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File: 66 KB, 626x510, 6C3F7AC6-7474-4018-8CDA-47820F6532EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14992696 No.14992696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was raised in a traditional Irish catholic family, by a very devout, moral woman, but by the age of seven I could tell something was up. Transubstantiation, the resurrection, man in God’s own image were clearly not logically consistent. I liked the moral teachings of the church, and it had cultural importance to me, so I kept going rather than having an autistic fit and ‘coming out’ as atheist.

What I don’t understand is why so many people on this board pretend to have faith. If you weren’t indoctrinated as a child (and a gullible child at that, out of my three brothers, the only one who still believes has severe learning difficulties) you cannot believe in God. Once you have seen the abyss you cannot unsee it. Do you really think your going to live forever? What happens when you have thought every possible thing and seen every possible arrangement of colours? After a million years will you even be able to call yourself human? Why are you so afraid of oblivion anyway? You won’t be there to experience the passage of time so it might as well be an instant.

Please just admit to yourselves and everyone else on this board that you are LARPing because you are a contrarian and atheism is the most popular belief system (or lack thereof). I understand the aestheticism is appealing and that you need cultural significance because you’re a yank but come on now.

I even went to a mass recently because I saw so much shitposting on this board and it was even more retarded that I remembered. The priest clearly had a sub 100 IQ and they didn’t even play the organ. There was only 10 people there, all either old or immigrants. Which leads me to my final question, why don’t you at least go to mass? I have never seen a solitary white male younger than fifty so I know you lot aren’t going.

>> No.14992728

irish catholics are all damaged in some way, so its understandable that you face present difficulties in your faith and in ur life. continental catholics raised and indoctrinated from birth on the other hand are infinitely more virtuous, smart, and basically superior. sorry u had 2 hear this from me but its that kind of world buddy, ur potato angst against zoomer tradcath revivalism is a meaningless cry to the wind

>> No.14992743

Why does Yahweh hate the Irish so much?

>> No.14992760

consider the phrase "luck of the irish". now consider the fact that phrases sometimes end up meaning the opposite of what they were originally meant to; in this case the "luck" of the irish being a satirical remark on their constant misfortune. of course st. patricks day parades changed everything. god hates the irish because they are

>> No.14992783
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You're not supposed to accept Christianity because it makes sense or produce empirically good effects in the world. You're just supposed be a Christian because you were born as one, thinks it once in a time was based and DEUS VULT-like and/or if you suffer some sort of testosterone deficiency.

The way you intellectually justify it; after you've already accepted it, is by using polytheist(read:monistic) philosophy and then pretend that the retardation that is the Biblical God naturally flows from it.

>> No.14992793

the irish "brain" at work everyone...

black and tans were right

>> No.14992795

I hate porn and cumbrains more than christcucks so I give them fuel for the fire.

>> No.14992802

thank you ally, we will commemorate u at our pride parades

>> No.14992803
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>Please just admit to yourselves and everyone else on this board that you are LARPing because you are a contrarian and atheism is the most popular belief system

>> No.14992804

>After a million years will you even be able to call yourself human?
Probably not, but God will still be with me.

>> No.14992805

these are rookie numbers... we need 2 pump those numbers up

>> No.14992811

based and faithpilled

>> No.14992814

You don't understand eternity. It's not "millions of years", it's a timeless state.

>What I don't understand is why so many people on this board pretend to have faith.

Pure projection. This whole post amounts to "atheists smart, Christians dumb".

>> No.14992841

Atheism is the most popular affiliation among whites (non-mutts) under 50.

>> No.14992850

You seem to completely agree with me, except you choose to be retarded. I respect that.

>> No.14992857

Yeah and what a coincidence that these atheistic whites are ceasing to exist before our very eyes.

>> No.14992872

Trad-cath is just about making women subservient again and trannies hide in the fucking closet where they belong. Most here realize God is not real.

>> No.14992875

My general point is that if you transcend time to become some kind of infinite being you can’t consider yourself human, and your eternal life is worthless because its barely a continuation of your conscious

>> No.14992894

That has more to do with widening wealth inequality.

>> No.14992899

That's only if you consider a human to be merely a lump of flesh on a ball of rock hurtling through an empty void.

>> No.14992907

I don't think that anyone is particularly scared of oblivion. It's just that they have an intuition that our minds were made for more than this temporary world.

>> No.14992912


>> No.14992917

>Why are you so afraid of oblivion anyway?
Why are you so afraid of divine judgment anyway?

>> No.14992928
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So you believe yourself to be a clever ape. Why should I argue with you, clever ape? I don't argue with apes.

>> No.14992938

>but by the age of seven I could tell something was up
based 7 year old retard

>> No.14992940

Why yes I do, I also believe our humanness to be defined by our suffering. I do not think an eternal heavenly being can be human if it has nothing to fight and overcome. I will have nothing to do with heaven if they don’t have weights.

>> No.14992954

I am not. I can honestly say I have never lied to myself or anyone else. I would probably fair better than most genuine believers.

>> No.14992968

Not everyone has such an impressive comprehension of the abyss as yourself. Why, just recently I was in church and I thought I saw an actual young white human man, by himself. How foolish. If my facility at viewing the abyss was as great as yours I could have avoided such mistakes up to this point in my life, as you have.

>> No.14992979

We were created as human beings with body and soul. The soul is not meant to be separated from the body. That is the purpose of the resurrection and the new earth in Revelation where we will receive our glorified bodies, which will be unchanging and therefore timeless.

>> No.14992987

This is hardly empirical, or even logical. But that's the case with choosing to value anything: it's ultimately a decision not based on reason. Which is why you should be interested in religions: they are the truths not reachable through logic, the truths of the heart as it has been put. By comparison, your attachment to suffering is an utterly insignificant system. Do you actually have the hubris to claim you are wiser than the sages of all the various mystic traditions?~

>> No.14993034

>Do you actually have the hubris to claim you are wiser than the sages of all the various mystic traditions?~
Lmao don't ask this retard that question, he might have the braveness to answer yes

>> No.14993055

I respect Catholics but I have no idea how you can submit to Pope Francis and all that gay shit

>> No.14993116

You are right in that I have nothing substantial to replace a religion, my beliefs change frequently and are mostly half-baked. I understand that even the most empirical belief system requires some level of faith. I don’t understand how you could choose christianity over a modern, secular system of ethics. The church has not produced relevant ideas thought since the middle ages, it has been completely supplanted by modern philosophy, just as the church succeeded roman paganism.

>> No.14993127

>modern, secular system of ethics
No such thing.

>> No.14993133

>I am not.
I believe you. But I'd ask you to believe that most religious people don't actually "fear oblivion". Only a small handful do, as far as I can tell. Most people don't really think about it one way or the other.

>> No.14993136

New doesn't mean better, retard.

>> No.14993145

Doing becomes believing, humoroured act becomes sincere practice.

>> No.14993155
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>The truth has an expiration date
>Basing your entire system of interpretation and basis of morality on the genetic fallacy

>> No.14993158

I’m afraid it does, if it were worse it simply wouldn’t exist. Christianity could only thrive when literacy was confined to the nobles and the clergy. As soon as universal education was introduced it was over for Christfags.

>> No.14993165

>Why are you so afraid of oblivion anyway?

Why are you afraid of immortality?

>Nothing is more difficult than to realize that every man has a distinct soul, that every one of all the millions who live or have lived, is as whole and independent a being in himself, as if there were no one else in the whole world but he...

>All those millions upon millions of human beings who ever trod the earth and saw the sun successively, are at this very moment in existence all together. This, I think, you will grant we do not duly realize. All those Canaanites, whom the children of Israel slew, every one of them is somewhere in the universe, now at this moment, where God has assigned him a place. We read, "They utterly destroyed all that was in" Jericho, "young and old." Again, as to Ai; "So it was that all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand." ... Every one of those souls still lives. They had their separate thoughts and feelings when on earth, they have them now. They had their likings and pursuits; they gained what they thought good and enjoyed it; and they still somewhere or other live, and what they then did in the flesh surely has its influence upon their present destiny. They live, reserved for a day which is to come


>> No.14993195

There are no secular ethics. And I don't adhere to just christianity: it is a manifestation of an even greater truth.

>> No.14993213

The truth does not have a expiration date. Christianity has expired because it is probably not true. If it was the ultimate truth it wouldn’t be so easy to deny

>> No.14993226

There are, how do you think we come up with laws when the church and the state are separate

>> No.14993273
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If new things are better only because they are newer, Islam is better than Christianity then. Do you know what Muslims do with the filthy atheists like you, right?

>> No.14993275

You realize that there are people who deny that the earth is round?

>> No.14993324

Liberalism is secularized Christianity (protestantism exactly). The more it goes away from its source, the more it becomes useless failed state garbage.

>> No.14993490

>it wouldn’t be so easy to deny
Let's see you try.

>> No.14993537

>Atheism is the most popular affiliation among whites (non-mutts) under 50.
Not true, I've known many many Atheists over 50.. those who grew up in the 50's and 60's for instance when commonsense questions weren't allowed to be met with physical violence by CofE and Catheter Schools Masters.

>> No.14993544

>>it wouldn’t be so easy to deny
>Let's see you try.

>> No.14993566

Secular ethics had been a complete shitshow. Basically masturbate and give all your coin to the richest and/or poorest. A total joke that denies everything deeper in the human spirit than eating and fucking

>> No.14993593

>Secular ethics had been a complete shitshow.
considering that Puritans were still torturing and hanging Quakers right up until the American Revolution, and that nominally Catholic institutions have been abusing their wards non-stop for centuries, I'd say you don't know what you're talking about or ow much of your personal freedom from harm you owe to those "Secular Ethics"you're taking for granted.

>> No.14993634

They are leaps and bounds richer than the toilet people that outbreed them. The modern-secular narrative of a human life is all about the self, and the indulgence of pleasure and the accumulation of personal resources and status. The individuated technological society presents no material boon for bearing children, it is a luxury.

>> No.14993655

I agree with all this, I have some respect for the old Monks of the old world.. but none at all for the modern idiots.

I don't understand why they can't understand that so much of European movements; thinkers and doers, etc, were in opposition to the Catholic Church because the Catholic Church was the more violent form of incompetency and greed that we call today Neo-Liberalism; in the same ways that they pretend to be all about Liberal Values but are really just a lipservice front to look good as they steal and abuse their offices, so too was and ..mostly still is.. the Catholic Church.

This is a crazy thing which shows they can't have much in the way of education to not realize that their own ancestors and emancipation came from people totally opposed and in protest (protestant) to the abuse of Catholic Church.

And that's to say nothing at all of the many problems and weak spots in the outlook of the religion itself.

>> No.14993664

one word buddy: VIRGINITY

>> No.14993668 [DELETED] 

Personal freedoms are overrated, and the individual flexibility that westerners had from the late Victorian period through is a flash in the pan. Authoritarianism will crush any delusions you have about individual rights being the natural march of secularism.

>> No.14993680

Personal freedoms are overrated, and the individual flexibility that westerners had from the late Victorian period through today is a flash in the pan. Authoritarianism and the devaluation of labor will crush any delusions you have about individual rights being the natural march of secularism.

>> No.14993688
File: 638 KB, 1518x2100, Ascension_of_Christ_LACMA_M.2007.105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He was crucified, and after three days He literally rose from the dead and later ascended into Heaven, and that He is God Almighty, ruler of the universe. I believe the Catholic Church is the One True Church of Jesus Christ, founded by Christ Himself on the head of Simon Peter and sent out into the world at Pentecost. I believe that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, God's instrument on Earth, left behind to do His will until He comes again at the end of time.

These beliefs are utterly unshakable in me. I would die for them, and I'd kill others for them, also.

THAT is why I'm Catholic.

>> No.14993701

lmao at all the petty spergout from christfags in this thread
its okay these people wont exist in 200 years

>> No.14993710


>and I'd kill others for them

Jesus Christ never said it was ok to kill people dude

>> No.14993716

>I would die for them, and I'd kill others for them, also.
really, you just want to kill people and have adopted an arrangement of axoims to present yourself with the framework to be okay with your slavish impulse to fuck and maim your fellow man.

Jesus vomits onto you.

>> No.14993726

People who say this have no understanding of the bedrock Laws of our nations, which are impossible to changed on these principles.

>> No.14993734
File: 165 KB, 1000x1500, yeshua, no im not, YESHUA, NO IM NOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14993735

> I believe the Catholic Church is the One True Church of Jesus Christ
>THAT is why I'm Catholic.
Based. I think catholicism is still cringe though.

>> No.14993740

Baseless. The Bishop of Rome was always a Heresiarch and a traitor to the original Church, this is why God cursed it.

>> No.14993746

Secular ethics it's just relativism. Yesterday it was different, tomorrow will be different as well. You see how those attitudes are disgusting and immoral for you, but for future supporters of secular ethics that may change. There is absolutely no eternal truth to be fundament of your ethical system. An XVIII century atheist like Voltaire would despise what a XXI century atheist supports, and you would despise what an XXII century atheist is going to support, according the absolute somalia-tier tendency of current atheist "ethics".
>inb4 the times change!
But truth remains. Truth is binary, if it's not true then it's false. It doesn't depend on circumstances.

>> No.14993761

Yes, he said it. Lmao, why do atheists think that they know more about the Bible than actual Catholics?

>> No.14993763
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At least the christfags magical thinking relies of some hinterworldly deity. If you honestly believe that some centuries old paper is immutable indestructible LAW you're even more retarded than they are.

>> No.14993767


Did Peter not rebuke Christ several times?

>> No.14993837

>But truth remains. Truth is binary, if it's not true then it's false. It doesn't depend on circumstances.
We probably share a common outlook on a lot of this stuff, but remember, really, that along with freedom comes to the freedom to let people make the wrong personal decisions and have their balls grafted to their elbow - or something.

>immutable indestructible
No, not these things. It's not as amazing as it could be, but the secular civil laws - things like magna carta - are still valid and law even today, aspects anyway.

Even if America and England vanished over night, the rest of the world would still be running on Enlightenment Era Anglo-Dutch Law. Just a fact, Mack.

>> No.14993848

>Did Peter not rebuke Christ several times?
And Lo' Peter said, "come on now, pal, who art thou trying to fool,thou wilt surely be dead if thou doth not confess t'was all a jape,"
and Lo' Jesus ascended from the cross, in his own mind, and Lo' Peter sighed and walked away to the Tavern where he didst rent a whore and a goblet of Roman Ale, for a fair price.

>> No.14993871

I am Irish and there are thousands of raging faggots like OP in this country. They are all retards who are stupid enough to abandon their only hope of salvation because of a few Reddit posts, and unending anti church propaganda by the media.
Op and his ilk are all left wing, average IQ degenerates who are too fucking thick to understand the metaphysic behind Catholicism.
They all go to pro abortion marches on the hope of getting some teenage communist pussy, and have simped this country into moral bankruptcy.
Op is the reason this country is fucked. Op is a bugman. Op is a fucking disgrace to Ireland, and s fucking disgrace to Catholicism. You've made the rest of us live in hell on earth, and you will lie in the bed you've made once you are under the clay

>> No.14993886

They usually do desu

>> No.14993899

>but remember, really, that along with freedom comes to the freedom to let people make the wrong personal decisions and have their balls grafted to their elbow - or something
That's what the Church stands for. Without freedom of choice there is no faith, because faith is based on love, and love can't be imposed. But the atheist, oh, the atheist cannot even define what's good or wrong. The Fall of Man happened because Adam and Eve ate from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is curious how the atheist denies God but he doesn't have problems in replacing His labor by setting arbitrarily what is wrong or what is right. Although you have your own eyes, you also need light to discern, if you know what I mean. Light cannot be man-made, only transformed.

>> No.14993901

>I am Irish and there are thousands of raging faggots like OP in this country. They are all retards who are stupid enough to abandon their only hope of salvation because of a few Reddit posts, and unending anti church propaganda by the media.

OH yeah it's not about the 10,000 real grievances with the Catholic Zorz, it's all because of "a few reddit posts"..
you thick bloody red-handed mick you

>> No.14993911

>>along with freedom comes to the freedom to let people make the wrong personal decisions
>That's what the Church stands for.
No it doesn't. It stood for torturing and locking people up for imaginary theological disagreements until it had its power taken away from it. Now it stands around wondering why it still exists.

>> No.14993913

To be Irish is to be behind the zeitgeist for a generation. Troubles were their Vietnam, they got neoliberalism 10 years ago and are now in the internet atheism phase. Mass immigration is following, then populism and finally cultural end of Ireland.

>> No.14993915

Gay down syndrome department?
Yeah we found him

>> No.14993922

True post. Shits fucked.

>> No.14993932

I identify as Jesus Christ actually, so you'll refer to me as Him unless you want the hellfire.

>> No.14993941

Wow this is so epic can we get 500 yous for this mouth breathing atheist FAGGOT

>> No.14993943

we can all agree the Magdalene Sisters was a hot film, but aren't you taking it a little bit too far?

>> No.14993951

go back

>> No.14993957

You dumbfuck you, why can't you understand basic logic?

Look, I said,
>OH yeah it's not about the 10,000 real grievances with the Catholic Zorz, it's all because of "a few reddit posts"..
As if that and not EEEEVERRYTHING ELSE is what's motivated people to pull away vomiting from the Catholic Church.

You're into Vatican Satan, and it shows, you're a fucktard,
>Gay down syndrome department?
>Yeah we found him
>Wow this is so epic
>this mouth breathing atheist FAGGOT

Dumb reactionary with cheese for a brain. I bet your hands are big and thick too.

>> No.14993961


>> No.14993971

I'm not Him, but I actually am Jesus Christ and I hate you, anon, for your blind worship of the Pharisees in the Synagogue of Vatican Satan.

>> No.14995102

>I don't have faith so no one else possibly can

Your problem seems to be believing that you are more intelligent than anyone with Faith.

I too was once 15, you'll grow out of it.

t. Actual Catholic from Ireland

>> No.14995134

Why are christcuck LARPers always so angry and abrasive? Always calling people stupid faggots, edgy fedora's, etc. Really makes you think.

>> No.14995429

Continental catholics are insane. The Irish are just angry nationalists. Liverpool catholics are ok I guess.

>> No.14995468

the Old Testament counts when it is convenient.

>> No.14995482

I was raised Catholic and stopped when I read the bible and realised I was surrounded by cunts. They always talked about loving their brothers and the "Christian way", wasn't until I saw them interact with others that I realised it was horse shit. Read the bible was the final nail in the coffin because it was obviously incorrect.

Now I don't really have a religion but if I did it would be closer to something informed by aspects of Emerson (Hinduism for white people) and Sufism.

Catholic LARPers are just poorly socialised teenagers who aren't having enough sex.

>> No.14995497

how is this thread /lit/?

>> No.14995507

>and give all your coin to the richest and/or poorest.
Yes, to the poorest.
>Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

>> No.14995537

Because they don't read the Scriptures.
>Luke 6:27-32 “But I say to you who are listening, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who are cruel to you. If anyone slaps you on one cheek, offer him the other cheek, too. If someone takes your coat, do not stop him from taking your shirt. Give to everyone who asks you, and when someone takes something that is yours, don’t ask for it back. Do to others what you would want them to do to you. If you love only the people who love you, what praise should you get? Even sinners love the people who love them.
>Matthew 5:41-48 And if one of the occupation troops forces you to carry his pack one mile, carry it two miles. When someone asks you for something, give it to him; when someone wants to borrow something, lend it to him. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your friends, hate your enemies.’ But now I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may become the children of your Father in heaven. For he makes his sun to shine on bad and good people alike, and gives rain to those who do good and to those who do evil. Why should God reward you if you love only the people who love you? Even the tax collectors do that! And if you speak only to your friends, have you done anything out of the ordinary? Even the pagans do that! You must be perfect—just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

>> No.14995605
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>Emerson (Hinduism for white people) and Sufism.
Holy based!

>> No.14995621

we need fucking mods in here with this "infection"

>> No.14995633
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>Once you have seen the abyss you cannot unsee it.
But why is there an abyss?

>> No.14995634

Agreed. I just hate the smugness of people like this guy,
>Your problem seems to be believing that you are more intelligent than anyone with Faith.
>I too was once 15, you'll grow out of it.
>t. Actual Catholic from Ireland

s'like yeah bro we get it, you're financially struggling and terrified of the world and clinging to your ego projection of "god being like you" but ffs don't say this to real people and try to hold your head high about it.

fucking punchable. especially for someone who isn't 15 and goes around treating their pedophile evil satanic religion like some cute pokemon thing.

>> No.14995656
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You really do overestimate your own cognitive abilities...

>> No.14995664

>blind nature to create any conscious human with a unique identity....
You were created for the Emperors Penal Legions, now shut the fuck up.
>" It makes no sense for blind nature to create any conscious human with a unique identity....
Citizen Number 373533B08

>> No.14995666

in the UK it's a contrarian thing. Most people grow out of religious beliefs before they leave high school.

>> No.14995705

Because the entire Western worldview is a cargo cult based on an apocalyptic religion adopted 1.7k years ago by a dead empire in a frantic attempt to justify mass reshuffling to keep the gravy train going, and over those 1.7k years we've slowly chipped away at the foundations of that religion through philosophy, theology, and science; the religion's tenets are entirely rooted in the factuality of certain events and entities, so if there's significant enough evidence to warrant not believing in those events and entities then the entire religion falls apart, the cargo cult is ditched, and thousands years of history and tradition are ditched alongside it.

Confucius not being real doesn't invalidate Confucianism; Siddhartha not being real doesn't invalidate Buddhism; Jesus (and Muhammad, while we're at it) not being real completely invalidates Christianity (and Islam) and makes it completely worthless.

>> No.14995745

You may live in a morally bankrupt hell, but I certainly don't. You project your angst onto everything else, and you use religion as a crutch because it is easier than accepting you are no so certain of anything as you say you are.
>you'll grow out of it
I afraid I won't. I watched my mother die after trying to cure her cancer with homeopathy, then breathing exercises. The doctors told her she was going to die, and rather than accept the fact she turned to pseudoscience. I do not think she was wrong to try, but non of it worked for obvious reasons. I realised she was so devout because she was willing to believe in things, Christianity to her was no different to homeopathy, it was a cope. If she had miraculously survived she would have attributed it to faith. As she was dying she said she saw visions of Jesus. She didn't, she just wanted to, probably tripping out on the painkillers. I never said a word to discourage her, but I wish she could have just accepted her mortality and not wasted her last year on quacks and charlatans.

Maybe you will grow out of it.

>> No.14995784

>Which part of nature knew how to make you? the trees? the wind? the stars crafted you? the water erupted you? or all these dumb forces randomly acting together?
Do you think an ant or a chimpanzee or a duck or a weevil are any different to you in origin? In some regards it's a marvelous thing, but it's a commonplace - we're not somehow magic and created out of clay and the rib of Apollo.

Truth is horrifying, to be honest. I don't blame people for copping out with the fairytale stuff.

>> No.14995830

It's not insane because I am not the pinnacle, end-point or culmination of reality. I'm not entirely convinced I am actually conscious and certainly do not exist as a discrete entity. Theism is just anthropocentrism.

>> No.14995846

universe very big, very, very big. sometimes weird thing happen because so big. most of time universe empty or rock. just like after rain, puddle sometimes look like face or mammoth or club, but mostly just look like puddle. why are we not rock? because rock no think.

>> No.14995869

Umm, excuse me anon, but don't you know that -I- have it all figured out? The idea that things could happen over literal billions of years is simply preposterous; that timescale is far too large to include me in any meaningful way. If your theory of philosophy doesn't rigidly focus on me, me, me, ME and MY needs and MY wants then it's obviously false. I have it all figured out, after all. I'm special. Everything was leading up to me, me, ME.

>> No.14995898

Pls share some of the evidence for Jesus not being real

>> No.14995939

>CLEARLY the Bible is just a collection of FAIRYTALES! A man WALKS ON WATER!
>The New Testament is a collection of fallible stories, most of which were only written down after decades if not centuries of oral tradition.
>The Torah is completely ahistorical.
>I stubbed my toe.
>I was a good Christian and went to church every Sunday and prayed the rosary every day and god hit by a car and stillbirthed my first child, and the Pastor told the whole congregation that I was an awful sinner and that it was my fault that this happened because I was a whore (my husband was my first kiss and sexual partner)
>After years of studying Christian theology, it's patently absurd and the alternatives that would justify this are even more absurd.
>Christian history demonstrates that while Jesus may have been real, "The Jesus" of Christianity as we know it is patently a concoction.
>I got my cock caught in my jeans zipper, no loving god would let this happen.
And on, and on, and on. You can't prove a negative in a binary sense, only in a probalistic sense. Throw enough darts on the board, eventually you hit bullseye. You, and everyone reading this, has something that will make you not believe (and if you don't believe, there's something that will make you believe). Obviously, there's simultaneously people who believe living alongside those who don't. You need to stop thinking of things that encompass millions of people in black and white terms.

So what would make you not believe? That. There you go, you don't believe, and the rest of >>14995705 now applies.

>> No.14995959

Imagine not converting to Roman Catholicism from non-denominational Protestantism at the ripe age of 22 and going on to live as virtuous life as possible.

>> No.14995998

larpfags seething

>> No.14996003

pornography creates and encourages homosexuality.

>> No.14996041

>If you weren’t indoctrinated as a child (and a gullible child at that, out of my three brothers, the only one who still believes has severe learning difficulties) you cannot believe in God.

>Do you really think your going to live forever?
And you're calling the religious stupid.

>went to a mass
>a mass

I'm not even a fan of Christianity.

>> No.14996051

>secular system of ethics

>> No.14996071

>secular system of ethics
Cringe and nonexistent

>The church has not produced relevant ideas thought since the middle ages,

>modern philosophy

>> No.14996217

> rock no think.

You don't know that. You don't even know if other humans think or not.

>> No.14996227

How the hell could you not be conscious, Denett? It's the literal only thing you have.

>> No.14996240

> Horrifying

Cope. If you want to put on the 'hard headed materialist' hat, you have to take the view there is only matter and energy. That just is, it's not good or bad, or horrifying.

> m-m-m-muh pain

An illusion, if you're being a materialist.

>> No.14996372

Always has been. Glad to see more people acknowledging this.

>> No.14996377

So you grant a metaphysical domain, then?

> Yeah, but I meant in the sense that human politics is still functioning at the raving rabid chimpanzee level; where Popes and Presidents just elbow themselves to a pile of stinking living flesh and sit there beating down on the pile until they're cannibalized by the next lot out of terror and pain.

> Or how most people are born accidents to dim witted terror-stricken parents who are too scared to tell them anything and treat them like little toys.. girls with a doll and hairbrush.

Mind abstraction piled atop mind abstraction. Completely focused on the map, and not seeing the territory at all.

>> No.14996412

Most christians are just nominal christians, taking the path of least resistance with no genuine, committed belief. But you knew that already.

>> No.14996613

I remember in uni consistently getting better grades than my atheist friend and it unironically made him fume. They can’t handle religious people showing them up in any matter related to academia or intellectual merit. In short though to OP, religion is trying to connect to a higher reality, it’s born out of contemplation and a passion for life. If you are constantly mentally insecure and self conscious about your own thoughts you will never get it and that’s fine

>> No.14996625

Genuine retard tier thought process here pal

>> No.14997012

>having sex
>seeking for religion and virtue
I think you have misunderstood the whole point of religion here.

>> No.14997371

>I'm not entirely convinced I am actually conscious and certainly do not exist as a discrete entity.
this is your brain on atheism folks

>> No.14997410

yeah at least the transhumanists who dream about being immortal because computer have the right idea.

>haha you think death is bad
no shit retard.

>> No.14997488

>can't unseen the abyss
Once you've come to a point where you don't really believe in anything, and that it doesn't matter what you do or don't believe in, you may discover that you're free to believe in anything.

>> No.14997529

My mommy dead so God bad xD

>> No.14997544 [DELETED] 

No. Its a mistake to look up at a philosopher

>> No.14997545


>> No.14998062
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>> No.14998219
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>> No.14998235

All religion is larping.

>> No.14998312

Trad, more like tard!
Neither does old.
And they get laughed at by anyone with a brain.
Worth of philosophy is in it's practice. If you can't prove your belifs, you can fuck off.

>> No.14998383

The idea that it's all childhood indoctrination ignores adult converts as sparse as it may be. Also, I do go to mass. I'm 19. Also, I can't not believe in God. I tried once.

>> No.14998398

Good job just rephrasing the nicene creed you living meme

>> No.14999291

Even empirical truth in the scientific method succumb to some sort of bias or assumption rather than it being proven. As such denying that there is a logical explanation for religion is pure bs. However, it does become a metaphysical discussion, which you yourself can find more about.

>> No.14999430

>make dumb posts
>get dumb replies

>> No.15000599

>God is the highest good of the reasonable creature. The enjoyment of him is our proper aim and is the only happiness with which our souls can be truly satisfied.
This is true. You ought read My surrealist fiction, for it is written, for I have written it of My own volition, so it is.

>Lord stamp your eternity on our eyeballs.
>Lord stamp your eternity on our eyeballs.
>Lord stamp your eternity on our eyeballs.

Gloriam! Glory; I am.

No this is a true observation he is making; he is questioning His Own Self. Thus, he is exploring; Man in his Great Genius, and gaining volition and momentum, whereas thou who hast become content with copper age idol worship art unleveled up.

I grant the reader of these words 4 experience points and the optional quest "Who are We?" is now available to You.

>religions are glimpses into that beyond.
They are assays, as I in my infinite grace already said. But to hold a concept in your hand and to make too much of it, verily, this is the error of idol worship.

This is My prerogative, mortal. And so you are compelled toward it in the same instance.

>> No.15000655 [DELETED] 

In England, suave Pajeet bulls are overtaking the normative BBC because they are superior Kama sutran lovers who bring a spiritual zest and musical flare to lovemaking, a welcome change from the typical Mandingo thuggery you find in the scene

>> No.15001290
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