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File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, sigmund-freud-9302400-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14991714 No.14991714 [Reply] [Original]

Why did anyone ever take this hack seriously?

>> No.14991736

you want to have sex with your mom

>> No.14991744

Because your greentext doesn't represent the whole freudian intellectual movement, which wasn't, you'll be surprised, just about fucking your mother.

>> No.14991762
File: 29 KB, 720x724, 1552081354289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is what freud do when he hears whenever some thot calls her crush daddy and whenever some coomer calls his crush mommy

>> No.14992144


>> No.14992153

>Why did anyone ever take this hack seriously?
Always trust the rich perverted jewish man projecting his faults onto you.

>> No.14992174

>this is all OP got from Freud

Uhmm OP we need to talk...

>> No.14992274

Y-yeah what a hack, r-right guys?

>Be me about a year ago
>Hanging out with friends of a friend
>A bunch of annoying white girls
>One is a cute
>(Really weird name though)
>A couple months later, we're dating
>Realize she reminds me constantly of my mom
>Like same mannerisms, interests, even looks similar
>concerning, but w/e
>On a whim decide to Google her name
>Thanks to Freud, everybody knows about Oedipus
>not so many know about Jocasta

I swear this shit doesn't happen to anybody else.

>She ended up breaking up with me, and I haven’t killed my dad as far as I know, so crisis averted for now (although there is a deadly plague threatening society...)

>> No.14992285

cool blog, faggot

>> No.14992286

I want to have sex with your mom too OP

>> No.14992464

Read the Culture of Critique

>> No.14992482
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i thought Freud was a hack too but then i realized he's right about everything, everyone does want to fuck their mommy/daddy

>> No.14992498

Freud will eventually be proven to be the most correct. He's still way ahead of our time.

>> No.14992579

Yes he also emphasized things like killing your dad

>> No.14992606


>> No.14992612

They're notorious perverts who are into scatology and incest. His exploration was of the jewish psyche.

>> No.14992640

He was right

>> No.14992657

Ok but can we talk about Freuds homeboy Reich now??

>> No.14992688

Trying reading past just the Oedipus complex, maybe you'll learn something

>> No.14992707
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“One Jewish lady was talking to the neighbor, and she said, “The psychoanalyst who is treating my son has said that my son suffers from an Oedipus complex.” And the neighbor lady said, “Oedipus schmoedipus! Doesn’t matter as long as he is a good boy and loves his mother!”

>> No.14992708


Freud is a foolproof filter for intellectual honesty. You can raise objections and disagreements with him but only along the lines of "psychoanalytic theory makes unfalsifiable claims and is therefore epistemically meaningless in a behaviorist framework etc. etc." but anyone who just says "eew no I don't want to have sex with my parent what the fuck is wrong with you?" is just an unintrospective prole who gets snickered at by the patrician who thinks to himself "methinks the lady doth protest too much"

>> No.14992726


It’s not like I would date two women in a row who are both 8 years older than me & both brunettes or anything

>> No.14992738

my favorite part was where he got epicly owned by fromm

>> No.14992770

Midwit cucks hate Freud

>> No.14993001
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He didn't mean your literal mom he meant your MOMMY GIRLFRIEND

>> No.14993447
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>he doesn't want to fuck his mom

>> No.14993679

Edward Bernays, Freud's nephew, successfully implemented Freud's psychoanalytic framework to mass marketing through targeting unconscious desires related to crowd mentality and became WILDLY successful for it. Freud, though a maximum overcucked glue drinker, was very much ahead of his time and just how far ahead he was continues to be understated, as his research is the foundation of most groundbreaking discoveries within psychoanalysis and psychology in general.

>> No.14993748

>face like a 15 year old girl
>body like a 12 year old boy
Is the shirt supposed to be ironic?

>> No.14993784
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He's right tho we all have a mother complex. This is hardly surprising given that our mothers are literally the matrix, knitting us together into bodily and psychic being. On the bodily level, our mother gestates us from the moment of conception, bathing us in her chemical signals, carrying us as her oxygen and nutrient-rich blood pulsates through us, her hormonal cascades keeping us in sync with the stages of intrauterine development, and finally tuning us exquisitely to the momentous event of our birth. After birth, her oxytocin bonds us to her in a state of blissful union. Slowly she awakens us to the world around us, infusing it with magic and wonder, so that everything around us is lit up by her love and pleasure, the flowers that she points out to us, the moon, all become aspects of her. For the rest of our lives, we will long to recapture that first romance, the lost paradise of her love.

>> No.14994390

The last 100 years nearly have been one big cope to get away from Freud's shadow of oppressive insight.

>> No.14994432

Jung was better

>> No.14994436

t.penis envy

>> No.14994437


>> No.14994438

Freud was a hack. Most people could see right through his jewishness that's why the goy Jung was needed. To glaze the message and make it more acceptable to goys.

>> No.14994450

i unironically wanted to have sex with my mom when i was a child though. but i lost interest when i grew up

>> No.14994454

Butterfly protect yourself or u might be infected!!!

>> No.14994462

Good morning

>> No.14994489

>I don't want to have sex with my mom so much that I'm going to make a thread about it
you aren't fooling anybody

>> No.14994498
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>> No.14994505


>> No.14994530

good morning

>> No.14994535
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>Why did anyone ever take this hack seriously?
Seriously tho did people back then? Did everyone back then go around thinking they secretly wanted to bang their parents? I'd probably kill myself

Even animals avoid incest unless there's literally no other option.

>> No.14994612
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My father is a clinical psychologist and I got him to read Culture of Critique and it completely changed his entire worldview about Freud (this chapter about psychoanalysis was his favourite one).
I feel proud for successfully redpilling a boomer.

>> No.14994855

the real question is how are academic works taking seriously? academics are too dumb for me to actually engage with their fields. they say the dumbest and prejudiced shit. basically ideology peddlers. i wish genuine intellectuals actually bothered to btfo these fucking snotbrained perfidious jew-wannabes.

>> No.14995479

I wish mommy gfs were more common bros

>> No.14995594

in that the "jewish" psyche is an inclination towards rebellion against God, and that depravity is the result of rebellion against God
the capacity for depravity exists within all men; that is part of what it means to be fallen
freud is excellent for understanding this corrupt state of mind

>> No.14995602
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Freud's a fucking hack, I want to fuck my sister

>> No.14995623
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how does one acquire a mommy gf

>> No.14995625

I think you're taking it a bit too literally.

>> No.14995870
File: 110 KB, 620x668, 1-pornhub-insights-2019-year-review-most-viewed-categories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He was right, Milf is the third most-viewed category on pornhub and first in canda. lol perv leefs

>> No.14995953

Freud universalised his own pathology into a elaborate system of desire that was (inevitably) wrong, but by exposing himself up in this way, he initiated a discourse about desire that would've otherwise been left unspoken.

Arguably Lacan's treatment of Freud was the proper application of his ideas, and he did that by locating those ideas in their true linguistic context, particularly in framing them as an understanding of the way we enter into a field of language, rather than being something internal to us that we acquire and develop independently. So "the father" of the oedipus complex is not really an internal, psychological phantasm that we have to slay, but rather the symbolic order of language that authoritatively mediates our relation to "the mother", or the imaginary (object-cause of desire, fantasy, etc.). Then, finally, there is the "me"– the final component of oedipus– which perpetually eludes signification, that only appears as the traumatic, ineffable, brutal remainder of the breaks, stutters and gaps in our language when we lose the ability to express ourselves when are overwhelmed or distressed.

>> No.14995961

my mother has big 28FF naturals and a huge PAWG ass and i still don't want to fuck her

>> No.14996058 [DELETED] 

Russian history and culture creates that mood.

>> No.14996059 [DELETED] 

why did you use a picture of harlan ellison for a russian lit thread? did you think the mirrored writing in the window was cyrillic?

>> No.14996062

I lived in Russia for a year. I had to leave because living there made me feel like killing myself.

>> No.14996084

Wanna hit me up with her number, anon?

>> No.14996090 [DELETED] 

it's called collective trauma

>> No.14996093

lets see what happens if you both get too drunk around each other one night

>> No.14996147
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I think that he wasn't correct on everything but he did have a really good point. I mean, I literally cry and have the most mindblowing orgasms when I ostensibly and profusely engage in masturbation with mother incest themes, especially when it's babytalk and the like. I'm not even joking right now; I have a full folder of more than 300 different audios and videos of mother-son incest and I've never had more intense orgasms from masturbation in my entire life of 22 years in this Earth. I literally cry (I'm not even joking right now) when I fap to some audio roleplays whereby I fantasize of a cute mommy taking care of me and jerking me off under the blanket while saying cutesy and heart-warming things at my ear. It really makes me feel loved and cared for, while at the same time all that taboo of it and the romance of it makes me extremely and tremendously horny, to the point of not only wildly intense orgasms but also an emotional feeling arising from the fantasy afterwards. It's actually pretty great AMA.

>> No.14996175

how's your relationship with your mom

>> No.14996223
File: 218 KB, 500x304, tumblr_prd6ylsxhP1v4a8wfo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how's your relationship with your mom
Right now it is extremely stranded and we fight all of the time; I absolutely detest her sometimes now. Back then we were cool and stuff and very loving but as time went on I started to notice her significant flaws and shortcomings and been getting into constant fights with her. The thing is though that I always hated my dad and stayed by my mom all the time and she started controlling me as in a real machiavelling sense not letting me do absolutely anything out of my own free will and straight out abusing and manipulating me: she made up stories against dad and always painted him as the evil guy while she sucked his money dry and our family unit fell apart. Also, when I was a kid she let me play with her big titties all the time and we slept together and that fucked me up pretty bad.

>> No.14996251

Anyone who smokes tobacco is based. Anyone who smokes weed is cringe. Anyone who doesn't smoke is a midwit.

>> No.14996259

All the good freud has been discarded, but the bad parts were kept. Civilization and its discontents is true. Kaczynski is right.

>> No.14996269

I smoke tobacco and hash. Weed is for efeminized faggots.

>> No.14996274

Because he tricked generations of people into wanting to fuck their mothers

>> No.14996283

Which Freud are we talking about?

>> No.14996295

He was very controversial.

>> No.14996315

you happen to be born in an era where it happens to be fashionable and easy to disregard past insights.
if you were born 100 years ago, you would be a rabid freudist.

>> No.14996320


>> No.14996354

Kek, I'll use it next shabbath dinner.

>> No.14996357


>> No.14996373
File: 343 KB, 1297x1600, AL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, Freud may be uncomfortable but his words strike true in this respect

>> No.14996396

True, you can see this in the Bible with how often Jews forget about and ignore god.

>> No.14996404

study judaism
you are not finished yet

>> No.14996416


>> No.14996421


>> No.14996434

nvm actually you're alright

>> No.14996474

>Anyone who doesn't smoke is a midwit
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of your lungs filling up with fluid.

>> No.14996944

>Why did anyone ever take this hack seriously?
they didn't
jewish 'academia' memed and memed and retards listened
then the jewish proxy states won wars and canonized their retarded horseshit

but this kike's ideas did help them understand the instincts of their victims and gave them some power to manipulate

>> No.14997193
File: 162 KB, 952x1466, Maud Gonne Macbride 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, even worse my mom noticed that all the girls i date look like her and she teases me about.

>> No.14997453

Can you coof on me, daddy?

>> No.14997637


>> No.14997648

His cultural criticism in Civilization & Its Discontents is pretty great.

Everything else I've read by him like his anthropology (Totem & Taboo), case studies (Dora) or his psychological theories (Essays on sexuality) have been pretty shit and completely wrong.

Any other recs on what to read by him?

>> No.14997703

brainlet take. You could voice the same criticism even without the reference to "da joos" and you'd still be a moron.

>> No.14997773 [DELETED] 

>Avoid suffering and seek pleasure

>> No.14997788

talk to one
before quarantine i was going to study a girl's house just to flirt with her mom

>> No.14998004

Study her house? So you'd park across the street with binoculars and take notes on how the roof was tiled or something?

>> No.14998013

This didn't happen. Nobody fucking names their daughter Jocasta. Next thing you'll be telling me you've met an Alcibiades.

>> No.14999052

shut the fuck up

>> No.14999077

Freud is a fucking hack, his daughter did more in terms of psychology than her father despite it being used for advertising and finical gain.

>> No.14999906

Well, seems like a very specific stereotype of the 'mother', not all women share this personality after birthing a child.

>> No.14999913 [DELETED] 
File: 701 KB, 897x598, TheWeather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It sucks that dementia is genetic, now I should put my boots on and... and..."
Arthur knew there was something he meant to do but as usual could not recall. Arthur took a nap, at peace with the sounds of falling snow.

>> No.14999914

cuz your sister is the motherly type for you maybe?

>> No.14999957

>always end up falling for artsy girls despite being a stemfag through and through
>my mom is an artist

>> No.14999971

go to bars for young people, any milf you see there wants to be a cougar.

>> No.14999984

He wasn't wrong, you know...

>> No.14999991

There is clearly something very intrinsic about the relationship from a mother and a son. When the child is born, notice that he is born crying. This is because he is fully aware that the first woman he or she has ever eaten out, is his own mother.

>> No.14999997

you want a mother's love but you unconsciously know that you are too old for the type of relationship you had back then and that you guys have been too shitty to each other to have that type of relationship, so you fall back on the other type of love that you know: romantic love, fulfilled by sex.

>> No.15000014


>> No.15000027
File: 54 KB, 1080x1080, 16110762_125153451326227_7609113874347851776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based, i want to be a cute boi, so in that way i can have a mommy gf

>> No.15000033

how to destroy your frontal lobe and all female relationships right here

>> No.15000034

(((freudian intellectual movement)))

>> No.15000062

>productive for ten hours straight.

Don't worry, 99.9% of people don't come anywhere close to that. You noted how people just kind of gloss over all that time, and it's a good thing to note. It's because most people are productive for a most 2 hours a day, and many not even that. Most people spend their day trying to appear to be busy and playing politics. Some have learned to avoid attention and scrutiny, others have taken to dramatizing the smallest acts. In most cases people create busy work that will easily fill hours of time accomplishing nothing, but making them look busy.

All of this leaves the real work, which does exist, not done and out of focus. The modern work place is misnamed, it's simply public schools with less learning.

>> No.15000063
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I hate this nigger more than anything I credit him for ruining my life fuck him. My mother has her doctorate in cognitive psychology and is a major devotee of Freud and his teachings regarding sex. She took everything that retarded projecting cokehead pervert said as gospel and utilized it in raising me. You people don't have any idea what it is like to be raised by a single mother who has drunk the koolaid on psychoanalysis and newer models of computational neuroscience wholesale.
Because my mother thought she was so goddamn smart I of course as her proginey had to be smart too though not as smart as her, obviously. so when I was five years old she was already drilling the libido crap that dr nigger freud set up as his Unmoved Mover into my skull. My mother would always bavble about Oedipus and how I had an oral fixation, and how it was good i didn't have a father around to be jealous of him having sex with her even though I was only eight and just wanted to play with fucking bionicles. Do you have any idea what this does to your mind? Having to be bombarded by nigger cigarman's insane narratives amd baseless explanations for basic human behavior all day every day? Being told by my own mother who granted has fairly ample breasts and shapely body that I'd definitely call an archetype for fertility that I need to sublimate my desire to sleep with her by getting laid as soon as possible, and saying it the way other mothers ask their children how was your day at school? And then of course there was the time when she herself introduced me to porn at the age of eleven. Literally sat me down, brought up some pornsite, and said 'Now, anon, you need use this because it's a healthy outlet for your sexuality and will help you not develop any neuroses about me during these crucial years of puberty teehee.' How the fuck did she expect me NOT to immediately develop a mommy-fetish and waste my adolescence glued to a screen where I could watch whatever woman looked the closest to her get DP'd by niggers that no doubt dr nigger-pseud himself would commend as the apex of male sexuality? Yes of course I'm a virgin in my 20s and how I went through all this and avoided the tranny meme is beyond me.
I hate freud with a singular, ultimate hatred. Oh and of course I'm circumcised even though we were never religious because 'lol anon all my colleagues at jew mcjewy institute of judaism said it was the healthiest thing to do, physically and psychologically!' fuck psychology and liberated sex and academia and most importantly FUCK freud.

>> No.15000101
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>> No.15000111
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>so tell me anon, why do you want to fuck your mother?

>> No.15000135
File: 445 KB, 3264x2448, 1e5f5054d42da7160f230cf8d1a1bc4ff9c7828f4732ede9a1ad82e9653689c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make a good point, and certainly Freud should share the blame, but this seems more than anything a single mom thing. She wanted you to bang her.

>> No.15000136 [DELETED] 

Because sociology is a turning away from philosophy. It is a step toward saying the ontological has little bearing on phenomena premised on the human mind.

>> No.15000139

Isaiah Berlin BTFO Joseph de Maistre

>> No.15000141

Jesus fucking christ, this isn't really Freud's fault though anon, your mom sounds like she would've been a raging bitch to grow up with regardless of him, and you're definitely missing a fatherly figure to idolize in your life.

If your mother still looks good, I hope she gets drunk one day and you end up hate-fucking the shit out of her so hard you can finally feel a little bit content with yourself.

>> No.15000241

>all these cringe dudes larping as sufi mystics (pbuh)

>> No.15000243

Same. I genuinely wanted to fuck my mom when I was 12. Snapped out of it quickly though.

>> No.15000253

Why was this guy so obsessed with dicks?

>> No.15000258
File: 133 KB, 1216x827, 1575353413012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam anon that sucks pics of your mom tho??

>> No.15000271

is ur mom hot ?

>> No.15000604

thanks for the take dfw

>> No.15001083

How about the Jungian criticism of Freud being too reductivist and short-sighted?

>> No.15001287

>He did this at the start of the book to filter you and other "serious thinkers" (IE. humourless redditors) from the actual meat of it

> I was merely pretending to be an idiot

You find it emboldening to sabotage bridge-heads?

>> No.15001293

Hi not to be rude or anything but can u give me ur moms number?

>> No.15001315

dude i gotta say that here in my beloved country it is not an uncommon name among the elderly

>> No.15002441

is the role of female sexuality not basically a replacement for your mom?

serious question

>> No.15002456

Anna Freud is BASED
Is your mother a practicing psychoanalyst? Either way, sounds like she's retarded and has her own issues. A psychoanalyst shouldn't raise their child very differently from anyone else.

>> No.15002495

>My mother would always bavble about Oedipus and how I had an oral fixation, and how it was good i didn't have a father around to be jealous of him having sex with her even though I was only eight and just wanted to play with fucking bionicles.
Shit, your mum never let you have Bionicles? That's a fucking travesty man, she should be locked up for child abuse. There isn't a single child who isn't more psychologically well-adjusted because he got given a Pohatu or Kopaka for Christmas. And none of that later "Toa metru" or "Piraka" shit from the later releases, i mean the OG Mata Nui sets. Kids these days have no idea what they're missing. It also had the deepest lore out of any kids toys I've ever seen, I still remember so much of the mythology.

>> No.15002955

Lol you life sucks brah, kill you mom and ravage her cunt, or other way round, this will ease your pain.

>> No.15004059

very based.

>> No.15004487
File: 111 KB, 675x1200, 1524118526322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time and only time in my life I had an actually 'Oedipus complex' moment was when I was about 15 or 16, and that is the exact moment my mom went spiraling down hill like an avalanche of misery.
All my friends used to like me because my mom was hot.
Now she's pretty much lost her mind, shits herself every now and again, has a flat triangle ass, just gets fatter in the center.

I want to fuck my 'mom' but would throw up and probably kill myself if it were my actual mom. I'd love to fuck my 'sister' too, but my only sister is s half sister and not even 6. My only girlfriend was 6 years ago and now my cousin looks just like her. I don't know anymore man, mom is a brunette, but blondes are where it's at.
post mom

>> No.15004497


>> No.15004519

thats not about Freud

Its about your mother being psychopath

>> No.15004548
File: 616 KB, 1024x585, Heremembers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

יז הַס כָּל-בָּשָׂר, מִפְּנֵי יְהוָה--כִּי נֵעוֹר, מִמְּעוֹן קָדְשׁוֹ.


>> No.15004583

Because they wanted to have sex with their moms and wanted to justify it.

I want to have sex with your mom

>> No.15004801

Because he made a major discovery; the sub-conscious.

>> No.15004845
File: 644 KB, 1044x793, 1536731318440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man shut the hell up, your replies are playing you for a faggot because they're cringe and bluepilled little niggers

>> No.15005206
File: 19 KB, 441x302, 747f58c55390f26aa9896330c4176ef8d7d5d460v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then of course there was the time when she herself introduced me to porn at the age of eleven.

>> No.15005216

You sound like you belong more to r9k than lit. Have you visited that place yet? IT's great.

>> No.15005797

why not date you're own mom?

>> No.15005813

This post is fucking embarrassing

>> No.15005841

Fucking degenerate kill yourself

>> No.15005975


>> No.15006132

I feel for you, anon. You remind me of a friend of mine who also hates his mother, who now happens to hate me and blocked my number right after texting me a very resentful rant with a passion very similar to your post, clearly trying to make me hate myself as much as he hates himself.

I genuinely hope you come to your senses one day and stop identifying yourself with your anger and all other madnesses. There's no reason for you to be like this. Your mother acted according to what she thought was the right course of action. She didn't mean to hurt you, even if she did in fact make a lot of mistakes in her life and didn't truly understand you. But would you blame a cat for not being able to learn how to read or write? It's not your fault, but it's not your mother's fault either, because she didn't know what she was doing.

>> No.15006248


I think some people make this mistake after watching Century of The Self, which I get, but it's wrong.

Bernays didn't apply Freudian symbols to advertising. He just realised that you should play to people's emotions in commercials, rather than just explaining the practical utility of the product.

So, let's say there's an ad where a hot woman is talking to a man about his car. She gasps at the car, and enthusiastically says to him, "And just how many INCHES is it?"

The common misreading here is that the advertisement is emotionally appealing because of the subtle Freudian trigger, where our unconscious fuses the inches of the car with the inches of our penises, and hence our sexual potency, and the woman's sexual interest in us, etc.

That's wrong.

The reason the ad works is because it tells a story where having a car means a hot woman will give you attention.

I know it's not exciting, but that's what it is. Bernays knew ads should appeal to novel, heightened emotions that would leave an impression on viewers. He wasn't trying to hide little symbols in the ads or anything like that.

>> No.15006319

Imagine creating a whole new "scientific" field based on calling people motherfuckers. The balls on this guy.

>> No.15006333

kek based

>> No.15006342


>> No.15006478

Both readings of that ad are valid, nothing subtle about that "inches" comment. The identification of the car with your dick is overt.

>> No.15006819

study to*, faggot

>> No.15007846

I'm sorry anon

>> No.15008660

He was a prude, meant to protect his own innocence.

>> No.15008788

That sounds like what happened to Bruno in The Elementary Particles.

>> No.15008789
File: 12 KB, 474x474, digits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about:
>They don’t realize that we are bringing them the plague.

>> No.15008809
File: 16 KB, 419x431, feelzbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Freud thought that psychoanalysis were legit then he should have had no objection to being psychoanalyzed himself.

>> No.15008813


>> No.15008822

Well has that been disproved by anyone yet?

>> No.15008831
File: 36 KB, 1349x455, Good Morning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15009195

fun fact, one of the netflix founders is a descendant of freud

>> No.15009541
File: 888 KB, 1095x939, ahahahahaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not sure if he's right for a majority of people. As for me? I'm going to straight to hell.
>half-sister moved away when i was only 6
>started whacking it to her when she came to visit, desperately wanted her affection
>stopped sleeping in my mom and dad's bed at age 9
>whacked it to her for a few years before snapping out of it by age 13
>second cousins are all hot fucking blondes, absolutely stunning and extremely religious and traditional
>whacked off at grandpa's funeral at age 13 to them
>ended up having a year long string of nightmares about deformed babies
>researched the hell out of congenital malformations
>now have a huge fetish for making a big fucked up family tree on purpose
>the x-files episode home made me coom incredibly hard
>my only friend in school and i would draw comics about a fetus-cannibalizing incest family
>we both bonded solely because of our mutual interest in JRPGs and incest
>both fucked up losers, he got on meth and died, i'm on my way
Take me oh Lord, I'm ready for judgment. I ain't proud but I ain't shy.

>> No.15009566

Yes hello, this is god. I placed uncontrollable sinful desires in you, now go to hell.

>> No.15009591

actually murder her anon, that would be the principled thing to do

>> No.15009605
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But aren't we supposed to control our dark desires? Push them back into the furthest depths of the mind until they barely peek out now and again in some frightful wet dream that you quickly forget? I mean, I've controlled mine for the most part, in terms of not acting on them precisely, but I certainly "act on them" in a self-gratifying way. God may or may not have placed uncontrollable sinful desires in us but he certainly expects us to choose to overcome them, right? So I've failed and I've learned to accept failure. I don't revel in it like I used to and sometimes I wish I had the freedom of say, Chris Chan, to just shed any self-consciousness and live the life I've dreamed of by getting married, having daughters, and making a long chain of sweet home cookin' with them.

>> No.15009863

sounds like natural ethnic preference but ok

>> No.15009873

second cousins are ok, the risk for genetic disseases is very low

>> No.15009882
File: 42 KB, 646x595, 1BB8C0F5-B1E9-4834-80F3-2D5D47EA587F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no I don’t! What are you t-talking about?!

>> No.15011094


This is a /lit/ exclusive.

>> No.15011284
File: 671 KB, 1076x1450, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now have a huge fetish for making a big fucked up family tree on purpose
>JRPGs and incest
The japs have taught you well I see

>> No.15011609
