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File: 83 KB, 994x817, 8EBD17B1-76CA-4921-B837-3D28EFE7464C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14971665 No.14971665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I cant fucking stand any suggestion of sex in every form of it. Portraying overly sexualized women as INNOCENT and SHY in all todays media. This cumbrain-aimed image of "saintly" girl, cosplayers, models, nude sessions, onlyfans porn industry, hoes fuck fuck FUCK. tits n cunts on every fucking part over the internet. This fucking monetization of sex theme, parasitizing on purity and holiness. Depicting woman as goddess. FUCKING SIMPING
I guess i have innate moral flaw with that, or my sense of justice somehow broken, since i got butthurted that easily. Cant bear this filth and hypocrisy fr. am i asking too much?
a wife? lmao forget that word. no woman left (if not existed at all)
Highly unlikely that this fucking meat hole can be something more valuable than it is, i just cant believe it.

>> No.14971674

take the gay pill

>> No.14971676

>*posts tits*

>> No.14971677

Tell me, helpless victim, exactly what marketable skill or unique commodity did a cunt have, that you were forced to deal with them? Why did you not already expunge them from your life?

>> No.14971680

all women are whores

>> No.14971684
File: 273 KB, 1000x698, Orson Welles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14971695

I think it was explicit it didnt like those who pushed the images too

>> No.14971698

Its like youre pretending you dont know how the world works

>> No.14971701

except our mommies

>> No.14971711

You realize porn and the sexualization of women has been happening since people figured out what dicks do, right?
What you're looking for is a complete fantasy you built up in your head, and are now persecuting them for not adhering to it.

>> No.14971713

already done.
this rage simply echoing from the depth of my lonely heart

>> No.14971722

Nice larp, here’s your (You)

>> No.14971736

i just cant accept it.
the world is horrible.

>> No.14971766
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>> No.14972076

Good luck enjoying life with that mentality

>> No.14972241
File: 3.41 MB, 2814x2111, darwin wept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read evolutionary psychology research. You'll realize this has nothing to do with culture and all to do with biology. Very little of the history of sexuality in mankind could be changed or avoided.
Yes culture plays a huge influence, "social constructs", what have you. However, from the most strict conservative patriarchal religious societies to the most progressive free minded sexually liberated ones, you have parallels, absurdly clear, in nature.
Monogamy, polygamy, polygyny, prostitution, fisherian runaway. This was all unavoidable. It was selected for millions, if not billions of years. We never had a chance of escaping this.

The only advantage a learned man has is that through his human consciousness he can try to live outside of this bubble. I'm not talking about memes like MGTOW or shit like this, because that's also just sad boy propaganda. I'm talking about learning every single thing evolution and nature are forcing you to do and value, look nature in the eye and spit on her face.

Forget your hatred of women, and forget your hatred of men. They are perpetually locked in a cycle that they aren't aware of. Biology has made this decision for them. But we might be the only highly conscious species that through reasoning can overcome this stupidity and live above these laws.

>> No.14972251


>> No.14972275

I guarantee you are litereally an incel lmao. No one with a normal relationship says these things. There is a reason your kind is so social isolated.

>> No.14972293

>evolutionary psychology research has nothing to do with culture

>> No.14972377

Not what he said. He said the phenomenon itself, evolutionary psychology research describes as having nothing to do with culture. Sure, you need a particular environment to access that description. But that's true of any science that describes anything, cultural or not.

>> No.14972444

We are capable of reason and reason is what should dictate what's an appropriate behaviour and what's not. Biology is only that, biology. It cannot let us dictate our course of action, otherwise we'd all devolve into beasts.

>> No.14972447

Then kys my retarded, failed boy

>> No.14972456

>It cannot let us dictate our course of action
Even if on the outside it seems it doesn't, our society mimics the animal world too much in terms of sexual selection.
We developed great complex societies, but when it comes to sex we are extremely beastly in our selection.

>> No.14972462

Watch Buffalo 66. You'd love it.

>> No.14972463


My bad, quoted the wrong post.

>> No.14972489

Fair enough, I know I'm beastly in my sexual attractions but that is fine. There's nothing wrong with biology or that we prefer beauty and health over ghastliness or some affliction. It's very good actually. What I was referring to, even knowing all this we are still capable of exerting force upon our biology, sticking with a single partner for life etc (albeit it's not easy) if we put our reason towards it.

>> No.14972493



>Haha no sweetie, stop being a fucking jobcel. Maybe take a shower and work on your personality and jobs will show up to you ;)

>> No.14972494
File: 8 KB, 254x198, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuumo Gwei Gwai Fai Dee Zao
Yuumo Gwei Gwai Fai Dee Zao
Yuumo Gwei Gwai Fai Dee Zao
Yuumo Gwei Gwai Fai Dee Zao

>> No.14972500

Pretty problematic what you are writing, you realize. relationships aren't a right.

>> No.14972504

didn't read. But I'm tired of human animals overall. I wish we were human and not human animals.

>> No.14972513

World would be a horrific shitshow, much worse than it is if we've taken free will from equation.

>> No.14972526

That's the whole point. I'm trying to get you to reflect on why you think jobs are a right and relationships aren't.
Both are arbitrary lines on the sand. You are not entitled to a livelihood, you know? The rich white CEO that already made his life could eternally claim you just have to work harder / shower more or whatever. But you still reasonably expect access to a job because you know how horrible life can be without that, and you have in your mind that everyone could reasonably have access to this.

The fact we don't think the same of companionship is what I'm trying to get you to think about.
Also before you try to paint me in a bad light, I'm not taling about "state mandated girlfriends". I'm just trying to get you to be a little bit more empathetic. If the world was as ruthless and pragmatic with jobs and access to education as it is with relationship stuff there would be no movement towards equality.

If you want another parallel closer to the relationship realm, it would also be like saying "you want gay marriage? Well just go and create your own gay society where you can have your own rules. You're not entitled to anything". That this doesn't sound reasonable, but you mocking someone for being chronically lonely does, is something to ponder over.