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15019320 No.15019320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does this mean exactly?

How will it reunite the Catholic Church with the Eastern Orthodox Church?

>> No.15019382

I mean, in my own opinion them coming together would be good in these times of declining Church-going rates.

Aren’t a lot of the Eastern Catholic Churches just Orthodox Churches that decided to rejoin the Pope but still keep their own customs?

>> No.15019408
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It means he is no longer pope and he longer has authority over his brother cardinals, the faithful and the faith.

>> No.15019424


So he’s become “first among equals?”

>> No.15019433

Pope Francis is a massive cuck, no-one cares what he says or does at this point.

>> No.15019444

Last I checked, Ratzinger still held the title of Vicar of Christ. He is the true pope still.

>> No.15019449

This is big news. Catholicism basically just changed forever. The Catholicism of the last 2,000 years isn't the same anymore

>> No.15019455

Id say you are wrong and that as a Catholic he is the representation of God on earth but he literally just gave up that postition.

>> No.15019468

If he dissolves the Papal estates and the Vatican City, rejecting the third temptation of the devil, that's going to be based as fuck and likely end the schism.

>> No.15019475

The orthodox better not catch the cuck virus from the catholics.

>> No.15019482

The absolute state of the Cuckolic Church. Meanwhile real Protestant Chads keep winning.

>> No.15019483

This is the first move toward bringing Christianity together again into one group. Fuck the schisms.

>> No.15019490

What a simp. This is why I am protestant

>> No.15019502

Based, the entire idea of a vicar of christ is heretical in the first place

>> No.15019507
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If you can call gay weddings officiated by black trans lesbians serving skittles as the communion Host "winning", sure. Lots of protestant winning going on.

>> No.15019530
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An inferential leap into the blue sky (or abyss) of speculation, grounded on but scant, or no, evidence.

In short, nope.

>> No.15019537

The difference being "Rev." Jacqui Lewis isn't the head of my church while Pope Frankie is the head of yours and does represent the RCC.

>> No.15019538

It'd be cool to see the church reunited again in our lifetimes but I'm skeptical of it happening anytime soon, especially under Francis.

>> No.15019543

That is the beauty of Protestantism my brother. Every church and every congregation is it's own family. There's no universal spokesman to fuck it up for everybody.

>> No.15019544
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Orthochads win again

>> No.15019547

Surely this image is a joke

>> No.15019555

How do Catholics justify the canonization of Mother Teresa? She let people suffer and die avoidably in order to purify them, then accepted advanced medical treatment for her own health problems.

>> No.15019574

Francis metaphorically and literally cucked the religion. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in hell due to being a servant of Lucifer

>> No.15019583

But I'm not a member of their Church. My Church is based and if they stop being Christians then I'll just leave and find a new Church that's actually Christian. I follow the Bible, the word of God, not a human, unlike Cuckolics.

>> No.15019587

Atheist lies to discredit her.

>> No.15019593

This is the final straw, from today on I no longer identity as a Catholic. Now begins my journey toward Orthodoxy

>> No.15019614

You're about 60 years late on realizing that, retard.

>> No.15019616

You haven't learned your lesson. What will you do when the Orthodox Church gets subverted by satan as well? Find a good Protestant Church that follows the Bible instead. This is why the Protestant faith is anti-fragile.

>> No.15019618

Satan has infiltrated the church. Only strong prayers can make Francis see the error of his ways

>> No.15019627

The current pope is satan in human form.

>> No.15019636

How the fuck did catholics defend the vicar title in the first place

>> No.15019637


>> No.15019641

>Now begins my journey toward Orthodoxy
1.) finding out most parishes are ethnic social clubs and being turned away or alienated for not having the correct racial heritage, and
2.) dealing with the same pro-LGBT activism you find in Catholicism and liberal Protestantism

>> No.15019645

It is shameful that the faith is now so weak that it won't even deal with the antichrist taking the seat of the true Pope. The Church needs a purge.

>> No.15019654

>dealing with the same pro-LGBT activism you find in Catholicism and liberal Protestantism
Is this true, brother, do they really approve of sodomy and pederasts?

>> No.15019661

>my faith rapidly turning into a joke is okay because it doesn't affect my little corner of it at this point in time
and that, dear children, is how america became pagan

>> No.15019694

Why does God allow this to happen?

>> No.15019699

The problem with the pope was to act like a rockstar... all the vatican is a joke. They don't follow the Bible and they know it, is just an enterprise as any other.

>> No.15019702

Protestantism isn't one faith. It's a rejection of Roman Catholic doctrine, papal supremacy, sacraments and so on. In other words it's a rejection of the reasons why the Cuckolic Church has turned to following satan. All Cuckolics will burn in hell if they don't reject satan and accept Jesus into their hearts.

>> No.15019703

it's a mystery :')

>> No.15019708

based 17th century fanatic

>> No.15019715

Why don't you guys just become Sufis if you just want to reject modern times while also feeling mystical?

>> No.15019716

Without sacrament you will be cast into the great fire, repent, heretic.

>> No.15019721

Not at an official level, and they haven't caved in as much as Catholicism, but the same thing is going on with activist groups trying to push for acceptance and occasional priests and bishops facilitating it. The only thing that's really stopping it in the west is that most of the churches are under the authority of churches in the "old country" who at least try to put a stop to it.

>> No.15019723

Nobody defends the vicar title, they just accept it. Many of the parishioners are older people, even people who can't read, but the problem is not the catholics inself as they are acting on pure faith, that's the hole point. The problem goes directly to the people in charge who thought that was the best idea to construct the church. Never blame the people, always blame those who are in charge.

>> No.15019726
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"The pope, the spectacular representation of a living human being, embodies this banality by embodying the image of a possible role. Being a pope means specializing in the seemingly lived; the pope is the object of identification with the shallow seeming life that has to compensate for the fragmented productive specializations which are actually lived. The Pope exists to act out various styles of living and viewing society unfettered, free to express themselves globally. He embodies the inaccessible result of social labor by dramatizing its by-products magically projected above it as its goal: power and vacations, decision and consumption, which are the beginning and end of an undiscussed process. In one case state power personalizes itself as a pseudo-pope; in another a star of consumption gets elected as a pseudo-power over the lived. But just as the activities of the pope are not really global, they are not really varied."

>> No.15019741
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Winning what beside black babies?

>> No.15019745

>Why does God allow this to happen?
Because faith is all that matters, institutions mean nothing in this realm, so He is just seeing those who understand and give themselves through a life of servitude and meekness.

The old peasant who continues to plow the land, meditating and waiting on God is the only thing that matters.

>> No.15019751
File: 50 KB, 968x681, pope-francis-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will burn in hell. Worshipping anything else or anyone else then God is a sin.

This person is not a member of my Church, but this is the leader of your Church.

>> No.15019753


>> No.15019758

>"There is no appropriate category in Catholic thought for the phenomenon of Protestantism today (one could say the same of the relationship to the separated churches of the East). It is obvious that the old category of ‘heresy’ is no longer of any value. Heresy, for Scripture and the early Church, includes the idea of a personal decision against the unity of the Church, and heresy’s characteristic is pertinacia, the obstinacy of him who persists in his own private way. This, however, cannot be regarded as an appropriate description of the spiritual situation of the Protestant Christian. In the course of a now centuries-old history, Protestantism has made an important contribution to the realization of Christian faith, fulfilling a positive function in the development of the Christian message and, above all, often giving rise to a sincere and profound faith in the individual non-Catholic Christian, whose separation from the Catholic affirmation has nothing to do with the pertinacia characteristic of heresy. Perhaps we may here invert a saying of St. Augustine’s: that an old schism becomes a heresy. The very passage of time alters the character of a division, so that an old division is something essentially different from a new one. Something that was once rightly condemned as heresy cannot later simply become true, but it can gradually develop its own positive ecclesial nature, with which the individual is presented as his church and in which he lives as a believer, not as a heretic. This organization of one group, however, ultimately has an effect on the whole. The conclusion is inescapable, then: Protestantism today is something different from heresy in the traditional sense, a phenomenon whose true theological place has not yet been determined".
- Pope Benedict XVI

>> No.15019760
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>tfw chad platonist

>> No.15019772

Not a very based patriarch desu.

>> No.15019793

White guy black woman is based though.

>> No.15019798

yeah and in the process you've successfully rejected what the word "catholic" stands for, ie universality, and produced a degraded "christianity" that is simply another stripe in the neopagan rainbow of lifestyle choices, competing for people's attention with veganism, football and marvel superheroes. but don't worry, you can always hide away in your little church - unless it's currently renting its premises to a star trek convention.

>> No.15019816

Your Bible was written by Orthodox Christians, you stupid git.

>> No.15019826

Massive cope. Every time Frankie opens his mouth he embarrasses your entire church.

>> No.15019847

Can someone explain to me how the Eastern Catholic Churches are allowed to have married priests while still in full communion with Rome?

>> No.15019854

This is lamest argument, you know? Catholics do this same shit and it doesn't work for them either.

>> No.15019858

It means you fell for a clickbait headline.

>> No.15019867

Catholicism is a proxy to faith and that's why the Vatican can't have any truly have a considered impact on world affairs. Especially since they machined forgiveness, they turned it into a candy machine, where the currency is repentance. However, the Bible is an immovable truth, he who continues to sin after reading the Bible, then he is destined to eternal fire, because even after knowing the truth, he continues to deny it. A truth is lived every day, it's not manipulable, Catholicism began to manipulate the truth and from there. its faith system cannot be real, because its principle is not salvation and sacrifice, but the mere game of repentance and sin.

The Vatican must have always taught how severe and difficult it's to follow the life of Christ, the rejection of carnal pleasures, vices and filth. The moment the Vatican softens, it gains more parishioners but loses faith. Quality or quantity?

>> No.15019878

Priests being elibate isn't a religious issue, but an inheritance one. The churche used to support the wives and children of death priests, but they evetually wanted to cut the expenses.

>> No.15019881

t. Catholic Answers

>> No.15019889
File: 46 KB, 711x389, 7950B35B-3A2C-4002-82A4-C57ADB15B09F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15019892

Because there's no theological requirement that priests be celibate; it's a discipline that Rome imposes on its own power.

>> No.15019896

*dead priests

>> No.15019904

When the Eucharist involves fisting 11-month-olds I imagine you'll be right there.

>> No.15019906
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I want to become a death priest.

>> No.15019914

I’d say you are a fucking retard and know nothing about God or Christ

>> No.15019923

LMAO at the Protties ITT. Truly the lowest of the low.

>> No.15019924

Concerning oneself with a church as a believer is untenable. Faith is a personal matter which needn't be affirmed or legitimized by a worldly social club.

>> No.15019935

t. Heretic who will burn in the fires

>> No.15019940

t.worshiper of symbols of grace and not the grace of which they are symbols

>> No.15019950

I'm not Catholic but if I were, I'd be an absolute sedevacantist. Jorge Bergoglio is neither a priest nor a pope according to Catholic doctrine.

>> No.15019974


>> No.15019984

>Catholicism basically just changed forever
It has been changing and evolving ever since it schismed.

>> No.15020029

Any church who promotes the worship of symbols, accepts or relaxes the severity of sin, stops demanding sacrifice and only dedicates himself to speaking about the word of God without being an example is not following the truth, is manipulating it to political and business purposes.

I have only seen the Pope from afar, in a glass protected car and with private security greeting people as if he were God himself. Sleeping in a golden bed and living in a castle.

In the end it all comes down to an individual and intimate exercise with God. Only the word of God is what matters and only what it reveals to you in your daily life, in your dreams and your events.

If you have faith there should be no fear of death.

If the Pope protects himself, he has no faith.

>> No.15020130

>worshipping grace
Grace is not a person of the Holy Trinity. You cannot worship "grace".

>> No.15020135

Lmao I can't wait to see the "Trad""cath" excuses for this one.

>> No.15020151

Everyone here has fallen for clickbait. It was just a publishing decision:


>The mysterious disappearance of the Vicar of Christ by Cindy Wooden, CNS

>From the moment he was introduced to the world after his election, Pope Francis has emphasised his identity as "the bishop of Rome".

>The 2020 Annuario Pontificio, the official Vatican yearbook, has made the same emphasis typographically by listing other descriptions of the papal office as "historic titles".

>Like the 2019 edition, there is a page that says simply, "Francis, bishop of Rome."

>But unlike last year's edition, the new yearbook does not precede the biography of "Jorge Mario Bergoglio" with the titles: "Vicar of Jesus Christ. Successor of the Prince of the Apostles. Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church. Primate of Italy. Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Province of Rome. Sovereign of Vatican City State. Servant of the Servants of God."

>Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican press office, told Catholic News Service that unlike in 2006 when Pope Benedict XVI had the title "Patriarch of the West" removed from the list, this time "there has been no suppression" of a title.

>"The definition of 'historic' in relation to the titles attributed to the pope on one of the pages dedicated to him in the Annuario Pontificio of 2020 seems to me to indicate the bond with the history of the papacy," Bruni said. All of the other titles "are understood to be tied historically to the title of bishop of Rome because at the moment he is designated by the conclave to guide the church of Rome, the one elected acquires the titles tied to this nomination."

>Pope Francis' first words to the public after his election March 13, 2013, were: "Brothers and sisters, good evening. You all know that the duty of the conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems that my brother cardinals have gone almost to the ends of the earth to get him ... but here we are."

>> No.15020189

You don't worship anything, you only live in grace and that's it. What it is to live in grace? to follow the word of God, that's it. That's how you create your own temple, your own church where God lives. No symbols no nothing, just you and God, how hard is that to understand?

And even with all these news or whatever, if you already read the Bible you shouldn't care about the affairs of the Catholic or Orthodox Church, the Word of God is the only thing that matters and that's personal, that's how you practice your faith, not by going to church every Sunday or tuning your favorite priest or going to a show of lights in a Christian church.

>> No.15020195


Basically they wanted to save paper and decided to just give Francis the Bishop of Rome title.

The reason they called the Vicar of Christ (and others) historical titles is because they are historically tied to the title of Bishop of Rome.

So the Pope still has his titles, they are just tied to his title of Bishop of Rome.

>> No.15020206

Bunch of nonsense... Is all a big lie.

>> No.15020207

You heretics are worse than satanists with this complete bullshit.

>> No.15020222

What the fuck does this thread have to do with literature

>> No.15020235

Yeah, I forgot that worshiping God is not called for in the word of God. How silly of me.

>> No.15020246


>> No.15020253

I for one would be okay with letting the Eastern Orthodox Churches rejoining the Catholic Church.

They could become branches of the Eastern Catholic Churches so they could still keep most of their customs.

They just have to acknowledge the Pope's authority.
A merger would be good, and make the Church regain some power.

>> No.15020258

This board is filled with tradcaths.

>> No.15020266

Here are my thoughts on the pope:

>> No.15020290


But I was told the Church would become trad again once all the boomer priests die off and we elect Cardinal Sarah as the new Pope...

>> No.15020335
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That's true, but there are many sound reasons for it nonetheless, not least the example of the celibate Jesus and Paul, and Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians 7.

It might also be noted that in the Old Testament, priests had to be celibate for a week or more before they officiated at a liturgical sacrifice.

Of course, New Testament priests (at least Catholic ones) celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass on a *daily* basis.

Thus, the discipline of celibacy synchronizes with tradition on this level, too.

>> No.15020358


How's the Methodist Church doing again?


Oh right.

>> No.15020378

But this is a move toward protestant ideology.

>> No.15020409

Different anon but what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.15020414

>finding out most parishes are ethnic social clubs and being turned away or alienated for not having the correct racial heritage

Catholic Churches are the same. There's plenty of social clubs just for Italian, Irish, Polish, etc. Catholics in America.

>> No.15020416


The idea that a change of title positions - with the man's personal, individuated, corporeal identity taking top billing on the page - is of no consequence is so flagrantly asinine I have to question your intelligence. This is the leading pontiff of the world's largest faith, where symbolism is the fucking bread and butter of every procession, every ritual, every pseudo-rational thought. This reeks of cult of personality narcissism.

But no one should be surprised. This is the Pope that literally sold the Catholic Church in China out to the fucking commies and wants open-borders immigration for illiterate savages who want to rape his faith off the planet.

>> No.15020432

>he thinks the churches differ in merely the """"customs"""" or acknowledging the Pope

>> No.15020492

He hasn't renounced to the title.

The page with his name and titles on the Pontifical Annuarium displayed the title more little than other years. End of the history.

>> No.15020520

>Meanwhile real Protestant Chads keep winning.
Nope. To those who are circumcised, Christ is useless.

>> No.15020557

That seems like a pretty Jesus-y thing to do

>> No.15020589

>1.) finding out most parishes are ethnic social clubs and being turned away or alienated for not having the correct racial heritage
Based, my Greek church will stay Greek and keep larping Angl*ids out

>> No.15020600

Tell me where I'm wrong, man of faith.

>> No.15020624

The old testament books was written by jews and the new testament were written by early church christians, which is neither catholic or orthodox in the modern sense..

>> No.15020635

yeah they are going to reunite within the next ~5 years, don't ask how i know this
t. knower

>> No.15020653

Living in grace is more important than worshiping, not going to a places to see images or hear anyone. That is merely a social activity. If you go to a church to worship God but you don't live in grace it doesn't matter. If you think you have faith but you don't live in grace, it doesn't matter. No images, no nothing, pure grace based on faith.

Those who come back to the Bible to read over and over they are not practicing faith. Those who try to intellectualize the Bible of justify their religion based on pure racional categories are not practicing faith, 99% of the Christians and Catholics are not practicing faith, they are just finding the way to bring God to their own personal goals.

>> No.15020732

>Jesus and most of his early followers aren't saved

>> No.15020754

it means one world religion.

>> No.15020755

Ah shit lads, jesus was banished to hell then

>> No.15020794


Maybe just a bigger Christian denomantion.

Which is good, we have to unite against the Prots.

>> No.15020838

Protestant detected

>> No.15020860

>bigger Christian denomantion.
no just bigger catholic denomination

>> No.15020862

Is the pope the arbiter of his own volition or is he a counter traditional demonic entity

>> No.15020868

Francis is a cryptorthodox

>> No.15020908

any thing the pope does is 'gods' will because god doesnt real and all religion is just collectivism . let people join groups and let them decide how those groups should be run who gives a shit

>> No.15020927

based. Welcome, brother

>> No.15020940

not for Russians, Serbs, Arabs etc. Gayreeks are, as usual, the shame of Christendom and have been for half a millennia.

>> No.15020955

This. Current Pope will be called cuck by /pol/tards today but he is the most historically courageous. He is the only Pope proactively trying to fix the 1054 Schism with symbolism that can actually close the gap towards uniting Catholics and Orthodox. Pope Francis is concerned with Christianity as a whole. Especially now that Islam is getting inside Europe again. He fights for that unified Christian faith that the Orthodox always refused and now seem to consider, he helps to maintain Christian populations in Middle East, he is willing to accept Chinese Government's modified version of Christianity to prevent Christian persecution in China. If you get mad because he is accepting of other flavors of Jesus' love, you are not seeing the whole picture. Christianity will not survive if every flavor remains a bubble.

>> No.15020995
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t. dehellenized Miracle Whip slurper

>> No.15020997

Orthodox and catholic churches coming closer with possible future of becoming one
Protestant churches throw bible reading christians to wolves. Its not only protestant thing, but prottie churches are full of atheist priests.

>> No.15021051
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>yfw the Schism lasts exactly 1000 years.

>> No.15021096

>Westerners slowly starting to reject Satan's third temptation again
Based. Come home Christian man.