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15009905 No.15009905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Schopenhauer is irrefutable in his analysis of female behaviour and psychology.
Look at pic related, look at the two-dimensional eyes. Are you really comfortable with saying you are on the same level of sentience?

>> No.15009924

Who cares about wimm*n
Its all about chasing Cash now

>> No.15009927
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I hope this is just bait and OP is not seriously up past midnight trying to write the perfect misogynistic ontological treatise

>> No.15009936

>Are you really comfortable with saying you are on the same level of sentience?
I'm comfortable with saying that you are likely even more of sub-par intelligence than the women you seek to mock. Midwit thread

>> No.15009937

They are, by and large, below us in consciousness and spiritual awareness. If you deny this it says more about your own level of consciousness than it does about women's consciousness.
Schop was right. Women can never be anything more than lovers or mothers. I don't take them seriously at all outside of these contexts. When I see a women try to "play the tradesman" in any sense, I view it the same way I view a dog shaking someone's hand. A hilarious attempt by an intelligent animal to ape the behaviour of man. I can't even shake a woman's hand without laughing. They are fucking hilarious if you really think about it. It's like if a load of dogs started driving cars and going to work. Ludicrous.

>> No.15009948

You mean spiritual enlightenment
It's not bait and it's not past midnight.
The OP photo shocked me in its inhumanity. The longer you look a it, the more disturbing it becomes.
Look at the bizarre pose, the dehumanising makeup, and most of all, the utterly soulless eyes. It's haunting. Women can hardly be called human
incomprehensibly fucking based

>> No.15009952

>two-dimensional eyes
That's your computer screen bro

>> No.15009954


>> No.15009956

Based. I will add that a dog is a better companion than a woman in terms of loyalty. So all they have going for them is their holes and their beauty.

>> No.15009969
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I agree, but I'm not a big fan of dogs desu, they're too dirty for me. If I lived on a farm or a large property then I would.

>> No.15009972

>women can hardly be called human
why regard them so often and with more intensity than you would regard other humans? seems like the fascination with their unmanageable difference elevates them far beyond human. me... I give them no mind at all unless I am directly interacting.

>> No.15009975

Shop had two poodles. They don't shed much and are very clean. Basenjis are another clean dog, as are Samoyeds. If you live in the city you are right not to get one, it is blaggarding the dogs to make them live in such a place.

>> No.15009978

you're a literal caricature. try thinking for yourself, just once.

>> No.15009982

I just find their soullessness incomprehensible. Seriously, just look at the op for 10 seconds straight, it's fucking disturbing. What human expression is that? It looks like she's been lobotimised.
Not to mention the fucking absurdity of uploading contextless self-images for mass-consumption in the first place

>> No.15009988

What goes through their brain when putting up a selfie? I see them when they take the selfies, they will take at least 100 pictures before settling on the right one.
The aborigines believed that having your picture taken resulted in your soul being stolen by the camera. I wonder what they would think of these thots today?

>> No.15010099
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"I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man." (Safranski (1990), Chapter 24. p. 348.)

>> No.15010131

Fuck off communist. Women as a species are shit. He was speaking about outliers here, like mother teresa

>> No.15010142

>What goes through their brain when putting up a selfie?
Literally nothing. You know that exact moment before you fall asleep and your mind is completely empty? It's that.
They are just following the herd like animals.
All they know is:
>If I take a photo of myself and put it online, I will receive validation, and that makes me feel nice
I guarantee that you could send one of these lobotomites into a meltdown by simply asking:
>Why do you do that? What do you gain?

>> No.15010148

Any philosopher's "theory" about women who was not also successful with women in their personal life should be instantly discarded. Schopy was a good philosopher but if you have no tangible evidence that you understood them in practise (IE, by fucking them or knowing how to appeal to their sensibilities as described by you), then you are in no position to write about them in theory.

This is also why the majority of blogposts about women on this board are similarly misguided. Either prove to me you know them well enough to overcome their strengths or exploit their weakness, or I have no reason to believe what you say.

>> No.15010157

>Women as a species are shit.
the same goes for men, there are only a few outliers of exceptional people. The human race, generally speaking, is a scourge on this planet.

>> No.15010178

>He had an on and off relationship with a young dancer Caroline Richter (she also used surname Medon after one of her ex-lovers).[129] They met when he was 33 and she was 19 and working at the Berlin Opera
What a long-winded attempt at dismissing him as an "incel"
He had multiple affairs.

>> No.15010180

Shut the fuck up you fucking nigger. Schop was drowning in puss, fucked every hooker in Germany. And even if he didn't, you don't need first hand experience to understand things, it makes fuck all difference. If you look at a genius like Schopenhauer, he will understand 1000x more about women than some mouth breathing retard like you, based solely off of his incredible intelligence and perceptive abilities.
Honestly fuck off you brainlet.

>> No.15010209
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>Indecisive simp thread #772351
Just decide what your relationship with women will be, you claim loathing but seek to negate it. This is the worst position to be in. Choose to love or hate women and accept that you might be proven wrong. Stop being such a pussy

>> No.15010259

It's not indecision. It's disbelief at the current state of society when these observations are so readily provent correct

>> No.15010273

lmao someone is mad I called out his internet-assembled blogpost about women for being the tripe that it is. Cope harder, your opinions are indistinguishable from the rest of the herd on this miserable site.

>on-and-off relationship
yep, definitely sounds successful to me.

>> No.15010283

>yep, definitely sounds successful to me
>moving the goalposts this hard
Keep coping, you might get a crumb of pussy

>> No.15010295

It is not moving the goalposts to suggest that an "on-and-off relationship" and "multiple affairs" is a failure with the opposite sex. If you can't keep a woman happy and committed, or if you're reduced to skulking around in secret or sleeping with prossies, that is not my definition of success whatsoever. If you consider that success, then I feel sorry for you.

>> No.15010301

>IE, by fucking them or knowing how to appeal to their sensibilities as described by you
Nice try retard, but you do realise we can read your original post?

>> No.15010324

>knowing how to appeal to their sensibilities
This is key, anon. If their affections for you are inconsistent, or if you must hide your relationship under cover of darkness (IE. as an affair), then you have failed. You can keep clutching at straws all you like, but it won't change anything.

>> No.15010343

>IE by fucking them OR ...
>Clutching at straws
I'm literally quoting you, fucking braindead retard

>> No.15010373

Okay then, I shall clarify for you. You are not clutching at straws, you are nitpicking. I meant "and" instead of "or". I apologise for using the wrong word. Now that that particular quibble is resolved, what actual valid contentions do you have with the crux of my argument that are not merely trivial?

>> No.15010389

How about the fact that even if what you specify is necessary for "success" with women, it still isn't necessary to make accurate and demonstrable observations about their nature, just because you say so.
A gastroenterologist doesn't need to be swallowed alive to understand how the digestive system works.

>> No.15010441

But it is, anon. There is no better demonstration of a theory than its application.

>A gastroenterologist doesn't need to be swallowed alive to understand how the digestive system works.
False equivalency. They are not a "theorist" or an observer, they actively diagnose and treat patients. This requires a degree of hands-on experience. Similarly, I would never take on board the advice of a doctor who had no practical knowledge of the body.

>> No.15010457

The thing is that I understand what you mean by those eyes, but that look can be observed within so many people.
This I agree with. Women who go against the grain tend to stand out massively.

>> No.15010497

>There is no better demonstration of a theory than its application
It's "application" is mere interaction, not whatever you arbitrarily define as "success".
Not every observation made by Schopenhauer relies on, nor is even about, romantic relationships.
I can make accurate observations aboit children without having one of my own, not every observation about children requires a knowledge of child-rearing.
And even in the specific observations that do require some knowledge or experience with sexual relationships, you cannot demonstrate that Schopenhauer's were not sufficient to make observations about them.
You're the one being too theoretical if you are designating some arbitrary level of "successful" interaction with women to make accurate analyses of their behaviour.

>> No.15010539

while I have fewer female friends who I can intellectualise things with, the average female is far better conversation than the average male. sounds like you need to get out more.

>> No.15010588

>far better conversation
Yeah, notice how you differentiate between "intellectualising" and conversation for its own sake?
Conversation with women is the most mind-numbing, brainless activity I have experienced. They only "enjoy" it because of the underlying social games and subtext, the actual content is banal and inane to the extreme.
Women are better conversationalists because their entire perception of the world is social.
It's like saying:
>adults are better athletes, but children are better at playing around
You are probably an oversocialised faggot who wants a "mommy gf"

>> No.15010592

>Not every observation made by Schopenhauer relies on, nor is even about, romantic relationships.
correct, and a large portion of his ideas that are not concerned with this subject are well-reasoned. But when your ideas about women are projecting the weaknesses and follies of man onto the pseudo-mystical power of the woman, I'm going to call you out on your bullshit. It's totally self-denying.

>I can make accurate observations aboit children without having one of my own
Can you? One thing you hear more often than anything else from parents is that "when you have kids, you'll understand".

>you cannot demonstrate that Schopenhauer's were not sufficient to make observations about them.
you also cannot demonstrate that man's weakness w/r/t women is the fault of the woman, as Schopenhauer would argue. It is a total mystification of the real lived relations between men and women.

>> No.15010619

cope roastie, OP is right, and so is shopenhauer

>> No.15010628

The fact that your posting about them is proof that you are many tiers below them.
shitty bait anons.

>> No.15010643

>But when your ideas about women are projecting the weaknesses and follies of man onto the pseudo-mystical power of the woman
Bizarre claim. Go read his essay again and tell me where he does this. Every claim he makes is extremely obvious and demonstrable once you realise it.
>Can you? One thing you hear more often than anything else from parents is that "when you have kids, you'll understand".
Yes I can, what a stupid argument. I can't say for example:
>Children are more unruly and harder to control than adults. They are less reasonable and sometimes you have to put your foot down and tell them "no". There are more prone to emotional outbursts than adults.
Why not? If I can do this with clearly accurate observations about children without being a father, then Schopenhauer can do it with women without being what you decided is "successful" with them.
>you also cannot demonstrate that man's weakness w/r/t women is the fault of the woman, as Schopenhauer would argue. It is a total mystification of the real lived relations between men and women.
Schopenhauer does not do this just because you say he does.
You are just overly hesitant to believe bad things about women because it's an unpleasant reality.
If anyone it mystifying and obscuring basic truths about human nature, it's you

>> No.15010654

>If you post about the nature of cows, you are below cows
Shitty bait anon

>> No.15010682

But that is true anon, stop milking this thread for replies and moove on.

>> No.15010706

It's no different throughout history, just because people see fact or the fact is reinforced by society doesn't mean people never idolized, a choice against the order of things. If you claim degeneracy is so widespread and you yourself are pure and by extension noble why the inability to hold views and act accordingly, instead you ponder the truth to no end; inaction.
Tl;dr: grow some balls

>> No.15010785

>In the girl nature has had in view what could in theatrical terms be called a stage-effect: it has provided her with superabundant beauty and charm for a few years at the expense of the whole remainder of her life, so that during these years she may so capture the imagination of a man that he is carried away into undertaking to support her honorably in some form or another for the rest of her life, a step he would seem hardly likely to take for purely rational considerations.
This is pure projection and self-denial. Man is not so weak and pitiful as he would have us believe.

> I can't say for example:
You can say, but that knowledge is obtained only through a secondary/mediated awareness of what parents, teachers and paediatricians know directly from experience, and likely know much better than you as to how to resolve the problem. You watching from behind the school gates is not just inadequate, it is also creepy.

>Schopenhauer does not do this just because you say he does.
See the above quote. I tire of talking with you, since my original argument was mostly intended to provoke resentful midwits out of hiding. I see now that most of them are simply tedious and it is no longer worth my time.

>> No.15010828

>Man is not so weak and pitiful as he would have us believe.
Really? Most men are pathetic coomers who can't see past looks. Notice how "simp" is taking off recently? He is dead-on. It sounds more like you're projecting your perceived superiority, acurate or not, onto all men.
>that knowledge is obtained only through a secondary/mediated awareness of what parents, teachers and paediatricians know directly from experience, and likely know much better than you as to how to resolve the problem
Wrong. I know those things from interactions with my child relatives, and the secondary knowledge from experts only corroborates that experience. Like I said , I don't need to be a father to know things about looking after kids. Just like Schopenhauer doesnt need to meet your arbitrary standards of "success" to know about women.
>You watching from behind the school gates is not just inadequate, it is also creepy
Cringeworthy sarcastic reddit shit
>I tire of talking with you, since my original argument was mostly intended to provoke resentful midwits out of hiding. I see now that most of them are simply tedious and it is no longer worth my time.
I agree, you're too retarded to see the idiocy of your own arguments.
Your head is too far up your own superiority-complex-ridden ass.

>> No.15010835

>I can't even shake a woman's hand without laughing
This. The moment one draws attempts to analyze our abilities in parallel is the moment one recognizes the humor in any claim of par. It brings me a peculiar happiness when I see them engage in matters spiritual or philosophical; they appear to be capped in their endeavors and thus grasp things utilizing their subconscious internalized "higher order information" (at best) rather than conscious, imaginative thought. I make no claims of inherent superiority, but it appears there are certain systems the female psyche is simply incompatible with.

>> No.15010843

correct analysis
incorrect evaluation of the meaning of the results
everything he says about women are good things

>> No.15010889

Sensible, gracious, educated (though not necessarily erudite) women are the most beautiful beings in existence. Admittedly, they are few and far between, but there is no greater pleasure than interacting with one.

>> No.15010928

Give practical, quantifiable examples beyond "hurr I liked it"

>> No.15011026

It's hard for me to do that because I can only speak from personal experience and I'm not sure what you would deem sufficiently convincing. A former lover of mine liked to dance, write (though I can't say any of her poems were particularly touching) and paint. I knew another girl with whom I had philosophical discussions, and yet another who would not only talk to me about a great deal of things, but also passionately play the piano to me. It's nice when intelligence and femininity entwine because, frankly, women think differently and can give you a different perspective on things. Of course, one can't expect great literates and philosophers in the common crowd, but neither of us rises to that caliber either.

>> No.15011038

Get a pet

>> No.15011115


>> No.15011168

>Schop was drowning in puss, fucked every hooker in Germany.
Yeah, I don't think that's how it works.

>> No.15011211

But it is. You have to pay for it somehow. Pussy is never free.

>> No.15011249

They think like fucking 16 year olds. They stop developing at 16

>> No.15011263

You are a fucking faggot

>> No.15011269

I've only met two like that in my life. Special people.

>> No.15011294

I don't think that's a bad thing altogether. Even the most rigid of thinkers could use a fluttery, diaphanous presence in their lives.

>> No.15011321

Posting on a based and truthpilled thread

>> No.15011324

based and redpilled

>> No.15011329

You are such a simp. They are good for fucking and hugging, that's it

>> No.15011344

and being a 30 y/o white man posting anime pics here is indicative of great maturity isn't it?

>> No.15011357

To each their own anon. Personally I get along well with girls and enjoy their company. If that makes me a simp I guess your aversity toward women makes you an incel.

>> No.15011366

You're not going to get white knight points/laid defending them on an anonymous Eastern Island Moa sculpting site. Enjoy the eternal friendzone fren

>> No.15011370

Yes I am aware Nala has an only fans account. No I don't care if all of Pride Rock sees her pussy.

>> No.15011379

man, dudes truly rock

>> No.15011386

nah you ill-thinking niggers need a mirror

>> No.15011387

t. bitter virgin

>> No.15011388

she just has the thousand cock stare, not every woman is as soulless looking

what about you are mom bro?

>> No.15011395

Gotta love how actual incels have to turn everything into sex when it is about an objective sociological and anthropological analysis about women.

>> No.15011412

This post is such fucking cope

>> No.15011431

All the seething simpering faggots desperate for a crumb of pussy calling people "bitter virgins" etc. are fucking pathetic.
They automatically spring to action to abuse anyone speaking ill of women as they might see and reward them with attention and pussy.

>> No.15011433

Faggot simp
Cock sucking chapo

>> No.15011439

Meant to call this guy a massive fucking retard
Is the king

>> No.15011532

>when you realise that what your instinctively want to do to women is exactly what they want to have done to them

>> No.15011537


>> No.15011546

Yo guys I just came into my waifu for the 90th time today and I need to wait for my NEETbux to buy a new one :( I guess ill play LOL until then

>> No.15011552


>> No.15011590
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kek at the end.

>> No.15011887
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>> No.15011944

Based and redpilled

>> No.15011974

How has white not castled? Are you playing against your retarded aunt again?

>> No.15012115

Boxed life

>> No.15012253

Woah. This is a good thread.

>> No.15012322

>Personally I get along well with girls and enjoy their company
Jesus what a simp.

>> No.15012356 [DELETED] 
File: 2.55 MB, 2000x3000, 7948271bd1d37d00fdceeea2db38781e-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of your issues would be solved if you just courted and married a younger girl

>> No.15012375

So Schoppy is the biggest pleb filter for /r9k/, right?

>> No.15012411

There's one woman who was like a cupid arrow to me. Don't really care about the rest.

>> No.15012418


>> No.15012524

That's just atrophy. They simply have no reason to waste energy on things like that, not when they have hordes of orbiters and whatnot giving them everything they think they want.

>> No.15012544

There's nothing simp about it. We fight whenever we meet.
>don't remember asking
"Who cares about women"
And btw, money is a scam that makes me feel dirty rotten; stealing from primitives like that, giving them worthless arbitrary tokens instead of something valuable.

>> No.15012559

what? He's a pleb filter for r*dditors who can even get past
>le big meany misogynist man
to read his metaphysics

>> No.15012586

Can't castle out of check and yes I was playing against a girl well spotted, it was subtle

>> No.15012613

this is a legitimately profound insight

>> No.15012694

Teenagers are the most unstable, transitional and unreliable creatures. Any younger and they are sexually infertile.

>> No.15012699

This is why the best female artists are dykes.
Also, women have fewer outliers in intelligence than men. There are more male total retards but also more male geniuses. If you spend any time working with the general public you will learn to hate the average man as well.

>> No.15012734 [DELETED] 
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>looking for stability and reliability in women
there's your problem

>> No.15012751

>A gastroenterologist doesn't need to be swallowed alive to understand how the digestive system works.
It would be hot though

>> No.15012809

Some emotional instability is tolerable, but teenagers are insufferably unstable and base their choices on whims. They are the bane of any man with a grasp on discipline, if he is foolish enough to yoke himself to one. The only solution is to find someone who has strong bonds with her parents, someone who hasn't turned into a revolted, gnashing whirlwind of idiotic rebellion or brokenness. Add to that the requirement of being younger than late 20s.

>> No.15012873
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i don't view teenage and adult women any differently in the qualities you describe.
in fact, it's your best bet to tame the "female spirit" when she is in her adolescence.

they're also a whole lot more fun then.

>> No.15012922
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>> No.15012924

What you're doing is called gaslighting.

>> No.15012939

OP is just a misogynist
wait until he hears about trannies

>> No.15012942


>> No.15012953
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>> No.15012998

Schopenhauer was also one of the first to truly appreciate and genuinely respond to the philosophy of the east as well. He was truly based, a proto-yellow feverfag is you will.

>> No.15013018

I know several of those women and they tend to be way more lonely than the loneliest of men can ever hope to be,poor souls cant stand being around women because they see them as retarded sub-humans,but also see most men as retarded subhumans(which is actually a correct worldview)as well as feeling far away from the men they actually see as people worth a shit,since they are in constant fear of being seen as the average retard creature that most women are,or of being "hunted" by one of those guys that are unable to see women as anything other than holes

>> No.15013047
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my man

>> No.15013049

Talk to people, you'll realize that majority won't think like that at all. Heck, only a fraction of people who have thoughts think at all.

>> No.15013074

poodles are clean af, just a bath once a week is enough and they don't drop much fur
their problem is the sensible digestive system, besides that are great dogs

>> No.15013164

Most people you see on public transport will say the world is shit, politics is shit, but they don’t know why it’s shit and they don’t even have vague ideas about how to improve it beyond “more money”. Then they vote democrat regardless of policy.

>> No.15013172

This all sounds very african-american...

>> No.15013204

The amount of coping from the fart sniffing simps in this thread is something to behold. Face it retards, modern western "civilization" is a fucking anomaly in its treatment of women. It will be looked back on in history as a symptom of decadence and decay. "At this moment, the west was fucked"
All of us redpilled Schopenhauerian rapejacks will be waiting in the long grass when this shitshow collapses, and we will make an empire based off the principles of WAWAR

>> No.15013221
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>> No.15013985

>they're also a whole lot more fun then.
What I've noticed also is that younger girls actually try to put in effort into making a conversation, rather than having the attitude of "entertain me, clown, and maybe I will grant you the access to my pussy" like many adult roasties have.

>> No.15013992

Don't wait too long, you might die of old age.

>> No.15014104

i know two women like this and both of them are well read and pessimists.

>> No.15014148

>All of us redpilled Schopenhauerian rapejacks will be waiting in the long grass when this shitshow collapses, and we will make an empire based off the principles of WAWAR
good goddamn, i have been laughing at this sentence from 5 minutes

>> No.15014360

Yes. Have sex.

>> No.15014771

Lmao Schopenhauer was fucking prime German actresses anon

>> No.15014779

based capitalist

>> No.15014880

>higher order information
>conscious imaginative thought
These are the same thing genius

>> No.15014921

I bet she has a cheerful personality anon

>> No.15014945
File: 16 KB, 220x330, Rustin_Cohle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look in their eyes, even in a picture, doesn't matter if they're dead or alive, you can still read 'em. You know what you see? They welcomed it... Not at first, but... right there in the last instant. It's an unmistakable relief. See, cause they were afraid, and now they saw for the very first time how easy it was to just... let go. Yeah, they saw, in that last nanosecond, they saw... what they were. You, yourself, this whole big drama, it was never more than a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will, and you could just let go. To finally know that you didn't have to hold on so tight. To realize that all your life - you know, all your love, all your hate, all your memories, all your pain - it was all the same thing. It was all the same dream, a dream that you had inside a locked room, a dream about being a person.

Wait what were we talking about?

>> No.15015271

Based comment.