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/lit/ - Literature

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15020131 No.15020131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>last 5 books

>> No.15020158

Girl with the dragon tattoo
Bloods - wallace terry
Kafka on the shore- haruki murakami
Pet semetary- stephen king
1q84 - haruki murakami

>> No.15020160
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>Man and His Becoming according to the Vedânta by Guenon (pbuh)
>East and West by Guenon (pbuh)
>The Spiritist Fallacy by Guenon (pbuh)
>Theosophy - History of a Pseudo-Religion by Guenon (pbuh)
>Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines by Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.15020162

>Philosophical Fragments (Kierkegaard)
>Nicholas Denyer - Apology of Socrates and Xenophon
>Ethan Frome
>What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
>Letter On "Humanism"

>> No.15020163

>Some ntroduction to political-economical systems
>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Anna Karenina
>Bleeding Edge
>A book of poems by a friend of mine

How 'bout you OP?

>> No.15020170

>A Bend in the River
>I Am Legend
>Live Work Work Work Die
>Red Mars
>Lathe of Heaven
I don't read much honestly, these were all audiobooks

>> No.15020187
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Ulysses -- Joyce
The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben -- Joseph Borkin
Deuteronomy -- God
The Pale King -- DFW
On Dictatorship -- Carl Schmitt

>> No.15020188

Brother... holy based!

>> No.15020192

I forgot I read Love in The Time of Cholera, too

>> No.15020196

>The Hermetic Tradition
>Metaphysics of War
>Revolt against the Modern World
>Blood Meridian

>> No.15020198

The Analects
The Idiot
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.15020200

don't remember. finished the canon like 5 years ago and haven't read since.

>> No.15020205

I haven't read a book in over 5 years. I am only here to shitpost.

>> No.15020216
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Curzio Malaparte - Kaputt
Louis Ferdinand-Céline - Journey to the End of the Night
C Bukowski - Women
JRR Tolkien - Beren And Luthien
Alan Watts - Out Of Your Mind

>> No.15020302
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Gravity's Rainbow
East of Eden
Crying of Lot 49

>> No.15020443


>Anton Chekhov's Ward No. 6 and other Tales
>Gift and Mistery
>Since I live in Molokai

>> No.15020472
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>Notes from Underground
>Anna Karenina
>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.15020497

Hello, based department?

>> No.15020524

>Ulysses(in progress)
>When Elephants Last In The Dooryard Bloomed
>On Writing
>David Copperfield
>Over Sea, Under Stone(read it to a nephew when I was babysitting)

>> No.15020568

>Manufacturing Consent
>Log Horizon Vol 8
>Selections from the Prison Notebooks
>Log Horizon Vol 9
>Taiko (in progress)

>> No.15020583


>Prozac Nation
>The Silmarillion
>The Elementary Particles/Atomised
>White Noise
>I, Claudius
I'm actually not embarrassed at all

>> No.15020617

>The Sorrow of Belgium
>The Death of Ivan Ilyich
>Notes from Underground
>Moby Dick
>The Decline of the West (part 1)

>> No.15020697
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Solaris by Stanisław LEM
Virion - fencer by Andrzej Ziemiański
FLU by Stanisław LEM
Lord of the ice garden tome III and IV by Jarosław Grzędowicz
they all are science fiction, i really got bored at solaris, it reads like its some sort of documentary, not sayin its bad, but it just bored me

>> No.15020700

You never answered my questions about how Guenonposters are all demons

>> No.15020718

Infinite Jest by DFW
Le Pere Goriot by Balzac
Le mur by JP Sartre (for school anons, don't kill me)
La chute by Camus (also for school but somehow I think this'll fly better on lit)
The Public Burning by Coover

>> No.15020740

In my twenties
Bassani- Golden glasses
Proust-Swann's way
Stoker- Dracula
Kundera- Unbereable lightness of being
Pavese- The Moon and the Bonfires
I was really into sci-fi and Solaris is one of the best books I've ever read of that genre, it might be slow sometimes but it's a masterpiece imho

>> No.15020790


Crime and Punishment
The Sound and the Fury
Absalom, Absalom!
Beckett's Trilogy
Ulysses (almost finished)

Next: Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15020818
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-The Waves, Woolf
-The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea, Mishima
-Beauty and Sadness, Kawabata
-Under the Volcano, Lowry
-Dream Songs, Berryman

>> No.15020827


Basically based, anon. Faulkner especially. And Beckett. Could do better than Dosto, however

>> No.15020835

How did you like Kundera?

>> No.15020907

>Madame Bovary
>American Psycho
>Anna Karenina
>A Farewell to Arms

>> No.15020920

On Writing
Moby Dick
The Worm Ouroboros
Playboy (May 2015)

>> No.15020953
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Pic related

>> No.15021072

what is called thinking by heidegger
popular hits of the showa era by ryu murakami
poetry, language, thought by heidegger
seduction by baudrillard
the expulsion of the other by byung chul han

>> No.15021120

The trial
The book of disquiet
El astillero (Onetti)
El mundo alucinante (Reinaldo Arenas)
El hipogeo secreto (Salvador Elizondo)

>> No.15021190

It's an interesting fiction book with many philophical parts. But it really didn't grow on me. for many aspects, such as the characters, the non-linear order of the plot, etc. Maybe I missed many points, but I can't say I loved as much as many who have read it. Also I'm starting to believe that I prefer older books

>> No.15021206

-history of the romanovs
-dystopian science fiction
-biography of robert mcnamara
-sex & character
-dystopian science fiction

>> No.15021211

>Crime and Punishment
>Genealogy of Morals
>Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals
>Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
>Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.15021219

>German Ideology, Marx
>The Plague, Camus
>Wisdom of the Desert Fathers, Benedicta Ward
>Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel
>On Poetry and Style, Aristotle

anything especially interesting in that Playboy or do you just like to look at the pictures?

>> No.15021242

>Whatever - Houellebecq
>Beatiful Boy - David Sheff
>Notes from Underground
>Hollywood Bukowski
>Factotum Bukowski

>> No.15021280


The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
Portnoy's Complaint
Beyond Good and Evil
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.15021281

>The Genealogy of Morals
>Dostoevsky short story collection
>In Search of Lost Time
>The Blind Owl - Sadeigh Hedeyat (probably spelling this wrong)
>Coldness and Cruelty - Deleuze

>> No.15021283

>Crime and Punishment
>Catcher in the Rye
>A Clockwork Orange
>The Trial
>Beyond Good and Evil

I have never cried because of a book until I read C&P, I fucking cried 2 times while reading the end. Possibly the best book I've ever read.

>> No.15021334

>The Right to Arm Bears: Threadbare, Book 3
>Sew You Want to Be a Hero: Threadbare, Book 2
>Out of Spite, Out of Mind: Magic 2.0, Book 5
>The Dwarves: The Dwarves, Book 1

>> No.15021336

It has an interview with Scorsese about thr making of goodfellas which is my favorite movie. The piece about the history of viagra is also interesting.

>> No.15021390

>Requiem: A Hallucination - Tarbucchi
>The Lost Scrapbook - Dara
>Bright Lights, Big City - McInerny
>Epitaph of a Small Winner - de Assis

>> No.15021395

oops forgot one

>Et tu, babe - Leyner

>> No.15021423

that does sound interesting. i've been meaning to get around to Goodfellas.

>> No.15021431

>The Power of Now
>Becoming Michelle
>The Subtle Are of not Giving a F*ck
>Fifty Shades of Gray
>The Fourth Political Theory

>> No.15021432


>> No.15021452

38 don't read

>> No.15021506
File: 178 KB, 909x1280, 75944607-09d1-44d6-8289-272d3ab89ee0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Unwomanly Face of War - Svetlana Alexievich
White Deer Plain - Chen Zhongshi
From Mao to Deng, The Transformation of China - Fernando Mezetti
The master of Go - Kawabata
Snow Country - Kawabata

Kawabata covers in English translations are depressing. The brazillian versions are superior

>> No.15021555

>It Came from Beneath the Sink!
>The Haunted Mask II
>Bad Hare Day
>One Day at HorrorLand
>Say Cheese And Die!

>> No.15021572
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>Moby Dick
>Southern Storm: Shermans March to the Sea
>Conscience of a Conservative
>Stalingrad, antony beevor

>> No.15021576

> 23
> Brothers K. - Dosto
> Hunger - Hamsun
> A Country Doctor's Notebook - Bulgakov
> The Art of Dramatic Writing - Egri
> The Bell Jar - Plath

>> No.15021582

really trying to sink in huh

>> No.15021600

>newest to oldest
Beowulf (Heaney translation)
Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Robert M. Pirsig - Lila
Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Jack Kerouac - On the Road

>> No.15021736

The Kybalion
Plato's Complete Works
Lord of the Rings
Presocratic Philosophers
Ethics of Living and Dying

>> No.15021785
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A Canticle for Leibowitz
Fiesta/The Sun Also Rises
The Secret History (Procopius)
Always Coming Home
I’ve also been reading some of Platos earlier dialogues but I not a book in itself as they’re part of his complete works

>> No.15021801

>The Trial
>The Journey to the End of the Night
>On the Basis of Morality (Schopenhauer)
>Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
>Manufacturing Consent

>> No.15021809

Kek, nice bait anon

>> No.15021816

the iliad
blood meridian
lord of the flies
crime and punishment

>> No.15021818

>On the Social Contract by Rousseau
>Human Nature and Social Action by Honneth
>Discourse on the Origins of Inequality by Rousseau
>Group Experiment by the Institute for Social Resource
>Discourse on the Arts and Sciences by Rousseau

>> No.15021845 [DELETED] 

The Sailor who fell from grace with the sea
Dante's Inferno
Cinematic Philosophy
the Ego and Its Own
Manufacturing Consent

>> No.15021856

There are 2 reasons to read that amout of Rousseau at 18
1. A serious research effort in a history/political science class
2. Flex on someone on internet

>> No.15021857

thoughts on Rousseau after the readings

>> No.15021922

A King Alone by Jean Giono
Round Ireland in Low Gear by Eric Newby
The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow
The Blind Owl by Sedagh Hedayat
On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Junger

>> No.15022024

holy fuck /lit/ is younger than i thought
>The Stand
>The Shining

>> No.15022046

Difference and Repetition
Speech and Phenomena
Being and Time
Phenomenology of Spirit
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.15022056

The Leopard
The Magus
Snow Country
The trial

Fuck off then faggot, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.15022071

ok Jimmy Neutron