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15015001 No.15015001 [Reply] [Original]

Thinkers who are extremely based and extremely cringe at the same time

>> No.15015025
File: 25 KB, 620x330, baudrillard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop reading him bros, he's always fucking right. Massively entertaining style too

>> No.15015042

Me desu

>> No.15015109

he said they also have to be based

>> No.15016370

Wittgenstein. Teaching first order logic to elementary school kids just makes me chuckle and wince at the same time.

>> No.15016479
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>> No.15016498
File: 262 KB, 632x933, 98A67827-E63C-4D50-8A9A-A0DAEFF29DBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta throw Cioran in here

>> No.15017074

Agree for Derrida... He's major cringe, and loves talking bollocks and making trite observations in obscure jargon, but he forged a whole career out of it, and I respect that... Plus he has flashes of insight on occasion

>> No.15017192

That's the wrong way of thinking about it. The deconstructive method draws out the trace of the one embedded in its opposite– therefore what Derrida did was to illuminate the aspects of our idea of the cringe that were embedded in our idea of the based, and vice-versa.

>> No.15017203

Really bad way of putting it. You should have just said "the condition of possibility of cringe is based, and the condition of possibility of based is cringe".

>> No.15017209

Derrida literally uses the term "the trace" in much the same way as I have used it. Why you're importing kantian terminology I have no idea, but it only obfuscates whatever point it is you're trying to make.

>> No.15017220

You used term poorly. Also "conditions of possibility" dominate his later writings on possible-impossible aporias.

>> No.15017269

>you used the term poorly while memeing because I said so
lmao okay nerd

>> No.15017411

Stay mad pseud

>> No.15017441

Exactly! And it shows which term we privilege over the other, the way speech is privileged over writing in the speech/writing binary.

>> No.15017455

this dude gets it: >>15017441
Meanwhile you can't even explain how I used it poorly, apart from flatly stating it without justification. Keep coping, sweaty

>> No.15017561
