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15011625 No.15011625 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is mine, imo she btfo's every other fantasy writer out there, yes that includes Tolkien and GRRM.

>> No.15011683

Virginia Woolf is the only right answer

>> No.15011704

Is Anne Tyler good?

>> No.15011717

Jane Austen.

>> No.15011729

Donna Tartt is incredible

>> No.15011740
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Aelia Eudocia

I have seen many wonders in my life, countless,
But who, noble Clibanus, however many his mouths, could proclaim
Your might, when born a worthless mortal? But rather
It is right for you to be called a new fiery ocean, Paean and parent, provider of sweet streams.

>> No.15011758
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>> No.15011776

They forced me to read a bunch of non males back in school.
The only one I ever liked was Evelyn Waugh. The rest were pure cancer.

>> No.15011783

This is interesting, i'm quite embarrassed that i've read a good amount of Greek and Roman stuff yet I managed to be completely ignorant of this woman's existence until this minute, a quick look over at Goodreads shows a book being published on this year.
I'll stick it on the want to read list.

>> No.15011784

Goddamn shoes on the chair pig fuckery scum

>> No.15011805

Tove Jansson, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Bronte sisters, Mary Ruefle, Elena Garro, Yoko Ogawa, Mieko Kawakami, George Eliot.

>Evelyn Waugh

that's a penis haver.

>> No.15011813

suzanne collins

>> No.15011836

One crazy thing about her is that she writes incredibly well in children's lit, YA, and adult literature. She can pretty much do it all. That being said my favourite is George Eliot, sometimes Middlemarch feels like God wrote it.

>> No.15011877

O’Connor or Welty

>> No.15011965

Women’s writing is mostly middle class college educated western white women complaining that life is unfair.
It’s funny at first but gets pretty tedious after a while.

>> No.15011973

uhhhhh are u describing the meme trilogy?

>> No.15011993

Half of what this board likes is navel gazing doomershit so I guess they should read more women then.

>> No.15012005


>> No.15012080

Nobody complains as much as women.

>> No.15012088

Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

>> No.15012097

Edith Wharton! I love how atmospheric her novels are, and her descriptions. Here's one that sticks in my head often: "...it was the careless powerful look he had, in spite of a lameness checking each step like the jerk of a chain"
Female authors are great when they aren't drowning in a teacup of self-pity, in my experience.

>> No.15012161

Charlotte Bronte is severely underrated. Her writing is so comfortable and pleasant to read. She had a tremendous vocabulary.

>> No.15012187


>> No.15012566
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I have read basically no women outside of To Kill a Mockingbird and Sappho's fragments, not even doing it on purpose desu it's just books by women don't catch my eye and the canon is mostly male.
Might just read women for a year desu, pretend i'm some man hating young woman and i'll read whatever she would read. Might be a good experiment for my own writing/characterisation ability.

>> No.15012761
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Stein, Young, Anna Kavan, Acker. Only dykes (basically men) make good writers.

>> No.15012771

Earthsea is a bit too didactic to blow up Tolkien, but she is certainly better than nearly all other speculative writers.

>> No.15012784

Jewish men.

>> No.15012792

George Eliot, Sylvia Plath, Ayn Rand, Camille Paglia

>> No.15012833

I've never read a female writer before, because I prefer reading the Greats, the Roman Republicans being my favorite. A couple lesser writers might be worth reading, I guess, just to compare them to the Greats.

>> No.15012843

I think I've only read a single book written by a female author and that was Frankenstein. Mary Shelley is based

>> No.15013169

Marguerite Yourcenar

>> No.15013629

I’ve been boycotting female authors and directors ever since the ‘no boys allowed’ showings of Wonder Woman.

>> No.15013649

imo the best American 20th-century short story writer

>> No.15013675
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>> No.15013934
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Han Kang
I would include Rand as well for being someone whose writings were a test of my maturity and a gateway into superior ideas after rejecting her, but I can't honestly say she's a good *writer*

>> No.15013946

Read whatever you want, but you fell for an obvious false flag.

>> No.15014048
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>> No.15014350

What’s your favorite story?

>> No.15014381

Lydia Davis

>> No.15014403

1) George Eliot
2) Willa Cather
3) Ursula Le Guin

>> No.15014590

Faggot. The fact that you think btfo'ing GRRM is a feat just shows that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about
when it comes to fantasy as a genre and the fact that you can't appreciate Tolkien just means you're practically illiterate. Try Kipling, Lieber, Howard, Peake, Vance, Dunsany, Clarke, Mieville, and Moorcock.

Woolf, Austen, Dickinson, Eliot, Shelley, Bronte sisters, and O'Connor are basically the only right answers to your question.

>> No.15014715

Jenny Erpenbeck -- lucid, gnomic German reminiscent of Peter Handke's that lends itself well to translation

>> No.15014832

>Donna Tartt is incredible
Yes, anon. Yes she is.

>> No.15014855

Le Guin btfo of all those writers, particularly Mieville, who's trash.

>> No.15015165

> female
> writers

>> No.15015266

>Better than Kipling
Ya, you're a retard.

>> No.15015302

What makes Kipling better?

>> No.15016353

Fuck yes. Came to post this.

>> No.15016369

Le Guin is a one hit wonder with The Dispossessed tbqh. The Lathe of Heaven is a crappy PKD imitation. The Left Hand of Darkness too much a simplistic adventure story with tedious and ill thought out gender politics. Wizard of Earthsea makes Harry Potter look fully realized.

>> No.15016386


>> No.15016388
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>favourite female writers

>> No.15016403

I wonder why...

Anyway, I'm going to shill contemporary writers here because my favourite classic lit ones have already been mentioned. Anne Carson and Sarah Kane >>>>>>>

>> No.15016405
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mein negger

>> No.15016409

I just read The Vegetarian and I loved it, could you recommend anything else by her/similar to her writing?

>> No.15016415

Stein is pretty fun stuff

>> No.15017270

>I wonder why

If men dislike the way things are, they fuck off to their basements or the desert or the mountains and build a subculture

Women can’t build for shit. They just move in and complain until men get sick of listening to them and change things more to their liking. This makes things too toxic for males and they fuck off to the basement or desert or mountain. Lather, rinse repeat.

>> No.15017279

banana yoshimoto, jane bowles, lydia davis, virginia woolf, fleur jaeggy, alice munro

>> No.15017286

i'm not that guy, but human acts was great

>> No.15017408

I just bought "The Bell Jar" by Plath for this quarantine times, what awaits for me?

>> No.15018655
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she was a total brainlette

>> No.15018691

I want to wife Emily Brontë. Don't really care about the rest of them.