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14983211 No.14983211 [Reply] [Original]

Every day it feels like the world is falling apart. Selfish people. Racism. Hatred. I listen to my friends complain and bicker about things and I see places where I think they're in the wrong but I can't bring them to see that. Nobody listens to anybody else. I want to care for other people. What is there to be done?

>> No.14983219

kindness and forgiveness

>> No.14983234

yo is that nagisa?
also, you gotta do what you can, and you gotta see what's there.

>> No.14983238

They're probably basically robots put on Earth by satan to tempt and confuse actual humans. If that's true, you can kill and abuse them and that would be moral.

Alternatively >>14983219

>> No.14983247

look into any local socialist or anarchist movement in your city. They literally help feed the poor, fill potholes, go to neighborhood meetings, etc. in order to help other people. The world is suffering, so some try to alleviate the suffering of others. Call your family and tell them you love them.

>> No.14983256

A college friend group I'm associated with is radically left and they are just as awful. They just have the added layer of being hypocrites.

>> No.14983258

>I see places where I think they're in the wrong but I can't bring them to see that

>> No.14983274

Then go volunteer at a church or a soup line. Man, I only provided political affiliations because it's more likely during covid that they are organizing locally to help those in need than any other group. Call your family and tell them you love them though.

>> No.14983276
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They were ranting to me about their apartment roommates but it seemed clear to me there was mutual miscommunication and resistance going on. But they have hardened their heart and were no longer concerned about the other people's problems.
I wish people were more open minded. When evidence is brought to my attention that contradicts or expands my world view I try to respect and properly contemplate it and apologize if I was wrong about something. How hard can this really be? But it seems like so many people just pick out what confirms what they want to believe. Retweet the headline you do like, block the one you don't.

>> No.14983278

>how do I keep being bluepilled

>> No.14983337

Just stop being a fagit.

>> No.14983351

Maybe it's time to grow up, bud.

>> No.14983352

>join a bunch of trust-fund kids larping as altruists

>> No.14983358

Accept human nature for what it is and abandon society

>> No.14983360

>How do I keep my faith in humanity?
Why do you wish to keep something that is obviously fake and worthless?
Before you can realise the truth, you must shake off the dogma society has foisted on you.

>> No.14983361

Fake it til u make it

>> No.14983362

the Church is likely the group doing the most of that and they don't skew commie

>> No.14983390

you have to pay attention to little things. If you're walking down the street, pay attention to strangers holding the door for each other, or people saying thank you, or a mother and daughter laughing together. I don't know, man, the world's on fire. do what you can.

>> No.14983397

This whole situation has restored my trust in my country's healthcare and public services. I feel more motivated to become part of my local community and people are more connected than they have been in years. It's not that bad, this site makes it all seem worse than it really is. I say before i go back to panicking about nothing, but the pessimism has almost disappeared.

>> No.14983415

Where do you live? In America, the Republican challenger to our Speaker of the House calls the virus a hoax and is telling people to invade our hospitals and prove them to be liars (and in reality spreading the virus). It's unbelievable.

>> No.14983559

All of the anarchist groups I've ever been affiliated with were packed with psychopaths and generally anti-social, unpleasant people. Anarchism seems to be naturally attractive to such people.

>> No.14983610

Le world is bad because hatred and shit. What a dumbass, struggle is what makes this dump worth living in. What a fag, I bet you believe in 'abusive' relationships too

>> No.14983640
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>being this much of a projecting self loathing misanthropic retard
anon the world isn't falling apart, you're just being melodramatic. Humans do not exist as a monolith and it's just brainlet tier logic to think that you could ever possibly please everyone or would even really want to.

>> No.14983666
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based as fuck, OP is just a low-test faggot with conformist delusions, seething because people won't conform to his plum queer hippie disposition. Not everyone wants to kiss each other's asses in a huge circlejerk, some people have an actual sense of self and the balls to be different.

>> No.14983677
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- Go the the gym and do deadlifts
- Eat a good meal
- Watch/Read/Listen to shit you enjoy
Distance yourself from anyone who challenges your ideals or bugs you out.
All your limbs work and you have money. Literally fuck everyone else in the world and just enjoy yourself

>> No.14983736
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be yourself

>> No.14983989

Go back to /co/, Steven Universe.

>> No.14984120
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Who am I??

>> No.14984147
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Don't listen to the lame /pol/fags anon, you seem nice, what books are you into?

>> No.14984160
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I'm out of practice with reading fiction but I like to read history and film criticism. I need to finish SPQR.

>> No.14984182

This is why you need faith in God, faith in humanity is absurd. How can you place faith in changeable creatures and expect them to keep it? You're destined for misanthropy if you have faith in humanity

>> No.14984786

Try reading fiction. You seem like a sensitive person. You would benefit from some time to yourself and some time reading novels, to get to know your own feelings and imagination. I think you'd enjoy it. Try to ignore the noise of hatred, it's online nonsense mainly, amplified by social media. Most people aren't like that.

>> No.14984819

Get a messiah complex and realize that everyone other than yourself is incompetent, and that as long as you exist then humanity can be redeemed through your competency.

>> No.14984861

Just live to better yourself until you kiss the grave, bro. Trying to reflect on why the world the way it is will get you nowhere.
If someone, a group of people, or otherwise wants to do right, they will. Other than that, fuck it. By the time you regain your faith in billions of individuals with various motives, you could have found your own purpose and made advancements.

>> No.14984900

>Selfish people. Racism. Hatred.

For fuck sake, your are completely manipulated and brainwashed.

You are the reason why humanity is falling apart and people are shit not what you were told to think.

>> No.14984912

>I want to care for other people.

Na, you really actually don't.

What you want is to be considered a good educated person and you know that you need to want to care for people to be assigned those traits by others.

You can do what you want and think what you want.

When you start doing that you will be happier..

>> No.14985614

>Racism and hatred good
Okay, /pol/.

>> No.14985656

Racism is the least of this planet's worries is what I think he means to say. You can always spot a political brainlet by how much they whine about manufactured issues like "-isms" or the like.

>> No.14985675

Offer yourself as an "outlet" to "relieve" some of their "tension".

Op's behavior is exhibitive of feminine tendencies.

Disclaimer: Am not accepting responsiblity for any engagement in sex reassignment therapy that might be incurred.

>> No.14985789

Of course, but those isms are often symptoms of larger problems.

>> No.14985807

Niggers are subhuman
Topple the jewish power monopoly instead of being a sheep
>Selfish people

>> No.14985851

you sound like a faggot. where do you live

>> No.14985864

Caring and helping feels good
Hurting others feels bad
That simple

>> No.14985873

Lay off the news and social media my dude

>> No.14986113

You don't.

There is nothing redeemable about man.

>> No.14986587

Why must wanting people to be good to each other be unmasculine behavior?

>> No.14986621

>Niggers are subhuman

That is not scientifically true, and people like you are the reason people like OP hate humanity.
Go back to the 1600s asswipe

>> No.14986634

No faith to be had my guy/girl(?)

Best to just live our lives shittily until we die off and the next civilization replaces us.

>> No.14986760

>Go back to the 1600s
That would be great how can i do this

>> No.14986766


>> No.14987211
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If you want to love man, you have to love him unconditionally. This means that you have to judge humanity not at any single instant or action, not by any exemplar of great charity or sin, but as a collection and continuum of actions stretching across time. Many people, when they look to the past and see the great cruelty and injustice that has plagued humanity from cradle to grave are struck with despair at how monstrous the human character truly is. But when i look back at these moments it fills me not with despair, but with the greatest optimism; for it is precisely that we can look back at the callous and casual cruelty of the past and recognise it as such that marks an important distinction between then and now. And it is in this distinction that one you can find something to love about humanity, something that can serve as the foundation of faith: Man's potential for change. This anon here >>14984182 says that placing faith in changeable creatures is absurd, but i think it exactly that we are changeable creatures that should afford you the most faith—for it means that the pettiness and faults in character you see around you are not a necessary and intractable parts of the human condition, but merely a particular expression at a particular time, cultivated by particular circumstances. When you see a flower wilted and dying on the vine, does it mar your opinion of the beauty of flowers in general? No, because we recognise it merely as a single instance, not a universal character of flowers. and it is because we know that flowers can be far more beautiful, given the proper care and environment. We are contingent beings, but of a special kind that has the ability of endogenous determination, meaning how we are lies precisely in our own hands. Thus, being both the sculptor and the clay, in regards to ourselves, there really is no limit to the summits we can reach, but so too can our nadirs stretch endlessly. If you view things this way, i think you can even come to truly love even the most detestable aspects of humanity as expressions of our infinite potential; that is, you can come to love man unconditionally. I don't hold nietzche in any special regard, but i do like this line from TSZ
>What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end: what can be loved in man is that he is an overcoming and a going under.
In this i think you can find a thoroughgoing optimism for mankind.

>> No.14987522

Exhibiting motherly desire to care for others and posting images of teary anime girls with it.

>> No.14987573

That character is a boy, to be fair.

>> No.14987609
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Why do you get to judge anyone? You're no better than the people you criticise

>> No.14987939
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Who said I was?

>> No.14987953

So you know you aren't? If so then no problem man, carry on, have a nice day.

>> No.14987961

>radically left
And what does that mean

>> No.14988072

Why is it always, always politics?

>> No.14988073
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>> No.14988075
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The truth is inner light, know that nothing can separate you from the Christ within, this world is an illusion and parody of the true kingdom

>> No.14988086
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You can forgive all, but also realize that the abstract mass of humanity doesn't really exist, only individuals exist, both those in darkness and those who have discovered the light

>> No.14988088
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All ideologies are tricks from Satan to blind souls from discovering their inner light

>> No.14988091
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There is no male or female in Christ, there is no racism in Christ, the female will become male

>> No.14988114

Before there was politics, there was religion. Don't cloud the battlefield. Tell me why it's always politics.

>> No.14988138

I can relate anon. I want to care for people, but I'm weird in the sense that I'm hypocritical because most people bore me and I have a selfish desire to hurt people if they inconvience me. It's like I like like humanity, but I hate humanity at the same time. I acknowledge humanity is capable of great things and that people are capable of great things, but at the same time I can't stand being around most people? The worst people are the ones who claim that they love humanity so much, because they disgust me with their inauthenticity. But then isn't the fact that I revert to feelings of hatred when under stress make me no better than them?

The whole thing has made me a mental wreck.

>> No.14988243

>Every day it feels like the world is falling apart
>Nobody listens to anybody else.
First, realize you're generalizing things to an unreasonable degree
> Selfish people. Racism. Hatred.
Very broad, a lot of socioeconomics reasons for that. Historically, racism and hatred decreases over time and it has. The only reason it seems like it's at an all-time high is because of the internet which is a battleground for outliers.
> I listen to my friends complain and bicker about things and I see places where I think they're in the wrong but I can't bring them to see that.
If you could be more specific that would be helpful. if your friends are truly negative and holding you down might have to confront them or leave.
>I want to care for other people.
You already do
>What is there to be done?
No one ever gets intelligent answers from general questions, especially 4chan.

>> No.14988517

Politics is ethics writ large, and most people have strong ethical beliefs.

>> No.14988957

I used to feel the same way, but in a perhaps twisted way, I developed a love for the folly of humanity. I love our irrationality, our stubbornness, and our misplaced passions. Because no other creature exhibits such complexity of feeling that eludes logical explanation. We refuse to go along with the clockwork of the universe, to be carried along by the forces of entropy. We ascribe meaning to things, and because they have meaning, we fight over those things. But I see that sort of bickering as a rebellion against an indifferent universe. As long as our conflicts are born of passion, I will always have faith in humanity. That's not to say I don't believe in minimizing the damage these conflicts do on others, but rather that I would have this imperfect, fickle and changable mankind, than a tame, neutered version of it that knows no passion or pain. At least that's my cope, anyway.

>> No.14989029

>look into any local socialist or anarchist movement in your city. They literally help feed the poor, fill potholes, go to neighborhood meetings, etc. in order to help other people.

Where the hell do you find that kind of far-left groups? Here they only do agit prop and assault whoever they consider a fascist (which is pretty much everyone).

>> No.14989328

>Nobody listens to anybody else
You're wrong, your signal just isn't strong enough. Its always harder than you ever imagined but there's always hope anon. A first step in understanding why people are like this is to ask yourself, if there is something to be done, if you are in the first place fit to do it.

>> No.14989372
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Realize it's not the world that's wrong but you.