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File: 544 KB, 2000x2000, cosmology of new enlightenment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14982197 No.14982197 [Reply] [Original]

Why do things that carry the label 'New Age' have such a bad rap?
Are there any New Age works that are worth checking out?
Pic maybe related

>> No.14982216

because it is the same rehash of judeo Christianity, but exotic and they fail to be good meditators. For theists, meditation is ''being in the present moment'' which is the opposite of what samadhi is.

>> No.14982224

It’s untraditional “be your own guru” garbage and syncretic nonsense adhered to by hippies and cat ladies. Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya btfo it pretty hard recently

>> No.14982250

Bashar is a laugh and a bit interesting but dunno if he wrote a book

>> No.14982253

Anyone who has seriously followed the bread crumbs of new age has found mentall illness

>> No.14982258

>framed picture of Ramanuja


>> No.14982273

So someone called you a basedboy and now you're bitching about in /lit/?

You really are a basedboy

>> No.14982281

kek, i spotted that too, he part of the guadiya vaishava lineage so it makes sense.

>> No.14982290

Fucking based and redpilled

>> No.14982367

>reddit spacing
take your meds

>> No.14982372
File: 87 KB, 816x894, 1584804295754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all transcendent thinking is cancer
stop larping

>> No.14982376

>kid pix augurs

>> No.14982491

based video, thanks anon

>> No.14982512

Glad to help. His whole channel is great, if you like that I’m sure there’s a ton of other stuff on there for you too

>> No.14982515

The term new age seems so broad as to be worthless. It's just an arbitrary classification for a fuckton of beliefs that arguably contradict one another. It seems made up for convenience rather than any practical usage.

>> No.14982535

Nothing older than the "new" age, they have been going on about it for centuries. During Nero's reign the dawning of the Age of Pisces was seen as its herald. Madame Blavatsky, Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard, et c. all declared that a new age was upon us. The Golden Dawn, for example, tells us with its very name what it was dedicated to...

>> No.14982549

All TALKING about transcendental thinking is larping...

>> No.14983454

lurk moar

>> No.14983486

It literally means the Age of Aquarius, which began (or will begin) at some undefined point. If the constellations had more precise boundaries, then we'd know if we were in it or not.

>> No.14983526

>not anally probed
Sorry to tell you mate, but since most of our thoughts stem from our gut, the probe is going there.

>> No.14983534

Interesting. I almost responded to your text because of the psychological effects an image had on me.

>> No.14983560


>> No.14983756

>Why do things that carry the label 'New Age' have such a bad rap?
The movement was taken over by California hippies in the 1990s. It was turned into a mush of unfiltered pseudo-mystical self-help claptrap.
>Are there any New Age works that are worth checking out?
Anything and everything by Crowley. If nothing else, he was a genuinely great writer.

>> No.14983769

Its literally his lineage.

>> No.14983775

Post =/= text.

>> No.14983800

>all transcendent thinking is cancer
the truth is literally the opposite of this

>> No.14983825

still replied tho

>> No.14983864

You should watch this if you haven't.
It's his best video and sums up his ideas quite well.

>> No.14984052

Basically it defies the pseudo-authority of tradition, so traditionalists hate it.
Its modern spirituality, so many fedora-types hate it too.

A criticism of newage is commercialization, but not all expressions are infected by it.

>> No.14984063
File: 683 KB, 1992x1982, 1583903872918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the actual image

>> No.14984421

Damn you dumb

>> No.14984431

New Agers are pretentious fags. Occultism is just shitty philosophy for people who think abstract ideas are magical

>> No.14984442

So new age is just crowleyite shit?

>> No.14984463

Whaled and innerlightpilled

Not the liberal(not Quaker) ones though

>> No.14984464
File: 50 KB, 620x396, wicca1-620x396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Wicca and making my own rituals just for the sake of it. I don't care what others may think to be really honest.

>> No.14984479

Source? I saw someone else say he was Vishishtadvaita, it wouldn't make sense for him to have a Ramanuja picture if he was Gaudiya Vaishnava

>> No.14984504

What do you like about it? If it’s the mystic/ritual elements, I’d say occultism is a lot more comprehensive.

>> No.14984551

>tfw crpytovajrayana RHP Chaos magi
I'm going to make it thru boys...

>> No.14984597

I dunno but this was his Guru

>> No.14984630

and this was his guru
Who is one of the masters of Gaudiya, so looks like it's true.

>> No.14984649

It relaxes me. It makes me feel calm and in peace with the universe. I do rituals with glasses, water, bells... It's like meditating. Occultism is interesting too. Of course hermetism and other branches are more complex and serious business. But making my own rituals just feels more appealing to me.

>> No.14984684
File: 267 KB, 445x561, 174724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also ramunaja is in no ways at odds with Guadiya, i'm not sure why you say that, most people see it as a continuation with anattempt to bring in other aspects of the bhakti movement.