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/lit/ - Literature

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1499007 No.1499007 [Reply] [Original]

Poetry is hyperdimensional language, and if you don't like it. and you think that lame-ass forms like novels and prose have any fucking relevancethen you can literally kiss my fucking arse. Seriously, leave your adress, I'll come round and eventually your lips will be on my fuckimg ringpiece, whether you like it or not.
Anyway, why fuck about with prose when a poem can dissect your entire fucking existence with one line that will break your brain in a trillion ways? I mean, look at Byron: he fuxx0red his sister. How hardcore do you wany it?

tl;dr why prose? it's just a fad.

>> No.1499028

What's a fad? Is it like a homosexual with a speech impediment?

>> No.1499035

Finnegan's wake

>> No.1499043

because poetry isn't the vehicle for expressing everything

your post OP is one example of that

>> No.1499069
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I Hear an Army Charging Upon the Land

I hear an army charging upon the land,
And the thunder of horses plunging, foam about their knees:
Arrogant, in black armour, behind them stand,
Disdaining the reins, with fluttering whips, the charioteers.

They cry unto the night their battle-name:
I moan in sleep when I hear afar their whirling laughter.
They cleave the gloom of dreams, a blinding flame,
Clanging, clanging upon the heart as upon an anvil.

They come shaking in triumph their long, green hair:
They come out of the sea and run shouting by the shore.
My heart, have you no wisdom thus to despair?
My love, my love, my love, why have you left me alone?

James Joyce

Fuck Finnegan's fucking Wake.


I'm not currently trying to express myself artistically. If i were, I wouldn't waste my time or yours by producing a thousand pages of quaisi-grammatical literary masturbation, then selling it on Oprah.

>> No.1499085

The novel is the most commercial form of literature. you don't sell copies of Wordsworth at the airport.

This applies to Cormac McCarthy just as much as John Grisham.


>> No.1499096


expression is expression; artistry is only part of the point

there are benefits to the literary narrative poetry lacks;

i haven't read finnegans wake but i have read ulysses which is also quite long and also well worth it

>> No.1499102


>> No.1499105


there's more to literature than commerce

if you think otherwise you've missed the point

joyce wasn't even popular in his lifetime

>> No.1499115


I'm not saying there's no point to novels: they pass the time if nothing else. But if you actually want to express something "accurately", using words, then poetry is the only medium which offers any possibility of success

>> No.1499118


define "accurately"

i would think non-fiction would qualify the best for that, in most circumstances

>> No.1499134
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Joyce isn't that popular after his lifetime either. I ain't hatin' on old Jimmy, but y'know, I is jus' saying.

Dan Brown sold more copies of his books while I was typing this post than James Joyce has ever sold in the whole of his publishing career, alive or dead.

Sobering thought or not?

>> No.1499142


Non-fiction is biased, by virtue of editing or selection.

Poetry is "accurate", because each reader brings their own conception of "accuracy" in response to the the inherent ambiguity of poetry.

>> No.1499143


well to me it's irrelevant

people buy dan brown and listen to lady gaga and vote for gwbush and people like him

it's just saying what we already know; most people are average, by definition

and the numbers go with them; let it be

it doesn't mean the good stuff isn't appreciated

quality > quantity?

>> No.1499145


editing or selection?

as if poetry isn't edited or selected? or what do you even mean by this

right now we're having a non-fiction based conversation

it's neither "edited or selected" as far as i can tell

>> No.1499146

Maybe Dan could write the James Joyce Code?

>> No.1499153


if they bring their own concept of accuracy to the ambiguities of poetry then the term accuracy has just lost all its meaning

>> No.1499168


I meant that in order to write "non-fiction", you have to define what is fiction, and what isn't. And nobody really believes that non-fiction isn't at least a bit made up.

Poetry can't be faked: it either speaks to your soul or it doesn't.

>> No.1499175
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No: The concept of 'accuracy' just acquired poetic truth.

>> No.1499180

Didn't Wordsworth fuck his sister as well?

>> No.1499185

Je m'appelle Baudelaire. Ton argument n'est plus valide.

>> No.1499218
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You're not baudelaire, and there's fuck all wrong with my argument, you repugnant, snail eating monstrosity.

Rimbaud would fuck up Baudelaire any day of the week: it would be like the Silver Surfer versus The Thing. Everyone would be like: wowowowowow this will be exciting, Then all like soniamdisappoint.jpg cos The Thing is dead in less than a picosecond.

Sorry, what were we talking about before superheroes? I get distracted easily...

>> No.1499230

Rimbaud was an angsty little boy, who never really understood what it meant to be a Symbolist.
If anything he's responsible for the very painful death of a much greater poet. Paul Verlaine.

>> No.1499231

>Rimbaud would fuck up Baudelaire any day of the week
like literally, up the butt

cause he was gay

like all great writers

>> No.1499237


Come to think of it, why didn't the Silver Surfer just arse-rape the Fantastic Four, leave the Earth for Galactus' dinner, and then just fuck off?

And where were Iron Man and the Avengers and all the rest of the super-cunts, now I think about it for a second longer? I mean, a planet eating super-being that has perhaps the most potent metahuman merely as a herald, and the whole world rests on the fucking Fantastic Four, FFS? They're not even that fucking fantastic if you think about it.

Anyway, back on topic - this poem says more about Raymond Carver's career than anything else he ever wrote:


No other word will do. For that's what it was.Gravy.
Gravy, these past ten years.
Alive, sober, working, loving, and
being loved by a good woman. Eleven years
ago he was told he had six months to live
at the rate he was going. And he was going
nowhere but down. So he changed his ways
somehow. He quit drinking! And the rest?
After that it was all gravy, every minute
of it, up to and including when he was told about,
well, some things that were breaking down and
building up inside his head. "Don't weep for me,"
he said to his friends. "I'm a lucky man.
I've had ten years longer than I or anyone
expected. Pure Gravy. And don't forget it."


>> No.1499240
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A poet and a killer. |No wonder they made all those First Blood movies about the motherfucker. He was badass.

>> No.1499257

French poetry, on my /lit/ !

You make a Frenchman proud !

>> No.1499266

yeah your country is cool

adopted my great grandpappy few centuries

now i get to tell people i'm a Lanier

>> No.1499271

>few centuries ago

>> No.1499297


We pwn at literature, that is something I have yet to see disproved :-)

>> No.1499318
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pic related

>> No.1499332


Molière, Corneille, Racine = 3
Shakespeare = 1


>> No.1499456

Corneille isn't very interesting, in my opinion. Ergo, he doesn't count.

And the English language also gets to lay claim to Christopher Marlowe and John Milton.

3 > 2

>> No.1499630

FYI, Shakespeare has the highest literary power level; you can't just assign the same value to each writer. And then we have plenty of other writers, including Joyce, probably the best behind Shakespeare.

>> No.1499649
File: 35 KB, 301x438, whitman6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
I am large, I contain multitudes."
Pic fucking related

>> No.1499650

Lots of British people full of shit in here.

Molière and Racine both pwn Shakespeare.
Until you learn French, your arguments are irrelevant.

You can't judge a translation.

French literature is the greatest, sorry folks.
I'll gladly admit we suck at building ships at trading goods and maintaining an empire, but literature is ours.

>> No.1499750


Oh but I can't be bothered to get into this shit really, but y'know, Christopher Marlowe much. Webster? Fletcher? Jonson? All that Revenger's Tragedy shit? Anyway, these bitches words will be read out your funerals, whether you like it or fucking not, cunts.

They shall not grow old
I did it My way

>> No.1499773


Sorry buddy, we're talking god tier writers here.

As far as god tier playwrights go, I'm only accepting Shakespeare of all those that got quoted so far for the English speaking world.
Maybe Marlowe, but that's a bit of a stretch, it's not that memorable.

>> No.1499785


Actually, the French rock at building ships. All the best ships at the battle of Trafalgar had French names British crews though,which is why they kicked froggie ass. It was a widely held belief thar the French built the best ships, and the worst sailors. So then the British, who are essentially robbers, thieves and pirates, stole a load of French ships, raeped and moidered the crews then painted the ships black and yellow and raeped napoleon agin an agnin and then Nelson was all liek oh noes i is ded res plox hardy

>> No.1499790


Yeah, truth be told we have very prestigious docks for that. Colbert took care of it in the XVIIth century

>> No.1499799


If you don't think that Doctor Faustus is better than King Lear, Macbeth and The Merry Wives of Windsor, all put together, then you're just a fucking cunt, and you should go and shit in your own mouth. Marlowe owns Shakespeare so badly that the entire shakespeare family changed their name out of pure and total shame.

tl;dr Marlowe = Shakespeare's fucking jail daddy/bubba

>> No.1499805


Now that's what i call literary criticism.

>> No.1499807


>> No.1499813


My all time Shaky favourite is Midsummer Night's Dream and Richard III, and I didn't really like those you mentioned.

However, I wouldn't rate Marlowe quite that high.

In any event... Molière & Racine own everybody, and that's all there is to it.

>> No.1499820



Now what?

>> No.1499831
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>> No.1499833



>> No.1499854


You know absolutely nothing, you garlic munching piece of shit. All French literature, no matter how "avant-garde"is designed to please the bourgeoisie, who are programmed from primary school to believe that they like the avant-garde, and only the French can provide that cutting-edge shi that they need. This produces Robe-Grilet and Perec,and little of real value,

There was that movie where that bitch got jjust raped and raped and he was banging her head against the flor and just raping the shit out of her. Irreversible or whatever. That was alright.sticier villas

>> No.1500587


herp derp, we are talking God tier playwrights here, babby, not XXth century film makers and writers.

Also, the bourgeoisie did not really exist in Molière's time, herp derp, and nobles seldom went to "primary school's, jesuits were there for that.

You herped so much in a single blurb it's almost funny.

By the way, using the word avant garde in English automatically makes you a faggot when you don't know what you are talking about; just sayin'