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14997708 No.14997708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok lit, I got into Harvard. Now what?

>> No.14997738

Network as much as possible and enjoy the libraries.

>> No.14997742

Now survive the Green Plague

>> No.14997753

How to do that as a poor international student? Any tips/books?

>> No.14997754


>> No.14997759

You already failed, should have tried to get into Oxbridge.

>> No.14997767

If you had gotten into Harvard, you wouldn't be here.
And if you did get into Harvard, that means you're either Jewish or a gay Anglo whose parents have a house in the Hamptons. So you must kys either way.

>> No.14997770

Whatcha majoring in?

>> No.14997794

Thinking about math and if I am too dumb for that then Chinese

>> No.14997801
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Yale or Harvard? Or alternatively going to new college in China

>> No.14997807

congrats. just make sure you network and do stem/business/etc and you're guaranteed a wealthy life and the ability to enter whatever career you wish.
that being said, you will never accomplish anything meaningful in the arts/philosophy if you do go, it's patrick batemen all the way down

>> No.14997809

Being poor has nothing to do with networking. Make friends and seem like a trustworthy business partner.

>> No.14997821

I thought clubs where all networking happens are preddy exclusive, that's why I am asking

>> No.14997861

Damn, thanks for the detailed answer anon. Do you feel it is possible to hone at least one of these skills (hopefully work ethic) till September? I already read and write a lot but my schedule, particularly now, is hectic. I wake up at 13, play chess/shitpost till the evening than read/write although I should be practicing math? What to do?

>> No.14997866

Odd strategy, care to explain?

>> No.14997913
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"If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia."[13] - Jim Rogers
What about this?

Well I am planning to ride STEM way and put myself in the better position to earn a lot of money. But if I fail, since I am naturally talented for mathematics, I will go with Chinese + some economics route and have an edge while I am applying for some soulless private equity job

>get laid

Yeah, about that...

>> No.14997922

not naturally*

>> No.14997968

that sounds great, only problem is my brother who wants to chill with me/ watch movies all the time and I have no heart to say no

I'll try anon, thanks, but now more than ever I'm drawn to it

>> No.14997987

Why tho?

>> No.14998035
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>Fuck and drink, studying doesn't matter at all,
I want to kill myself. I got invited to a bunch of parties my freshman and sophomore years and hooked up with some very rich girls, but I got brainwashed this site to stop being a coomer and left my old social circle behind and now my only "frens" are you guys and imaginary characters from the books I read.

I'm going to graduate from an elite Ivy with no network because I listened to you irrelevant fucking faggot frogs.



>> No.14998055

Become a coom lord anon. I wanted to be Julian Sorel, but I was too weak to do that and listened to thse weakings.

Corona & 4chan has ruined any chance I have at cooming my way to the top.

>> No.14998058

Anyone giving you some long-winded answer about preparation and managing time is bullshitting you and clearly didn't actually go to Harvard.

Best advice I can give is that the Harvard Film Archive is (almost always) free to all students and though they're terrible about advertising themselves, they are probably the greatest film archive in New England. Constantly showing classic films, rare experimental films, and recent releases from around the world.

>> No.14998061

It's not an LAC retard. Opinion disregarded.

t. HYP

>> No.14998084

as much as i hate to say it..they are right. get good grades of course, but meet as many people as you can, and make significant relationships with the professors you most admire

>> No.14998091

>Have a productive fun skill
What are some like this?
You mean like Python scripts to automate stuff?
>bureaucratic processes like mail and forms
Can you elaborate on this? Books on learning more about this
>problem solving
Puzzle & riddle books, like you would have in an interview?

>> No.14998131


>it's patrick batemen all the way down

how to avoid this? Would reading + writing be sufficient?

>> No.14998156

>Just like I said in the earlier post about networking, it's about making connections with interesting and useful people,
Where? I'm a math major. It's only autists in this major and no one actually important. I tried joining the literary club, but everyone had pleb taste and I unironically was heads and shoulders above them. They invited me back a couple times, so I wasn't too insufferable but my pride is too big.

>Reach out to your professors and classmates during this time of quarantine, they probably would love the social contact.
I guess I could talk about my professors' work, but I can't figure out how to talk to my classmates anymore. I was very social person before, but I see all of them as coomers. I try and talk to them about books, but the discussion is always regressive and I feel like I wasted my time.

Where do I even meet "new, interesting people" during quarantine? I killed my social circle this year. I have two very good friends and I decided that's all I need, but now i realize I have no "network"

God I fucked up

>> No.14998171

Thanks for the thorough advice, I will get to it.
I was referring to romance, I am drawn to hard to get women and I know one girl who is a model...anyway I should probably stay out of it

>> No.14998192 [DELETED] 
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For you, the reader.

>> No.14998193


Wait everyone who majors in math is an autist? I thought I could meet people to start company with there


Also, is there a way to detect who should I network with? How do I get the feeling who's rich, who's not and who's gonna be rich 20 years from now?

>> No.14998231

Can't fuck scores of thin women with personality disorders if you don't go to CalArts retard.

>> No.14998262

what's the alternative then? What should I major in if I want to secure comfy life for my grandson and get into politics to save my country?

>> No.14998307

interesting, but is not STEM the future, both on Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Shenzhen

>> No.14998364

I am currently in group chats of 3 ivies and everyone is using words like "yooo", "super excited" and watches shitty shows on Netflix. I find it hard to communicate with these people and have much better discussion on lit discord

well I did not think they are necessarily different. I always felt that I can learn poli sci on my own and earn big bucks by studying STEM in uni


> using your STEM background to help you accumulate big bucks so you become a financier

Yes, that's exactly right anon

>> No.14998439 [DELETED] 

but there’s also V., Gravity’s Rainbow, Blood Meridian, Suttree

>> No.14998441

Not yale.
Too many "diversity discourses" and other similar nonsense there.

"Saint Augustine is to blame for the crusades and islamaphobia because of his just war theory!!"
and other similar nonsense.

>> No.14998458

So what should be my steps for freshmen year regarding socializing?

>> No.14998553

Don't forget what you're paying for. Join a student organization, join a fraternity, go to every party, but above all, make connections. These people are from rich families and if they're not, they're on track to have pull to get you where you want to be. Gestures requiring little more than a passing thought stick with people for long than you can know.

>> No.14998708

Based fellow Harvardbro. Let's meet up Fall 2020

>> No.14998981


Ok lit, I've been at a state school for a year and am severely depressed, skipping class, and my gpa is seriously damaged. Likely to kill myself soon.

Now what?

>> No.14999019


Social isolation. Not in terms of COVID, but since I've arrived. Also the lack of challenge and engagement in my classes. Feels like highschool where you do petty chores to get the A. Really, a variety of things have made me totally lose morale. Idc, life comes and goes

>> No.14999026

Do you feel happy about it?

>> No.14999034

Its too bad that craigslist shut down, that used to be the Harvard man's go to for evenings. I remember when I was in Harvard. I'd set up my "dates" throughout the day, and then every evening I'd make my way to Mattapan and Roxbury to get barebacked by a string of big black men. Every evening I had my asshole completely wrecked and every morning I painfully made my way back over the Charles, savoring the creamfilled doughnut I had become.

>> No.14999055

Don't worry, the brain/lit/s on here say that Harvard is a waste of money and online school is the exact same.

>> No.14999064
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Go to your public library

>> No.14999125

If you're a careerfag, then you should probably take advantage of all the opportunities in terms of internships and connecting that you will be given at an ivy.

>> No.14999126

Start a Club. Join a club. Do things with passionate people. Socialize earlier, especially if you're naturally introverted/shy - it gets easier the more you do it. Join a band. Don't be a cunt,

>> No.14999214

Quality advice, thanks anons.

Yeah but little anxious

If you are not larping I don't see why not. But you probably are

>> No.14999307

Yuropoor who went to Harvard (STEM) as an exchange student here. It seemed a lot easier than back home in Germany. The hard part is getting accepted.

>> No.14999325

how easier was it? I'm smart but not Olympic level smart

>> No.14999370

The environment is generally better at Harvard, they can't afford to fail such high numbers (and they don't need to), the exams were in lots of cases relatively straightforward and easier.
Sure, you'll meet some fucking geniuses who coast through everything with minimal effort, but these are just outliers. There'll be lots of nerds (e.g. Asians), couple of airheads (legacy), where you wonder how the fuck they got in and lots of normies. Just enjoy yourself, join interesting clubs, don't procrastinate and manage your time. Also, don't fall for the impostor syndrome meme, make the best out of your experience and you'll be fine.

>> No.14999471

> don’t forget what you’re paying for
> connections

>> No.14999575

If you think you're paying for a quality education, just drop out now and go to a public college with 75% admittance. You'll get the exact same thing for way less money.

>> No.14999602

Stop making uni threads. They're not /lit/

>> No.14999950

as a poor student at an A-tier school (if the Ivies are S-tier), nothings that exclusive, at least not the clubs or networking things. The biggest thing you'll have to overcome is impostor syndrome and feeling different from everyone else. You're apparently just as qualified to be there as every one else--possibly more so since you aren't a rich legacy, remember that.

>> No.15000016

Get away from it as fast as you can.

>> No.15000086

inb4 the rape "jokes"

>> No.15000088

>unique, valuable skill

Such as?