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15024448 No.15024448 [Reply] [Original]

>Traditional Catholicism
>German Idealism
>Advaita Vedanta
>Eastern Orthodox Christianity
>Mark Passio's what on earth is happening
>Analytic philosophy
>Chinese consciousness
>Race mixing

What is the end goal of human consciousness?

>> No.15024482

it was all a dream, I used to read Word Up magazine

>> No.15024507


>> No.15024584

how does one even 'join' the cybergoth subculture?

>> No.15024686

online Meetup groups.
you find the one with a big city near you and go to meetup events, dance, record, get shamed online.

>> No.15024692


>> No.15025531
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based and wotanpilled

>> No.15025546

I'm gonna go with this one. The total actualization of the true form of love.

>> No.15025554
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>> No.15025978

Me on the left

>> No.15026005

Possibly, an answer to all truths.

>> No.15026068
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>> No.15026086

>What is the end goal of human consciousness?

>> No.15026090

Man has been conditioned down the centuries for goals, destinations, purposes, meanings - that's how man has lived hitherto, with the goal-oriented ideology. Hindu, Christian, Mohammedan, communist, it doesn't matter. All ideologies are goal-oriented. It is always tomorrow that you have to look to, or the next life. It is always somewhere else: the goal, the meaning, the bliss, the paradise. It is never now here.

You cannot allow yourself to relax in the moment because of these ideologies. They go on goading you - you have to attain something, you have to achieve something. Your whole education system is a strategy of poisoning your consciousness. It is a strategy of driving you crazy after goals, it is a strategy of creating ambition in you. And ambition is neurosis. But this has been going on for so long that it has become part and parcel of the human mind.

That's why you go on thinking in terms of goal or destination. It is not you; it is society that goes on thinking in you, through you. It is your parents, priests, politicians, pedagogues, who go on thinking through you and you are identified with them. You don't know that you are separate.

The first thing that you will have to learn is to be a witness to all that goes on in the mind because the mind is a social phenomenon. It is not a God-given gift. It is social exploitation. And it is society that creates a mind in you and through that mind controls you, keeps you imprisoned, chained, reduces you to a slave. You are not the mind. You are the witness who can see the mind very easily. You can see the thoughts moving in your consciousness. Those thoughts are the content of the consciousness, but they are not consciousness itself.

This is what meditation is all about: creating a distance between you and your mind. Once the distance is there, you will be surprised that the whole mind structure is your imprisonment - you are free from it because you are separate from it. Once you start enjoying the freedom from the mind, all goals disappear, all destinations disappear.

>> No.15026096
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>> No.15026103

If you are here with enlightenment as your goal you cannot be here. Physically you may appear to be here, but you cannot be with me. The goal is in the future, I am here! And a mind which is goal-oriented is bound to be in the future - we will never meet.

I know you are here to attain something - that's why you are missing it. I am here to persuade you to drop the very idea of attaining anything whatever: enlightenment, moksha, nirvana, God, included. If you drop this goal-oriented mind - and there are none but goal-oriented minds, there is no other mind - if you drop it, you are enlightened.

Enlightenment is not a search, it is a realization. It is not a goal. It is the very nature of life itself. As life is, it is enlightened. It needs nothing to be added to it, to improve it. Life is perfect. It is not moving from imperfection to perfection, it is moving from perfection to perfection.

You are here to attain something. That is functioning as a barrier. Drop that barrier. Just be here! Forget about a purpose; life cannot have any purpose. Life is the purpose, how can it have any other purpose? Otherwise you will be in an infinite regress: then that purpose will have another purpose, then that other purpose will have another purpose_ Life has no purpose and that's why it is so beautiful.

Hindus have called it leela, play. It is not even a game. Now in the West the word game has become very, very important. Hundreds of books have been published within two, three years with game in the title: The Master Game, The Ultimate Game, Games People Play, and so on and so forth. But there is a difference between a game and play. Hindus have called life "play," not a game. Because even a game has something as a purpose: a result to be attained, victory to be achieved, the opponent has to be conquered. Then play becomes a game; then it becomes serious.

Grown-ups play games, children only play. Just the very activity is enough unto itself. It has an intrinsic end, there is no goal added to it. Life is a leela, it is a play, and the moment you are ready to play, you are enlightened.

Try to understand from some other dimension. You are already that which you are trying to be. The more you try, the more you will miss. Leave all effort, simply accept yourself, just be that - and suddenly it is there. It has always been there but you were seeking so seriously, and that was the only cause of missing it.

>> No.15026107

Life in itself is not the goal. The goal surpasses life. The life is just an opportunity to realize the goal. The goal is hidden deep in life, you cannot find it on the surface. You will have to penetrate to the very center. Life is like a seed, in itself it is not enough. You will have to work hard so the seed sprouts, becomes a tree and comes to bloom.

This is one of the most fundamental things to remember: that man has to surpass himself, that life has to transcend itself. If you don’t understand this then you will be lost in the means and you will forget the end. That’s what happens ordinarily: we become too attached with life and we forget that life was just an opportunity to understand something which is deeper than life, higher than life; superior, far superior than life.

If you get too obsessed with life itself, it is as if somebody was sent to the university and he became too attached with the university and he could not leave it, and he could not even conceive of leaving it. The university is there just to educate you for something greater. The university is to prepare you for the universe, that’s why we call it the university. It itself is not the universe, just a preparation.

In the East, life is just like a university, a discipline, a training for something far beyond it. If you become too attached to life, then you will be coming back again and again every year to the university. Then it is futile, pointless. A university is to get ready, a university has to be renounced one day. It is just a preparation and if the preparation becomes endless, then it becomes a burden.

That is what has happened to many people. They take life as the goal; then they go on preparing, they go on preparing endlessly. They never go on the journey, they simply prepare for the journey. And if their life becomes an impotent gesture, no wonder; it is natural, it has to be so.

Just think about yourself always consulting timetables, always getting ready to leave, always inquiring from the tourist office, and never leaving, never going anywhere. You will go mad.

Nothing is wrong with life itself, but if your attitude is this – that life is an end unto itself – then you will be in trouble. Then your whole life will become meaningless. The meaning is there, but the meaning is transcendental to it. The meaning is there, but you will have to penetrate to that core where it is revealed.

>> No.15026113

Life is a school to learn the eternal truth of existence. But that is possible only if you are conscious. You are not even conscious when you appear to be conscious. Walking in the street, talking to people, shopping in the Mall, going to the disco, it looks as if you are conscious; it is not so.

Just watch yourself. Watch; are you aware while you are walking, or is walking just a mechanical process, just like a robot? And you will be surprised to know the difference. Just try to walk a few steps consciously and you will see the difference - and the beauty and the joy and the relaxation of walking consciously. Your whole body is in tune with existence.

Consciousness bridges you with existence.

Unconsciousness closes you into yourself.

In unconsciousness you don't have any connection with existence.

In consciousness you are related to the whole - from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest star millions of light-years away.

A conscious man is just like you, but inside there is light; and inside you there is darkness.

You go on doing things but without knowing who you are_shopping for everything except yourself! While you are talking, be alert and you will be surprised, just by your unconscious talking, how many troubles you have created, how many quarrels, fights you have created - just by talking. Just think: if you were not talking and you were just a silent man, ninety-nine percent of your troubles would be dropped. They come out of your talking!

You say something, and your wife is bound to misunderstand it. And there is no way to explain to her because whatever you explain, she has her own way of interpreting it. Slowly, slowly husbands and wives stop talking because they both have understood that this leads to quarreling, and finally to crying and weeping and throwing things.

What a strange world! - a conversation leading to throwing things and screaming and tears and pillow fights. But the reason is not talking, the reason is talking unconsciously. And the same is true about all your activities. They bring more and more misery to you, more and more suffering to you, but you go on doing the same things again and again. An unconscious man is bound to fall in the same pit again and again.

A conscious man also commits mistakes, but one mistake one time. A conscious man learns even from mistakes. He has learned something of tremendous value - that this is a mistake, and now it is not going to be repeated again. Slowly, slowly all mistakes are dropped; his life becomes a silent, joyous dance.

>> No.15026124

by osho

>> No.15026182
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>> No.15027040



>> No.15027787
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Busting nuts in cute trad sluts.
Throwing nades in nigger huts.
Making kikes regret their lives,
every night one of long knives.

Have some children, raise them strong,
White is good, what's not is wrong.
Let them know that lifes a struggle,
a gift from nature like no other.
And within it nothing clear,
Jewish girls like to take it up the rear.

No marching feet on foreign soil,
not for kikes and not for oil.
Your life is one, your blood is holy.
The soil is yours, the sky as well,
And all the creatures which on it dwell.

Fight and live, preach this to others,
For white childre, fathers and mothers.