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/lit/ - Literature

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15024729 No.15024729 [Reply] [Original]

Why are most books dogshit nowadays? Was it always like that or did it get worse?

>> No.15024734

Atwood’s piece of shit was written in ‘85. Hardly representative of today’s literature, if it even counts as part of ‘today’.

>> No.15024741

it's been getting worse for a few centuries

>> No.15024773
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I didn't mean to single out a particular book, look at any list of best sellers and they're all terrible.

>> No.15024857

Books used to only be written by the aristocracy but now people try to make a living off their writing. The profit motive forces them to write for the common man.

>> No.15024905

Yes, you look at any medium and what was actually popular in the past (not just remembered) and it will surprise you

> Books used to only be written by the aristocracy
Books were already catering to middle class boobs by the 18th century

>> No.15024933

>Books were already catering to middle class boobs by the 18th century
How does this contradict what I said?

>> No.15025065

Not that guy but you said 'books used to be only written by the aristocracy' as if to explain that the fall in quality is due to poorer people having to write for profit, and that guy was saying that writing-for-profit has been happening for too long to explain away the current state of literature.

I mean the idea is kind of true, Capitalism has engulfed everything including the push-pull of the avant garde that, historically, produced a lot of good art in general. This is made worse by the fact that a writing career is hard to sustain in this economy even if you're happy to write some radical-chic for the marketplace. I've heard older cultural critics talk about how the artistic spirit of Literature is still alive in film and tech. I'm not really into those enough to verify.

>> No.15025136

A very roundabout way of saying the jews did this.

>> No.15025140

>Yes, you look at any medium and what was actually popular in the past (not just remembered) and it will surprise you
100% this, OP needs to take his nostalgia goggles off. The only reason we are more aware of the good than the bad literature (and art more generally) of the past is because it takes decades, if not centuries for the best examples of their respective mediums to cement themselves in the cultural consciousness. We won't really have a strong sense of who the true artists of our generation are for a very long time. And that's okay, because if you have a good eye, then you're always going to be able to find material that you like. Complaining about how literature was so much better in the past is like being a braindead "le wrong generation" rockist.

>> No.15025157

There really is no nuance to anti-semitism, huh. All you're doing is reaching a conclusion and then retroactively fitting the evidence to it. Why bother with intellectual rigour if you can just have a catch-all placeholder for everything in the world you don't like?

>> No.15025162
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What do you do even define as good&"dogshit"?

Writing? Plot? Feelings? Characters? Your own needs?

>> No.15025192
File: 50 KB, 500x667, c4c9d34a9014161c9000fd62c0f37043c1619ca6b803ec0e27e87ec57599af5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony of this post is too much lol.

>> No.15025194

The ruling ideology suppresses meaningful or transgressive creativity in favor of propaganda to support the status quo.
People on positions of power in publishing (liberal arts school educated women in major coastal cities) are pretty zealous in their cause.
And literature, to be good or enjoyable to read, must on some level be evil. By which I mean contradictory to the value system in which it was written.
Theres stuff out there but it's not gonna be marketed to you or on any top charts. We need to be doing pirate radio style work, building up an alternative system to reward creative insolence and middle fingers to the status quo.

No, libleft reeelosophy is not part of that. Its accepted because it only supports the neoliberal antiworker agenda.

>> No.15025240

Who TF can smell chewing gum at a basketball game

>> No.15025248

Or maybe more books get published than ever and the standards have somewhat lowered over time.

>> No.15025263

The fact that Nietzsche's criticism of the anti-Semite is as true today as it was in the 1870s is enough to convince me that there has been no "progress," at least among the world's wealthier nations, since that time. How could such a stagnant animal go on propagating itself except in the fetid environment of a stagnant civilization? If Der Stürmer were revived today, it could easily attain again the popularity it enjoyed under the Nazi regime through a slight adjustment of style to fit the pettiness and weak-stomachedness of Middle Americans and identitarians alike

>> No.15025264

Dude your reply literally confirmed everything I'm saying. That anon was thinking carefully about the relationship between capitalism and the production of art and you reduced all of that nuance down to "da joos". Why should anyone take your massive leaps in induction seriously?

>> No.15025278

Most writers who write for money are shit. Baudelaire said Poe could've been a "best-seller" but he would never lower his sacred work to the masses besides short stories (for booze and drugs).

>> No.15025355


Are you an Israeli poster? A non jew/non autist reaction to >>15025136 would be to see it's an attempt at humor and ignore it, but then multiple posts come and attack it all with the same vaginal tone. It was proven a while ago that most of the cuck porn is posted from israel, I wonder if you're messing w/other boards as well now. There is no answer to how such a small segment of the population could be at the heads of media giants. Many congressmen and senators share dual citizenship with Israel. It doesn't look good when you start to examine it.

>> No.15025365

And yet the very same "vaginal tone" that you're taking strongly suggests that the original post expressed a genuine belief as well. Once again, subtlety is something unknown to the anti-Semite (and this is his great strength).

>> No.15025603

Capitalism did it. There's a paradox here - the dialectic of history and culture has collapsed into the marketplace and yet it is the economic circumstances produced by the marketplace that have resulted in a climate where writing and publishing are not at all lucrative.

>> No.15025618

That’s your fault for looking at the best sellers list. They’re always bad.

>> No.15026110

Because the shit books from the past didn't survive