don't know it's a rope, but the snake never actually existed even at the moment when you thought you saw it
>nondualism remains foolishness (if one denies one’s ignorance in the first way)
you never explained what was foolish my man
>There cannot be faith on nondualism
Completely wrong, the cultivation of the fourfold qualities or "fourfold discipline" (sādhana-catustaya) is held by traditional Advaita to be necessary for progressing along the spiritual path of Advaita, one of these disciplines is Śraddhā, or faith in the truth of the scriptures and the teachings of one's spiritual teacher. Faith is taken as a preliminary requirement rather than an end in itself though, and with this faith one is ultimately lead to direct spiritual experience that confirms one's faith as being correct, and with the flowering of this fruit one does not need faith anymore to know that it is true because one has directly experienced it.
> so fatuous as to be produced only by the height of spiritual arrogance.
Have you ever read any Vedantic texts from beginning to end? Is it not spiritually arrogant to make such haughty pronouncements about something which you have no firsthand knowledge of and have only ever heard about from secondary and tertiary sources?
>Whatever is capable of being truly parcelled out never was God, since God is one. If he is not parcelled out, then no 'ornaments' are 'made of' him,
Indeed, God was never parcelled out, no ornaments were ever made, " O Somya, it is like this: By knowing a single lump of earth you know all objects made of earth. All changes are mere words, (existing) in name only. But earth is the reality." - Chandogya Upanishad 6.1.4.
> If he is not parcelled out, then no 'ornaments' are 'made of' him, and the non-dualist has no basis to claim equality with God.
To the contrary, if no ornaments were ever made than anything that is conscious is non-different from the Gold that nothing was ever made out of. If only one thing truly exists, then anything that has awareness is automatically identical with that one thing. To be conscious in a universe where one thing exists is to be one with that one thing.

>> No.15038183

The Fall represents the truth of the human condition, and human finitude. The Garden is the original harmony of Creation and Creator, not a sterile conflation of the two. ‘Non-dualistic consciousness’ is neither the mind of God nor a fit state for human beings. It is nothing but another ego-trap, lying to itself about not being an ego-trap. The ruse is painfully easy to see through if one is not committed to it.

>> No.15038512


>> No.15038566

> If only one thing truly exists, then anything that has awareness is automatically identical with that one thing. To be conscious in a universe where one thing exists is to be one with that one thing.

Why do you assume only God exists? The fact only God is perfect doesn't mean other things don't exist. He can create whatever He wishes as He is omnipotent. His creation, however, will never be infinite as He is; God cannot create another God. All the creation, all that exists besides God, exists for something other than itself and there is no independent thing in itself. From this you might try to defend non-dualism, but you only do that due to your doctrinal apophaticism. You claim only God is and the rest is not. We are taking a real interaction in history, and all that exists in history will be preserved in eternity. To deny the existence of reality and the events that take place in it is schizo level satanic apophaticism. You don't deny the immortality of the soul, but what is the soul if not that which comprehends one's entire individuality that can only be fulfilled in time and space?

Non dualism is schizo level apophaticism and only satan has anything to gain from this. No one, no matter how hard they do abstraction, becomes God. And you can't deny all you see doesn't exist, nor that your personal being with its name and history does not exist as well.

I'm not that anon btw.

>> No.15038586


Non-dualism is the height of foolishness because it is a mere man pretending to be God by negating himself. He denies his manifest ignorance of reality, both of ultimate things and of particular contingent things as they emerge from ultimate reality. He does not know his fellow-man, he does not know the world, he does not know how to be. He has nothing to show for his alleged enlightenment but an empty air of superiority. Divine knowledge being so far from him, his only recourse is to say, of all the things he does not know, that they do not exist. There is no word for this but 'fatuousness'.

Whatever is 'traditionally held', the logic of the position entails the realisation that nothing ever had faith, no problem was solved by means of faith, because no problem ever existed. Metaphors involving growth and change and instrumentality are not intelligible either, since growth and change are unreal. Moving from ignorance to knowledge is also impossible, since there never was anything in a state of ignorance.


I, who have received redemption from the true God, and the spiritual gift of faith, have no need to read heathen texts to know their falsehood and absurdity.

>If only one thing truly exists, then anything that has awareness is automatically identical with that one thing. To be conscious in a universe where one thing exists is to be one with that one thing.

If only God exists, then if anything is conscious, it must be God alone that is conscious, yes. But since anything which could possibly answer to a description of 'you' (a finite being, not even conscious of the thought in the minds of his fellow-man, nor the dance of electrons at the roots of matter, nor the future, nor the past, nor what might be, nor whence he comes) is not God, it follows not that you are identical with God by having consciousness, but that you, who are not God, are not conscious.

If you were never conscious, there is no means by which you could ever have learned that only God exists. So even if it were true that there was only the One, you could never have learned or experienced that fact. If it is false that there is only the One (which is the only sensible conclusion), then everything you say is only the sterile bloviating of the self-besotted mystic. A teaching which is so absolutely self-destructive whatever turns out to be the case, deserves only scorn.

>> No.15038653

>If you were never conscious, there is no means by which you could ever have learned that only God exists. So even if it were true that there was only the One, you could never have learned or experienced that fact. If it is false that there is only the One (which is the only sensible conclusion), then everything you say is only the sterile bloviating of the self-besotted mystic. A teaching which is so absolutely self-destructive whatever turns out to be the case, deserves only scorn.
This. Non-dualism is like materialism. Just as a materialist can't say he has reached any conclusion without self-refuting due to the worthless random nature of atoms firing up, a non-dualist can't say he has learned or moved away from ignorance since "Only God is".

>> No.15038684

I'll go to sleep. Based other conscious being who is not God nor myself (nor them) please keep BTFOing non-dualists. All they can do is blindly follow doctrinal passages.

>> No.15039040

Technically speaking nondualism cannot win, or it would be dualism.

>> No.15039684

this. non-dualism is merely a cope for those who are too intelligent for materialism and too arrogant for Christ.

>> No.15040074

The Son of God is fully God and fully man. You act as if Man was created and yet the son of God is man. So you have to distort the plain teachings and reduce mankind to his fallen form. You pedestalize Jesus to prevent yourself from entering in. You put God as a roadblock to God. You say "see man is nothing" and yet Jesus is man.

>> No.15040090

What is before creation? Well I will have you know I'm not a materialist. so I don't have to say that Mankind's origin is from this material reality. Creative Energy is what makes creation. The creators creativity. Thats pretty close to God. The finite can be nothing more than a mode of the infinite. It's just one way of expressing itself. Who told you that you were naked?

>> No.15040094

>Why do you assume only God exists?
Because the Upanishads says so
>schizo level satanic apophaticism
No it's not lmao
>what is the soul if not that which comprehends one's entire individuality that can only be fulfilled in time and space?
The readon the soul is immortal is that it is actually God, but we mistakenly perceive it to be a limited soul similar to
how one might think that the space inside a pot is different from the space around it, but in truth it's all the same space. The pot is limited but not the space (awareness) associated with it. Our consiousness is God's, which is what allows us to comprehend things when it is associated with the unconscious intellect but at this stage of existence we are under the influence of God's maya which is why we think we are limited individuals

>non-dualism is the height of foolishness
yeah yeah yeah, we already know that it triggers you, nobody cares about your empty rhetoric
>the logic of the position entails the realisation that nothing ever had faith, no problem was solved by means of faith, because no problem ever existed ... growth and change are unreal. Moving from ignorance to knowledge is also impossible,
Indeed, there was nobody that ever had faith and nobody that was ever in a state of ignorance, but until you personally wake up from the illusion though you cannot understand this and it changes nothing. The fact that the illusion seems real has to be accepted for practical purposes, but when one wakes up from it the truth dawns that there was no one bound and that eternal liberation is the true nature of the Self. There is absolutely no contradiction whatsoever unless you are confusing the absolute and the relative standpoint, which is a common mistake people make, your argument here hinges on this misunderstanding.
>have no need to read heathen texts to know their falsehood and absurdity.
then you should expect people to keep pointing out that you have no idea what you are talking about, you are also a hypocrite, "In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as rightous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness" - Matthew 23:27
>If only God exists, then if anything is conscious, it must be God alone that is conscious, yes. But since anything which could possibly answer to a description of 'you' is not God, it follows not that you are identical with God
This is circular reasoning based on the unproven claim that the "you" is not God, you just assume this to be true and surprise surprise when you do that it supports your foregone conclusion. The intellect and mind which have thoughts are not God, but the ungraspable awareness which observes them is. This "eye of the eye" cannot normally observe itself just as the eye cannot see itself and so anything you can point to and say "look, this thing I'm observing is limited and is thus non-God" is just awareness (God) observing that which is not God, so your argument doesn't actually prove anything

>> No.15040110

You act as if a multi-faceted diamond is not one. You act as if multiplicity is not a perfect Unity. go and study man and see that his personality is derived from many subpersonalities and personalities. Personality can come from no one but God.

>> No.15040208

>You act as if Man was created and yet the son of God is man.
I can't tell if this is ironic or if nondualists actually have this weak an understanding of Christian doctrine...

>> No.15040223

>you personally wake up
There is nobody to wake up, silly abrahamic dualist.

>> No.15040242
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>a non-dualist can't say he has learned or moved away from ignorance since "Only God is".

Our true nature is always present but it is rendered apparently unavailable by ignorance.
Once that ignorance is removed, it shines forth and is again available, like the jewels around the
neck of a person who had forgotten they were there.

The eye of knowledge contemplates the being which is life, intelligence, and all-pervading
happiness; but the eye of ignorance cannot contemplate That, just as a person who is blind
cannot perceive the shining sun.

Atman, our real self, seems to be veiled by ignorance, but the moment ignorance is
destroyed, our true nature shines forth, like the sun when clouds drift away.

- Atma-Bodha

>> No.15040273

yeah, and you believe in the upanishads because... it`s an old tradition as you`ve already said in its defense. That doesn`t prove anything. It`s wishful thinking --- aka LARPING. Blind belief, you are spiritually dead. Like many others who grew rebellious against christianity you decided to go for an eastern belief. It`s not the first time this happened in history --- you are as miserable as any new ager.

As I said you can only cling to your doctrinal texts. You don`t care about truth, you just want to larp as an enlightened eastern mystic. You pierced your own eyes for the appearance of an eastern belief. Sad.

>> No.15040284

God doesn't wake up, but the unreal entity that was the individual persona 'wakes up' by realizing it's unreality, thereby leaving God who is the pure witnessing awareness who was observing that unreality as the only thing remaining. The clouds obscuring the sun pass away, but the sun remains one and unchanging.

>> No.15040302

>was the individual persona
No such thing. Go worship a kike some more lol

>> No.15040305

>there is the sun
>and the clouds
>but all is one
uhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHH the 1+1=1 math doesnt seem right

>> No.15040314

>bro you ARE God!
>*cannot get a gf or stop being depressed*

what did non-dualists meme by this?

>> No.15040330

>yeah, and you believe in the upanishads because...
because I read them and agreed with the teachings and ideas contained in them
>you are as miserable as any new ager.
If the bliss that I feel from studying the teachings of the Upanishads is miserable then I don't ever want to be not miserable
>As I said you can only cling to your doctrinal texts.
right back at you buddy

>> No.15040334

why get a gf when you and the other are already one bro. just become AWARE. you are the gf

>> No.15040345

>No such thing.
indeed, but it takes spiritual illumination to realize this
the clouds are maya, which is a power that God possesses

>> No.15040353

>spiritual illumination
No such thing. Illusory. Abrahamicuck.

>> No.15040367

>all is one
>I read them and agreed with the teachings and ideas contained in them
>I, guenonfag spammer & shitposter, a person in time and space who shits up the board, read this established scriptured and agreed with it


>> No.15040373
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>everything is illusion
>trust me enlightenment is special though
what did they mean by this?

>> No.15040377


>> No.15040387

>everything is illusion
that's not true though, God is not an illusion, enlightenment is just the dissolving of the unreal, leaving the real (God) clearly shining in its absence

>> No.15040394

you claim all is one yet the reason why you claim it is that you stumbled upon this established hindu text only, something that took place in history

>> No.15040405
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>> No.15040455


>> No.15040479

Why on earth does that matter? There is only one Earth, you can find gold in only some parts of it, does that mean the Earth is not one?

>> No.15040502

any time you say I and something personal you are affirming your personal self`s existence

>> No.15040610

You're assuming something exists only if it is entirely separate.

>> No.15040750

Vedanta admits that the world of multiplicity exists conditionally, but not in absolute reality, hence there is no contradiction, anytime someone who adheres to classic non-dualism speaks of "you" or "I" it is with reference to this conditional reality.

Vedanta distinguishes three levels of being. Pure Being or the ultimate Reality is Brahma. It is beyond our empirical experience, beyond senses, thought and language, as the foundational reality of all. It is paramartha, the absolutely Real. Next comes our empirical world, valid for senses, thought and language, valid for all empirical experience, but not real in itself. It is the sphere of ‘becoming’ or ‘appearance’, of space-time-causation, ruled by thought. This phenomenal world is vyavahara. It can neither be justified nor questioned by thought. Being appears in it in various degrees and that constitutes its reality. ‘Being’ is not only transcendent to ‘appearance*, but also immanent in it in varying degrees. Brahma is the reality of this world; its phenomenal character is a superimposition on Brahma and is therefore false. On the third level, stand empirical illusion, dreams, etc., which are taken as ‘real’ as long as they last and then rejected as ‘unreal’ when their ground reality is realised. This is the level of the illusory called pratibhasa.

>> No.15040759

The illusory and the empirical both are indefinite and are, infact, ‘unreal’ mistaken as ‘real’. The illusory cannot be set aside as a mere ‘nothing’ for it confronts us as an object of knowledge during illusion and is mistaken by us as such. It is taken as real as long as it appears. The illusory and the empirical are different types of objects and belong to different orders of being, but objectivity is common to both. Both are indefinite and indefinable either as real or unreal. They cannot be labelled under any category of thought. They are not ‘real’, for they are contradicted later on when their ground-reality is known. They are not ‘unreal*, for they do appear in knowledge as ‘real' and are taken as such during illusion. They are not ‘both real and unreal’, for this conception is self-contradictory. The indefiniteness or the character of being neither real nor unreal nor both is common to both the illusory and the empirical and reveals their falsity. Each is taken as real within its sphere and turns out to be unreal from a higher order. The rope-snake is real during illusion and is set aside when the rope is known. The dream-snake is real during dream and is set aside when the dreamer awakes. Similarly, this world is real as long as we view it through senses and thought and is realised as unreal when Brahma is known.

>> No.15040770

In contrast to these three levels of being, the ‘non-being' stands as the ‘utterly unreal’, the 'tuchchha', as a pseudo-concept like a barren woman’s son or a sky-flower, which cannot even appear as an object in knowledge at any time. Even the indefinite (anirvachaniya) , i.e., the illusory and the empirical, treated as false (mithya) has, like the utterly unreal (tuchchha), no ‘being’ at any time. Yet, the significant distinction between the indefinite and the utterly unreal is that while the former appears in our knowledge as ‘real' and is mistaken by us to be ‘real’ until it is set aside as unreal by the sublating knowledge of its ground, the latter has no power even to appear as ‘real. The indefinite confronts us by appearing in the garb of the real, though its pretension .to reality is later on discovered and discarded, the utterly unreal lacks this power of appearance and has no pretension to reality. It is due to this important distinction that the indefinite is accorded a place under ‘degrees of reality,’while the pseudo-concept is relegated to the sphere of ‘non-being’. The illusory is a projection of Ignorance. It is taken as ‘real’ as long as it appears; it is rejected as ‘unreal’ when its ground is known; and it is realised as ‘indefinable either as real or as unreal or as both’ when the question of determining its metaphysical status is taken up. Similarly, this empirical world is taken as real for all practical purposes when experienced through sense-organs and thought-forms; when philosophically analysed it turns out to be indefinable either as real or as unreal or as both and is, therefore, treated as false; and when Brahma, its ground-reality, is realised through immediate spiritual experience (generated by the mahavakya of the shruti), it is realised as totally unreal (tuchchha).

>> No.15040806

>my doctrinal larp
I dont give a shit about that vedanta says. Why do you keep shilling your doctrine? It does not prove anything. In fact it goes against truth. Do you understand what you are doing? You are trying to prove something through doctrine, it`s absurd. It`s like shilling materialism based on scientific papers. It`s all doctrine and wishful thinking.

>I believe this and that because the texts say so
>I stumbled upon them and agreed with them
>Here have some of the texts

>> No.15040845

>I dont give a shit about that vedanta says.
Okay, that's fine; but someone asked a question about non-dualism and so I was answering their question and providing some context.
>Why do you keep shilling your doctrine?
I'm not OP, I came into a thread someone else made about non-dualism, and was answering questions that a third person asked about non-dualism. If that's so traumatizing to you then I suggest that you stay out of non-dualism threads.

>> No.15040881
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If you come from a scientific/positivism position read on protein folding, and then extrapolate to everything that is/was/ever will be

>> No.15041099

>dude I'm going to point out what I think are flaws in non-dualism but you're not allowed to reference non-dual teachings when explaining why those are not actually flaws
did you forget what thread you were posting in for a minute there buddy?

>> No.15041147

>barren woman’s son
>utterly unreal
Um.... Hello?

And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken. 2 For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. 3 And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him—whom Sarah bore to him—Isaac. 4 Then Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him. 5 Now Abraham was one hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. 6 And Sarah said, “God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me.” 7 She also said, “Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? For I have borne him a son in his old age.”

>> No.15041190

I don't agree that Jesus was conceived by God and I think either Abraham or someone else knocked Mary up, so that doesn't mean anything to me. But the "flower-in-the-sky" metaphor can be substituted instead and works just as well.

>> No.15041221

>Abraham or someone else knocked Mary up
Um..? Hello? Cringe department?

Then the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I am a virgin?"

>> No.15041285
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>if a woman says it than it must be true

>> No.15041334
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why would you not trust a pure loli virgin, anon?

>> No.15041357
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what did the Jewish scriptures say was supposed to happen to people who admitted to cheating on their spouse? oh that's right....

>> No.15041828

Such purity of soul is what is required to give birth to God. Undefiled by outward appearances of teachings. Belonging to no one but her beloved - God. But harlots sleep with any man that she finds attractive or that will give her something.

>> No.15043384
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peak of irony
larping as a goy slave
A true nondualist faps as eternal one god experiencing itself in finite ,transient forms.
Based , poor anons getting cucked by maya , as God once said 'nothing personal kiddos'
Nonduality is the final conclusion of spirituality, see ancient greco-egyptian ''all is one'' ouroboros engraved symbols .
Nonduality transcends culture and region it is universal truth.
I know it is so because spiritual insight , experience where glass of matrix maya is broken so light of eternal self can express itself,
As per usual you dont have any spiritual practicality just blind belief no actual work done.

>> No.15044017

that's one person

>> No.15044136

Nondualism = -2

>> No.15045146

More like 2i

>> No.15045693

nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is in your midst."
Luke 17:21

>> No.15045720
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This, true christian teaching is nonduality
When you make the two one and

When you make the inner as the outer and the above

As below, and when

You make the male and the female into a single one

Then you shall enter the kingdom.

— The Gospel of Thomas

>> No.15045741
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discord gg/Ye72mjy

>> No.15045807

When did it stop being cool to know that you know nothing.

>> No.15045824

I support eckhart tolle.

>> No.15045856
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>> No.15046183

The arrival of the great sage Rene Guenon (pbuh) onto the pages of /lit/ in 2014-2015 like the morning dawn signalled a coming change in the zeitgeist. Soon, his conclusions came to be regarded by much of the board as unavoidable, and in light of this Socrates famous statement that he knew that he knew nothing ceased to be regarded as a profound statement and instead merely signalled his ignorance of the great Atlanto-Hyperborean metaphysical Tradition. Good riddance.

>> No.15046470

Dualism is absolute. Nondualism is bullshit.

>> No.15046710

Non dualism sucks. Non dualism does not suck.

>> No.15046808

Is God dualistic in his own nature then, given that dualism is "absolute"?

>> No.15046884

I am really struggling to understand how one perfectly good and omnipotent God can tolerate evil. It seems to me, such an absolute God must be perfectly good and perfectly evil, and thus the source of both. I know I shouldn't think like this but it doesn't make sense to me otherwise.

>> No.15046907


>> No.15046925
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The way i see it is evil is just deeper descend,fall into illiusion/maya which separates one from goodness of god but ultimately things that happen to you good or bad are meant to bring you back to god, to realize truth of nonduality in being not thought.
Even tho christcucks are wrong if they somewhat practice and spiritually evolve with religion its far better than the average hylic

>> No.15047162

>I am really struggling to understand how one perfectly good and omnipotent God can tolerate evil
That just means you are currently at the "bugman" stage in your life. Try ascending and this problem will resolve itself.

>> No.15047286

kek, nondualists truly btfo maya itself

>> No.15048106


>> No.15048816


>> No.15049186

>implying there is the 'two' to make into one
oh no no no no

>> No.15049504

>not knowing that any reference to two and multiplicity is only referencing the conventional nature of appearences which are sublated in absolute reality
oh no no no no

>> No.15050129


>> No.15051125
