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/lit/ - Literature

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15017984 No.15017984 [Reply] [Original]

>am interested in reading
>cant get 10 pages in a book without jerking off, smoking weed, or playing vidya
how do i get the attention span to read /lit/?

>> No.15018048

>>am interested in reading
>>cant get 10 pages in a book without jerking off, smoking weed, or playing vidya
You have a zoomer brain my lad. You need to go cold turkey for a while. Stop masturbating and stop going on online. Work out. Do push ups and squats to get the blood flowing and the oxygen to your brain. Then force yourself to read 5 chapters of Moby Dick. Really soak in the language and read slowly not quickly. If you feel the urge to look away then do your max number of push ups.

You're welcome.

>> No.15018083
File: 404 KB, 417x638, ki25n5wgr2y21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe now in quarentine isn't the best time to do a dopamine detox cause you can't go outside without catching ebolaids, but it would help you. during the detox you have to be aware of all the moments your 'monkey brain' is trying to click the 'happiness button' (i.e unlocking phone and going on ig, etc)

>> No.15018373
File: 2.02 MB, 300x226, 1462262187082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endlessly collects resources in order to make himself feel secure
And what intellectuals are supposed to do?

>> No.15018402

dumbest meme I've ever seen. this is the early agricultural slave mindset, not the primitive brain lol.

>> No.15018434

Optimize. To find moderation and work on shaping favorable conditions which provide systemic resilience and security while disposing of needless hoarding.

>> No.15018482
File: 348 KB, 1332x1949, dopamine fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've responded to a similar thread about this before at >>15014926 ; here it is:

>Step 1: Dopamine fast, from /fit/ (or a milder version; quit porn if you watch, quit Instagram and social media. It's easier if you aren't that social.)
>Step 2: Don't feel sorry for yourself and beat yourself up.
>Step 3: Learn to skim through the beginnings of most books (unless they're incredibly strong at the start), to get to the gripping, better parts. I read Ready Player One (didn't like it, but finished it) and With The Old Breed (incredible); you can afford to read the beginnings of many books relatively quickly, and slow down at the middle.

>> No.15018659

>how do i get the attention span to read /lit/
Honestly, try regular exercise if you haven't been already. Jog 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week, or at least go for a walk in a wooded area nearby if don't live in a big city.

>> No.15018677

>that image
>this OP

What a horrid existence.