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14983133 No.14983133 [Reply] [Original]

should i learn latin?

>> No.14983135

or greek?

>> No.14983176

Neither. Learning any language after English is completely useless.

>> No.14983192

>t. monolingual anglo

>> No.14983194

Greek, people still actually use it and also it's not too hard to go from modern Greek to ancient or koine for historical texts

>> No.14983201

>t. monolingual anglo
And proud. I had the forethought to learn the correct language the first time around.

>> No.14983314

You know that the timeline where English is the international language will be over at whatever time, right? It used to be french, now it's English, but the elites are increasingly forcing the Spanish... I hope it changes sooner than later so you anglo scum finally get a taste of your ignorance's drawbacks

>> No.14983317

Based monolinguist.

>> No.14983320

>the elites are increasingly forcing the Spanish

>> No.14983322

Yeah the economic powerhouses of Spain and Latin America. If English is to be replaced it will be by Mandarin

>> No.14983328

If you want to refine your English and reading skills, yes.

>> No.14983336

Things brainlets say.

>> No.14983343

The people who speak English are the only relevant people in the world. Why would that change? Just look at the 20th century. Every important invention or philosophy? Created by an English speaker.

>> No.14983374

dpends on what you think to make out of learning it.
>Wanna purchase a career in the Catholic Church?
>Philology/Language studies?
>Wanna read Latin classics?
>Wanna have sucess and get the secs?

>> No.14983377

I would if I were you anon. Actually I am planning on learning Latin. Does anyone know good learning resources that focus heavily on grammar? Something like Sandberg's French/German for Learning?

>> No.14983384

>t. anglo carried by German scientists

>> No.14983393


>> No.14983425
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Better be mandarin and pinyin instead of the standard Chinese characters because those are dumb.

Why learn the grammar but never the language? Try Lingua Latina by hans orberg.

>> No.14983426

Wheelock's is grammar-focused, Cambridge is reading-focused, Yale's Learn to Read Latin is very thorough and has both but it's also the hardest and longest by far.

>> No.14983435

>can't prove ridiculous claim
>calling them brainlet will surely help

>> No.14983436

And there's Lingua Latina, of course, which is purely reading-orientated.

>> No.14983518

Greek is better. You will just regret learning an inferior language.

>> No.14983530

Lingua Latina then all the books here

Fuck grammar. Takes too long and it's boring. Learn it later on.

>> No.14983539

If you have autism, go the grammar route. Other than that, just keep reading the easy books until you git gud

>> No.14983549

Based. Thanks for the link anon.

>> No.14983556

Thanks. I think I'll start with Lingua Latina. I'm happy someone translated Julius Caesar into Latin, that's one of my favorite plays

>> No.14983577

Extensive reading might be the best method, see (has good arguments for the method and resources for it):
If you do intensive reading do it with Cicero (prose) and Vergil (poetry). They're considered the standard Latin stylists.
Also learning Latin is what most people did before Greek. A lot of older Greek textbooks assumed you knew Latin and used Greek-Latin translation.

>> No.14983601

What Cicero books are best for newcomers? That's a good idea, learn from the best and then you'll know the proper way to write. I want to write in Latin, I think it's a beautiful language.

>> No.14983604

The reason I'm learning Latin in the first place is essentially to read Vergil. Going in order through the major works, I was planning on using him as a tool and motivation

>> No.14983641

Latin or Greek first? Native English speaker, only know a bit of Latin and Spanish.

>> No.14983646

In Verrem 2, In Catilinam 1, 4, Pro Caelio, De Amicitia, Pro Archia, Some Letters - Bailey

>> No.14983660

Latin's probably easier, but you must read Greek texts before Latin ones...

>> No.14983675

Based. Thank you.

>> No.14983686

Latin because there are more materials for learning Latin than there are for Ancient Greek. There is still no equivalent to Lingua Latina for Ancient Greek though some one is working on one I believe. Since you know a bit of Spanish and probably many Latin words used in English, Latin will be easier for you as well. Once you know Latin or Ancient Greek, the other becomes easier because they some of the grammar is similar. Latin also borrows some words from Ancient Greek.

>> No.14983729

This is the reply I was hoping for. Thank you.

>> No.14983741

greek is the step after, then farsi and sanskrit

yes, it's boring
>>Wanna purchase a career in the Catholic Church? >>Philology/Language studies? >>Wanna read Latin classics?
I hope you are joking lol

>> No.14983745

>want to write in Latin
hold on, before you even think about writing you should be able to read latin.

>> No.14983757

Shut the fuck up you miserable Redd*t faggot I'll do what I want. "Wanting" something doesn't mean you "want" it immediately, you autistic pig

>> No.14983767

cringe, cope
I just gave you an hint, it isn't easy
I won't stop you, you can do anything you want, even if it will be shit lol

>> No.14983779

Wait and see faggot. Your mommy will be eating my asshole because of my writing.

>> No.14983795

>An hint
You can't even write in English you fucking kebab salesman.

>> No.14983799

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

>> No.14983813

in a few years you will probably be dead, forgotten by everyone, in a thousand years even your grave will be destroyed by time

yeah, that's all you can do, focusing on a typo error.. you won't go far with this attitude

>> No.14983853
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>> No.14983870
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>wanted to be a Classics major
>"no, don't do that. you won't find a job"
>get slightly more employable, but less interesting non-STEM degree
>still NEET 2+ years out

>> No.14983883

This was such a comfy thread

>> No.14984016

OP if you aren't motivated to learn it on your own, it doesn't matter what you "should" do because you won't ever learn it. Best resources are Orberg's LLPSI and Wheelock or Shelmerdine imo. You need a grammatical framework and a ton of comprehensible input. Then get Anki for vocab. I suggest starting with DCC (Dickenson College Commentaries) first 1000 list. Search their site. Once you get better, they also have great commentaries to help you get thru intermediate texts. Also useful are Steadman College Commentaries. Bona fortuna, amice.

Classics PhD here ama I guess

>> No.14984074

Did you have a solid Latin/Greek framework before learning in college?
Did you immediate know you wanted to study Classics?
What did you do in your freetime?

>> No.14984115

No. Didn't start either until college. Only knew English and Spanish going undergrad.
No. I did computer science until I got better acquainted with Silicone Valley culture and noped the fuck outta there and then switched to physics but everything felt meaningless. Was always interested in history, literature, and philosophy; classics combined them all and it was hard so I liked it. In retrospect, this was a horrible career decision.
Read, write, run, tutor for spare change, spend time with gf. I used to shit post a lot more, before 2016. /lit/ isn't as fun anymore. On it more these past couple of weeks because corona virus.

>> No.14984223

>In retrospect, this was a horrible career decision
Yeah, but would you really be happier with the money? You have a PhD now, so that's cool. At least you tried.

I knew English, Spanish, and some self-taught Latin, but was so easily dissuaded from pursuing it. I tried to convince myself and others that it could still be a worthwhile outside of teaching as a distinguishing major for pre-law or pre-med, but I was laughed out of there and did some other dime-a-dozen un-fun degree.

>> No.14984232

Last Superbowl all the guest singers were latinxs ;)

>> No.14984247
File: 57 KB, 850x400, jeje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they sang in spanish. Spanish is a very esoteric language... you wouldn't understand

>> No.14984351
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Yeah I don't know. Some real money going into this recession/depression would have been convenient, at least. Are you still a student? Doing law or med? I've considered going back for a law degree because academia is dead and teaching high school is crushing

>> No.14984354


>> No.14984427

I'm this guy: