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/lit/ - Literature

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15021335 No.15021335 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw didn't go to university
is it over for me as an author?

>> No.15021340

>he thinks you have to go to university to be a writer

>> No.15021346

Hemingway didn’t go to university, and he won the Nobel. You can do it, anon.

>> No.15021376

It was a different era though...

>> No.15021388

University is a fucking scam. You could make more robbing people than you ever could with a useless degree.

>> No.15021406

t. retard

>> No.15021414

If you're talking about being a good author than you don't need to go to uni, just do the work.
If you're talking about getting published, that might be more difficult.

>> No.15021424

Shakespeare only went to a grammar school
Melville's only education was a fishing boat and the books he bought
If you have talent, you can do it

>> No.15021436

university is fucking gay and you were never going to make a living as an author anyway, think of all the famous authors that have died unrecognized or broke. hugo winning novelists still have dayjobs. just right your fucking book, submit short stories to magazines to try to get published, then once you have some credits under your belt you can go to a publisher with your novel.

the only reason to go to university is if you're trying to get a job as a professor so you can be a lazy fuck ignore your job and spend the whole day writing instead

>> No.15021595

No. Embrace auto-didacticism and get some interesting life experiences under your belt and you'll be fine.

>> No.15021669

Going to university was the biggest mistake of my life

>> No.15021696

As a fiction writer? No. As a non-fiction writer? Possibility, depending on the subject at hand.

>> No.15021810

You’re better off having not gone. These days University is a bit like having a tattoo. In the right crowd, it can lend some street cred. For the most part though, it was a just a stupid thing from your youth that puts you in a box which any self respecting person would eventually find they don’t want to be in. You could cover it up, but you could never go back and undo it. You’re better off, OP.

>> No.15021815

Not the biggest regret but it’s up there for me and I did one of those majors that /lit/ seems to think is good.

>> No.15021822

Based scholar of common sense.
Cringe pseud.

>> No.15021862

Not really. You will need feedback though, and university is an easy place to get it. Join a writing group and study on your own.

>> No.15021950

I went to a top ranked university and my best professors usually accepted any and all auditors as long as there were open seats. you literally don't have to pay shit as long as the course listing is public, just find courses you're interested in and email the professors. if the class size is large enough you could just show up and no one would notice.
this is only really worth doing in humanities i guess

>> No.15022016

I don’t think you would even benefit from going in-person anymore. You could just watch lectures online and read textbooks on your own. If the class is big enough like you mentioned, you’d get the exact same level of small group engagement anyway. I also went to a top school and my experience was that it was a complete waste of time and money and 99% of it was simply attending lectures and reading the textbook.

>> No.15022661


>> No.15022665

not really

>> No.15022836

writing is about experience. if you go to university for writing, you have no experience beyond writing. don't be a fucking coward and study something practical.

>> No.15023482

It’s better to just enroll in community college and use their database for literature critiques. That’s all you do as an English major: just writing critiques. But if you’re well read already you know what makes a book good. If you know what makes a book good, what is missing from a good book, and why a good book is not perfect, then you can write a good book. Also post your work so we can judge you, stupid frogposter