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File: 16 KB, 400x385, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1500702 No.1500702 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the greatest philosopher of the 20th century?

I'd say Sartre. He was a charming man and his philosophy made sense. Can't say the same about that Nazi who wrote all that incomprehensible shit.

>> No.1500706

top 5:

5. Russell (for the Principia)
4. D. K. Lewis
3. Quine
2. Heidegger
1. Wittgenstein

>> No.1500708

It's generally agreed to have been Wittgenstein.

>> No.1500710
File: 35 KB, 487x604, lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I'll be scoffed at by people here, but David Lewis is my favorite. The best system building philosopher since Kant and the greatest metaphysician since Leibniz.

>> No.1500719

greatest as in influencing the movement of philosophy within the century, it's wittgenstein. however, this doesn't mean he's the best philosopher or the guy who made the most progress.

for that question, too soon to tell still, but lewis should be up there.

>> No.1500723

Aleister Crowley

>> No.1500725

Glenn Beck and Snooki.

I'd say Raymond Aron.

>> No.1500764
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>charming man
you a joker op?

>> No.1500811

>Nazi who wrote all that incomprehensible shit.

I hate to break it to you but he's not a Nazi you're one of those Nazi fucks who misinterpreted his writings.

>> No.1500848

lol @ all these butthurt nietzsches fan boys

>> No.1500851


>> No.1500855

So was Paul De Man btw

beyond all doubt

>> No.1500865


>> No.1500920


And the 20th century started at 1901

>> No.1500953

20th century had no philosophers. Just dumbasses.

>> No.1501017


I like Richard Rorty
Zizek is also fun

Aldous Huxley is good too

>> No.1501033

ITT: Ignorance.

Basically anybody with any reputation/knowledge will say Wittgenstein. Props to the couple of anons who have mentioned him.

>> No.1501036

Sorry, but it was easily Quine. If you disagree, it's due to your own ignorance.

>> No.1501038


Also, Wittgenstein

>> No.1501054


Just google "greatest philosopher 20th century" and look at the first ten results or so.

I'm not claiming to be all that well-read, but a consensus of experts is a difficult thing to ignore.

>> No.1501072


Wittgenstein didn't believe what he wrote himself. He discredited the Tractatus later in life and didn't publish any other books while he was alive.

To say he was the greatest philosopher of the 20th century is to grossly overstate his importance.

>> No.1501080


Someone sounds butthurt. Also,

>implying authorial intentions

Next you're going to tell me The Wasteland is worthless because T.S. Eliot shunned it later on in life?

>> No.1501167

You should get a tripcode.

>> No.1501175


Nah, I have my capital SAGE.

>> No.1501184

right, so this board is actually so dumb that by showing that you realize the author's intentions dont mean shit you are basically labelling yourself as among the small group of actual intellectuals browsing here without choice/choosing to trip

>> No.1501191


Actually, that's a matter of some debate. If you think that that shows intelligence, you still have some learning to do.

>> No.1501220

I know man, but you're clearly more than namefag (or equivalent) material.

>> No.1501311


Aww, thanks.

>> No.1501374



>A philosopher

gtfo ignoramus

>> No.1501378


What? Clearly someone isn't familiar with Huxley.

>> No.1501389

Wittgenstein's rhetoric is so weak..the man uses little sketches to get his point across..not only this, but he isn't even a philosopher--more like a vain linguist if you ask me. The 20th century's greatest philosopher was probably Sartre. Today, there aren't many philosophers--most are critical theorists..the best of these is Foucault...I like deleuze but something about his political stance versus how he actually lived bothers me..

>> No.1501395


>> No.1501401

You're so witty. No wait, u mad amirite? Wittgenstein is poor..for poor stagnated thinkers...life is only so black and white for young children..wittgenstein was just suffering from PTSD and wanted to impose order on his psyche..the entire Tractatus and blue and brown books are psychodrama..the man had a poor grasp of psychology as well, and this is painfully apparent in his work.

>> No.1501402

>Germans errywhere

Other countries, are you even trying?

>> No.1501412


Protip:Huxley was not a philosopher.


>> No.1501416
File: 51 KB, 468x600, 468px-Karl_Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey u guise wats goin on in her u guise

>> No.1501418

well aren't you a super genius for completely anticipating the linguistic turn as well as its end. you should stop being so modest and tell us when the martians are coming to kill us as well.

>> No.1501429

Academic popularity does not imply great value..at least I don't think so. And yes, eventually, they will move on to something else...Personally I think Pyrrhonic Skepticism is the best philosophy, and everything since has been kind of pointless except as entertainment (which is why I read sartre, etc...they write entertaining books..wittgenstein's books are painfully dry like a lizard's cunt)

>> No.1501433


Nice refutation, bro.

>> No.1501440

you might want to check out my post here >>1500719

philosophy isn't there to tell you the meaing of life and whatnot. it's there to get knowledge about a variety of topics. sartre isn't doing any of dat stuff.

>> No.1501448

lol @ the whole concept of knowledge in the first place

>> No.1501450

I don't know..I guess by that criteria Sartre is questionable..he certainly captured or inspired a new spirit in the intellectual community, if only for a short time. I just find his arguments, whether about emotions or politics or personal responsibility to be well expressed and edifying. Wittgenstein, I suppose, I can't enjoy at all, and I don't like when he supposes things about human psychology which are just patently false (I can't remember the specific passages but I swear they were ignorant) It's not really his fault, he was living in a pre-psychological time and doing what he could (kind of like Dostoyevsky) but, in the end, he is just a very boring writer and that disqualifies him from being the "best".

>> No.1501453
File: 86 KB, 510x680, madmadmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1501457

the philosophers today are musicians

nobody does philosophy for the mere sake of it anymore

sartre? uhmno.jpg

>> No.1501463

>20th century

>> No.1501466

I like Russell and Wittgenstein.

>> No.1501467

get back on your trip d&e

>> No.1501468


Then why did Camus go all emo when Sartre unfriended him from Facebook?

>> No.1501469

Facebook didn't exist back then stupid

>> No.1501472


His only good concept was falsifiability. Other than that he just bitched about people he didn't agree with. Not a great philosopher.

>> No.1501473
File: 107 KB, 350x265, howard-wolowitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you're a fucking idiot

>> No.1501475
File: 31 KB, 363x310, bender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1501479
File: 8 KB, 320x320, f10f8c63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i choose not to go back to college does that mean i'm an existentialist?

>> No.1501483


pretty sure you can make your own thread for this.
oh wait.
you did.
and no one gave a fuck then so stop trying to shitty up everyone else's threads

>> No.1501510

Didn't realize there was a film about Wittgenstein...


>> No.1501517


>> No.1501519


Are you The Question?

>> No.1501579

fucking REAL TALK
We're here to talk about books, not some whiny faggot's life.