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14981591 No.14981591 [Reply] [Original]

>solves religion

>> No.14981596

does it tho

>> No.14981633

Man has always thought of God in the terms of the best he knew, his deepest ideas and highest ideals. Even historic religion has always created its God conceptions out of its highest recognized values. Every intelligent creature gives the name of God to the best and highest thing he knows.

>> No.14981635
File: 50 KB, 434x604, guenon and schuon with cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.14981648

Religion is the experiencing of divinity

True Religion
101:1.1.True religion is not a system of philosophic belief which can be reasoned out and substantiated by natural proofs, neither is it a fantastic and mystic experience of indescribable feelings of ecstasy which can be enjoyed only by the romantic devotees of mysticism. Religion is not the product of reason, but viewed from within, it is altogether reasonable. Religion is not derived from the logic of human philosophy, but as a mortal experience it is altogether logical. Religion is the experiencing of divinity in the consciousness of a moral being of evolutionary origin; it represents true experience with eternal realities in time, the realization of spiritual satisfactions while yet in the flesh.

>> No.14981664

101:1.3.The divine spirit makes contact with mortal man, not by feelings or emotions, but in the realm of the highest and most spiritualized thinking. It is your thoughts, not your feelings, that lead you Godward.

The divine nature may be perceived only with the eyes of the mind. But the mind that really discerns God, hears the indwelling Adjuster, is the pure mind. "Without holiness no man may see the Lord." All such inner and spiritual communion is termed spiritual insight.

>> No.14981673

A pseudo-spirituality closer to theosophy than Theosophy.
In the Kali Yuga spiritual deception will be everywhere, and Urantia is an example of this

>> No.14981682
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101:10.6.Never can there be either scientific or logical proofs of divinity. Reason alone can never validate the values and goodnesses of religious experience. But it will always remain true: Whosoever wills to do the will of God shall comprehend the validity of spiritual values. This is the nearest approach that can be made on the mortal level to offering proofs of the reality of religious experience. Such faith affords the only escape from the mechanical clutch of the material world and from the error distortion of the incompleteness of the intellectual world; it is the only discovered solution to the impasse in mortal thinking regarding the continuing survival of the individual personality. It is the only passport to completion of reality and to eternity of life in a universal creation of love, law, unity, and progressive Deity attainment.

101:10.7.Religion effectually cures man's sense of idealistic isolation or spiritual loneliness; it enfranchises the believer as a son of God, a citizen of a new and meaningful universe. Religion assures man that, in following the gleam of righteousness discernible in his soul, he is thereby identifying himself with the plan of the Infinite and the purpose of the Eternal. Such a liberated soul immediately begins to feel at home in this new universe, his universe.

>> No.14981692

What reasons or proof do you have to think your opinion is actually true, and is not itself the actual spiritual deception?

>> No.14981699

The Vedas. A doctrine revealed to man during the Satya Yuga, and not some nonsense spewed out by a Kali Yuga charlatan.
Read Rene Guenon (PBUH) and you will understand

>> No.14981723

Vedic Holy Book fetish, tradition fallacy (its more true because its ancient!)

You have closed yourself to living truth because you have imprisoned it in the past, in the Vedas.

>> No.14981724

Cringing hard at these quotes.

>> No.14981728

Explain why or its just a superficial meaningless post, why even waste your time.

>> No.14981733

What I love about arguing with Hylics, is that they refute themselves.
Keep believing in your autistic little book my friend. The big boys will be over here discussing non-duality and hathya yoga.

>> No.14981743

94:1.7.The Brahmans culled the sacred writings of their day in an effort to combat the Salem teachers, and this compilation, as later revised, has come on down to modern times as the Rig-Veda, one of the most ancient of sacred books. The second, third, and fourth Vedas followed as the Brahmans sought to crystallize, formalize, and fix their rituals of worship and sacrifice upon the peoples of those days. Taken at their best, these writings are the equal of any other body of similar character in beauty of concept and truth of discernment. But as this superior religion became contaminated with the thousands upon thousands of superstitions, cults, and rituals of southern India, it progressively metamorphosed into the most variegated system of theology ever developed by mortal man. An examination of the Vedas will disclose some of the highest and some of the most debased concepts of Deity ever to be conceived.

>> No.14981763

Cringe, fake, and gay.

>> No.14981770

Do you reject the book just because its new?
Do you even know what Urantia teaches? What exactly do you disagree about it?

>> No.14981773

That entire quote is total bullshit brother.... Read Rene Guenon (PBUH)...there is still hope for you to escape this charade

>> No.14981776

Nice deflecting, why is it so triggering for you?

>> No.14981795

This is unpersuasive. Discuss his ideas and how they conflict with Urantia's teachings.

>> No.14981800

The Urine-Tea book

>> No.14981821

The soundness of philosophic conclusions depends on keen, honest, and discriminating thinking in connection with sensitivity to meanings and accuracy of evaluation. Moral cowards never achieve high planes of philosophic thinking; it requires courage to invade new levels of experience and to attempt the exploration of unknown realms of intellectual living.

>> No.14981823

Reddit tier.

>> No.14981827

In my mind the only reason you could be so petty is that the Urantia book threatens you very powerfully, and that is how you cope.

>> No.14981829

>buzzword tier
Try harder

>> No.14981836

ITT: Guenonfags and maladjusted autists.

>> No.14981839

Tell the Brahmins
My peepee hard

>> No.14981841

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>File: 56464654.png (96 KB, 224x325)
> Anonymous 03/30/20(Mon)10:25:14 No.14981591▶>>14981635
>>solves religion
> Anonymous 03/30/20(Mon)10:26:16 No.14981596▶>>14981633 >>14981682
>does it tho
> Anonymous 03/30/20(Mon)10:38:30 No.14981633▶>>14981823
>Man has always thought of God in the terms of the best he knew, his deepest ideas and highest ideals.
Explain Loki betraying the Aesir, Zeus raping everything that did / didn't move, Set killing Oisirs and most pre-Christian ideas of gods featuring large numbers of them that were absolute shit heads.

>> No.14981844

Copy-paste fail. My bad.

>> No.14981846

Hahahahah fucking epic.
>"At 29 here is the car Emma Watson drives"
The wisdom of the Urine-Tea book knows no bounds

>> No.14981850

Behold the power of the Urine-Tea.....
Piss is literally upon you for contradicting the Vedas

>> No.14981853

I think you've got me confused with the pro-4chan dribble guy that posted it.
This is me.

>> No.14981859

I don't fucking care which one you are. Anyone who believes this Urine Tea BS is a hylic

>> No.14981865

True, but the same is true of Guenon LARPers.

>> No.14981868

No it's not you filthy Hylic..... Guenon (PBUH) is a prophet

>> No.14981870
File: 1.45 MB, 1047x768, 56y55654464646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

101:2.13.True religion is an insight into reality, the faith-child of the moral consciousness, and not a mere intellectual assent to any body of dogmatic doctrines. True religion consists in the experience that "the Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." Religion consists not in theologic propositions but in spiritual insight and the sublimity of the soul's trust.

>> No.14981872

you've never read his intro to hindu doctrines, he repudiated any claim to be a prophet

>> No.14981874

You are a kook and give Guenon a bad name, repent.

>> No.14981877

LARPing. Fucking nobody outside of a psych ward or some alt-right kid in a bell tower with a rifle actually believes anything Guenon says,

>> No.14981899

Hylics status.......Enraged

>> No.14981905

>With primitive man, even polytheism is a relative unification of the evolving concept of Deity; polytheism is monotheism in the making. Sooner or later, God is destined to be comprehended as the reality of values, the substance of meanings, and the life of truth.

4:5.3.The people of Urantia continue to suffer from the influence of primitive concepts of God. The gods who go on a rampage in the storm; who shake the earth in their wrath and strike down men in their anger; who inflict their judgments of displeasure in times of famine and flood—these are the gods of primitive religion; they are not the Gods who live and rule the universes. Such concepts are a relic of the times when men supposed that the universe was under the guidance and domination of the whims of such imaginary gods

>> No.14981906

t. guenonfag describing his own status after being called out for being a kook fraud.

>> No.14981910

I'm more disappointed that you are such an intellectual coward, I wish Guenon impressed upon you to have more honor and desire for wisdom and truth.

>> No.14981927

Jordan Peterson is shitposting from the gulags.
We are on a basket weaving forum......

>> No.14981930

>>With primitive man, even polytheism is a relative unification of the evolving concept of Deity; polytheism is monotheism in the making. Sooner or later, God is destined to be comprehended as the reality of values, the substance of meanings, and the life of truth.
I mean it's possible if you're coming at it from a Hindu point of view but there exist polytheistic religions to this day and drawing a line between where we are now and where they are and assuming it's linear progress rather than a cyclical process is just confirmation bias.
Again, explain why a lot of pre-Christian ideas of divinity have a lot of less than savoury people if we think of God in our deepest ideas and highest beliefs.

>these are the gods of primitive religion; they are not the Gods who live and rule the universes.
Using the word primitive is just begging the question. Make a reasoned point.

>> No.14981931
File: 65 KB, 213x275, 1585194407508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space Jesus

>> No.14981935
File: 24 KB, 337x252, thought_adjuster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let it sink in
Urantia is more profound than you realize

(92:4.3) Evolutionary religion is sentimental, not logical. It is man's reaction to belief in a hypothetical ghost-spirit world—the human belief-reflex, excited by the realization and fear of the unknown. Revelatory religion is propounded by the real spiritual world; it is the response of the superintellectual cosmos to the mortal hunger to believe in, and depend upon, the universal Deities. Evolutionary religion pictures the circuitous gropings of humanity in quest of truth; revelatory religion is that very truth.

>> No.14981948

Cringe. Didn't read

>> No.14981955

>thousands of propositions
>no proofs or reasoning
>no explanation of anything
Going to go ahead and ignore this.

>> No.14981962

>Again, explain why a lot of pre-Christian ideas of divinity have a lot of less than savoury people if we think of God in our deepest ideas and highest beliefs.

Its the natural religious evolution of evolving humanity. If we go back far enough, we were only apes. Collectively, these 'deep ideas and high beliefs' were not deep or high to begin with, but they have evolved and continue to evolve through the ages.

>> No.14981969

Its clearly not for brainlets.

>> No.14981972

Hello? Retarded Faggot Department? Yeah, we have an emergency.

>> No.14981977

It's for schizophrenic acid casualties

>> No.14981990

Urantia is for religious geniuses

>> No.14981994

>Its the natural religious evolution of evolving humanity. If we go back far enough, we were only apes.
This is just drawing a straight line through history from a single cultural perspective.

>Collectively, these 'deep ideas and high beliefs' were not deep or high to begin with, but they have evolved and continue to evolve through the ages.
The "deep and high" ideas change drastically throuughout history and it's rarely via direct process and never really meaningful. Deep and high meaning what exactly?

>> No.14982012

Its a wave with ups and downs, but the general trend is upward progress.
All cultures are not equal, some stagnate or degenerate while others progress faster, but the general trend is upwards.

>> No.14982024

>upward progress

>All cultures are not equal, some stagnate or degenerate while others progress faster, but the general trend is upwards.
And here we come to the actual heart of what it is you're saying with this book. Thanks for the suggestion Rudyard Kipling but I'm fine ignoring this one.

>> No.14982038

OP has been decimated in this thread. Urine-tea is not welcome on /lit/

>> No.14982046

urine-tea over guenonfag's monkeying around anyday

>> No.14982132

my god what gaylords. they make evola look well adjusted

>> No.14982145


>> No.14982156

That would require him to have wisdom or at the very least intelligence. But he's mostly functioning on those more primitive parts of the brain. It is his will to shitpost, not to understand.

>> No.14982185
File: 40 KB, 600x317, perseus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Light is sentient. It perpetuates and renews itself by seeding and growing life on rocky planets like Earth. The novel & good organisms are harvested into the nearest star.

Heaven for Earth is the Sun.

Every star is a sentient collective. Every star is a heaven unto itself. If you are a good person in this toughest of dimensions, you get harvested into heaven when you die, where you live forever with your family and everything you loved in this life and it is beautiful forever.

The Egyptians called the “as above, so below” phenomenon correspondence. In this density, you can notice correspondences by picking up on what Jung called synchronicities.

>> No.14982210

Reminds me of a song by unsun

7. Home

Alone I look for the way
Hoping you’re waiting for me
Where the hostile world has no say
That is where I always want to be.
Where my eyes want to follow
When I’m far, far away
When life brings me sorrow
Into silence I escape.

Among the stars
there is a place
to where my heart
always returns.

Alone I look for the way
Hoping you're waiting for me
Where the hostile world has no say
That is where I always want to be.
Where my rush of thoughts
In oblivion drowns
To forget the evil lot
I will sleep in safe arms.

Among the stars
There is a place
To where my heart
Always returns.

There I always have some time
To heal every wound,
To help the life's shine
Long forgotten, return.
There is such a place,
My own little space,
After each lost battle
Its power remains.
There I always have some time
To heal every wound,
To help the life's shine
Long forgotten, return.
There is such a place,
My own little space,
After each lost battle
Its power remains.

Among the stars
There is a place
To where my heart
Always returns.

There is always some room
When the world brings me gloom.