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/lit/ - Literature

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15024274 No.15024274 [Reply] [Original]

#7 /SpGT/ - Welcome to the official thread for Spanish /lit/erature (español).

Feel free to contribute with reviews on your favourite authors, books, fragments, own works (so we can criticize them :), new editions or publications, and the like...

Previous threads:

>> No.15024302
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We are currently reading "El Lazarillo de Tormes".

>> No.15024306

Websites with Spanish e-books:
http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page (pocos)

>> No.15025039

f for this general

>> No.15025059
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¿Quién aca pudiese sintetizarme las posiciones principales de éste señor? Es don Gustavo Bueno, el loco ese.

>> No.15025208
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Some anon a few years back, amidst a discussion of Spanish poetry, said we oughtn't to compare concise Shakespearean sonnets and Novalis' hymns to Hispanic attempts to mimic them. He argued that, due to the nature of our tongue, we are more prone to somewhat longer Alexandrine and hendecasyllabic verse. I tend to agree, just look at Darío or Garcilaso.
Dicho lo susodicho: ¿cuál es la métrica poética que más brío le permite a nuestra lengua?

>> No.15025235

La única literatura que pienso leer esta semana es el sagrado Corán

>> No.15025257

How fast can I learn to read Spanish if I already know Italian and Latin (and can read French)?
Any books I should read to train Spanish before Don Quixote so I can enjoy it better? Would reading a bilingual without knowing good Spanish not allow me to appreciate the superior use of Spanish language?
Recommended textbooks or methods?

>> No.15025287

>How fast can I learn to read Spanish if I already know Italian and Latin (and can read French)?
I guess pretty fast. Those are Romanic languages. You are off from a good start.

>> No.15025306

Latin and Italian are very helpful.
I usually read Wikipedia articles in the language I'm learning and once I feel like I have enough knowledge to not having to translate sentences all the time I move to books

>> No.15025326

You have to go back, Mohammed.

>> No.15025350
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Make me, come and make me.

>> No.15025368

Only on your sister's tits and your prophet's face.
>make me.
We're coming to get ya.

>> No.15025383
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BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA seething voxcel


>> No.15025441
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>> No.15025451
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Iyoh, k eh un livro?

>> No.15025477

Pues mira Ramos, sabes cuando acabas el entrenamiento y a la salida de Valdebebas están ahí siempre los pesados de los fans? El montón ese de papel que te dan para que firmes, ESO, ESO es nada más y nada menos que un "libro".

>> No.15025489

Spanish poetry has more internal rhythm and is usually faster. It mimics the spoken language where there is a shift between drawn out sections with precise spoken nuance and the rapid fire of dealing with a low signal to noise ratio per syllable. The grammar ensuring rhyme causes a shift to rhythm akin to japanese forms of poetry. It favors complex rhythmic patterns highlighting cosonant forms. I think Neruda captures that lilting dialogue and the interplay between simplicity and intensity/density.

>> No.15025626


absolutamente basado, este hilo

Por favor, estoy buscando cosas sencillas para leer, para practicar.

Specificamente, alguna historias cortas de escritores hispanohablantes

me encantaria tener unas recomendaciones.

>> No.15025645

>historias cortas
We call them "cuentos", mate. Look into Borges, Rulfo, Cortázar, and Arreola. García Márquez and Bolaño also wrote some good ones here and there.

>> No.15025682


algunos specificos? He trate de leer cosas de Garcia Marquez, pero tiene un estilo dificil a seguir para me.

Pero gracias, los buscare

>> No.15025741

La Continuidad de los Parques
Carta a una Señorita en París
Autopista Sur
Un Lugar Llamado Kindberg

La Casa de Asterión
Pierre Menard, Autor del Quijote
La Lotería de Babilonia


You can find a bunch of free ones here:

>> No.15025742

Use English or the jannies fuck us right in the pompis.

No sé tío. En el instituto éramos algunos máh de baskeh. Y otroh. De balonsettoh.

>absolutamente basado, este hilo

>> No.15025754

Podés dejar el namefagging de una puta vez?

>> No.15025758

why should I?

>> No.15025769


unreal, thanks buddy

>> No.15025771

Porque estás en 4chan, tarado

>> No.15025777

I don't follow. 4chan gives the option, and I like it, so I make use of it.

>> No.15025804

عليكم السلام

>> No.15025828
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Pic related, Cervantes (with Novelas ejemplares) or Cortázar (with Bestiario)

>> No.15025855
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(Only for Spanish anons)
¿Alguno de vosotros tiene o ha leído los libros de la imagen que posteo? ¿Qué tal os parecen?
Son de la recomendación propia de Borges, editados por Siruela. Yo he podido leer algunos como la puerta en el muro, La casa de los deseos, o Micrómegas.
Ya decís algo.

>> No.15025860

I'd say free verse. Just look at Pablo de Rokha and León Felipe. At the same time, endecasílabos, heptasílabos and octosílabos have been used in the greatest poetic works of the language. I'd say the silva (combination of endecasílabos and heptasílabos, i. e. Góngora's Soledades or Sor Juana's Primero Sueño) is the form that allows the most poetic breath, although it is quite difficult to use it. Otherwise, blank verse (endecasílabos sin rima).

>> No.15025869

Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan
El aleph
El milagro secreto

La autopista del sur
Casa tomada

Nos han dado la tierra
El hombre
El llano en llamas

El retorno
La nieve

>> No.15025871

nah. But I'm saving it.

>> No.15025932

Haven't read any of them, but I know that that series is very expensive in the secondary market.

>> No.15025970

¿Cuáles son vuestros autores favoritos de habla no hispana?

>> No.15026029

Mark Twain, Italo Calvino

>> No.15026126

>Italo Calvino
Recomiendo Bajo el Sol Jaguar si no lo leíste.

>> No.15026141

No, no lo he leído
Los que me he leído son:
Si una noche de invierno un viajero
Las ciudades invisibles
El castillo de los destinos cruzados
El Barón Rampante
Todas las cosmicómicas
Y ahora estoy con Marcovaldo

>> No.15026144

Los tienes en Siruela? Acá están bastante costosos.

>> No.15026225

Que yo recuerde no: de normal suelo comprarlos de segunda mano, precisamente por saber lo que cuestan los de Siruela de primera. Así que me voy haciendo de varias ediciones (El de Marcovaldo, P.E, es de destinolibro84)

>> No.15026231

Bibliotecas o soulseek

>> No.15026241

Qué tal las Cosmiconómicas? De los que leíste mi favorito fue Si una Noche de Invierno un Viajero. Sus seis conferencias para el nuevo milenio también están bien si te interesa la ese rollo.

>> No.15026343

Muy al estilo de Calvino: Intenta explicar algunos fenómenos astronómicos a través de su toque de humor
Aunque aviso: si has de hacerte con él hazte con el libro TODAS LAS COSMICÓMICAS, ya que es el compendio de las tres partes (cosmicómicas,Ti con cero, La memoria del mundo y otras historias cosmicómicas y Cosmicómicas viejas y nuevas)

>> No.15026357

In attention to the rest of the /lit/ community, use English. The #2 thread was archived bc of this. Looks the janitors don't like threads they can't understand.

>> No.15026398

¿Por qué no me comes los huevos como si fuesen un racimo de uvas?

>> No.15026408

Anon, the suggestions you got until now are not very good if you want to practice your spanish.

Start with "Cuentos de la Selva" by Horacio Quiroga. And check his bio in wikipedia. Based life story.

>> No.15026424

Yeah. Keep fucking with the guy that creates these threads. Keep fucking with one of the people who try to make /lit/ a better place, fighting off Guénon spammers and alike.

You are so smart, anon. Bravo.

>> No.15026448

Hoygan xavales kuales son los articulos de Wikipolla mas /lit/?

>> No.15026454

Los de la Viquipèdia

>> No.15026539

And how about Hispachan?
'cause i don't take /int/ seriously for this type of threads

>> No.15026561

Wow de verdad sos un héroe

>> No.15026666
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Don't forget to read, lads.

>> No.15026711

Qué buen chart, te animarías a incluir a España y Portugal?

>> No.15026716

Nice quads
A chart of Spanish literature when?

>> No.15026721

Read the chart's title.

>> No.15026740

Ya lo leí, por eso preguntaba
Por cierto, está mal escrito. En inglés se escribe Latin American, separado y con mayúscula.

>> No.15027069

We can do one of "lenguas romances". Or at least try. Five for each one.

Quijote by Cervantes (pbuh).
Ficciones by Borges.
Residencia en la tierra by Neruda.
El llano en llamas by Rulfo.
Canto barroco by Carpentier.

Livro do Desassossego by Fernando Pessoa
O Crime do Padre Amaro by Eça de Quieros
Ensaio sobre a ceguiera by Saramago
Cemitério de Pianos by José Luis Peixoto
Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma by Lima Barreto

Les Misèrables by Hugo
Fleurs du mal by Baudelaire
La Peste by Camus
À la recherche du temps perdu: Du côté de chez Swann by Proust
Voyage au bout de la nuit by Céline.

Divina Comedia by Dante
Marcovaldo by Italo Calvino
Il pendolo di Foucalt by Eco
Verrà la morte e avrá i tuoi occhi by Pavese
Uno, nessuno e centomila by Pirandello


>> No.15027111

>No Lazarillo de Tormes
>Also, no Catalan

>> No.15027350

I can do one for Spain and Portugal, but this is for Latin literature for now. I remember there were more chart ideas, if anyone has them just (You) me on them and I'll try to work on them tomorrow.

>> No.15027403

>Best Spanish books (#1)
>These are candidates, we will make a poll and decide a top-15
-Don Quixote
-Cien años de soledad (García Márquez)
-Quevedo's Poetry
-Ficciones, El Aleph (Borges)
-Pedro Páramo (Rulfo)
-Residencia en la tierra, Canto general (Neruda)
-La guerra del fin del mundo (Vargas Llosa)
-Terra Nostra (Fuentes)
-Zalacaín el aventurero (Baroja)
-Fortunata y Jacinta (Pérez Galdós) -Ficciones
-Cien años
-Antologia de Rubén Darío
-Don Juan Tenorio
-Concierto Barroco (never Heard of it)
-National Episodes by Galdós
-¿Alguna recopilación de cuentos de Julio Cortázar?
-Martín Fierro
-Marco Bruto by Quevedo
The Motorcycle Diaries by Che
El Laberinto de la Soledad by Paz
Oráculo by Gracián
Castillo Interior by Santa Teresa
La Araucana by Ercilla
Yo, El Supremo
Facundo by Sarmiento
Confabulario by Arreola
And some selected poems by the likes of Miguel Hernández, Góngora, Bécquer, Garcilaso, et al. -La fiesta del Chivo: Vargas Llosa
-La guaracha de macho camacho by Luis Rafael Sanchez
Obras completas y otros cuentos by Augusto Monterroso
>Mysticism and Religious /lit/ in the Counter-Reformation period (#2)
Any ideas?
-Fray Luis de León: Cantar de los Cantares, “De los nombres de Cristo”
-San Juan de la Cruz: his poems
-San Ignacio de Loyola: Spiritual Exercises
-Santa Teresa de Jesús: Camino de perfección, Moradas del castillo interior,
-San Juan de Ávila: "Audi filia, et vide", Epistolario espiritual para todos los estados -Francisco de Osuna's "The Third Spiritual Alphabet".

>Medieval Canon for Spanish language (#3)
Any ideas?
-Cantar de Mio Cid -Francisco de Osuna's "The Third Spiritual Alphabet"
-Romancero Viejo
-La Celestina
-El Amadís
-Cárcel de Amor
-El libro del buen amor
-El conde Lucanor
-Cántigas de Santa María (Alfonso X)
-Sth by Berceo
-Sth by Marqués de Santillana
-Laberinto de Fortuna
-Las coplas de Jorge Manrique
-El libro de Aleixandre

>> No.15027608

>>These are candidates, we will make a poll and decide a top-15
This. Wait some time. Also, I gotta update this yet. Some new suggestions from #5 and #5 aren't included there.

I do think that the #2 chart proposal is ready to go. And the #3 looks pretty close, too.