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File: 171 KB, 1300x1285, woman-reading-and-listening-on-headphones-london-underground-london-BAR9TY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14980329 No.14980329 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this horrendous combination? I think that people who read while listening to music are mad as hell. How can you even focus on what you're reading? What do you hear most, your inner voice or the music that's slithering into your ear?

Pls explain yourself

>> No.14980333

I don't, but rhythmic repetitive music can be less distracting than whatever may be happening on the subway

>> No.14980337

i prefer white noise

>> No.14980340

To be fair, you need a very high IQ to multitask.

>> No.14980342

depends on the music, if you listen to something that can play nicely in the background (ambient, downtempo, dub techno, musique concrete) then it can be a nice accompaniment

>> No.14980348

As long as there's no vocals I can manage it, but usually I prefer not to. I usually find it difficult to find one playlist or album that fits appropriately with whatever I'm reading.

>> No.14980355

Jesus that haircut is fucking retarded

>> No.14980357

I do it with classical

>> No.14980362

Steve Reich

>> No.14980403

What is it meant to signify? My sister in law shaves half her head every few months. She's a bi-polar community college tinder slut who's been to the psyche wards 6 times. For her it's not rebellion but expression. When I ask what she's expressing she doesn't have an answer. I just want to understand, what does it mean? Is it "just cus" the people they mood affiliate with do it?

>> No.14980405

Really depends on what I am reading. If I'm reading some poetry from the Romantic period, you bet your ass in going to put on some Chopin or Beethoven; if I'm reading Langton Hughes or Jack Kerouac, I'll definitely listen to Charlie Parker or Charles Mingus; if I'm reading TS Eliot or James Joyce, I'll put on Igor Stravinsky. Most times I often don't listen to music while reading, but at times they definitely do compliment each other.

>> No.14980406

I love reading with music in the background, it filters out unwanted noise. Classical works best for me, anything with lyrics is distracting.

>> No.14980412

Trying to read Joyce and listen to Stravinsky at the same time is insane and you will understand neither

>> No.14980424

If I have read/listened to each work separately before hand, of course I can. I often put the Rite of Springs on when I'm reading Nausicaa.

>> No.14980427

I've heard it explained as an act of rebellion against the male gaze. They don't have to look pretty for us anymore and so we get retards like her with that kind of haircut and septum piercings. To me, however, they are a bunch of sheep, retarded looking sheep.

>> No.14980508

Jesus Christ that makes a lot of sense, what worthless sacks of shit.

>> No.14980845


Chill, you insufferable fucking cunts. If she's pretty, does the fucking haircut and jewelry take anything away? On the contrary, the look is justified by the beautiful person who wears it.

Fucking retards. Enjoy your angry virginity.

>> No.14980864

I read in a place with many birds so I have to play ambient or its very hard for me to concentrate.

>> No.14980926

if you see me reading with headphones on, it’s probably white noise because your ass can’t shut the fuck up

>> No.14980949

Cool haircut roastie

>> No.14980964

found the retarded whore

>> No.14980969

Seething Jezebel. Why don't you go stand in the field and eat grass with your nose ring harlot BEGONE.

>> No.14981021
File: 180 KB, 860x838, 296-2965378_crying-wojak-png-download-crying-angry-rage-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Hurr durr, muh femoids aren't conforming to customary standards of beauty so THEY must be the sheep.

You clearly lack the faculties to recognize that just because something is an established social norm does not entail it being an objectively standard.

>> No.14981036

could say the same thing about morals. Hope your brain is working and you go that far faglord.

>> No.14981038

True beauty is timeless; this is an aberration.

>> No.14981039

She wasn't paid enough attention to by her father and is lashing out.

>> No.14981054
File: 1.16 MB, 3591x3546, 1450670558851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is no such thing as objective beauty them you cannot reject my advances, anon, let me pound your backdoor.

>> No.14981058

Gay, shave the rest of her head and slap it.

>> No.14981088

>Shave everything below your eyebrows
>No wait, we didn't mean that literally

>> No.14981106

listening to some comfy lofi while reading helps me focus and tune out exterior sounds. would recommend for those who read in public

>> No.14981117

I can deny an objective measure of beauty by appealing to a variety of other standards by which aesthetics can be evaluated, though. It is part and parcel of the naturalistic fallacy to claim that an aesthetic value such as beauty is laden within the objective order of things.

>> No.14981122

>he uses internal monolog for reading

>> No.14981125
File: 13 KB, 300x229, NietzscheGun-300x229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Isn't transvaluation-of-all-values-pilled

>> No.14981127

what are you fucking gay

>> No.14981128

>>>Doesn't appreciate the aesthetics of the sublime nor the aesthetic value of transgression

>> No.14981130

You cannot possibly justify why your inferior sense of beauty would take precedence over my superior one. Since there is no objective standard you will simply call me beautiful and pull your pants down, otherwise I shall engage in subjective morality and be putting a knife to your throat and rape you, which you cannot argue against either.

>> No.14981136

Agreed. The right kind of classical music can sometimes be a good companion to the text.

>> No.14981140

That Anglo faggot Burke can choke on deeznutz

>> No.14981142

Baroque music goes pretty well with reading. It even aids my concentration. It's only lyrical and highly dynamic works that hinder it.

>> No.14981143

Arguing about whether or not morality is objective or subjective is borderline retarded. It doesn't get at the actual structure of normative reason, of being held responsible to a standard, nor of appraising those standards. Insofar as you seek to ground your morality in the putatively natural state of affairs, you are pursuing a fool's errand.

>> No.14981165

Kant, Lyotard, Baumgarten, Newman as well.

>> No.14981169

Ambient music can be great for reading. I also, though this may be controversial, enjoy listening to techno and idm.

>> No.14981178

Ikr right cause surely shitty background metro noises are so much better

>> No.14981189

sometimes i put on quiet, wordless music that's corresponding with whatever im reading. but generally i"m fine with reading in a rather noisy setting unless i can make out some faggots' loud chatting

>> No.14981194

I can't concentrate when I'm on the public transport otherwise. When I'm reading and there's someone else talking it kinda overlaps, with music I can mute all that. I also listen to music that's not from the language I'm reading for better concentration, though in general I listen to classical music or jazz when I'm reading.

>> No.14981199

Counterpoint: septums look good

>> No.14981201

This tbqh

>> No.14981206
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep dropping names. Vigée le brun is my queen.

>> No.14981209

lol why do you guys always assume that there can't possibly just be normal males on here? why do they have to be women?

>> No.14981219
File: 48 KB, 403x452, smug_pug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the best marker of an useless whore who subconsciously knows she's a cow to be used. Those things are usually for bovine creatures and the symbolism here is very clear cut.

t. Expert on the esoteric

>> No.14981222
File: 56 KB, 1000x667, yEUGmUUbMrA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pretty girl remains pretty even if she's bald. there's something really cute in a smart way about girls with unusual haircuts

>> No.14981228

more like the eso-carrot, which is what you eat. because you are no more intelligent than just a mere rabbit

>> No.14981229
File: 104 KB, 601x665, 9917decc6f2d764f2e9937ce805927a24caf2b1f3591c3226b31aeef9c8b6279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piercings are a marker of them being dumb, tattoos are a marker of low quality persons. Shaving off your hair is fine though, it's a mark of humility, although most shanks do it for humiliation.

t. Expert on the esoteric

>> No.14981230

except cows don't have those noserings. they're for BVLLS.

>> No.14981236


>> No.14981244

>Piercings are a marker of them being dumb
sdrious question, how so? it's an ancient tradition, people have been decorating themselves for millenias. nothing wrong with that. most of those piercings (except stretched out earlobes, but i dont like that) can be taken off and only leave a tiny trace

>> No.14981265
File: 718 KB, 3000x2000, Sleepy pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure they're used on cows in many parts of the world where they have to lead them and stuff and they aren't just kept in a barn or an closed of grassy area. The symbolism breaks otherwise and becomes even worse.
I wasn't speaking of traditional use, in those cases tattoos for tribal belonging and stuff are fine also. I'm talking about bohemian retards with no real culture doing that shit without any underlying meaning. It's like white women with dreadlocks, you know they're going to have mush for brains before they open their gobs.

t. Expert on the esoteric

>> No.14981273

Don't use sigs on 4chan.

>> No.14981352

This is why we can't have nice things; the post was about sounds while reading and you fucking faggots transformed it into another female-lifestyle-hating thread.

Now, I listed a lot of ASMR while reading, classical music only if on a speaker and not on headphones, otherwise it distracts me; the ASMR thing is becoming kinda like a curse, I feel if I'm at home I must use it for reading.

>> No.14981373

Brown noise when in public. People talking and making noises distracts me.

>> No.14982349

Brap sounds?

>> No.14982668

Started to get really into ambient music and drone, because it was the only music that would block external sounds and not be distracting.

>> No.14982673

>have headphones on
>durrrr must be listening to music!!1
Based retard

>> No.14982679

pic related is just a newspaper, not exactly heavy reading.

also if you listen to music when reading, likely 1. its not heavy reading 2. you aren't getting as much as you can from it

>> No.14982778

based thematic listener-reader

>> No.14982788

Erik Satie, ultra comfy

>> No.14982795
File: 48 KB, 300x450, 1534636576688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

massive cringe. your retarded comment justifies her haircut entirely. she'd be absolutely disgusted at some brainlet incels oogling her

>> No.14982820

That's ok. I like fucking long haired Stacies.

>> No.14982841


>> No.14982857

To me, a bad haircut is sublime only insofar as it is abject; like spoiled milk, this carries its own power: that of horror.

>> No.14982860

It can also induce a synesthetic trance suitable for conjuring images while writing, and moods that summon lyrical cadences in poetry & rhetoric if its tone is also soaring. Sometimes I get a little carried away with this when leaning back comfy as can be in big chairs with screens in font and keyboards in lap, navigating memory & pleasantly arranged circumstance. For reading, seldom or never, other than what's lingering in the head from a recent listening session of some immersive depth. I did once read Dorian Grey on an August afternoon with Holst's "Neptune" set at almost subliminal volume, but that's a book best put on that way when read for the umpteenth time, for the music of it, when the story's magic has already markedly faded.

>> No.14982874

Better memory encoding/recall with multiple associative pathways, but most frequently an ADD cope imo. You can read through a text with pauses defaulting to the music, rather than inner monologue/thoughts on the text.

>changing hair
This is skin shedding identity/past deeds, typically corresponding to breakups and/or manic-depressive peaks and troughs.

>> No.14982907

youre not a normal male youre a white liberal simp. Try to find someone in a Muslim country acting like you

>> No.14982923

Literally said the same thing. Cute girl, but the haircut is atrocious.

>> No.14982940

You why are you so angry? You're either a roastie or a faggot. You've also missed the point, we were wondering why that specific community college mentally ill "new free" female personality embraces that type of gross manufactured look. Has nothing to do with her baseline attractiveness, which they typically lack anyway. >>14982874 Understands the question/original point. My sister in law did do the initial headshaving after a breakup and manic episode so pretty accurate. I wonder where it all started, it's so fucking stupid yet they all do it.

>> No.14983024

Ok, Sigmund, you forgot to take your pills.

>> No.14983042
File: 68 KB, 486x459, 1582625619071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use DOD ost on my reading sessions

>> No.14983124

listening to music helps me remember books a lot more, I usually put a few songs on repeat while reading novels and by the end everytime I hear those songs the book comes back to me, even after years

>> No.14983149

t. multitasker

>> No.14983178

listening to ambient music actually makes the experience better in my opinion. it helps when there is a lot of distracting background noise where you are.

>> No.14983241

Which composer? Classical music is an incredibly active medium. Unless you're listening to satie, who is deliberately 'boring.' I can't understand how you would be able to appreciate the music and the text without reducing both to mental white noise and flat impressions. I listen to lofi or jazz, because the former it's hack 2d music, with nothing to appreciate besides it's stark facade, and the latter being worse classical music.

>> No.14983253

fairly often I put on classical music compilations on youtube when I read, but when I read Nietzsche I put on Wagner surreal experience desu

>> No.14983257

Classical music is comfy

also this>>14983124