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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 452 KB, 671x1024, Vladimir_Nabokov_1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15026496 No.15026496 [Reply] [Original]

Lolita seriously isn't that good, the early -> mid part, yeah, then it gets mediocre.
Is his other work better?

>> No.15026515

What are you talking about? The ending scene where Humbert kills the dentist is incredible.

>> No.15026516

shitting on 2nd part of lolita is the ultimate midwit self-reveal

>> No.15026531

I agree that the first half is better but second still has some kino including his ending message to her.
Read his complete short stories, he's arguably overrated as a novelist but he's the most underrated short story writer ever.

>> No.15026557

>my stomach was empty and my intestines were full

what did he meant with that?

>> No.15027296

Had to shit real bad.

>> No.15027694

Reminder the ending didn't happen, Humbert made it up.

>> No.15027722

what is he in jail for then, is that fake too? his impending trial and death as well? john ray’s foreword?

>> No.15027732

The whole thing is fake, HUmbert Humbert is a fictional character

You thought that was someone's real name lmao??

>> No.15027738

I wouldn't say that the end part is mediocre. Honestly the early and end are the best parts in my opinion. The middle where they just spend time driving around staying in motels and fucking becomes sort of repetitive and boring after a while.

>> No.15027741


>> No.15027759
File: 28 KB, 372x300, 1560115361911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le epic pedo road trip book
Why have there been SO MANY threads about this book lately?

>> No.15027763

kino is the best word to describe the road trip portion of lolita

>> No.15027765

i mean in the context of the book. like what’s so special about the ending not happening if nothing ever happened

>> No.15027772

It's a literary classic and one of the bestselling books of all time.

>> No.15027789

only retards use the meme and only the lowest tier of retards use it in an irrelevant context

>> No.15027793

Yes, but there have been noticeably more threads about Nabokov and this book in particular than normal the last week or so

Are you retarded or just deliberately being obtuse? Clearly my post was indicating this trend

>> No.15027798

im sorry you lack the ability to discern kino

>> No.15027807

4chan's "kino" is the exact same as Tumblr's A E S T H E T I C

Superficial wank for niggers

>> No.15027821

I'm both retarded and deliberately obtuse but that doesn't refute my point. It's likely some people have just felt like posting threads about an extremely famous book recently. That's going to happen on a board about literature. I'm sorry.

>> No.15027839

The problem is that' it's a dumb autistic attempt to sound cool. Just call the movie beautiful since that's all you mean.

>> No.15027840

Sorry, it has become clear to us that you are too low IQ to be posting on this board
I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

>> No.15027845

Beauty and what "kino" is attempting to describe may overlap at times, but they are distinct

>> No.15027855

it is neither to sound cool nor is it the same thing as beautiful. not being able to grasp what slang means is genuinely autistic

>> No.15027859

this concept already exists, it's called the sublime, read pseudo-longinus, burke, kant on the topic

>> No.15027865

This is a really stupid post

>> No.15027880

autistic 4chan neologisms are not slang, they are meaningless forced memes

>> No.15027891

I think it's good and smart to encourage people to read about the philosophic origins of their aesthetic concepts

>> No.15027892

>4chan neologisms are not slang

>> No.15027893

Sublime is more about realising the vastness and depth of something much bigger than yourself.

>> No.15027909

Why don't you do that then instead of name-dropping people you haven't read for internet points and misconstruing what a term exists to describe completely

>> No.15027944

Jokes on you I was too bored to get to the second half

>> No.15027964

this dude's pic just makes that one-line dosmissal of dostoevksy all the more asswipe-y

>> No.15028004

But is that not what a 4channer means when describing a film as 'kino'? It fully engages your primary senses of sight and hearing to transport you to a new world that absorbs you totally. Vastness and depth is implicit in this experience.

'Kino' doesn't exist to describe anything. It's amorphous and whatever you choose to make of it. In this case the sublime may be exactly appropriate, unless you don't think it should be applied to films for whatever reason. But I know you're just gonna keep replying with unjustified bad faith assumptions about your interlocutor in order to dodge discussion so whatever

>> No.15028074

Yeah but going for a walk in a national park easily tops any piece of media in terms of sublime, kino is more about beauty of construction and fitting into a nice 3x3.
This is just my perception desu.

>> No.15029143
File: 40 KB, 661x110, Screenshot_20200406_020030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tells you. He gets arrested for driving on the wrong side of the road and then tells them this elaborate story.
Lolita, like Nabokov's other works, is a puzzle book playing with the concept of the unreliable narrator.
Humbert Humbert spent 56 days writing Lolita in prison (he says it at the very end of the book in the final chapter). If he killed Quincy, he'd have been in prison 52 days. If he began writing the the day he was arrested until the day he died, he'd be in prison September 21st and Quincy is shot September 25th. The last 4 days of the narrative are made up.

>> No.15029177

or September 22nd, my mistake (this means he still meets "Mrs Richard F. Schiller" who definitely exists). This still means Quincy is never shot and Humbert made it up. What else is made up?

>> No.15029181
File: 55 KB, 708x708, 1426305331680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an awful amount of R*dditniggers on /lit/ lately.

>> No.15029379
File: 871 KB, 1800x1340, 8e0381a70e953c7f1c95f891bf18f5c9b33ad789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw a post on reddit criticizing the book lol