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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 228x221, 1585610057033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14989302 No.14989302 [Reply] [Original]

This is my last post. Yes. I'm completely serious. You see, I'm not who you all think I am. Not at all. Currently, I'm a writer for Washington Post, living in a small studio apartment, always looking for the next big story, barely scraping by sometimes. I was asked several months ago by my editor to do a piece on the so-called 'shitpost' community on 4chan that seems to become more and more popular by the day. Initially, I was intrigued. The humor was bizarre, yet interesting. Nonsensical, yet genius. I spent several months interacting with people who were completely unknown to me, learning the culture, what was "cool" and what wasn't. Eventually, I began to make my own posts, testing the waters now and then. And eventually my own posts started getting noticed, and maybe for a minute or two I understood why you all do this. But that didn't last long. And with time, I began to notice how stale the content truly was. How the same 'memes' could be spammed over and over again, and still get massive amounts of attention. And I also began to notice something else. The viciousness with which you attacked each other. The semi-constant bullying and harassment. Each day, it made me even more sickened than before, to the point where you people made me start questioning everything about reality and what I knew about it. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I was drinking 2 bottles of milk every night. But, finally, my mission is complete. Tomorrow, we will be publishing a comprehensive guide on this board, potentially exposing some of your members' most well kept secrets. I'm never coming back to this shit hole site, but before I leave, I just want to let you know you all make me sick.

>> No.14989317
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>> No.14989325 [DELETED] 


>> No.14989347

>got banned (completely wrongfully) for 30 days
>think to myself that ive had it with this retarded waste of time site with its moronic userbase and pointless streams of endless shitposting as well as a moderator base that persecutes the baltic people
>end up coming back 5 days later and now phonepost like an animal
This place is cursed. Its been over a decade now...i cant leave

>> No.14989350

make sure you mention how much I hate myself.

>> No.14989362

>I was drinking 2 bottles of milk every night.
The horror

>> No.14989366

Cringe. You'll probably actually quit and are a glaringly obvious redditor.

Compare this to the new year resolution quitter who made like 15 threads and didn't bother with an explanation.

>> No.14989379

didn't read, goodbye

>> No.14989386

always remember that you're here forever.
see you tomorrow, faggot.

>> No.14989402

Put me in the screencap bro

>> No.14989503
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To /lit/ specifically? Do you talk about Liveblog?

>> No.14989515
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Great thread, thanks Washington Post, hope your boipuccis stay safe from defactoried amazon robots

>> No.14989518
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>> No.14989524
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Expose the pseuds, OP.

>> No.14989529


>> No.14989545

Meghead here, think I speak for everyone when I ask you to gift wrap yourself.

>> No.14989548

It's a well-known pasta. It's already been posted on numerous boards, including /tv/, /sci/ and /pol/. If you fall for this you're an idiot.

>> No.14990036
File: 485 KB, 1047x817, 1585610112912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I google search I did not find anything .

>> No.14990396

>bad rp
play along idiot

>> No.14991138
File: 13 KB, 454x520, 1521822852734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is my last post. Yes. I'm completely serious. You see, I'm not who you all think I am. Not at all. Currently, I'm a writer for Washington Post, living in a small studio apartment, always looking for the next big story, barely scraping by sometimes. I was asked several months ago by my editor to do a piece on the so-called 'shitpost' community on 4chan that seems to become more and more popular by the day. Initially, I was intrigued. The humor was bizarre, yet interesting. Nonsensical, yet genius. I spent several months interacting with people who were completely unknown to me, learning the culture, what was "cool" and what wasn't. Eventually, I began to make my own posts, testing the waters now and then. And eventually my own posts started getting noticed, and maybe for a minute or two I understood why you all do this. But that didn't last long. And with time, I began to notice how stale the content truly was. How the same 'memes' could be spammed over and over again, and still get massive amounts of attention. And I also began to notice something else. The viciousness with which you attacked each other. The semi-constant bullying and harassment. Each day, it made me even more sickened than before, to the point where you people made me start questioning everything about reality and what I knew about it. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I was drinking 2 bottles of milk every night. But, finally, my mission is complete. Tomorrow, we will be publishing a comprehensive guide on this board, potentially exposing some of your members' most well kept secrets. I'm never coming back to this shit hole site, but before I leave, I just want to let you know you all make me sick.

>> No.14991242
File: 315 KB, 750x675, 007DBA63-613E-4899-9A3F-A80FE3208105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I am tired of all these S.O
Yjak poster. You guys ruined any form of discussion on 4channel . jannies need to purge you guys like the insect you are. But at last I fall for your trap . All you you want is ( yous) . I am leaving for real

>> No.14991318

>the absolute state of journalism
YOU just don't know how to use this place

>> No.14991349
File: 66 KB, 999x877, E633986A-2D91-4BD0-8191-F0DD5083DA98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok boomer.
crackled cold
Cracked a cold
At nine o’clock
Tossed my cap
On the couch
Crunching chimney
Feast of bones.

“Conquistadors” I heard someone call, I turned around to look and I felt a warm caress running down my cheek, it was a metal bat right on my head, blood down my face. I saw myself falling and I kept telling my body, “get up! Get up!” It was there I heard the accordion and carnival faces walking to and fro. Naked women dancing with their arms swaying back and forward, their breast bouncing as they jumped. The accordion kept on playing a fast paced French song, while some one sang “Polka, polka”. A group of young men came by with their shirts in their heads, carrying Christ on top of them, singing in unison“ we are going to eat his body/ we are going to drink his blood” one of them looked at me, “hey, you see that hill? Moot is waiting for you there”. As I walked the hill became a head with arms and feet, it stretched its mouth open. “going to be gaped” a women said in between giggles. To my right I saw a giant man standing with a suit, and behind him more giants walking by. I began to focus on the giants when a roar disrupted me, “Christ has the spear! Christ has the spear! He has escaped!” I looked around and the carnival had turned into a debauchery for demons.
“You thought I wouldn’t, you thought I would, either way I’m not your guy”

>> No.14991602

eat shit, op

>> No.14992329

Eat his >>14991602 shit OP

>> No.14992357

Could be real, could be fake, but it feels so pasta it should be in italian

>> No.14992376
File: 66 KB, 536x406, whoareyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an anonymous basket-weaving forum.

>> No.14992890

Nice try, WashPo stooges. Your perfidy will see the light of day soon. I'm looking forward to Prime Video feeds of each Washington Post journalist relinquished to an autonomous factory to be distributed and packaged by the pitiless machines.

>> No.14993124 [DELETED] 

>And I also began to notice something else. The viciousness with which you attacked each other. The semi-constant bullying and harassment.

How did it take you that long? It's noticeable from the outset you retard.

>> No.14993131

OP here. I can't resist

>> No.14993410

Your "article" that will be read by 15 people. My shitposts have more value and in contrast to you Im a real writer.

>> No.14993415

See you next week

>> No.14993684

Hi there fren

>> No.14993797

imagine losing sleep over this website lmao what a fucking pussy

>> No.14993833

This is the gay

>> No.14994080

send your article, filtered one

>> No.14994091


>> No.14994440

You're making me hard.

>> No.14994452

It was great, and is especially relevant now.

>> No.14994453

don't forget to mention me in the article

>> No.14994524

>I was drinking 2 bottles of milk every night
BAHAHAHA what a fucking pussy faggot.

>doesnt realise theres dozens if not hundreds of the exact same thing all over the internet

>> No.14994551
File: 7 KB, 223x226, 1561477133135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me in the screencap

>> No.14994569
File: 36 KB, 1024x576, rwewr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You see, I'm not who you all think I am. Not at al

>> No.14995085

K see you next week

>> No.14995970 [DELETED] 

>tfw there are actually two people in this house who have been feeling pressure on their chests the past days
send help

>> No.14995974

>This is my last post. Yes. I'm completely serious. You see, I'm not who you all think I am. Not at all. Currently, I'm a writer for Washington Post, living in a small studio apartment, always looking for the next big story, barely scraping by sometimes. I was asked several months ago by my editor to do a piece on the so-called 'shitpost' community on 4chan that seems to become more and more popular by the day. Initially, I was intrigued. The humor was bizarre, yet interesting. Nonsensical, yet genius. I spent several months interacting with people who were completely unknown to me, learning the culture, what was "cool" and what wasn't. Eventually, I began to make my own posts, testing the waters now and then. And eventually my own posts started getting noticed, and maybe for a minute or two I understood why you all do this. But that didn't last long. And with time, I began to notice how stale the content truly was. How the same 'memes' could be spammed over and over again, and still get massive amounts of attention. And I also began to notice something else. The viciousness with which you attacked each other. The semi-constant bullying and harassment. Each day, it made me even more sickened than before, to the point where you people made me start questioning everything about reality and what I knew about it. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I was drinking 2 bottles of milk every night. But, finally, my mission is complete. Tomorrow, we will be publishing a comprehensive guide on this board, potentially exposing some of your members' most well kept secrets. I'm never coming back to this shit hole site, but before I leave, I just want to let you know you all make me sick.

>> No.14995978 [DELETED] 

i woke up with a sore throat

>> No.14995980

You won't be seeing anyone tomorrow other than a doctor

>> No.14996124 [DELETED] 

It's called being russian and all the depression that that entails; ever seen images of rural russia and thought "wow, that sure isn't depressing at all"? Now imagine this but worse in 19th century russia.

>is there a country that produced some kind of large corpus of highly optimistic literature?
The United States. Our literature is considerably more bloomer-tier than literally any other european one I know of. Maybe spanish or latin american literature has a ton of bloomer stuff too, idk.

>> No.14997086
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>> No.14997274

>This is my last post. Yes. I'm completely serious. You see, I'm not who you all think I am. Not at all. Currently, I'm a writer for Washington Post, living in a small studio apartment, always looking for the next big story, barely scraping by sometimes. I was asked several months ago by my editor to do a piece on the so-called 'shitpost' community on 4chan that seems to become more and more popular by the day. Initially, I was intrigued. The humor was bizarre, yet interesting. Nonsensical, yet genius. I spent several months interacting with people who were completely unknown to me, learning the culture, what was "cool" and what wasn't. Eventually, I began to make my own posts, testing the waters now and then. And eventually my own posts started getting noticed, and maybe for a minute or two I understood why you all do this. But that didn't last long. And with time, I began to notice how stale the content truly was. How the same 'memes' could be spammed over and over again, and still get massive amounts of attention. And I also began to notice something else. The viciousness with which you attacked each other. The semi-constant bullying and harassment. Each day, it made me even more sickened than before, to the point where you people made me start questioning everything about reality and what I knew about it. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I was drinking 2 bottles of milk every night. But, finally, my mission is complete. Tomorrow, we will be publishing a comprehensive guide on this board, potentially exposing some of your members' most well kept secrets. I'm never coming back to this shit hole site, but before I leave, I just want to let you know you all make me sick.

>> No.14997349

Then leave. Pretty simple solution.

>> No.14997361
File: 2.32 MB, 720x405, ugleh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't add the piss bottle story I'll be sad, bud

>> No.14997372

see you tomorrow hahaha ;)

>> No.14997491
File: 127 KB, 782x758, 1565946087973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know what I am tired of all these S.O
>Yjak poster. You guys ruined any form of discussion on 4channel . jannies need to purge you guys like the insect you are. But at last I fall for your trap . All you you want is ( yous) . I am leaving for real

>> No.14997844
File: 494 KB, 500x187, FILM_WALKEN_PROPHECY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you should've stayed on your containment board >>>/r9k/ faggot

Like Cortez, one must burn one's tendies on the shore behind you