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/lit/ - Literature

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14979189 No.14979189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everyone on here is just a pseud. It's better to be ignorant and honest than pompous and stupid. All debate threads are pointless. No one argues in good faith, as to be expected. Literary discussion is the exact opposite of what this site attracts.Tell me the last time you actually had a good conversation on here.

This place is just a machine for making you angry. Anyone you are arguing with might just be baiting to make you angry. Anyone you argue with can just drop a wojak reaction image to invalidate your position or some used up /pol/ epithet.

Even the worst boards, /b/, /r9k/, /pol/, all have had social impact and at least made some memes. They are honest with themselves, they know their boards are bad. /lit/ is not and somehow still thinks it is a good place. There is nothing on this board of any originality. It's all washed up Wojaks, the same Nietzsche, Guenon, Schopenhauer, Land, and Evola threads time after time again.

As a testament before I leave this godforsaken place, I will depart with one final Wojak, a fitting goodbye.

>> No.14979224

true, people here are retarded.

>> No.14979243

Honestly? I don't care. I just come twice or thrice a week to answer a thread or two and never check the answers to my post. It's your problem, boy. You value the opinion of strangers on the internet too much. If you actually read you would not be here.

>> No.14979267
File: 22 KB, 250x268, imbetterthanyouall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ight bet

>> No.14979278

OP is made in bad faith. The /lit/ projects I've seen over the years have been pretty cool. Sure most of the debate and lit discussion is bad, but there have been some posts I've seen that have been better than any conversation I've had with professors or peers. /lit/ memes are also pretty funny.

>> No.14979286

lol imagine speaking with "ight bet"

>> No.14979287


>> No.14979292
File: 7 KB, 250x246, Maybe we can hang sometime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had many productive conversations here on both fiction literature and philosophy, I've had better reccomendations for literature from here than anywhere else. This board more than any other has helped me to improve myself; to increase my understanding of the world and appreciation of beauty.
Despite the tourist /pol/lacks, brainlet atheist antinatalists, and christlarping zoomers there are people here who are interesting and engaging to discuss things with
You sound like you don't like having your ideas challenged at all but I hope you can change and come back here with a more open and secure mindset that doesn't get childishly upset by retards. However until you make that change:
>reddit image
>reddit spacing
>whining about the board being right wing
You know where to go.

>> No.14979306

/lit/ is literally plebbit for people who think they're better than the 110 iq queers there

>> No.14979314

Discussion on /lit/ is most definitely of a higher general caliber than other boards. Yes it's a a lot of shitflinging and bad faith, but you get a certain self-imposed and expected standard.

>> No.14979325

And where do you think you will go? Reddit? Goodreads? Booktube? Yeah, good luck faggot. See you tomorrow. Also, I have good conversations pretty often on here, in between the usual shit. Maybe you should try being less touchy and more fun. In either case, like I said, see you tomorrow.

>> No.14979337
File: 17 KB, 641x419, aightbet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont have to imagine ?

>> No.14979378
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There's a good chance you will never change anyone's mind about anything. Viewpoints change over time. That you would think anything that you could say to someone on 4chan could produce an epiphany capable of significantly altering their worldview is kind of cringe. Debate is for everyone that's not arguing.
Also you probably don't know much of anything about 4chan to think that /lit/ is even close to the worst.

>> No.14979379
File: 271 KB, 705x706, soy268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone on here is just a pseud. It's better to be ignorant and honest than pompous and stupid. All debate threads are pointless. No one argues in good faith, as to be expected. Literary discussion is the exact opposite of what this site attracts.Tell me the last time you actually had a good conversation on here.
>This place is just a machine for making you angry. Anyone you are arguing with might just be baiting to make you angry. Anyone you argue with can just drop a wojak reaction image to invalidate your position or some used up /pol/ epithet.
>Even the worst boards, /b/, /r9k/, /pol/, all have had social impact and at least made some memes. They are honest with themselves, they know their boards are bad. /lit/ is not and somehow still thinks it is a good place. There is nothing on this board of any originality. It's all washed up Wojaks, the same Nietzsche, Guenon, Schopenhauer, Land, and Evola threads time after time again.
>As a testament before I leave this godforsaken place, I will depart with one final Wojak, a fitting goodbye.

>> No.14979386
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>> No.14979389
File: 10 KB, 240x240, sadpep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books do i read to deal with the fact I will make less money than my parents

>> No.14979405

Alright, beta.

>> No.14979408

Any book that will help you realize that you have nothing to lose but your chains

>> No.14979416

How to win friends and influence people

>> No.14979462

i bet you weigh 70 pounds and are 5'4

>> No.14979482
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>> No.14979499

the trick is to not touch the debate thread and just come for book reccs

>> No.14979628

Why do /leftypol/ migrants shit up the board with whiny meta threads so often? Seriously, I can't remember the last day when I haven't seen at least one of these threads.
You get what you put in. Actual effortposts and honest attempts at discussion are very rarely met with wojaks. Shitposting begets shitposting, of course. Now shoo!

>> No.14979647

There are really fun pynchon threads here everyonce in a while

>> No.14980059

yeah im new here and there are still nice threads evry now and then, you just gotta keeop uur standards low and find buteay in the mundaen and ugly

>> No.14980076

Stop whining about the quality of threads here, bitch boy.

>> No.14980086

>find buteay in the mundaen
I'm all up in that booty like the Mujahideen.

>> No.14980130
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Be sincere, anons