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File: 16 KB, 428x424, E78151B0-64D1-4E74-AFE6-90B77F71D1EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15014117 No.15014117 [Reply] [Original]

>parents are badmouthing religion again

>> No.15015102

>parents are badmouthing modern feminism again
I'm a fucking antifeminist but not for their retarded reasons. Jesus Christ, they look like taken out of a cringe boomer meme.

>> No.15015108

maybe you should introduce them to 'you know who' pbuh

>> No.15015554

How are you handling it?

>> No.15015571

>not enlightening your parents on based guenon

>> No.15015584
File: 263 KB, 697x421, Open Borders The Wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call them hypocrites for failing to recognize legitimate criticism of Judaism.

>> No.15015601

whats the criticism, jews shouldnt fight terrorists? I thought 4chan hated muslisms?

>> No.15015605

did anyone else fantasize about beating their parents as a prepubescent child?

>> No.15015621
File: 231 KB, 535x327, Open Talmud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice strawman. I was suggesting criticism of Judaism from the text, not criticism of Jews generally.

>> No.15015649 [DELETED] 

Yes. And as a post-pubescent young adult I finally physically stood up to my aggressors for the torment they created within me (through physical and psychological means). Very cathartic anon

>> No.15015656

How can anyone be religious in this day and age given how horrible it is on mental freedom

>> No.15015662

I'd be interested in hearing your reasons. Perhaps they align with mine. I presume boomer come from "muh nuclear family" and "muh religious traditionalism"

>> No.15015675
File: 46 KB, 412x599, omar khayyam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslims are based af

>> No.15015677

I have never felt freer than when I became religious

>> No.15015685

Did your pastor tell you that

>> No.15015774


Your parents are good people and you are a disgrace to them.

>> No.15016058

Where are you from

>> No.15016661

retarded burger

>> No.15017225

Rebuke them.


t. low IQ idiot.

>> No.15017255

religion doesn't hinder mental freedom only when you assent to whatever is contrary, but if it is true or right, then you wouldn't care at that point.

>> No.15017290
File: 95 KB, 750x703, 1562212190795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am mentally free

>> No.15017316
File: 105 KB, 640x860, Paul_Klee-The_Limits_of_Reason-1927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

organized religion bad
religious/spiritual experience good

>> No.15017324

>organized religion bad
Brainlet take.

>> No.15017330

why not both? otherwise you're susceptible to prelest

>> No.15017358

note that im not saying spiritual experience has to be solipsistic, or that organized religion never offered any spiritual experience, just that any organizational structure will always lose itself in dogma and power games and impoverish spirituality the same way enforcing a single reading of a book always depletes a books' depth.
prelest is as prevalent if not more in organized religion

>> No.15017364
File: 82 KB, 773x645, 1541067909803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mum is complaining about Trump and republicans at the Christmas dinner
>we're Australian

>> No.15017367
File: 150 KB, 960x540, 1555112415125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be a slave to doctrine than slowly slide into degeneracy like the rest of society.
>hurr wut degeneration???
Take a time machine to the 50's, and say that not only would niggers be seen as intrinsically equal, but that homosexuality is not only tolerated, but even encouraged, and that it's fine for them to marry.

Not only that, but men who think they're women aren't thrown into an asylum, or even treated, but instead their delusions are encouraged, and that it's become vogue to encourage child strippers.

On top of all this, it's frowned upon to make any these statements, lest you be removed from what constitutes 'polite' society in the modern age.

Do you want to know the worst part?
I'm fine with it.
I tolerate it.

>> No.15017378

>t. Melbourne

>> No.15017382

As if pedo priests are any better

>> No.15017385

The Christian God is not real. Evangelicals are right that trannies are stupid fucking wackjobs but God is still not real.

>> No.15017387

Same thing happens in Perth m8

>> No.15017422

Please nuke us.

>> No.15017465

What I like about feminism, even if it isn't the original cause, is that it will eventually erode 'traditional women' in order for them to become 'traditional men' with vaginas. I despise the concept of the traditional woman, it is a weakling made to serve man, we can have slaves for that. And if you need unconditional love then just get a dog.
(True) friendship between men is the highest type of relationship in existence. I wouldn't mind having that with the women I fuck, they are not ready yet, though.
The original intention of feminism and (most) feminists themselves are what make me an 'antifeminist'. Since they are weaklings, the entire movement came from the resentment towards the superiority and privilege of men. Instead of wanting to raise themselves over their condition, they want to drag men down to them.

>> No.15017499

Not that anon, but are you aware that men and women are so fundamentally different that it will be impossible for your fantasy to happen?

>> No.15017578

I already said that it isn't possible yet. It will come forth in the far future.

>> No.15017595

>from "muh nuclear family" and "muh religious traditionalism"
>assuming boomers think that well
Boomers hate feminism because "can I use the women's bathroom if I declare myself a woman?". Boomers would be bearable if they actually attacked it on the basis of tradition, religion and conservatism.