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15002674 No.15002674 [Reply] [Original]

>Tolkien was bothered by this scene because Lewis was distorting and sentimentalizing the myth ("Narnian Exile" 41). He suggests, "[I]f Lucy had really met a faun--that is, a satyr--the result would have been a rape, not a tea party" (Christopher, C.S. Lewis 111).

wtf tolkien

>> No.15002684

Tolkien invents the modern fantasy genre in all ways: not only the published fiction, but also the most toxic and pornographic fanfiction.

>> No.15002694

autism. he knew the mythological image of the faun, and couldn't divorce it from Lewis' more innocent version.

>> No.15002703
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What do you expect?

>> No.15002707
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>What was Aragorn's tax policy?
>Why didn't Mr. Tumnus rape Lucy?

>> No.15002720

based t.b.h. Creative philologists 1, derivative apologists 0

>> No.15002742

true, satyr’s are basically a personification of rape and sexual violence, especially towards smol nymphs found in the woods

>> No.15002784

Perhaps Tumnus was castrated?

>> No.15002805

Maybe he was gay.

>> No.15002829
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>Anglican vs. Catholic

Whose faith was in the right?

>> No.15002854
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come on anon, surely you know

>> No.15002914

My fucking sides

>> No.15002978

Tolkien never invented fauns. Fauns and satyrs are literal mythological creatures representative of Pan, a generative creative force, symbolic of the phallus. They are like Dionysian lust demons that will fuck anything on sight.

>> No.15002992

Literally me.

>> No.15003002

The entire race of coomers

>> No.15003054

The satyr was captured and emotionally and intellectually petrified by the White Witch. He was saved by the reception of the Holy Spirit through Christ, as depicted in Aslan's breath.

>> No.15003068

Did he try to fuck the witch?

>> No.15003073

What Tolkien said is sort of true. Satyrs are very sexual. Cs Lewis wrote a book for kids and so he had to leave that part out.

>> No.15003074

The English are literally God's chosen people, so Anglican of course.

>> No.15003078

Smoked and pipepilled.

>> No.15003086

that whole tax policy thing is such a fucking meme. Can anyone who read or watched Game of Thrones explain the tax policies of Westeros? Probably not. Game of Thrones is popular because people want to know the who gets stabbed in the face policy.

>> No.15003097

He look-raped her. The male gaze=rape.

>> No.15003100

Gurm has fleshed out his world less and things like coins have very inconsistent values. He was basically writing pulp all this time, just making up some background for his characters to be in, not thinking about it too much.

>> No.15003103

What does the female-gaze do?

>> No.15003274

The idea of unfortunate but well-intentioned tax policies, etc. determining the fate of empires rings hollow to me. In premodern history, you're generally talking about a small number of nobles with true economic agency. If the ruler wants to know how they'll react to a new reform or incentive, just fucking ask them.

>> No.15003291

I don't know, females never look at me desu

>> No.15003350

Gurm wasn't even critisizing Tolkien, he was just saying how he thought their books differed. The guy sucks Tolkien's dick in every interview. The fact that the comment actually got people mad just shows how infantile fantasy fans are.

>> No.15003387

His books don't differ though. If anything Martins books make less economic sense. I never saw anything about tax collection or how people survive a decade long winter. Then there was the dumb commentary on the worthlessness of bank notes when the Hound was given an receipt for gold that was stolen from him.

>> No.15003420

His point was that he's personally more interested in the details of governance than the hero's journey stuff. Tax policy was just what he came up with off the top of his head to get that point across. He wasn't expecting autists to argue about one thing he said for years and years.

>> No.15003613
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Lucy Pevensie is 8 years old in that book, and based on Lucy Barfield, Lewis's was his godchild. The book is dedicated to Lucy. Also, Lewis said "The Lion all began with a picture of a Faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy wood. This picture had been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about forty, I said to myself: 'Let's try to make a story about it."
So between those two facts, it's hardly surprising that he didn't have Mr. Tumnus brutally violate young Lucy. He wasn't THAT bad a faun.

>> No.15003685

>My Dear Lucy,
>I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it. I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand a word you say but I shall still be
>your affectionate Godfather

>> No.15003702

ruin your fucking life for years, if not decades, to come

>> No.15003706
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>> No.15003728


>> No.15003793


Fuck thats hot. Tolkien truly the most patrician of writers, and proving anglosaxons are the best

>> No.15004083
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And personally, I'd much rather see Tumnus sodomize Susan.

>> No.15004130

All that is left is to ask what Lewis would say of GRRM.

>> No.15004158
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What did Milton mean by this??? She's into it!?

>> No.15004173

Styrs are horny devils in mythology. Not sure why this response surprises the plebs.

>> No.15004174

based Milton

>> No.15004219

If you want a good case of how taxation can directly determine the fate of empires you should read up on Ivan the Terrible and his war in Livonia, which caused 70-90% depopulation in huge regions which were formerly the richest in the country. There are also countless instances of rulers who are desperate for support selling taxation rights to military men, who in turn pick the peasants to the bone and cause societal collapse. It was well-intentioned because you need military strength to defend your country from conquest, but it had dire consequences for the stability and longevity of the state.

You said yourself that there were only a few nobles with true economic agency, how do you figure that the state would be able to communicate directly with the population as a whole? There's no internet, no phone, no fax, no true representational government, and traversing from one village to the next could take days, and how do you even know you can trust the information that is returned to you when there are many petty nobles with vested interests of their own and hungry pockets?
If you want a modern day example you can look at the well-intentioned tax policies of Gorbachov which directly contributed to the collapse of the USSR.

>> No.15004225

Orthodox is the way, c*tholic and whatever sect the others are should have been long since been put to death.

>> No.15004285

Revisionism is gay

>> No.15004426

Eastern shit is a meme.

>> No.15004439

holy shit based

>> No.15004446

Joking aside, I'm not actually not particularly religious, but it's easy to see catholicism sprung up from one deluded dude's desperate grasp for power and for some reason people followed it instead of staying true to the faith as it should be.

>> No.15004450

How do you rank the Narnia books? My ranking goes like this:
The Magician's Nephew>The Silver Chair>Prince Caspian>The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe>Voyage of the Dawn Trader>The Last Battle>The Horse and His Boy

>> No.15004454

>Myth may not evolve


>> No.15004515
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What a post

>> No.15004597
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>> No.15004626

>in Japan the satyr would have been a girl who punches the generic isekai-MC with ANTA BAKA

>> No.15004673

I'm specifically thinking of premodern, primarily agrarian societies (my assumption is that they are economically predictable). And I wasn't clear at all, but I mean 'unfortunate' in the sense of bearing unforseen consequences.
Martin seems to be suggesting that Aragorn would need a prescriptive tax policy to be a good king, and inquires what it is. Whereas I would argue that the productive countryside of Middle Earth almost certainly has existing taxation schemes based on land ownership and annual harvests; and that an attempt to change them from the top-down would be foolhardy.

>> No.15004676
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because using the same term to refer to a different creatures changes the language, and changes in language lead us away from the old greats
changes in the tongue have already lost us Chaucer, let's not lose Milton or Dryden as well

>> No.15004689

Tolkien lamented the fairy tales change from serious stories of folklore that were universal to sentimentalised children's stories that were slightly moralising at best. A faun who's just a friendly guy with hairy legs means nothing. That myth is not evolving, it's being devalued.

>> No.15004696

Probably derived from the third Eclogue:
>My Phillis Me with pelted Apples plyes;
>Then tripping to the Woods the Wanton hies:
>And wishes to be seen, before she flies.

>> No.15004710

He already said it. Read The Abolition of Man.

>> No.15004711

stop saying the word "evolve" like change is inherently positive

>> No.15004721

The papacy didn't even really have power until the investiture controversy. Maybe you should read some of those early fathers who recognized that the office of pope was recorded in the gospel, like Optatus

“In the city of Rome the episcopal chair was given first to Peter, the chair in which Peter sat, the same who was head--that is why he is also called Cephas [‘Rock’]--of all the apostles, the one chair in which unity is maintained by all. Neither do the apostles proceed individually on their own, and anyone who would [presume to] set up another chair in opposition to that single chair would, by that very fact, be a schismatic and a sinner. . . . Recall, then, the origins of your chair, those of you who wish to claim for yourselves the title of holy Church.”

>> No.15004739


Looks like it is real.

>> No.15004740
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>> No.15005071

>the one chair in which unity is maintained by all

One chair to rule them all.

>> No.15005625

I always had feeling that Middle Earth of that age was post apocalyptic in some parts, depopulated, falling apart, lots of in fighting and communities self isolating themselves, with history of places living only in myths

>> No.15005637

>And jesus said to Peter, "Thou shalt sit on a throne and be the political head of a theocratic empire"

>> No.15005690

What empire are you referring to? The guy rules a city.

>> No.15005861

If Anglo-Saxon England is any guide, taxation can originate as simply the supplies necessary to support the king's retinue as it patrols the country. That seems particularly applicable to Aragorn's rule.

>> No.15006334

Lewis didn't invent fauns you mean. Similarly Lewis didn't invent lions, yet Tolkien isn't whining that Aslan didn't try to hunt and eat everyone. Instead he autistically focuses on one very specific point about them, persevering against how Lewis portrays them.

>> No.15006389
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do you think she would've enjoyed it?

>> No.15006701

> autistically focuses on one very specific point about them
It's pretty much the only point about them. Unlike Lions who have other allegorical interpretations (I.E. Asian is a king or Christ), Fauns have always been used as lust symbols

>> No.15006729

Anglicanism has no philosophical or spiritual basis. Its origin lies entirely in Henry VIII wanting a male heir. How could anyone defend that shit?

>> No.15006775


Anglican's don't believe in a monolithic institution like the Catholic church, they're basically generic Protestantism without the excess autism while still preserving the liturgy.

>> No.15006852

what a guy

>> No.15006908
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>> No.15006946
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>> No.15007147

>taxation can originate as simply the supplies necessary to support the king's retinue as it patrols the country.

Can you imagine? Not having taxes be some abstract arithmetic that appears to siphon money from you to an indifferent government, but rather being able to actually feed your King and his Men. Would probably make a farmer feel good about his life, provided he has an honorable King whom he respects.

>> No.15007190

>Most women alive are the result of a reproductive strategy that favored rape fetishization

There is truth to this analysis. But it is also ignoring the large periods of stable high-trust societies with religiously enforced monogamy.

There's a reason why the OTHER big push that makes women orgasm is being with a strong partner that can make them feel 'safe'. In fact it intertwines with the rape fetish in numerous ways. First, the rapist is demonstrating a sort of strength and cunning. Second, if she had a strong mate she trusted this would be an opportunity for him to protect her and we all know how wet women get watching a man dominate another man for her sake.

>> No.15007382

What's the name of the book?

>> No.15007498
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It was. The Third Age of Middle-Earth is a bombed-out hellscape from the perspective of most of the major races. The Elves have been gutted by millennia of civil war, kinslaying, and being stomped on by TWO Dark Lords. They've lost all their major holdings and only retain strength in enclaves like Rivendell and Lothlorien and the Gray Havens. Men aren't doing much better by this point, Arnor has fallen centuries ago and Gondor has withered massively in strength. They rely on Rohan as a tributary state because without the Rohirrim their strength would be a shadow of what it was at their peak. The Dwarves are in a shitty state too, Moria has been lost to them for centuries by this point and they've only barely retaken the Lonely Mountain. Even Gloin admits to Frodo in Rivendell that the Dwarves of that age cannot match the power of their elders.

The three major races are doing very shitty by the time of LOTR. And of course the Ents are slouching towards extinction as well. The only race that's doing well in that time are the Hobbits, and that's because they're a tiny little people hidden in the Shire under the protection of the Dunedain, and nobody gives a shit about them.

>> No.15007567


Complete Poems and Major Prose

>> No.15007628

Was satyr mythology the ancient Greek equivalent of BBC cuckold fetishism? Getting off on the idea of your women being ravaged by something
halfway between a man and a beast?

>> No.15007842

High Church Anglicanism is on good terms with the Orthodox as we both see eachother as members of the pre-schism Great Church. You should be more accepting and act like less of a Papist.

>> No.15008221

That’s because he was secretly a pagan and dedicated his life to pagan stories.

>> No.15008267

lol tolkein's kind of an asshole, he should've been at least a bit supportive of his friend's art. all i hear is how tolkein criticized lewis. i dont like lewis's crap either but jesus

>> No.15008300


Now you're getting it

>> No.15008403
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The fuck did I just read?

>> No.15008440

well the anglican wrote an innocent kids book and the catholic fantasized about raping a kid so

>> No.15008441
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Tolkien's friendship with Lewis was precisely why he criticized him. Tolkien knew Lewis could do better and was disappointed when he failed to live up to his own lofty potential.

Lewis did the same thing to Tolkien. There's a particular chapter in The Lord of the Rings that Lewis kept reviewing and sending back to Tolkien, telling him that he could do better. And Tolkien kept improving and improving it. That chapter is "The Voice of Saruman," one of the high points of all of LOTR.

>> No.15008472

What did Tolkien say about having a daughter?

>> No.15008502

Tolkien was just shit talking him to his son

>> No.15008572

>Tolkien invents the modern fantasy genre
No, George MacDonald did.

>> No.15008577
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Yeah, make a collage of the most biased and cherry picked examples to justify your Incel beliefs

All the while ignore all the cases of ptsd and suicidal tendencies that happened to raped women. Some even go into depression for just harassment

>> No.15008599

>the viking man

>> No.15008610

The greatest holy cities of the orthodox church have fallen to Muslims and atheists, but sure

>> No.15008685

Tl;dr: I have a smol pp and and can't get a girl wet and I try to justify it

>> No.15008694
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>satyrs and centaurs trying to rape anyone

>> No.15008702

>do you think she would've enjoyed it?
Without a doubt, nothing makes a woman cum like getting raped.

>> No.15008715
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>> No.15008742
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>All the while ignore all the cases of ptsd and suicidal tendencies that happened to raped women. Some even go into depression for just harassment
That's only because of the complete mental contradiction it causes. Socially they can't admit to liking it, they have been taught that rape is bad and that they should hate it, even more so today with the womyn stronk crap and such. Men have suffered tremendous hardship in war and so on and some broke, sure, but most stayed sane even after truly the horrifying slaughter of men. So then what makes a woman's brain break by sticking a dick in her without asking? She loves it, she gets more pleasure out of it than anything else and this goes against all those false beliefs she has built her personality on. Rape is what women crave and they only go mad if they refuse to accept that. Imagine going all your life without a single genuine orgasm despite copious sex, only to cum your brains out from being raped, yet you have also been taught that this is the most evil and horrible thing ever.

>> No.15008779

So that's basically more of an actual rape than a male-gaze. Shocker.

>> No.15008829


>> No.15008851

>>>/sci/ you mean.

>> No.15008866

I am from /sci/ and shut the fuck up.
Go back to /r9k/ and r/atheism

>> No.15008871

Fuckin kek

>> No.15008881

Tolkien's mytho-poetic understanding of religion was so enormously more profound and interesting than Lewis's mere apologetics that the power gap is actually greater than that beteween Tolkien and Martin's authorial skill.

>> No.15008890

It is. Orthodoxy is just the hipster's choice because Catholicism is too familiar and accessible. I'm rather surprised they don't go for Nestorianism or Monophysites to try and go the extra mile, but naturally the orthodox larper often chooses them because they associate them with their false sabaton-tier delusional conception of the Eastern Roman Empire, or based ultranationalist Russia (Who yet is more conciliatory towards Muslims than Catholic Hungary is). To date I have never heard one of these cunts ever mention the theological reasons for converting or why Orthodoxy is so based. Never. It's always pseudomystic babble. Considering the reason the Rus converted was because "haha fancy bascilia choirs go brrrrommmmm" I guess vapid theology is a common trend in Eastern Greek Orthodoxy.

Eastern Greek Orthodoxy came about entirely because of the deluded dude (emperor's) desperate grasps for power and refusal to accept Patriarchs with far greater claim to authority in Syria/Egypt/ect. Whose Patriarchs, unlike the Ecumenical, weren't going to be the proxy agent of the Emperor. Both it and catholicism were doomed by their proximity to political power, more than just being the head of the local christian community as other patriarchs were when under either Roman or Muslim dominion.

>> No.15008891

A better criticism is that Martin wrote the Lannisters as being rich because their castle was built on a gold mine, when all that this would actually accomplish is making the Lannisters entirely dependent on trade with other kingdoms in order for their wealth.

The Lannisters would be better able to threaten other Houses by minting a billion coins and then simply threatening to dump it into the economy, thus crashing it through hyperinflation, than by actually spending it.

>> No.15008922
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>> No.15008931

That would be a literal economic suicide, duffus.
The other houses can simply ban trade with the Lannisters to prevent their overinflated currency from reaching them and tighten the borders to prevent the mass economic immigration

>> No.15009023

A thousand years is a mere 50 generations. Even the most ancient monogamous societies are the mkst recent history and a single blink of an eye in evolutionary terms. Unstable rape reproduction has been around as long as sex itself, while monogamy is a modern construct largely of Christianity in the West.

>> No.15009057

Murder, child abuse, and theft are also extremely common in the animal kingdom. Does that mean we too should do it?

Go fuck yourself, you brainless chimp

>> No.15009066


>> No.15009071

>Murder, child abuse, and theft are also extremely common in the animal kingdom. Does that mean we too should do it?
If it benefits you, then obviously you should. Why not? Morality is fake and gay.

>> No.15009083
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Because in real life, there was never a lack of good people who would rip your ass if cross the line.
Your primitive beliefs died on the cave, bitch.

>> No.15009088

Took you an hour to say that?
Also, we're not the ones seething over women finding you undesirable

>> No.15009098


Pure ideology.

>> No.15009107
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Unlike you I do have a life. Women find me very desirable, partly because of my good looks, but also partly because I have them figured out. Women need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what women really want. I suggest you give it to them. Otherwise you can have fun being an incel for life.

>> No.15009113

It wasn't exactly seeing as they looked down on them for being mere beasts, consumed by their lessed desires and thought having a small penis is to be wished for instead, for it was, in their eyes, a symbol of civilized, intelligent man.

>> No.15009114

Imagine being this sheltered.

>> No.15009134

You should have tried changing some words on your reddit pasta to seem creative.

>> No.15009136


>> No.15009140
File: 225 KB, 500x500, 7920779b41838aa8a73c2f5faae91f18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not prove me wrong?
Notify us about how many neighbors broke your bones
Also be sure to blog about how many times you got raped as soon as you got released


>> No.15009172

>muh reddit
Cope, women love rape.

>> No.15009188
File: 127 KB, 454x426, Qza3up9fuid11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it. Livestream yourself raping someone to becoming your gf

We'll make sure that you'll receive a reddit gold for heralding the absolute truth

>> No.15009199

Rape vids are pretty popular to share desu, it gives men high status and is a form of bullying the woman even harder.

>> No.15009237

So you can't do it irl?

>> No.15009252
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Of course I can, and I have, towards the end it's always consensual though. What are you going to do about it, chump?
>Oh no no no, you can't just take women against their will and make them cum!!!

>> No.15009287

So where's the vid? :^)

>> No.15009314

underage b&

>> No.15009322
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Is this the ultimate cope of the incel?

>> No.15009325

let;s see that vid bro

>> No.15009345

Imagine being such a coomer you beg for this so bad. But nah, you share this with smaller groups, not the entire internet. Go coom to something else, dweeb.

>> No.15009349

What are you edgelords doing on /lit/?

>> No.15009356

A true man of culture

>> No.15009362

Ah, it seems you've misunderstood me entirely, my friend. For I am a fellow Uebermensch like you, and my only concern here is to admire the sexual prowess of a liberated man such as myself. I'd never report you to the authorities or anything like that. You have nothing to fear!

>> No.15009372


>being civilized is bad because we were uncivilized for longer

I presume you also shit in a hole in the ground?

>> No.15009395

Seems legit.

>> No.15009407

So you've rejected all values and norms of civil society, only to get hung up on whether a stranger on the Internet seems "legit" or not? Why should that stop you from reveling in your greatness? Share the vid bro

>> No.15009413

I can! Henry VIII had a bigger dick than you.

>> No.15009440

So catholics are based

>> No.15009461

>while monogamy is a modern construct largely of Christianity in the West.
Strict enforcement of monogamy was. And even than it is false in several places, because it's not a modern concept, since it's been in christianity for a fucklong time, and the jews did it before the christians.

>> No.15009543

Enjoy being nothing more than a mouthpiece for Russia, Oth*dox.

>> No.15009559

What is this about a Sadist Teacher?

>> No.15009570

A lot of extrapolating, and some downright BS (Pan is not "symbolic of the phallus", just because it's a rather important organ for him...), but more or less correct. 6/10 anon
t. Mytholochad

>> No.15009576

So why doesn't the Satyr rape the guy in The Satyr and the Traveller

>> No.15009635

Screencap this.

>> No.15009667
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>> No.15009782

t. Has never read 'My Secret Garden'
Bullshit, bitch and belittle all you want but women has as many fucked up kinks as men and when asked about them most of them orientate around being roughly (but not too roughly) dominated by either one powerful man or a whole group of them.

There's no shame in that mind you, but pretending something isn't the case for ideological reasons and going LMEMO INCELS isn't a contribution to a conversation, it's you throwing shit around your monkey pen.

>> No.15009801

Yeah and fetishes written on fiction does not reflect any desires of it happening in real life.
Your point?

>> No.15009831
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>Having fetishes and secret desires doesn't mean you want these things on the low key
Yeah, pull the other one, it's my dick and if you're going to jerk anyone off in this conversation it should be the person that's fucking right.
My Secret Garden isn't fiction either, you vacuous turnip, it's a collection of anonymous actual fantasies by actual people. In fact it's considered one of those fundamental books on female sexuality in the feminist parts of the world and was considered the book on the subject during wave 2.

But hey, keep talking shit without even bothering to attach your fat fingers to keyboard and google for a few seconds, I'm sure you'll stumble face first into some actual facts at some point rather than relying on insults.

Still, I hope you get a few more posts worth of shallow, meaningless shite poured out first, because it means I get to call you a retard more for resorting to insults first and facts second and I always fucking love running circles around someone when they climb in the pig pen like that.

>> No.15009844

In fact to follow up on that; you want the modern day inheritors of exactly what the original guy was talking about?
Google '/r/rapekink'
And dive in head first into a world that'll blow your tiny fucking mind.

>> No.15009915
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>My Secret Garden: Women’s Sexual Fantasies is a 1973 book compiled by Nancy Friday, who collected women's fantasies through letters and taped and personal interviews.[1] After including a female sexual fantasy in a novel she submitted for publishing, her editor objected, and Friday shelved the novel. After other women began writing and talking about sex publicly, Friday began thinking about writing a book about female sexual fantasies, first collecting fantasies from her friends, and then advertising in newspapers and magazines for more.[2] She organized these narratives into "rooms", and each is identified by the woman's first name, except for the last chapter, "odd notes", which is presented as the "fleeting thoughts" of many anonymous women. The book revealed that women fantasize, just as men do, and that the content of the fantasies can be as transgressive, or not, as men's. The book, the first published compilation of women's sexual fantasies,[3] refuted many previously accepted notions of female sexuality.
Your cherry picked book and your secluded board are not going anywhere
Why not also use Shades of Grey as a reference?

You know what's real?
Actual investigation and medical reports that studied such cases and tried to deal with the horrors that the patients go through everyday because of the sheer trauma that they experienced

Funny enough, the case also reaches to men as there are hundreds of serial killers who experienced being raped by women when they were still just boys

It's compiled in the book World's Most Infamous Murderers. Try that instead

>> No.15009918

>jerks off to gay erotica
>it's just words, I'm not gay
>jerks off to yaoi
>they're just cartoons, I'm not gay
>jerks off to hardcore gay porn
>it's just pixels on a screen, I'm not gay
>sucks a dick
>it's just a bit of fun, I'm not gay
>gets pounded in the ass by twenty men and cums like a horse
>still not gay!
Look, at some point you have to start being honest with yourself.

>> No.15009920

Is Russia under Ivan somehow not agrarian enough for you? Even if so, taxation-related social collapse dates back to at least the reign of Ibbi-Sin of Ur. Later in the Achaemenid Empire, Darius' taxation policy probably prevented a speedy disintegration of his predecessors' gains. Stop idealizing.

>> No.15009925

Yeah, and someone who jerks it to rape porn wanted to be rape but not by someone they don't like.

>> No.15009933

Isnt that the running theme throughout Tolkiens legendarium though? That each age is less epic than the one before. The slow decay of time.

>It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

>> No.15009976

So now women are super into rape? You could just have said that nobody likes fat and ugly people in any context.

>> No.15009995

Nah, more like they wanted to "raped" by their bf.
It's quite common in relationships where they do rough play or even voluntarily take a roofie because it's a safe method of enacting a fantasy.

>> No.15010018

Anecdotal evidence designed to make you feel a certain way about how women handle rape. It's a bait post and picture, you can safely ignore it.

>> No.15010073
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>Muh Cherry picking
Ah yes, incel cherry picking at the hands of a 1970s pro-sex feminist writing about the actual fantasies women have in order to open up discussion about female sexuality.
And that's without even going into /r/rapekink, which I notice you've just casually pretended not to even notice.

And you notice I haven't said 'All women want to be beaten and raped', I've said 'pretending that some women don't have rape fantasies and that most women don't have domination fantasies due to your ideology proclaiming women the evervictim is retarded'
Which you are, retarded that is.

Try again you unmitigated dildo.

>> No.15010114

It's true though, what's the point of making Tumnus a faun? He's a Puck like figure and the hapless slave to a White Witch. That's more suitable for a fairy or an elf than a goat monster who probably has a cock the size of her torso whose sole purpose in mythology is to reflect a wild, primitive in-between of man and animal. It's not like Lewis doesn't understand how symbolism works considering he made Lion Jesus.

If you dropped this story in 2012 you'd have all kinds of theories about how Tumnus is a creepy old man who invited her for tea and raped her in the snow and the whole story is just in her imagination.

>> No.15010135

He's a no homo dude
(or he doesn't dig people whose mouth is both hot and cold)

>> No.15010141

>(or he doesn't dig people whose mouth is both hot and cold)
Oh man, I can highly recommend that shit, life changing.

>> No.15010166

>as a cock the size of her torso
why was this cut from the movies?

>> No.15010188 [DELETED] 


>> No.15010197

That changes nothing.
Fantasies are fantasies and nothing more.
If a girl is into rough kinks, they ask their bf for it than wear skimpy clothing to attract strangers

>> No.15010200

>If you dropped this story in 2012 you'd have all kinds of theories about how Tumnus is a creepy old man who invited her for tea and raped her in the snow and the whole story is just in her imagination.
Tolkien was ahead of his time.

>> No.15010443
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>If a girl is into rough kinks, they ask their bf for it than wear skimpy clothing to attract strangers
Oh how little ye know.

>> No.15010450


>> No.15010462

I wonder...

>> No.15010464

file name made me chuckle

>> No.15010471
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Legit question, why are women so determined to create a society full of soiboys when they want the exact opposite?

>> No.15010481

>That's more suitable for a fairy or an elf than a goat monster who probably has a cock the size of her torso whose sole purpose in mythology is to reflect a wild, primitive in-between of man and animal.
Counterpoint; the entire purpose of using a faun is to fit with the theme of being in a liminal space between the safe world of civilization (the human) and a world of monsters and ice (Narnia)
As such it makes complete sense for him to be a half man, half animal thing, human enough to put her at ease, strange enough to draw caution, with a hint of reference to the devil given he manipulates and seduces not with fat goat dick but with charm and pleasure.

>> No.15010566


>> No.15010567

The Lion represents Jesus Christ, the Sun/Son of God. Leo is the astrological symbol of the Lion, ruled by the Sun.

>> No.15010724

women do not know what they want

>> No.15010751
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Don't know or can't admit to it due to social pressure?

>> No.15010765

i honestly don't think most women have the internal awareness

>> No.15010773

lol think their pope is infallible and worship mary as a pagan mother goddess

>> No.15010805

it's a shit test. women instinctively try to drive men into subservience and select from the ones that refuse. it's why they try to turn every beta into an orbiter instinctually.

>> No.15010842

not really. he clearly just didn't like uses a rape demon as an innocent companion.

>> No.15010866
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>not writing rape demons into your stories about children having adventures in closets

>> No.15010902

Feeding a visiting king and his retinue was a noble's duty. I'm pretty sure serfs and freemen tenants are exempt from any extra taxation in this case, it's not their job and they don't need to give more than is due (to be forced to do so would be to break tradition and agreement, in the same way a lord can't remove serfs from their land). I think they worked as well-oiled communities though because a noble and his court directly manage a manor and interact with its tenants so they'd probably arrange something together if the lord's stores and coffers were in a poor state but the king insisted on coming anyway.

>> No.15010922

yea im pretty sure
social pressure = a woman's 'personal' opinion
in almost all cases so there's no conscious incongruency.

>> No.15012120

Of course

>> No.15013062
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>Words from reddit is an argument
The legal term is Provocation wherein you push a person into a situation in an attempt to make him do a crime.
And it is a crime.

Stay on reddit

>> No.15013075

>girls trying to get you to rape them is a crime

>> No.15013105


>> No.15013279
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This is true to the lore though

>> No.15013314

Cute and based

>> No.15013351


>> No.15013394

Ya know I read this whole thing and at the bottom I was hoping for a smart well documented idea but instead it ended with some retard talking out his ass.

>> No.15013449

That there’s nothing more cucked

>> No.15013462

>the Civilization Chad vs the Virgin Enkidu

>> No.15013483

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.15013553
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, Right anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone cap this please

>> No.15013569
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He might be an edgelord about it but isn't he more or less correct desu?

>> No.15013574

The fuck, don't.
It's a pasta imported from r/Incel and r/braIncel
Shit's a cancer

>> No.15013712

Lewis is the anti-fedora
I love the guy.

>> No.15013795

>dark lord

>> No.15013865
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>>15002707 (You)

>> No.15013892

The modern binary of sexual orientation doesn't exist for satyrs. They don't care who they're raping.

>> No.15013906

Since might makes right, even according to Christians, this sounds pretty based.

>> No.15014657

>might makes right according to Christians.
I think you may have missed a few gospels there, anon.

>> No.15014675


>> No.15014919

>the result would have been a rape, not a tea party
That's a little black and white thinking, as expected of Tolkien. Just like an orc does orc things like being angry and evil, a faun has to do faun things like being drunk and rape. Kidnapping a girl, drink tea with her and lulling her to sleep with said tea and music is a diluted, child-friendly version of the faun myths.

Add to that the fact that the character has to be redeemable due to the greater narrative and it makes sense why this particular faun did not commit sexual acts on Lucy.

>> No.15014947

The gospels don't refute the old testament, where god is a might makes right tyrant. Sorry.

>> No.15014958

>orcs act the way they do due to their nature
They're slaves, fool, debased, prone to harm and self harm, but Tolkien was far from an essentialist.

>> No.15014978

>A thousand years is a mere 50 generations. Even the most ancient monogamous societies are the mkst recent history and a single blink of an eye in evolutionary terms.

I love how people have absolutely no idea how allele frequencies can change. There are selection events that occur over a single generation. Pair-bonding monogamy in humans actually goes even further back than that.

You're just trying to deny that humans have instincts corresponding to different reproductive strategies. It is likely so you don't have to face your own moral failings.

Look at how you cannot even face the obvious fact that one of women's other big turn-ons is seeing their partner clobber another man.

>> No.15015034

>Legit question, why are women so determined to create a society full of soiboys when they want the exact opposite?

It's sexual selection. If you are weak enough to be bent to a women's will, you will not be allowed to procreate. The men who dominate them pass on their genes to the next generation.

>> No.15015053

If this happens on a greater social level then this basically ends the entire people, doesn't it?

>> No.15015341

I think it just ends the civilization.

Then a wave of war and bloodshed wipes the slate clean and it all starts over again.

>> No.15015712

>or even voluntarily take a roofie because it's a safe method of enacting a fantasy.
What could go wrong?

>> No.15015746

Get "raped" by her bf as she wanted?

>> No.15016198

That’s true. The happy fruity harmless satyrs that show up in a lot of fantasy are the result of the bland asexual mincing fantasy that came from people inspired by Lewis’ pansy-ass twee Christian writing. It didn’t help that Lewis was a perv into domination and abuse games who was in deep denial of his desires and hid from them by writing the most jejune sanitized stuff he could manage.

>> No.15016667
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>> No.15016758

>hasn't heard of Stockholm syndrome

>> No.15016764

John the Baptist finally got bored of fucking sheep and left the wilderness

>> No.15016770

So where's your vid? :^)

>> No.15016778

Ancient Jews were polygamous. Isaac had two wives. King Solomon had a billion wives.
>so are modern Jews XD

>> No.15016798


>> No.15016815


>> No.15016840

Centaurs and satyrs/fauns (and nymphs and maenads) are metaphors of uncontrollable wildness illustrating how important it is to maintain civilization.

>> No.15016843

>using Solomon as an illustration of anything Jewish
Okay, chief.

>> No.15016849

So you don't have one? :^)
Please return back to your subredit

>> No.15016851

You forgot Moses who had one wife
Lot and his wife
Joseph and Mary

Did you even read your own source?
>Yet already by the fourth or fifth century of the common era, the practice was discouraged or banned, and none of the rabbis named in the Talmud had polygamous relationships. Furthermore, a ruling by 10th century Rabbi Gershom ben Yehuda banned the practice completely for Ashkenazi Jews. That ruling was subsequently also accepted by most Sephardic communities.

>Polygamy has been illegal in Israel since 1977, when a law made the practice punishable by up to five years in prison and a monetary fine. Jews who arrived from North Africa in the 1950s and 60s, especially from Yemen, practiced polygamy, but stringent enforcement quickly ended the practice.

You're not going anywhere, incel.

>> No.15016854

I mean read the old Testament/Torah, it's full of very non-Christian, non-"Jewish" things.

>> No.15016859

>You forgot Moses who had one wife
Moses was one of those to enforce monogamy, and even (albeit weakly) no divorce/lifetime monogamy.

>> No.15016875

How about ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Rome, Hittite, Babylonians, etc who were monogamous except for royalty.

Shut the fuck up, incel and return back to your cumhole

>> No.15016878

>10th century
>ancient genetic history
Pick one.

>> No.15016893

>impying the Greeks weren't fantastically awful rape machines
Read a book. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://eugesta-revue.univ-lille3.fr/pdf/2011/Rabinowitz.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjGx7ORuM7oAhUJu54KHbLDCRQQFjABegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw1dqFwHZuA-G3fE3TLpkuJl

>> No.15016913

You pdf is nothing more than a feminist author calling out Greeks for their rape culture based on the amount of rape in their mythology
Which is done mostly by Zeus. The other is Hades who abducted Penelope in one version and another version where she just walked into the Underworld
It's a good example for my point too by the way.
How many polygamous gods are their in mythology? Remove Zeus

How about YOU read a book?
>According to scientific studies, the human mating system is considered to be primarily monogamous, with cultural practice of polygamy to be in the minority, based on both surveys of world populations,[8][9] and on characteristics of human reproductive physiology.

>> No.15016987
File: 19 KB, 326x189, +_3441dce69d18199d6261e6700f446a56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I really have to wait for another hour just to hear your response?
Jesus Christ, incel.
Don't leave someone hanging in a conversation, you rude fuck.

I'm going to water my plants. Hope you'll have the decency to reply urgently next time.

>> No.15017004


yeah and some homeless crone could kidnap you and force you to cum, what's your point?
there's a big difference between women being attracted by charismatic energy and dominating power potential, and all women being up for getting raped any moment of any day. stop taking all the r/TheRedPill shit so literally.

>> No.15017005

You can only argue that looking at very narrow time and social strata. We are animals with insanely complex social structure and mating rituals, we are, of course, going to run the gamut in relationships.

>> No.15017301

Shut the fuck up.
All scientific studies have shown that a relationship is the strongest in a monogamous one and children raised in such a household performs the best at school and in social activities.
People who had a lot of partners before settling down holds a huge chance of divorce

>> No.15017345


>> No.15017377

Mr Tumnus was definitely a pedophile, he was just too much of a beta bitch

>> No.15017470

Rape is a social construct. We've come full circle.

>> No.15017824

>His point was that he's personally more interested in the details of governance

Yeah - and all his musings on the stuff in his ficitonal fantasy drivel run universe were complete crap which makes it amusing he would call out another author on it who didn't delve into that nonsense because that wasn't the purpose of his story.

>> No.15018140

>20th century data
>ancient genetic history
Pick one.

>> No.15018194

>have been a rape, not a tea party
Oh sweet summer child, thats clearly the result of a problematic culture sweetie, like really? what did you expect from a heternormative system of opression that has like toxic masculinity n'stuff.

>> No.15018318


>> No.15018492

Most based post on this abortion of a board rn

>> No.15018531

Makes me cum

>> No.15018562

>Beware of racist and...
I still dont know what it says

>> No.15018591

>pagan mother goddess
Hence why it's so based.

>> No.15018605



>> No.15019551
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Based Tolkien