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14992159 No.14992159 [Reply] [Original]

Post your latest diary entries

>> No.14992167

"fuck Katie"

>> No.14992405

How fragile and easily destroyed our world is, and how we don’t appreciate the intricacies of our own weakness until we stand on the hill past what was known and we can see across the valleys to the east. The sun rises out that way, and until you see the unblemished sunrise across a horizon spanning the whole of the world, you can’t say you’ve seen the sun at all.

>> No.14992470
File: 90 KB, 750x747, IMG_20200323_122030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was all sweaty over me, telling me that I am not longer her boy but her man.
She encourages me telling me things like "Feed your hard rod to my lower mouth" "Make me your bitch"
I just stare at the ceiling moving mechanically.
Feeling nothing.

>> No.14992840

I have that one pair of shoes that has a weak shoelace that keeps untying itself every 2 steps then you get pissed of and triple-lace it and forget about it for the rest of the day but when you come back from work you realize you tied it too hard and you have to use extra strength to push the shoe out of your foot but then you end up stepping on your finger or hurting your nail a little bit and you get even more pissed off and frustrated because you knew there was no need to tie it that hard in the first place, and if you just controlled your anger a little bit you could've come up with a better solution than using pure negative emotion to solve the problem in the short-run and then you remember what your ex said about your aggressivity and how that was one of the most important points to make her dump your ass and how you didnt even try to change a little bit for her sake because you internally thought it wasnt a big deal but you didnt realize how angry you acted on a day-to-day basis and you only thought about rare moments where you went overboard and you thought you controlled those moments pretty well. Didn't help that you called her a whore and fleed the scene without even trying to apologize for your present and past behaviors effectively ending the relationship forever without a chance to overcome those tough times as two mature adults that understand and love each other. Even though you love her its been 4 months and now you feel its too late and that whore is probably already talking behind your back about how shitty you were and how abusive you were even though you spend your whole life without understanding why you were so angry all the time and you didn't mean to be so mean to her because you genuinely found someone you loved for the first time and you got completely lost with the overwhelming genuine good and bad emotions you were dealing with. Now you realized you just spent 15 minutes in silence looking at your poorly tied shoe and you reflect on how much that was a completely perfect analogy of the mess you call your life

>> No.14993545

I don’t keep a diary, I keep a good memory.

>> No.14993628

i only write in my diary periodically

>> No.14993632

pretentious and cringe

based and minimalist

>> No.14993724

Persona 5 royal got released today but I have no time to play
I shouldn't keep on postponing my essay
Isa is still acting like a complete cunt towards me. If she is so tired of me why wont she break up?

>> No.14993810

it is hard for me to admit this but i must be honest with myself. the fact is that i am deeply in love with my 9 year old student, i spent most of my waking hours thinking about her, and when i go to sleep my dreams are composed of alternate realities where we are happily together. this has become a problem because i can hardly do my work, everytime she is close to me i have to make a huge effort to not appear too happy, this sucks. if she was an annoying child like so many girls her age it wouldnt be a problem and i would just ignore her, but for my disaster she is a very loving and affectionate little girl. i dont know if i can endure this much longer.

>> No.14993844
File: 500 KB, 500x333, animegirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a bit too personal, but basically it is an entry that states my realisation that i will have to suffer if i want to achieve the goals i value. give up my life as it is now, to make real progress for my life and future prosperity.

>> No.14993891

Lay off the anime for a while and reevaluate yourself

>> No.14993898

i dont watch anime, i just happened to post an anime girl.

>> No.14993914


>> No.14993952

thank you kind sir

>> No.14993970

O kind Goddess! Could you help me as well?

>> No.14994018

Oh dearest, please tell me why your posts have a majestic green glow around them. Who is this Goddess I hear of?

>> No.14994037


This stupid girl's look of disapproval is as annoying as it is irrelevant.

>> No.14994081


not trash

>> No.14994100

8:31 P.M.

I want to write a story about a disgusting American family. A family that is very ADHDesque, in that it does awful things without thinking about the consequences. An example: the family, being piggish gluts, look at their housecat and decide they want to try eating it to see how it tastes. Without thinking about the consequences of their actions they immediately start cooking then devouring it. When they finish they both agree that "it didn't actually taste that good." "That's too bad," they continue. "I wish we hadn't eaten our cat. It didn't taste too good, and now I miss her."
In summary: horror can come from witnessing atrocities committed on a caprice.

>> No.14994134

Holy fucking based
I want to read a diary written by a mentally retarded sociopathic cave person now. (It reminds me of that one section In the Savage Detectives. The big guy that punches people in the neck)

>> No.14994429

I have never had a diary but I thought about getting a book to write down my thoughts in before. Thing is I highly doubt the drivel I would put down would even be remotely interesting ten years later so I am thinking I could just write one sentence per day as a rule. Now my question is when is the best time to write your diary entry? Just before bed? seems to be the most obvious answer but maybe I am missing something.

>> No.14995570

>april 1st
>april 2
-no entries-

>> No.14995615

The neighbor came again today. He said he needed sugar, and I gave it to him.
I'm getting even more restless by the day. I can't sleep at night anymore-- I dreamed of her, again. The brown-haired, good-natured girl.
Who is she? I'm under the impression that I should know her, that we've been dating for months already. I know her different smiles, I know how she acts around me and I don't even remember her name.
My mind gets erased every time I wake up but my memory of her existence never fades away. I know she exists. Not only in my head but also in real-life.
I need to find out who she is and where she lives.

Next time, I'll ask her.

>> No.14995676
File: 75 KB, 500x678, MbAs4Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to beat up my best friend. I see him every day with his limp faggot wrists, his bad posture, his craned neck. When he eats he sounds like a horse, his lips are closed but the sound his spit makes is disgusting. I want to beat him to a pulp. I want to beat him bloody. I don't want him to die but I want him to be scared. I want him to know I hate him and I want him to know why. I won't do it though because I don't want to get in trouble.

I wish I could go back to seven or eight years ago when I was still discovering things. I miss coming across weird things on the internet and feeling a sense of wonder and curiosity. Nothing evokes that feeling in me anymore. Everything is the same and will be for the rest of my life. Even this pandemic, I feel like I should feel something bigger than I feel. All I feel is irritation from spending my whole day cloistered. I want to feel panic, I want to feel dread, I want to feel awe, I want to feel fear, I want to feel anything other than anger and irritation.

>> No.14995711 [DELETED] 

>Imam of Peace

Fuck yeah bro, love that muzzie

>> No.14995715 [DELETED] 

Sunni is the right way though.

>> No.14995716

My wife continues to be a wooden, sexless bore. Today, at least, I don't miss Jones, although I did think about her. She made a post on her Instagram story that was just sharing some song and nothing else. I thought about messaging her about it but came to my senses quickly. I did message Nigerian who I failed to respond to weeks ago. She did not respond, probably in spite, but I'm sure she will in due time. I'm so insanely jealous by how this girl acts. Going out of her way to tell me about the intense sexual escapades of her boyfriend and herself. I feel like I should have just had the affair with her when I had the chance, perhaps things would be different now and I'd be happier with her and divorced from my wife. I masturbated to Tran in shower because I miss her as well. I hadn't thought of her in some time and she popped up for little reason, probably because of the Vietnam travel videos I've been watching. She was so passionate in our short relationship. She really loved me. I wish I could fall out of love and fall out of lust. Constantly pining for all these women I've known, especially while married, is dangerous and cannot be good for my health. Off to another day of "essential" work.

>> No.14995733

To live is to struggle. It’s like I didn’t know this. For me to live was just to live. Then to live was to know. To uncover what was known. I pinched my nose and blew, as I saw in the cartoons, to spring up flowers from me. Some bloomed but soon died. It was not what I had imagined. And now I see that to live is to struggle. Who knew of this? How could it escape me. There’s still time. There’s still time. I repeat it to myself, it’s never too late. I kneel and lift my hands. I ask for strength, for consolation, for a vision of change. Allow me to see my Lord. Kiss my eyes and let me see. I want to bathe in the fountain at Elfrahim. My face, my hands, my whole body. If I dip my hands into cool water soon it sheds from my eyes, these tears of restlessness and intimacy.

>> No.14995773

I want to start a dairy but I have no idea if I should write about yesterday or just start from the present:/

>> No.14996473

dear diary
everyone who drinks straight out of the cans always test positive for coronavirus
I hope you get aids, diary!

>> No.14996532

>i hate that every entry is about her
>2 pages of autistic ranting about her

>> No.14996650


Another week in quarantine.

Almost like normal but it's not. Empty shocked city. Panic in everyone. Can’t go out and get breakfast. Can’t go out tonight. Stuck here forcing myself to what, be productive? The id and ego have something to say to you superego who demands this of us. We don’t work well under pressure. You need to do some stuff for work. Need to do some stuff in the house. Need to build yourself up to get the girl. Get the life you want.

Nice that H is gone. Your abrogation of responsibility is a breath of relief. Now there is hope where there was once numbness of a stillborn relationship. Hope of Meg however stupid and pointless and cringe. Cling to that while you are helpless and then when things improve you can figure it out.


Late night edition. The fear is staying. What are you doing?

The quarantine is getting to you edition. At least you are thinking about Meg rather than H. Not that that is much better.

Listen to future. Sitting alone being unproductive yet again. Not sure what the point is any more. Not sure why I should bother. Going crazy inside all day. Nothing to do. Everything to do. Whole life ahead of you and you are trapped in an addict spiral. Do you drop it all and go cold turkey, travel proved you could but you spent that time craving not growing. If you

That escalated quickly, moving out. This will go down as the most momentous March in memory, damn.


End of March tings. Hopefully you get that rental app signed. So scared of scams. Hope the place isn't shit. Hope you can do some work. Hope you can keep this up. G2 test needs to be passed.

Feeling pretty cozy despite everything. Eating healthy save the gut do more pushups walk more. Might go for a mid day joint. Fuck it.

Just when you think you have control you get more messages. Heart racing. H can't let go. You can't let go of Meg. Why do they message at the same time? How can you talk to both? So exhilarating but so painful. At least a pretty girl is wishing you a good sleep. What a time to be alive. 28.