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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 450x299, joanna_newsom-bam14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1501754 No.1501754 [Reply] [Original]

Can song lyrics be literature?

Pic related.

>> No.1501767

Yep. But please, don't come here posting the lyrics to every Pink Floyd song you like.

>> No.1501769
File: 23 KB, 361x558, Nick Cave04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you again huh

anyway pic related

>> No.1501781

People post poems why can't I post pink floyd lyrics which are superior anyway
You didn't make the rules

>> No.1501787

Because it's annoying, obviously

>> No.1501788
File: 35 KB, 335x335, Tom Waits 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1501795


Oh well, you beat me to it, Anon. Good for you.

Oddly enough, I will soon be reading one of Mr. Cave's lyrics at a spoken-word evening that's all about interrogating this question.

>> No.1501800

Sounds fun, what songs - or should i say poems then - will you present?

>> No.1501807


unless it's a pop song, i think so.

some of the ballads seem to especially tend towards eloquence.

to recap: lady do-do = no
bob dylan = more than likely
steve winwood = probably
steve morse = without fail

>> No.1501816

>lady do-do
Real mature and ignorant of you to call Lady Gaga that. You've probably never even listened to her. Listen to an album of hers and tell me you aren't a little monster

>> No.1501819


>what songs - or should i say poems then - will you present?

We only get to choose one. I've thought about this quite hard and considered things from Cave's career from The Boys Next Door to Grinderman, but a writer friend hit the nail on the head. He said, "You should do "We Call Upon the Author":


>> No.1501821

why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?

>> No.1501827

Man, nice choice. I'd probably do that one as well.

>> No.1501836


Thanks, it's great material to work with -- I just have to stop myself singing it, or worse still, trying to sing it like Nick Cave... Note to self: It's SPOKEN WORD! (Perform, don't sing, don't sing...)

>> No.1501842

of all of Nick Cave's album dig lazarus dig is probably the least poetic why would you choose that song

>> No.1501852

I have no idea what you're talking about, you must be insane.

>> No.1501855


>of all of Nick Cave's album dig lazarus dig is probably the least poetic why would you choose that song

(1) Stag, you're a failtroll.

(2) You're in high school, so shut the fuck up.

(3) A friend who I trust thought it would suit my performance style.

(4) He's a writer and a performer, and he's right (see above).

(5) Cave's least poetic album is "Door, Door" (1979).

(6) You have no idea what chaos I can cause reading "We Call Upon the Author" at this event.

>> No.1501859

Nick Cave's best music was with The Birthday Party. DEATHROCK!!!!!!

>> No.1501865

Because they're meant to be heard in songs. Go to /mu/ and orgy all over them you want.

>> No.1501875

The body of lyrical work produced by both Eminen and Tupac, when juxtaposed with the lives of both men when off the stage, have captured my interest and broadened my perspective as much as some of my favorite works of literature.

Even though song lyrics technically already ARE literature, I dinks I getz what you sayin', and my answer, based on my own personal experience, is yes, because both of the mentioned artists helped me develop into the person I am today.

Thank you.


>> No.1501889


>Nick Cave's best music was with The Birthday Party.

Now there's a moot point, if ever there was one.

At the risk of revealing how old I actually am, I saw the Birthday Party live twice. They were great, but so are the Bad Seeds. What's more, the Grinderman project has allowed Cave to return to his demented and angular roots while retaining his hard-won lyrical skills.

BTW: "And the Ass Saw the Angel" is a fine Faulknerian novel and far better than anyone should expect from (a) a rock performer and (b) someone who was hooked on heroin when he wrote it.

>> No.1501893

>implying heroin decreases your creative thinking
First of all, you're motivated like fuck to produce because you want more heroin. Secondly, it gives you waking dreams. Anyway, i'm just kind of trolling, heroin fucked my life. I really do prefer the birthday party to the bad seeds...I think his lyricism is a little put-on and try-hard and I personally hate his guts because the girls I'm usually into and are into me get girl-boners because of him and that makes me mad.

>> No.1501896

God, you're a fag.

>> No.1501901

>A friend who I trust thought it would suit my performance style.
lolwut you're reading the lyrics to a song, there is no performance
performing = what musicians do
spoken word = sit down and share poems you like as if it's show and tell in 3rd grade again

>> No.1501904

"Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung."

>> No.1501908


Fair enough, sir.

As a special treat for you, let me relate a story about the second time I saw the Birthday Party live:

It had reached the point in the set where Cave and the gang were about to perform "Sonny's Burning"... Nick asked, "Hands up who wants to die?" (The intro to the song, of course.) Some dipshit stuck his paw in the air and promptly got stomped by the rest of the audience.

Salad days...

BTW: At the end of the gig, when the audience were baying for an encore, it wasn't Cave who was an asshole, it was Rowland Howard. The bassist, the late lamented Tracey Pew, threatened him with physical violence and the band rapidly returned to the stage...

Take care of yourself.

>> No.1501913


>there is no performance

Son, I am dissappoint.

BTW: Way to go with your snappy comeback.

>> No.1501915

Man, I am so jealous I don't know whether to give you my fist in brotherhood or to punch you with it. I am really sad I'll never see The Cramps live, either. Or Christian Death (w/o rozz it's not any good) At any rate, you seem like a really cool anon and that isn't common on here.

>> No.1501926

People sure like nick cave on /lit/

>> No.1501927

The Birthday Party is terrible enjoy your boring albums it's just the same shit every song

The Bad Seeds are one of the greatest bands however I even liked them on Facebook

>> No.1501933

god tier: my tastes
shit tier: your face

>> No.1501944


I'm going to take the unusual step of quoting your entire post:

>Man, I am so jealous I don't know whether to give you my fist in brotherhood or to punch you with it.

What the hell, if you ever meet me, punch me. I probably deserve it.

>I am really sad I'll never see The Cramps live, either. Or Christian Death (w/o rozz it's not any good)

I don't want to upset you but I did see The Cramps live and they were tremendous...

On the other hand, I can't claim to have seen Christian Death ... but I did see the Gun Club in their prime with Patricia Morrison, if that means anything to you.

>At any rate, you seem like a really cool anon and that isn't common on here.

Ach, I'm just old and objectionable. You on the other hand have potential. And guess what? We've derailed Stagolee's thread!

>> No.1501957

>implying derailation
>implying music isn't related
>implying nick cave isn't related
>implying i didn't get my name from a nick cave song

>> No.1501972
File: 61 KB, 300x281, Tarman-BRAINS-YOU-NEED-THEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mad, and way to go with a snappy comeback again, Stag.

>> No.1501973

Derail confirmed. Also, yes, now that I know you've seen the cramps the punches will fly. The Gun Club--also amazing. Thanks for saying I've got potential, but I respect my elders somewhat..native american background and all that.

>> No.1501971

Bob Dylan > Roger Waters > Maynard > your favorites.

>> No.1501974

>deathrock discussion
>picture from Return of the Living Dead
>best derailed stagolee thread ever.

>> No.1501978


Case closed then. Goodnight gentlemen, I've drunk enough whisky now...

Captcha: proof; gramora

>> No.1501983
File: 6 KB, 264x191, ChhekHoov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about the derailization of this thread

>> No.1501990
File: 97 KB, 400x300, U-MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1501995

FFS, Fabulous, neither of us were complaining about the derailing -- we did it. I thought your reading comprehension was better than this. Feh!

>> No.1501996

oh wow


you're an extremely productive individual who's time on this board is worth all the world to me

>> No.1502001

i really only read the posts after
and the OP of course

I suppose i should be happy

>> No.1502004

You didn't derail it though but for whatever reason you seem to think you did

derailing a thread about music lyrics by talking about music counts as derailing about as much as "derailing" a thread about books by talking about authors

>> No.1502007
File: 75 KB, 382x354, Im-sorry-I-hurt-your-butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1502009

>worth all the world to me
>browsing 4chan
What the fuck?

>> No.1502020

my god, the stupid fucking people on this board
>rinse and repeat
>slaughter reaction image

>> No.1502036
File: 50 KB, 320x240, Hes-saying-kill-me-over-and-over-again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some OC comin at ya

>> No.1502037


I'll tell you what, sweetheart, if you put some punctuation marks and consistent capitalization in you post, then I might read it.

>> No.1502044

Literature practically started as music. It's odd how easily they've been separated in modern day culture.

Literature is music is dancing is art. There's really no difference if you break it down.

>> No.1502046
File: 3 KB, 209x214, yotsuba squint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cites punctuation as an issue because he doesn't have a good enough response to my excellent point

>> No.1502047

3:30 in the morning with not a soul in sight, we sat four deep at a traffic light / Talking about how dumb and brainwashed some of our brothers and sisters are / While we wait for a green light to tell us when to go.

- Talib Kweli & Mos Def, Black Star

>> No.1503343
File: 88 KB, 450x450, The Stand Ins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okkervil River is very good lyrically. Awesome band

>> No.1503357

Yes this is a campaign,
slithered entrails
in the cargo bay
Neutered is the vastness
Hallow vacuum check the
oxygen tanks.
They hibernate
but have they kissed the ground
pucker up and kiss the asphalt now
Tease this amputation
splintered larynx
it has access now

cut Away, cut Away
Send transmission
from the one-armed scissor
cut away, cut away

Banked on memory.
Mummified circuitry,
Skin graft, machinery,
Sputnik sickles found in the seats

Self-destruct sequence
this station is non-operational
Species growing
Bubbles in an IV loitering

Unknown origin
Is this the comfort of being afraid?
Solar eclipsed
Black out the vultures
as they wait

cut away, cut away
Send transmission
from the one-armed scissor
(get Away, get Away)

Dissect a trillion sighs away
Will you get this letter?
Jagged pulp sliced in my veins
I write to remember
Cause I'm a million miles away,
Will you get this letter?
Jagged pulp sliced in my veins
I write to remember...
I write to remember...
I write to remember...

cut away, cut away
Send transmission
from the one-armed scissor
cut away, cut away
(cut away cut away cut away cut away)

>> No.1503359 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 240x246, 1281910745080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The body of lyrical work produced by both Eminen and Tupac
You ain't got no Yeezy nigger?

>> No.1503361

GTFO Stagolee

>> No.1503365

I was blown away by Cedric's poetic ramblings when I started listening to ATDI, just incredible. They're one of the few bands out there (or were) whose lyrics had some real artistic value. Mars Volta's lyrics are good as well, but the peak was reached with ROC.

>> No.1503371

Paranoia is an icy start
But a start, nonetheless
A convenient memory
Is a gift from God
A gift from life
And sodomy
The domination of lies
Break and brand all
Secret dreams
Devine god like - gold like -
Sperm like
We gather, we sow
We scheme
And phrase for us
Near certainty
The siren voids
All fool's destiny
The death will seal
Their prince liberty
Courting sudden endless
Earthless, vacancy
The domination of lies
Break and brand all
Secret dreams
Devine god like - gold like -
Sperm like
We gather, we sow
We scheme
Paranoia is an icy start
But a start, nonetheless
A convenient memory
Is a gift from God
Bereft of life
And sodomy
The siren voids
Old fool's destiny
The death will seal
Their crown prince liberty

>> No.1503382

You betcha

Wasn't the question you asked me
It wasn't the answer I gave
That made me feel like I was on a train
Was a distant voice
Made me make a choice
That I had to get the fuck out of this town
I got a lot of things to do
A lot of places to go
I`ve got a lot of good things coming my way
And I'm afraid to say that you`re not one of them.

Last time I was there
You were out on the couch
Pressed into a little electric 2
It was the way that you smiled
Made me know at once
That I had to get the fuck out of this town
'Cause I've decide to make a stand
And I'm not gonna take your hand
I`m taking the next bus outta here, I`m gonna head for Box Elder, M.O

>> No.1503383

yes it can be a bit of literature. but literary fiction or nonfiction is another story.

>> No.1503389

Seeing as literature began by word-of-mouth & our ancestors used to put on dances & shit to tell stories of their gods, I would say yerp. Stories & song have been around much longer than the printed word.

>> No.1503686

There is a crow moon comin in well you keep looking out
It is the hollow month of march now sweeping in
Lets watch phenomenon's that rise out of the darkness now
Within the light she is my storming heroin
And old machine's abandoned by the ancient racists and
I hear them hummin down below and hollow earth
Oh hell I guess I know no while I will go under to
But just for now I let the spring and storm return

I left my heart to the wild hunt a-comin
I live until the call
And I plan to be forgotten when I'm gone
Yes I'll be leavin' in the fall

And I will sleep out in the glade just by the giant tree
Just to be closer when my spirit's pulled away
I left a nervous little boy out on the trail today
He's just a mortal to the shoutin' cavalcade

I left my heart to the wild hunt a-comin
I live until the call
And I plan to be forgotten when I'm gone
Yes I'll be leavin in the fall

Let's open up the windows have satan departin' now
And we'll be even when the blues fall down like hail
Hell I don't even care no more about cadejo now
If he's a white one or a black one on the trail

I left my heart to the wild hunt a-comin'
I live until the call
And I plan to be forgotten when I'm gone
Yes I'll be leavin in the fall

>> No.1503712


It appears you don't know what the word means.

Even Baby by justin beiber is a form of literature

It appears this entire board doens't know what it means

>> No.1503713
File: 128 KB, 500x375, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There'll be time to get by to get dry after the swimming pool
There'll be time to just cry i wonder why it didnt work out
Therell be time to fish fry for letters by yours truly
Yours truly

Someone in my dictionary's up to no good
I never find the very special words I should
So I have another party with a water glass
and I sit on all your actions its a birthing game
and I'll bet he needs a shower cause hes just like me
and the soldiers in the painting know your secret face
Well your parrot told me just how I can make you smile
Gonna let you do your thinking if you need awhile
but what I gave you made him get mad
A little bit funny how a thing like that
Could travel from one mouth in through another
and the next thing you know you gotta hear it from your brother and
The words they sting like a stump of old wasps
Remember when I said go throw the rock in there
and we ran through the woods to our good house
You forgot about the things that he could say like
I dont think that I like you anymore
Well I found new feelings at the feeling store
and I cant find you at our kissing place
and im scared of those new pair of eyes you have

So I duck out and go down to find the swimming pool
Hop a fence, leave the street and wet my feet I'll find a swimming pool
Cause when I'm snuffed out I doubt I'll find a swimming pool
Hop a fence, leave the street and wet my feet I'll find a swimming pool

But I don't wish that I was dead
A very old friend of mine once said
that either way you look at it you have your fits
I have my fits but feeling is good
confusions not a kiddney stone in my brain
but if were miscommunicating do we feel the same?
Then either way you look at it you have your fits
I have my fits but feeling is good

You gotta give a little you gotta get a little bit