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/lit/ - Literature

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1501534 No.1501534 [Reply] [Original]

greatest female characters of all times?

My vote, Anna Karenina. I'd fuck her, too.

>> No.1501539

Dolly, Raskolnikov's sister. I loved her with all my heart and always will. I wanted to beat the crap out of Svidrigalov for the way he treated her. Luckily, he got his in the end.

>> No.1501568

Emile Zola's Nana. It's not a very positive one, though.

>> No.1501570

Dagny Taggart.

>> No.1501575

The whore from Cannery Row
Cleopatra (from Antony &)
The one who kept shouting about the donkeys in David Copperfield

>> No.1501598


Why is this such a staple? Anna was a terrible character, didn't care about her children, or anyone else, went insane for basically no reason at all (oh no her husband was mad at her) and then killed herself. She should be your choice for least favourite female character.

Raskolnikov's sister is not named Dolly. Her name is Avdotya Romanovna shortened to Dunyashka, or Dunya.

>> No.1501619
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>> No.1501620

She was an opium addict.

Ahh, darling Dunechka.

>> No.1501628


No she wasn't. Cite that please.

>> No.1501673

Are you mentally retarded?

good character != good human being

Goddammit, lrn2irony you faggot piece of shit

>> No.1501699

Anna was constantly taking morphine after she and Vronsky moved in together. The morphine plot starts in Part 7.

>> No.1501711


She was a bland uninteresting character as well. Her motives were unclear and everything she did was stupid and pointless.

She was a bad person and a poorly written character. Frankly the entire book is underwhelming.

>> No.1501715


Oh you;re right, I do recall this. Her ridiculous actions started before then though, and she was still a poor character.

Natasha Rostov was better.

>> No.1501734

Her ridiculous actions are a result of living a lie and then having her world fall apart around her. Depression and neurosis are often exacerbated by big life-changing events (dissolving a marriage, beginning a relationship, and having a child). Her social life was completely ruined. Her status as a woman of the aristocracy was completely compromised. Everything that she used to define her life ceased to exist. All of a sudden she had to stand on her own without the support of status and class. She crumbled.

>> No.1501761
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let's see.

xue baochai from dream of red chamber

>> No.1501786

Wow. Can we have this idiot permabanned? Where the janitors at?

>> No.1501792


You're an idiot who can't differentiate classic literature and "good" literature. You're also stating that I should be banned for voicing a contrary opinion.

You sound pretty stupid bro.

>> No.1501793

Is her name Mary Sue?

>> No.1501789
File: 15 KB, 360x360, blood worm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl from my own novelette.

>> No.1501798



>> No.1501799

> implying Anna Karenina isn't one of the greatest, if not, the greatest novel of all times

Bitch, please. It's clear it was too deep for you.

>> No.1501808


>Implying Anna Karenina had any depth at all and wasn't simply a literary soap opera


>> No.1501811

Reread it but put your adult glasses on, ok?

>> No.1501817

I'm not the person you are arguing with, but you must be new on /lit/. If you don't blindly accept the hive opinion, you obviously just didn't understand the book.

As for the cum-guzzler you're arguing with, Anna Karenina was good, but it's hardly the best novel of all time. And since that butthurts you so badly, I apologize for not sharing your opinion. I prefer Resurrection to both War and Peace and Anna Karenina in terms of Tolstoy, but you're probably just furiously typing intended insults at me for thinking differently. Enjoy your fleshlight.

>> No.1501820

Request for permaban completed. This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.1501823



For fun I will now list the Tolstoy works which are better than Anna Karenina in no particular order.

War and Peace
The Cossacks
Childhood, Boyhood and Youth
The Kreutzer Sonata

The rest I either haven't read or didn't like.

>> No.1501824

I believe it goes

Hadji Murad > Anna Karenina > War and Peace > Ivan Ilych > Kreutzer > Ressurection

>> No.1501830


Sure I got that, But the fact that she can't live without her status and reputation is what makes her a terrible character.

If we want to take about terrible women who were good characters then lets talk about Emma Bovary.

>> No.1501831

Well, that's one opinion. Fortunately we are allowed to form our own instead of being forced to simply accept yours.

>> No.1501832


>Ivan Ilych

I didn't like it >.>

>> No.1501839

If you think that's what Anna Karenina is about then you're retarded.

>> No.1501844


That's what the character Anna Karenina is about, which is what we're discussing. The book focuses mostly on Levin and Catherine Sherbatsky and it touches on other themes.

It's still mediocre though.

>> No.1501847

>literature is interpreted by the reader
>quality via interpretation is determined subjectively
>different opinions = WRONG1111111111!
>everyone must share singular valuation and interpretation of previously mentioned interpretive, subjective value
>stop not maturbating to the book I masturbate to!!!!

I think you may be doing it wrong. Now granted, that's only my interpretation, but clearly you shove produce up your asshole..

>> No.1501846

If you think that's what the character Anna Karenina is about then you're retarded.

>> No.1501857

I don't understand why you're all arguing about the quality and status of Anna Karenina when The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment clearly shit on anything Tolstoy has ever written. Not that Tolstoy is BAD... it's just that his dick is tinier that Dostoevsky's.

>> No.1501862

>The Brothers Karamazov
>better than anything of Tolstoys

Truth is spoken here.

>> No.1501863

But to stay on topic: regarding female characters, I can't think of any of them that have ever truly stood out, and I think that may be in part to the male characters being ten times more interesting.

>> No.1501883


>> No.1501898


War and Peace gives anything Dostoyevsky ever wrote a run for it's money. In general I much prefer Dostoyevsky to Tolstoy though.

>> No.1501900

Read more Dostoevsky you ignorant mother fucker.

>> No.1501952

Are you male or female? It may just be that you identify with male protagonists much more easily so they stand out more strongly in your mind.

>> No.1501956

Lady Macbeth gives any character, male or female, a run for their money

>> No.1501959


I've read every word Dostoyevsky has written and his male characters are much more interesting than his (admittedly interesting) female characters.

>> No.1501960

>mfw /lit/ is one big dostoevsky circlejerk
>mfw i'm okay with this

>> No.1501962

tolstoy > dostoevsky

don't bother me about it, i dont care

>> No.1501964


More great books are written by men who tend to write about themselves (men). Women tend to write about themselves (women).

Esther Greenwood is a good female character.

>> No.1501968


Every literature forum ever made is a big Dostoyevsky circle jerk. For good reason, he's both accessible and has lasting appeal, a huge body of work, etc.

>> No.1501987

Pointless comparison is pointless.

>> No.1502000

I've read all of Dostoevsky, you angry virgin. And the men are always more interesting than the women. Suck my dick while crying tears.

>> No.1502002

Nately's Whore.

>> No.1502006

bella swan

>> No.1502008

But I guess I can explain myself. I'm not saying the women of these novels lack depth. I'm saying that, compared to their male counterparts who take up just as much of the limelight, they don't interest me nearly as much.

It's probably because I'm a guy, and relate more to the men and their problems rather than those of the women.

But to the anon I told to suck my dick; when you're finished, slobber on my balls.

>> No.1503120


>> No.1503139

I never vibe to those heroines who have children already, because for some reason I imagine that before the 1970's or so, when a lady shit out a kid, it would make her cooze just a big ugly mess forever. Like 5 inch beef curtains, and she's walking around with her chin up, always trying to maintain dignity, but everyone sees the kid with her and knows that with every step she can feel the curtains rubbing on her thighs. Grosses me out.

>> No.1503140


Hahahaha. Yes, this.

But Karenina would get it. Oh, how she would fucking get, it Bolshevik Beserker style.

>> No.1503141

Well fuck. Thanks for ruining everything forever, jackass.

>> No.1503155

You're as brave a cossack as ever there was.
I don't like it any more than you do.

>> No.1503367

Sure is giant virgin in here. That or you're gay!

>> No.1503376

holy shit we thought you'd been 'taken out back' by the Chinese Govt. Where you been?

>> No.1503379
File: 14 KB, 308x350, williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad his wife is a spoilt-whore

>> No.1503610

Yet another thread ruined by tripfags. Fuck you faggots.