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15004558 No.15004558 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people go to psychologists?
You can literally do ANYTHING besides give these CON ARTISTS MONEYYYY

Like literally
Do psychedelic drugs, meditation, yoga, meditation, whatever.
These don't cost money except Psychedelic drugs, but they are cheap too and better than paying some FUCK to HELP YOU.

Why would you pay a stupid fuck to listen to your problems for an hour and pay him? Freud was a fucking jew and he came up this this psychology/psychoanalysis BULLSHIT

Dude, what the fuck man?

>> No.15004561

giving these*

>> No.15004572

>Do psychedelic drugs, meditation, yoga, meditation, whatever.
all of these serve the same purpose as a psychologist. destroy industrial society

>> No.15004576

Psychedelics and meditation without self-awareness will do more harm than good

>> No.15004591

t. psych majors
fuck off, it's dead

>> No.15004594

There's a reason if most ancient societies (including paleolithic tribes although to a lesser extent given by having less population density) had caste systems in place.
The majority of the population is unironically born to be a slave and without a caste systems they get taken advantage of. This is even worse nowadays, where 99% of the population is slaves and 1% is abusers.
Psychologists are simply one of the many example of scams of the modern world.
Once you realize that other people are not able to think to the extent than you're able to many questions get an answer on their own

>> No.15004602

Are you sure you're in the top 1% you psud faggot

>> No.15004610

sometimes it helps just to talk to someone

psychoanalysis is completely different from psychology

>> No.15004617

Top of 1% of the top 1 %

>> No.15004619
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>sometimes it helps just to talk to someone


>> No.15004627

>Why would you pay a stupid fuck to listen to your problems for an hour and pay him?
because people are dumb
they rather pay a stranger to listen him than to be nice to a friend
they get what they deserve

>> No.15004629

Not a psych major. Seen too many people start believing /x/ garbage after tripping

Lol sure buddy

>> No.15004638

You lose your gibs in my country if you don't partake in the scheme.
You don't fit the mold? We leech off you and chemically alter you until you do!

>> No.15004642

It's the formal friend simulator
You should take a look at how many months the average patient spends there and what happens to them after they leave
It can lead you to unlock some of your repressed shit but it won't fix you ever, maybe it'll help you realize what's wrong with you if you don't know already

>> No.15004650

You really wanna talk to your friends about your most serious problems and darkest fantasies? Psychoanalysis is akin to confession

>> No.15004671

Ended up going few times to see what its about (was free for me since connections)
Very normie trash coping , i think i ended helping my psychologist more than she did me, recommended her some some books

>> No.15004682

most people are incapable of friendship

>> No.15004683

lot of psych majors on this board defending their CON ARTIST BULLSHIT

NOT GONNA WORK FOREVER. never ever.. too late fuckers

>> No.15004700

none of the people you replied to are psych majors, schizo

>> No.15004704


>> No.15004748

I have done drugs and have gone to a therapist. The motivations for each were slightly different. I ended up going to the therapist because I had a breakdown and just wanted to talk to someone.

>> No.15004781

t. Raskolnikov

>> No.15004797

because you can't trust or rely on them without being backstabbed at some point

>> No.15004803

Lol ok buddy

>> No.15004810

>why spend money on a psychiatrist when you can just spend money to prematurely induce psychosis
compelling thesis, dweeb

>> No.15004819

Hylic cuck

>> No.15004838

aww learned a new word?

>> No.15004848

stop posting pseudointellectuals

>> No.15004883

Tbh as a lost individual that has sought the help of spiritual gurus and psychologists in the past psychologists really are helpful to your average citizen having mental difficulties or just difficult times,
it's a more grounded approach that seeks to give you the tools to think clearer or in a more positive way,
most psychologists get into the field as a why to help people, why is that bad? .

Gurus and drugs will reveal alot but are more likely to just overwhelm you and send you down another weird hole you need you dig yourself out of,
gurus are more likely to have an agenda,
99% of spiritual masters are complete frauds, your actually safer in the hands of a psychologists that doesn't really give a shit about you or have any kind of interest beyond their paid duty to make you feel well again.

Of course there are quack psychologists that should be avoided to.

>> No.15004970

Would you recommend it? Did it help you? Would you look for therapy again in the future?

>> No.15004988

Therapy is the most effective treatment for depression.

>> No.15005043

Actually destroying industrial society is more effective, and does not rely on coercion and deceptive practice. Therapy is reformation of the mind, whereas destroying industrial society is revolution against the object to reontologize the subject (the source of every "mental illness" is peripheral ontology of the subject)

>> No.15005048

I would recommend it if you're desperate. I've only been doing it since January, once per week, so I don't really have much experience with it. It is frustrating because I don't see any positive results in my life outside of therapy yet. But I would still do it because I just don't have anyone else in my life who I talk to about my feelings.

>> No.15005067

>I would recommend it if you're desperate
Key aspect of "therapy" is the radicalization of the obliterated subject to restructure its form in accordance with the urgency of the productive forces. In many ways "therapy" works just like islamic radicalization of the youth.

>> No.15005083

t.brainlet who never meditated
potato consciousness

>> No.15005088

Fuck off with your word salad theory bullshit, you're worse than any psychologist

>> No.15005102

>people who are unhappy because of their mental problems while believing in coomsoomer rational materialism become happier after taking drugs because they start thinking mythologically
wow you don't say

>> No.15005107

In other words, therapy exists to mold the individual into something beneficient for the system. As the system expands at ever growing speed, there will be a point where no technique will be efficient enough to restructure the subject with conclusiveness, therefore the individual will become obsolete and be discarded. Therapy is a technique just like a machine is a technique. Kazcynski talks about this without the "word salade theory bullshit". I fail to see how this is hard to comprehend.

>> No.15005121

Based schizo poster. You can waddle your way back to /x/ now.

>> No.15005122

Didn't say they were happier, and for the most part they aren't

>> No.15005156

They absolutely are, not happy but certainly happier. They're no longer depressive lumps; their minds become preoccupied with the emotional swings that come with fantastical thinking and grand narratives.

>> No.15005197

Sure yeah you know and understand my paranoid friends better than I do

>> No.15005203

>implying /x/ garbage isn’t true
>implying the real nature of reality isn’t more like a sci-fi/fantasy novel than it is like the crap you see on CNN

>> No.15005246

Yes, that's what I'm implying. Deal with it loser. I know imagining that you're fighting a war against demons makes you feel special but that is the only reason you believe it

>> No.15005303

I'm not talking about your friends I'm talking about a general group of people, retard.

>> No.15005413

And I was talking about people I know who have fried their brains on psychedelics and think they were abducted by aliens. Your "general group" is comprised of individuals, and the only reason you believe that this general group of people is happier believing /x/ stuff is because your antagonism towards "the system" makes you wish it was so. All the astral projectors, chaos wizards, and whathaveyou I know and have known are universally miserable. If this general class of people are in fact happier, where are they?

>> No.15005501

You've already acknowledged the logic of what I'm saying here, anon >>15005246 Imagining that you're fighting demons in a Manichaean struggle does make you feel special, certainly more special than the way the coomsoomer materialists imagine the world.

>> No.15005710

why do you have a need to feel special?
Also what's the point of going thru all the mental loopholes to avoid normality? Nobody forces you to be materialist

>> No.15005757
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>> No.15006145

>meditation without self-awareness
Isn't that impossible?

>> No.15006550

I don't believe /x/-tier shit I'm just defending worldview as just as valid as vapid materialism

>> No.15006619

Why should I trust an anti-semites opinions

>> No.15006652
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Do schizos even read books to browse this board

>> No.15006693

Thinking that drugs will somehow give you wisdom is unironically the most industrial-era smoothbrain bullshit you could ever believe.

>> No.15006700


there is nothing more comforting than believing you are being listened to, even by one person. even better, by a person whose opinion of you does not really exist in the same way it does in alternate social arrangements

>> No.15006712

you are a nigger and a faggot, kys post haste!

>> No.15006774

this just isn't true

spread your misinformation elsewhere

>> No.15006780

Never been, but I imagine it's similar to going to a priest for confession
Might feel neat/ interesting to tell someone your secrets and what's bothering you without consequence

>> No.15006794

>spread your misinformation elsewhere
The Jungians, Freudians, Jordan Peterson people spread lies all over the place with their intellectual bullshit and people believe in anything.

I see it everywhere and anywhere, im like what the fuck man. I used to fall for this shit too. It's time to stop

>> No.15006833

You can fuck off as well, you paranoid schizophrenic. Psychology has it's place, as does responsible psychedelic use. Therapy, however, less so.

>> No.15007364

Psychologists will die. It's trash.

>> No.15007735

>have to pay someone to talk to because their friends literally arent friends

>> No.15008419

you can't really tell your friends how you truly feel though, or you won't have any in the future
dr. freud man will listen to you talk about how becky is a dumb bitch all day long with 0 chance of it getting back to her

>> No.15008699

Not-idiot, counseling student here. How can I help?

>> No.15009715

I wouldn't tell a psychologist my most serious problems and darkest fantasies.

>> No.15009729

>without consequence