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File: 2.38 MB, 4668x3228, Osho_HD_062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15006007 No.15006007 [Reply] [Original]

Patience is the greatest religious quality; if you have patience nothing else is needed. Patience is enough, enough unto itself. Patience means hope, trust, and without any hurry, without any impatience. Impatience simply shows that you are not trustful. Impatience simply shows that you want to impose yourself upon the will of God, that you want it right now. You don't want him to work on his own. Impatience means, "My will is greater than your will." Patience means, "I surrender my will to your will. Let you be my will, so whenever I am ripe, whenever - if it takes an eternity it is okay - I will trust, I will hope. I will not lose my heart, I will not be disheartened."

Just think of patience - it will bring meditation on its own. The man of patience becomes meditative because he becomes contented. He says, "God is looking after me so why should I worry?"

The more God has disappeared from the world, the more worries have entered the world. You can watch it, there is a certain relationship. When people are in trust, in faith, when people know that God is, that we are taken care of, that we are not strangers on this earth, that we belong, that there is some invisible hand that is always ready to take us in the right direction, that we can live without worry, contentment arises, peace, silence, tranquility, serenity.

All is lost now because trust in God is lost. The moment man loses God, he loses all because then he has to depend only on himself, and he is tiny, and existence is vast. Man is just an atom and the atom is trying to struggle with this infinite existence. There is bound to be tension, anguish, despair, frustration, worry, suicide, madness.

The religious person is one who is relaxed with existence, who does not push the river - on the contrary, who dissolves into the river and says to the river, "Take me wherever you are going because wherever you are going is the goal." The religious person, the person who is patient, is one who says, "I will not seek and search a goal of my own, I don't have a private goal to seek and search. Wherever this infinite universe is going I am also going." So whatever is the destiny of the whole is the destiny of the part. This is patience, this is sabr.

>> No.15006009

She asked a certain dervish, whom we shall call Sabar, "How can I find this fruit_?" Now, she is asking a wrong question. She asks: "How can I find this fruit_?"

Remember Lao Tzu's famous statement: "Seek and you will never find, do not seek and it is already found." In seeking you go astray because seeking means "my will." Non-seeking means let-go, disappearance of the ego. And whenever you are not, God is. Lao Tzu is right: seek and you will miss, do not seek and find.

Non-seeking is the way to find. It will look very strange, illogical, but this is how it is. This existence is illogical, that's why we call it a mystery. If it were logical there would be no mystery. If existence were logical there would be no need for religion, science would have been enough. Science would have discovered everything if the existence were logical. But it is not; fortunately, it is not. Logic only goes to a certain extent and then it flops. And when logic flops the real existence begins.

Existence is a mystery. The way to it is not logic but love. The way to it is not prose but poetry. The way to it is not the head but the heart.

>> No.15006197


>> No.15006536
File: 77 KB, 550x683, pepemonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hylics seeth at osho for his cars, but the man just appreciated the materials without being attached to them; rejecting materials is just dogmatic bullshit
Anyone who has spiritual insight can see he cannot be a conman

>> No.15006609

His total networth was around 200mill
People seethe at capitalism

>> No.15006896

As much as I love Osho, he did get drugged up and cucked by her. I still have no clue why he didn't kick her to the curb.

>> No.15006902
File: 759 KB, 1000x615, f8ace50f12a3f7a9cb343aad66d618c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot photo

>> No.15006911

You're right, I don't have trust because of how retarded religion actually is. Why would I trust that shit?

>> No.15006920

She was drugged.
Power was her drug. Politicans be addicted to drugs, money and power are HARD drugs. Look at hitler and others

>> No.15007104

"She proved to be a perfect bitch, I love bitches"

>> No.15007108


osho claiming to be enlightened and then pretending to be conned is the most hilarious thing out of the new age movement. where was the omniescent and pure knowledge when he needed it?

>> No.15007117

>where was the omniescent and pure knowledge when he needed it?
“I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect, and that's why it is growing; if it was perfect it would have been dead. Growth is possible only if there is imperfection.

>> No.15007124

I would like you to remember again and again, I am imperfect, the whole universe is imperfect, and to love this imperfection, to rejoice in this imperfection is my whole message.”

>> No.15007204

True spiritual playboy

>> No.15007259

Yes, but how was osho dominated by such a woman?
Osho at his finest

>> No.15007275

>Yes, but how was osho dominated by such a woman?
Osho was at the PEAK of his life. He was living like an actual KING. So, he just left sheela to take care of everything. Power got to her mind and she ruined the whole thing and it became a huge shitshow with the Bioterror shit.

>> No.15007277

You know, while watching that Wild Wild Country doc on Netflix I actually developed a little bit of a crush on her because, despite being a psycho, she seems like one of the very few women who are genuinely intelligent and genuinely strong (as opposed to all the thots who will rant all day on twitter about being a strong woman then break down at the slightest sign of adversity). I also found her pure determination and force of will in the face of opposition to be fairly admirable.

As for Osho himself, he just seems like another no account, forgettable, new age snake oil salesman. Don't understand why you faggots like him so much.

>> No.15007287

>like sheela
>hates osho
What the fuck? Are you on drugs?

>> No.15007289

He knew things were going to shit though, he even warned people not to get close to him or else Sheela might try to take them out.

>> No.15007310

I heard the Netflix doc went too soft on them, I watched the into the rabbithole on youtube.

Also, I respect Osho because I had listened to clips of his lectures before I even knew about the cult situation and thought he was based.

>> No.15007372

This is hylic brainlet brain 101
If he was a conman he wouldnt be able to start a massive movement or change many lives same for eckhart tolle was below poverty and now is most recognized modern teacher;Awaken people have higher energy fields therefore naturally people are attracted to them and anyone who reads his teachings can recognize validity in them well anyone not spiritually disabled

>> No.15007417

Okay, saying he was a "snake oil salesman" is definitely a mistake on my part but I still don't see anything about his teachings or message that's particularly special. From what I can tell he just seems to be peddling an eclectic mix of traditional wisdom and Indian religion with more modern western thinkers like Nietzsche and Freud. I feel like part of the reason he got big was because he was able to appeal to a bunch of spiritually empty, sex hungry western kids by sounding mystical and deep while at the same time saying that it's okay to do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.15007435

It's more about the delivery honestly.

>> No.15007437

look more into osho before judging. Jesus says Judge ye not. Actually take the time to read up on him or keep judging him. I don't care what you do

>> No.15007444

>using gnostic terminology to praise a deviant coomer who believed in nothing
>muh charisma (possessed by all sociopath and ruthless social climbers who live and die for the material world)


>> No.15007462

>Why would I trust that shit?

Because it is still superior to whatever it is you place your trust in.

>> No.15007517

This is the first I'm learning of either of them.

Your account of her is the impression I'm getting. I respect her, though I would want nothing to do with her.

As for Osho, he may be a forgettable religious figure, but calling him a snake oil salesman is unfair. He has attained at least some level of wisdom, and it is clear he has led some people to happiness. His quotes ring with more than just a minor timbre of the divine. He's no bhodisattva, but he's better than most priests today.

>> No.15007637

>but the man just appreciated the materials without being attached to them

After learning a bit more, he definitely seems to have lost his flirtations with the material.

So many Rolls Royces... That money definitely could have been more wisely utilized, even for his own movement's longevity. Ultimately, his attachment to the material is what undid him.

>> No.15008225

>Ultimately, his attachment to the material is what undid him.
>implying he never talked about his rolls royces
you fuckin retard

People are very much interested in your Rolls Royces. What do You want to prove with this, so many cars and so much luxury around You?
Why are people concerned? Then certainly they need it; then more Rolls Royces will be here. Until they stop asking me, more and more Rolls Royces are going to be here. Now it has to be seen that it is a challenge: the day nobody asks me about Rolls Royces, they will not be coming.
People's interest in Rolls Royces shows their mind. They are not interested what is happening here. They don't ask about meditation, they don't ask about sannyas, they don't ask about people's life, love, the laughter that happens in this desert. They only ask about Rolls Royces. That means I have touched some painful nerve. And I will go on pressing it till they stop asking.

I am not a worshipper of poverty. That's what those Rolls Royces prove. I respect wealth. Nobody before me had the guts to say it. The pope cannot say that he respects wealth, although he is the wealthiest man on the earth.
I am not a hypocrite. I am the poorest man on the earth. I don't have a single cent with me. But I want to show these people what attracts their mind. If there were no Rolls Royces here, perhaps there would be nothing for the whole world ask about me, about you, about meditation, about initiation into sannyas, about love, about anything. It is for those idiots that I am keeping all those Rolls Royces, because they cannot move their eyes away from those Rolls Royces. And meanwhile I will go on pouring other things in their minds. Without those Rolls Royces they would not have asked a single question.
Those Rolls Royces are doing their work. Every idiot around the world is interested in them. And I want them to be somehow interested—in anything in Rajneeshpuram. Then we will manage about other things.

So tell those people—when anybody asks, tell them that "These Rolls Royces are for you idiots. Otherwise you are not interested in anything." Once they stop asking about Rolls Royces, then I will have to think of something else, whether to have rockets which are going to the moon…. I will have to think of something else.


>> No.15008257


An interesting perspective. I still think it is a foolish waste of money that he could have invested in better ways to make a lasting movement.

But in the end, idiots still talk about them, and you call me a retard for suggesting there were better, longer lasting, investments to be made. No matter, in another decade they will be forgotten.

>> No.15008576

stay bitter.

>> No.15008640

>stay bitter.

I only wish I could be as salty-sweet as you.

>> No.15008756

I am enlightened [yes I am, as of May 24th, 2017, and I have the brainscans to prove it], and though I respect Osho for his insight and temerity, I believe he doesn't go far enough.

Osho is known for being one of the only gurus to promote technology and capitalism as a tool for social upliftment, but, with regards to spiritual enlightenment, considers its pursuit something only for rich people with a lot of free time.

Why can't spiritual enlightenment be attained technologically? Why can't we fire a special blend of electro magnetic waves into a person's CNS or take a pill that will help a person to defeat the mind so they can be enlightened as well? I believe this will be the future (the messianic age is before us), and Osho failed to even consider it.'

But perhaps I'm wrong, maybe Osho considered it, or maybe something like that is hopeless science fiction, but I hope to see the day when everyone with the opportunity can experience the pleasure of permanent spiritual calm

P.S I don't want everyone to be enlightened, because that would take a lot of wind out of my sails, but the world would operate objectively better as a result.