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File: 57 KB, 960x960, milo-yiannopoulos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14980371 No.14980371 [Reply] [Original]

>Chuck Palahniuk
>Brett Easton Ellis
>Jack Donovan
Why are so many "masculine" and transgressive writers actually just massive homos?
>pic mostly unrelated

>> No.14980377

There is no contradiction between masculinity and homosexuality.

>> No.14980382
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All right-wingers are closeted homos.

>> No.14980384

Milo is far-left though.

>> No.14980391

>Masculinity: the characteristics that are traditionally thought to be typical of or suitable for men. Cambridge Dictionary.
I didn't know men fucking and blowing other men was traditionally to be the suitable choice for all men.

>> No.14980407

>Trump supporter (calls him "daddy")
>worked for right-wing media
>voted for the right-wing party in the UK
Yea, a total commie this Milo guy.

>> No.14980432
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>> No.14980437
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Communism belongs to a dead paradigm and doesn't exist anymore. There is no "right-wing media". And Trump is a leftist.

Look, anon, I know the only form of identity available to you as a liberal is to larp being a commie, but it's really time to grow up and get with the program. Either you accept the current system or you become a dissident, larping is just you pretending to resist the system while supporting it.

>> No.14980438
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>no contradiction between masculinity and homosexuality.
Maybe not in theory, but in practice there sure fucking is. Even theoretically, I'm not buying it.

>> No.14980445

Lots of gay dudes are very masculine. Not all are the "flamer" type. Those stand out the most, so it creates an association bias in your mind about what gays are like.

>> No.14980454

Far-left is communism, not some burger tier definitions of "le liberals xD." And yes there are so-called right-wing media like Breitbart.
>Look, anon, I know the only form of identity available to you as a liberal is to larp being a commie, but it's really time to grow up and get with the program. Either you accept the current system or you become a dissident, larping is just you pretending to resist the system while supporting it.
Not even sure what you mean, acting like you know me.

Either way explain how Milo is "far-left."

>> No.14980458

Being a bottom is submitting. Submission is not masculine. Therefore being a bottom is not masculine.

>> No.14980459


>> No.14980473

Any sexual contact with other men is not masculine. Passive or active are both homosexual by definition and therefore not traditionally masculine.

>> No.14980482

Imagine being this confused.

>> No.14980496
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>Far-left is communism, not some burger tier definitions of "le liberals xD."
I'm going by the French revolution definition since anything else is nonsense. Communism is dead, gone, not relevant, same as national socialism, monarchies and all the other dead systems. None of that is preset in the real world, your silly larping be damned.
>right-wing media like Breitbart.
Left-wing, it follows liberal ideology.
>Either way explain how Milo is "far-left."
You already went through it, he's a homosexual jew writing sensationalist pieces in favour of the usual muh librul values. Against collectivism in all forms, race or culture coming before capital and so on. Against strong state dominating international finance.

He's a radical leftist.

>> No.14980497

start with the greeks

>> No.14980503

>Submission is not masculine
So the military isn't masculine? You have to submit and obey orders in the military. Any male organizations from the most basic tribal units requires submission to elders/authority. Taking cock in the ass is not in contradiction with masculinity.

>> No.14980507
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>implying that the masculine Greeks were homos
legitimately the funniest thing I've read all day

>> No.14980514
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Says the guy who is confused about his own identity. Tell me, how are you genuinely going against the system?

>> No.14980515

>[semantic argument intensifies]
You know there's a difference between abstract submission for the purpose of order and discipline and literally bending over and willingly and gratefully taking a penis up your bumhole. Stop being a daft idiot.

>> No.14980516

>coping this hard

>> No.14980523

Your argument is semantic, because you are trying to define masculinity discursively. Like you can make a checkmark list of things that make you masculine or disqualify you. Masculinity is a quality, a gestalt phenomenon. It's an aura, an "energy" that people give off. Lots of homos have that energy.

>> No.14980533
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Seriously, what do the people holding up Milo as a "right-winger" even truly disagree with him about? These are like minor doctrinal squabbles in the USSR, you're of the same cloth, under the same banner and speak the same tongue. All of your assumptions are the same, you essentially agree about all premises. I mean, besides not liking Trump, how are you any different on any level?

>> No.14980548

Read a book, kiddo.

>> No.14980551

I did, you should read more of them than just the safe books you've been handed by the system.

>> No.14980554

What on earth are you blathering about?

>> No.14980555

>I'm going by the French revolution definition since anything else is nonsense
Anti-royalists vs pro-royalists? How does that help?
>Communism is dead, gone, not relevant,
Pretty alive in many countries of the world.
>Left-wing, it follows liberal ideology.
America was founded on liberal principles. Textbook liberalism. If that's the case then what do modern American conservatives even want to "conserve"? Are you implying all of America is liberal?
>He's a radical leftist.
He's not at a lefitst. Even using your French Revolution definion he would fall under pro-royalist.

>> No.14980564

>Against collectivism in all forms, race or culture coming before capital and so on. Against strong state dominating international finance.
You just recited the definition of "rightwing", asshat.

>> No.14980570

fpbp. look at the greeks.

>> No.14980593

Homosexuality was seen quite poorly. Only a minority dared to practiced it.

>> No.14980627

>Are you implying all of America is liberal?
Yes, of course it is.
>Even using your French Revolution definion he would fall under pro-royalist.
No, he's very far to the left and doesn't want social collective unity. Individualism was the thing pushed by the left, the destruction of institutions and so on that united the people and made them work as a collective. This tends to be in the favour of merchants and capital which grows into the dominant power.
>Pretty alive in many countries of the world.
Dead in all of them, I think you have conflated it with socialism.
>Anti-royalists vs pro-royalists? How does that help?
Because that's the only way the retarded left-right dichotomy isn't completely arbitrary. Then you have clearly defined bounds and foundations.
Then fascism and national socialism are far-leftist movements?

>> No.14980632

Actually a good question. Many of the Nazis were homos and sexual degenerates.

Obviously, it's all compensation.

>> No.14980640
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That your small disagreements are miniscule compared to the ideology that you share.

>> No.14980642

>Individualism was the thing pushed by the left
That's absurd. Individualism is the defining characteristic of the right.

>Then fascism and national socialism are far-leftist movements?
Fascism and national socialism are usually hierarchical, so no.

>> No.14980647

I'm not a rightwinger, so what would I share with Milo? He represents everything wrong with the right.

>> No.14980664
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Masculinity without fatherhood is literally playing dress up.

>> No.14980666

>That's absurd. Individualism is the defining characteristic of the right.
Not at all, the entire subject of liberalism as an ideology was the individual, individual freedom and so on. The monarchy was a more collectivist system that sought unity and the good of the group above the individual.
>Fascism and national socialism are usually hierarchical, so no.
Everything is, the Soviets had hierarchies as well. Without them collectives cannot function. That's why corporate America is promoting anarchy and other dumb shit in schools, things that will never be able the challenge capital. This is also why Stalinist Russia is demonised, effective use of power and organization.

>> No.14980681


>> No.14980683

>Not at all, the entire subject of liberalism as an ideology was the individual, individual freedom and so on.
Liberalism is the Right. Nobody is a monarchist any more.

>> No.14980694
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You should be able to articulate how you fundamentally disagree with him then. Let's hear it. Are you rejecting humanism, the idea of individual liberty, anti-racism, anti-hierarchy, the ideal of a weak state or about what the purpose of a government is supposed to be? Do you reject materialism or even basic concepts he has? Or do you agree with pretty much all of his assumptions and worldview except that Trump is bad man?

>> No.14980697

So communism is dead, yes, but how come the French Revolution dichotomy of anti-royalists vs royalists is alive even thouh all major monarchies are dead in the West? What on earth does right-wing even mean to you? Genuinely curious.

>> No.14980698

Leftists reject capitalism/liberalism. Rightwingers like Milo champion it.

>> No.14980699

This is a modern conception. The Greeks divided the roles by their nature. Receiving was feminine, and would be more in line with what they considered "gay", giving was masculine and you wouldn't be thought of as gay in the modern sense

>> No.14980704

>Implying they didn't slam some bussy when they wife wasn't putting out

>> No.14980713

>This is a modern conception.
And where are we right now? We're aren't in Ancient Greece, mate. Please take your meds and stop trying to justify homosexuality as "masculine."

>> No.14980716

Prove it.

>> No.14980720
File: 50 KB, 500x667, c4c9d34a9014161c9000fd62c0f37043c1619ca6b803ec0e27e87ec57599af5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already said monarchism is dead, along with communism and national socialism. But the position of the monarchists is not dead, it remains and this must be the dissident one as well as the true "right" if you must use that stupid system to comprehend politics. That is to say the illiberal position, the one that is not about negative freedom, such as freedom FROM government, church, family, duty, whatever, but positive freedom. It could take the form of something like Juche, China is close to it and so on.

In my view both communism and fascism were very similar because of their structure and such, obviously communism aimed to be more "flat" but there's no real difference. They were a step towards what monarchies were. I'm very much supportive of that, strong collectivism against capital. Don't really care about the right-left labels but clearly America was founded on the same values the French revolutionaries had, it was pure individualism. Milo is simply adhering to these revolutionary values still, because they align with corporate interests and such.

>> No.14980726

>not traditionally masculine.
hahahahahaha you post 50s burgerland notion of traditional is laughable.

>> No.14980734

It's a different perspective and one I identify with because I don't consider myself gay or bi but I have fucked twinks before. I've only ever had relationships with women.

>> No.14980741

We get it mate, you're homosexual and you like to larp as a tough guy. It's alright but you still aren't masculine, sorry.

>> No.14980743

ben shapiro is also a leftist btw

>> No.14980747


>> No.14980759

Pretty sure Milo is a Zionist was well, which is a right-wing view. And if those values he has truly "aligned" with corporate interests then he wouldn't have been banned from every major social media platform and booted from his own job.

>> No.14980761

Yes, but what does this actually mean? What I'm getting at is that you likely haven't taken this dissent far enough, you're still under the liberal zone of ideological domination. It's not enough to say you oppose capitalism/liberalism, you have to reject the entire premise, the foundational ideas and principles underlying it. Become a genuine radical.
He most certainly is.

>> No.14980770

>He most certainly is.
lol he is? I was just joking. Tell me how so I can troll my friend who's a Shapiro fanatic.

>> No.14980775

And who do you think fucks bottoms?

>> No.14980777

Gay tops.

>> No.14980778

The foundational idea is private property rights. That's what needs to be rejected.

>> No.14980781
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Zionism being right-wing is accurate, but him being bullied is just a part of the inner fake polarity of liberalism, you have the """left""" calling their opponents "nazis" and the """right""" calling their opponents "commies", it's a total clownshow. Both serve corporate interests. American politics is very silly.

>> No.14980798
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Was Chomsky right about America, then?

>> No.14980809

It's really not. You need to dig deeper.
Naturally, you're never going to vote your way to anything besides that which the system already allows.

>> No.14980810

>devout catholic
>married to a man
How does this work, christcucks?

>> No.14980811

>acting like you know me.

>> No.14980826

This idea of the nation as a business is a leftist one, that there's no purpose to the state other than to be an economic manager. Think about it, all political discourse is of this nature and with this assumption. Nobody challenges this.

>> No.14980831

He's talking about parties, not nations, though. Big difference. Unless you think political parties is all a nation is.

>> No.14980832

Not by the law of God, only the civil way. He even opposes homosexual marriage by some churches. And he knows he's sinning.

>> No.14980862

By being made a receptacle for another man's sexual fluids, you are literally assuming the most feminine role possible in nature. You are taking the role of someone who is to be impregnated.

>> No.14980869

Yes, I'm not commie.

>> No.14980887
File: 1.17 MB, 900x1216, 1585518951014-lgbt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking twinks is based

>> No.14981034

Fags are by their nature transgressive. They also experience masculinity in a way neither straight men or women would understand, they both inhabit it and see it as an object of desire and beauty, experiencing it in its full sublime form. As masculinity becomes more taboo and underappreciated in modernity, it will necessarily follow many of it's defenders will be fags.

>> No.14981197

>opposes homosexual marriage
Those are entirely empty words when he is engaging in the very behaviour he's condemning - not through failure but deliberation.
>he knows he's sinning
Yet, he's wholly unrepentant. He isn't must a sinner falling short. You don't go out of your way to codify your sin in law and ceremony if the sacrament of marriage is something you genuinely wish to uphold.

>> No.14981608

You are so oblivious to what he is doing.
He is intentionally showing how degenerate society is, even participating in the degenerate behavior himself.
By being right-wing or "conservative" he is showing that both sides are doomed.
The only solution, therefore, is a far-left authoritarian revolution.

>> No.14981632
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>> No.14982420

This is the only post in this thread that both makes sense and is relevant.

>> No.14982436

this kills the straightie

>> No.14982534

Damn bro you're getting me hard.

>> No.14982694

This. All these incels trying to be Hercules will be outdone by a man with a son.

>> No.14982701

Being masculine isn't about some superficial muscles like muh gay greeks. Lead a family, faggot.

>> No.14982715

The Burgerstan pop writers to which you refer are homosexuals of the not particularly self-aware masochistic variety, popular partly because they are that, and representative of a type more than usually abundant in Burgerstan specifically, where biblical rant of puritan slant borders upon madness in many areas irrespective of party. They are neither popular with nor representative of gay men whose attitudes & tastes are deeply transgressive of popular expectations and the assumptions from which those emerge. The true masculine type is characterized by a kind of haughty irony that by its nature is either elusive to easy inquiry into its motives, or extremely overt in its sendups of subjectivity in matters of affinity generally, not just those that pertain to sex. Most sociable metropolitans intelligent enough to be among the choosers of company they keep, neither desperate nor much given to desperate tactics in gaining the approval of crowds, are fully aware of this difference.

>> No.14982762

>a character in a play represents the entirety of Greece
Anon, I...

>> No.14982833
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>trying this hard to sound smart in /lit/

>> No.14982847

>transgressive Judas Goats
The Fight Club film ending was pretty on the nose with the controlled demolitions spam right before 9/11, doubt he's not sucking the bioluminescent Congolese teats if the closeted homosexual allegory weren't plain as day enough

>> No.14982975

>clown-world, the post

>> No.14983127

>gets BTFO for thesaurus word-salad
>i-i-i-it's just an anti-intellectual clown world, man

>> No.14983222

>them big words is just nonsense I tell ya hwut!
jesus christ

>> No.14983267

Intelligent people are concise.
You're a moron attempting to appear smart to impress a bunch of anonymous shut-ins on a Bangledeshi sketching board.

>> No.14983284
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>gay and loves black cock

Like pottery

>> No.14983300

Same as the dems then, two sides of the same coin.

>> No.14983308

>Ah yes, we've been expecting you
I can hear Socucius Ergalla's voice

>> No.14983342

>Intelligent people are concise.
According to whom?

>> No.14983346


>> No.14983366

>masculine and transgressive
>"actually just" homosexuals
there's no contradiction there. look at the greeks, those boy-fuckers were the peak of masculinity in history

>> No.14983372

There are a few ways we can do this and the choice is yours?

>> No.14983387

bless you, anon

>> No.14983403

>he fell for the "all the greeks were gay" meme

>> No.14983742

Why is he so smug bros?

>> No.14983894
File: 1.20 MB, 432x243, 114-14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this weird default expression for obnoxious gays. like everything is amusing and lewd.

>> No.14983918

Based Colton-poster

>> No.14984011

would his fiance Caleb (RIP) fall into this masculine-but-still-homo construct?

>> No.14984234

nigger, men were conceived as more perfect beings than women, therefore a sexual relationship between two males would be more perfect

>> No.14984293


you cant have the perspective of jack donovan, yukio mishima, or gertrude stein without being a homo/les.

their sex lives revolve around categories rather than biology. "top" "bottom" "butch" "twink" etc. this leads to deep analysis of masculinity and femininity.

>> No.14984699

>"top" "bottom" "butch" "twink" etc. this leads to deep analysis of masculinity and femininity
>>imagine unironically believing this
>>imagine coming from reddit and thinking you could post this undetected

>> No.14984740

>meme arrows
>nothing to contribute

>> No.14984772

>>Chuck Palahniuk
>>Brett Easton Ellis
>>Jack Donovan
>Why are so many "masculine" and transgressive writers actually just massive homos?
>>pic mostly unrelated
>t.tries to to do philosophy using a dictionary.

>> No.14985075
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>> No.14985092

don't waste anytime thinking about these people