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14993318 No.14993318 [Reply] [Original]

I used to be gifted /lit/.

I can't remember the last time I really felt proud

>> No.14993328


>> No.14993333
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Be proud you will be the first of your bloodline to not pass on their genes.

>> No.14993352

you have to do stuff to feel proud, what did you expect?
suffering is good though

>> No.14993354

I don't care about that. I just want to feel excited about knowing things again

>> No.14993361

Masturbation and sex ruined so many first rate intellects. Practice semen conservation before it's too late. Avoid anything that can make you aroused and keep your mind busy and you'll recover.

>> No.14993378
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Anything that comes easy isn't satisfying. Find something that will properly test your limtis, an insurmountable goal to exhaust yourself on. More often than not the chase is more enjoyable than the kill.

>> No.14993393

I've been chasing being a great novelist for years now, and all I've learned is I was never meant to be one. The gifts I thought were so special were mundane by comparison. The people who become great writers have the pursuit in their blood and heart. All I can do is struggle to maintain a hobby that I was never meant to follow

>> No.14993399

Don't feel defeated, remember that without a boss character the Final Fantasy games would be shit

Grind your ass off and fuck that bastard back to hell

Until you see the game over screen you should just explore, pillage, kill goblins like a mad man

worked for me

>> No.14993603

And you haven't achieved anything during those years? no short stories or poems published?

>> No.14993620

nothing published. Just one finished novel and another that's WIP

>> No.14993777

And you aren't proud of these?

>> No.14993804

I might be proud of the first one if it wasn't overshadowed by the fact that I can't replicate it. I've been working on this second novel for years now. On and off I've struggled to make progress on it, but one thing is constant: it's not as good as the first one. the frustration of having gotten worse at writing poisons the pleasure of it and any sense of accomplishment. I can't even write out of passion anymore. All I can do is force it. sometimes. Not enough to make appreciable progress

>> No.14993876
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It’s finally here

>> No.14993894

And you think that will be a persistent trend? that it will now forever be a downward spiral?

>> No.14993935

that's how it feels. In reality I imagine there will be upswings and downswings, some small and others major. Right now I feel like a major downswing is beginning. I never fully recovered from the last one, at least not in a way that mattered to me. I've only had the one truly major downswing though, so I don't know if there's a trend.

I just want to feel the pride in myself that I had in highschool. The rush of information and the genuine, unquestioning belief that I can do something amazing. I've felt one of those in the last decade. I'm not sure if I'll ever see the other again

>> No.14994927
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