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14984996 No.14984996 [Reply] [Original]

Everything I know about philosophy, I learned from him.

>> No.14985008

In other words, you know nothing about philosophy.

>> No.14985011

Hi Greg, nice video. Why have you used the same intro for so long?

>> No.14985021

lose some weight you fucking retard

>> No.14985038

Penn teller?

>> No.14985046

he knows everything about philosophy but his fencesitting and lack of passion makes him annoying sometimes. ask him a question in a QandA and he'll always do the same schtick
>Well, it depends who you ask/ Well, it depends which one you're talking about

Also when he calls himself an 'eclectic'. Yawn. He's a stoic interested in virtue ethicism. Not an 'eclectic'

>> No.14985050

Did you learn who did Bobby lupo?

>> No.14985056

make a biopic called 20 years an adjunct

>> No.14985121

Brainlets too cowardly to go poke the Milwaukee Minotaur on jewtube or twatter. How the mighty 4chin anonymous has fallen.

>> No.14985129

Dude has a shelf of deluze and doesn’t talk about any of it.

>> No.14985135

i dont know who this guy is but i can see he is an infantile faggot and he has a gaggle of cock suckers who lick on his nuts for every temper tantrum he screeches out

>> No.14985153

Anon will get saddled by the saddler, my friend.

>> No.14985156


>> No.14985258

oh fuck off
Agreed, but that seems kind of necessary to the role he's chosen. There are no shortage of opinion speakers out there, it's good to have a man doing what he's doing. He could well be eclectic but not subjecting us to that part of himself.

Frankly, I think that if you have a problem with him you're just immature and looking for something to attack. He's utterly inoffensive. What he offers is fine, it's just limited. Which is why I think this is a bait post

>> No.14985270

I have absolutely zero respect for him because he calls himself a Catholic even though he's divorced, remarried, and has a tranny son who he's accommodating. He is the cancer killing the Church.

>> No.14985277

I remember in a stream he said that he's unhappy with God and that the two are on "bad terms" lmao

>> No.14985286

Most people have a trashcan and a toilet in their house that they don’t talk much about

>> No.14985404

Imagine being this ignorant.

>> No.14986093

He put out another Hegel lecture today after nearly 6 months. Something tells me he didn't know what he was going to put himself through when he started this project 6 years ago.

>> No.14986229

I remember this but now he'll openly call himself a Catholic, but hes super moderate at this point.

>> No.14986248

I love him but you can tell he learned about philosophy from American professors

>> No.14986285
File: 387 KB, 1028x1600, Aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I know about philosophy, I learned from him.

>> No.14986672
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>Said he was working on a thrash metal album in his recent Q&A

>> No.14986679
File: 22 KB, 235x346, 28caa2a320b07dd091379c17563f9519--sufi-masters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I know about philosophy, I learned from him.

>> No.14986735


>> No.14986741

Whos that?

>> No.14986745

Good answer

>> No.14986753

Our great teacher...Guénon (pbuh)....

>> No.14986756

Anyone ever photoshop his face onto big chungus?

>> No.14986788


>> No.14986880

INTJs aren't the best philosophers

>inb4 it's just astrology, bro...
no, it's not, you just can't see beyond 16personalities

>> No.14987087

Yeah its a huge undertaking. Glad he is doing it though.

>> No.14987092

Personalities aren't static. Ever feel like staying in one day and going out with friends another? Well clearly you aren't strictly either an introvert or extrovert

>> No.14987144

> Mom, can we watch Philosophy Tube?
> We have Philosophy Tube at home.
> Philosophy Tube at home:

>> No.14987154

3/4ths of the way there. I think me might be doing a bunch over the quarantine

>> No.14987170

Imagine me giving a fuck about some weak nerd's attempt to gaslight me

>> No.14987174

everyone is strictly either an introvert or an extrovert, you don't get to be in the middle of a spectrum

>> No.14987191

There is no spectrum, personality is situational

>> No.14987223

He's not a INTJ. ISTJ at best.
Also >INTJs are not the best philosophers
Just from the top of my head INTJ philsophers:
Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Marx; arguibly Hegel (spoted as INTJ but more of a INTP wise), Schopenhauer (spoted as INFJ but more of a INTP wise) or Plato (spoted as INFJ)

>> No.14987246

What level of schizophrenia do I need to reach in order to diagnose the star sign of a guy who’s been dead 2500 years?

>> No.14987397


>> No.14987401

kek. I always think this

>> No.14987409

fuck off with your pseudo science

>> No.14987731


>> No.14987828

Literally who?

>> No.14987949

He will probably die of age before he can end this

>> No.14987959

He convinced me that Ayn Rand is the only philosopher I need to read.

>> No.14988006
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all philosophers are autistic incels who take their speculations for reality

>> No.14988011

are his lectures on Phenomenology of Spirit any good?

>> No.14988034

read about the jungian cognitive functions retard, it's surprisingly very accurate