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File: 12 KB, 275x283, MHudson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14981472 No.14981472 [Reply] [Original]

>Hudson's premise isn't even especially difficult to grasp, I think I can sum it up for the people who are confused.

>Marx believed that industrial capitalism would continue to free itself from the rentier class and rid itself of the legacy of feudalism, and that industrial capitalism, as it continued to develop, would itself create the conditions for socialism to exist. Except that never happened, instead what happened is that the rentier class latched onto industrial capitalism like a parasite and is actively dismantling it. Rather than progressing forward in history towards socialism, we are regressing back towards feudalism. Cancelling the debt is incredibly important, because not only does it free the poor from debt-slavery, but it also destroys the imperial power of the rentier class at the same time. If you want to weaken capitalist imperialism, you MUST attack the finance capital, and failure to do so will result in the rentier class gaining so much power that we actively regress back towards feudalism rather than industrialization leading forwards towards socialism.

Even Marxists have come to the conclusion that's its the Jews unironically. What does this mean for Marxism bros? No more brother wars?

>> No.14981484

>Even Marxists have come to the conclusion that's its the Jews unironically.

Marx came to that conclusion himself

>> No.14981490

where does that quote mention jews?

>> No.14981493


>> No.14981496

The (((rentier))) class

>> No.14981498

what do rentiers have to do with jews?

>> No.14981505

Anon I...

>> No.14981528


>> No.14981544

If only /pol/ read this nigga. We would be in a different world.

>> No.14981565

This text argues for Jewish emancipation. Marx just says that political emancipation isn't enough, for Jews or anyone else.
Inb4 "their worldly god is money", read the rest of the text, retards. Though one can't expect literacy from antisemites.

>> No.14981568

my landlord when i lived in an apartment was a wasp but ok

>> No.14981573

Stop trying to spin this shit shlomo. Your Jewish tricks won't work here. T

>> No.14981578

you can't just accuse someone who disagrees with you of being jewish. my ancestry is entirely white european

>> No.14981605
File: 58 KB, 900x676, 1585255208236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao sure thing amerimutt

>> No.14982266


>> No.14982380
File: 290 KB, 1095x973, 1411401315655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This text argues for Jewish emancipation

Even worse. Well, old Marx was indeed related to the Rothschilds on his mother's side. Who knows maybe Marxism was just another Jewish trick.

>> No.14982392

Tell me, what did Marx call Lasalle again?

>> No.14983379

I like Hudson a lot and I see his stuff published at Unz.com every now and then, I want to read his books eventually but I can't stop reading books on metaphysics and religious philosophy